'Or' operator for bosun tags in an expression - monitoring

I am writing a Bosun expression in order to get the number of 2xx responses in a service like:
ungroup(avg(q("sum:metric.name.hrsp_2xx{region=eu-west-1}", "1m", "")))
The above expression gives me the number of 2xx requests of the selected region (eu-west-1) in the last minute but I would like to get the number of 2xx requests that happened in 2 regions (eu-west-1 and eu-central-1).
This metric is tagged with region. I have 4 regions available.
I was wondering if it is possible to do an 'or' operation with the tags. Something like:
I've checked the documentation but I'm not able to find anything to achieve this.

Since q() is specific to querying OpenTSDB, it uses the same syntax. The basic syntax for what you put would be to use a pipe symbol: ungroup(avg(q("sum:metric.name.hrsp_2xx{region=eu-west-1|eu-central-one}", "1m", ""))).
If you have version 2.2 set to true you can also use more advanced features of the filters as documented in the OpenTSDB documentation (i.e. host=literal_or(web01|web02|web03)). The main advantage is that OpenTSDB added the ability to aggregate a subset of tag values instead of all or nothing. The Graph page in Bosun also helps you generate the queries for OpenTSDB.


Exclude measurements using regex in influxql

I have an influxql query used in grafana as follows:
SELECT mean("value") FROM /^concourse\.(worker*|web*).*\.system_mem_percent$/ WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), * fill(null)
This works as expected, I get only the results of measurements with worker... or web... in it.
I'm trying to now build the inverse query of this. I.E all measurements that do not have worker... or web... in it.
I'll need to be able to do this with regex on measurements itself. (Assume no tags)
How could this be achieved in influxql (influxdb 1.7).
It looks like you need negative lookahead in your regexp. But InfluxDB uses Golang’s regular expression syntax, where negative lookahead is not supported.
You may use workaround with more complicated regexp with negated character classes - see Negative look-ahead in Go regular expressions
But I would go with better InfluxDB design and I would use tags. It is also recommended approach https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.8/concepts/schema_and_data_layout/#avoid-encoding-data-in-measurement-names

Watson Discovery Passage Length

I am finding that the passages returned by Discovery are generally very good choices... but they are too short and truncated at odd points... even mid sentence. A couple of questions:
Is there a way to control the passage length returned?
Is there a way to bring the user directly to the passage within the full document?
It looks like they Discovery Query API now supports controlling the passage length, although the SDK's (Java and NodeJS) haven't been updated yet to support it.
passages.characters The approximate number of
query characters that any one passage should have.
integer The default is 400. The minimum is 50. The
maximum is 2000. Note: The passages.characters
parameter is supported only on private
collections. It is not supported in the
Watson Discovery News collection.
1) Currently, passage length is fixed at 200 characters, though it will generally not be exactly 200 as passages start and end at word boundaries.
2) No.
This is a problem with Watson Discovery. The answer seems to be if you need longer answers, to divide your documents into short sub-documents and make those part of your collection. For instance, I use discovery with my syllabus to help students who have questions about class and university policies. I divide each sub-section into its own document. Discovery can then produce the entire document (which is not more than a paragraph).

Parse batch of SequenceExample

There is function to parse SequenceExample --> tf.parse_single_sequence_example().
But it parses only single SequenceExample, which is not effective.
Is there any possibility to parse a batch of SequenceExamples?
tf.parse_example can parse many Examples.
Documentation for tf.parse_example contain a little info about SequenceExample:
Each FixedLenSequenceFeature df maps to a Tensor of the specified type (or tf.float32 if not specified) and shape (serialized.size(), None) + df.shape. All examples in serialized will be padded with default_value along the second dimension.
But it is not clear, how to do that. Have not found any examples in google.
Is it possible to parse many SequenceExamples using parse_example() or may be other function exists?
Where can I ask question to tensorflow developers: does they plan to implement parse function for multiple SequenceExample -s?
Any help ll be appreciated.
If you have many small sequences where batching at this stage is important, I would recommend VarLenFeatures or FixedLenSequenceFeatures with regular Example protos (which, as you note, can be parsed in batches with parse_example). For examples of this, see the unit tests associated with example parsing (testSerializedContainingSparse parses Examples with FixedLenSequenceFeatures).
SequenceExamples are more geared toward cases where there is significant amounts of preprocessing work to be done for each SequenceExample (which can be done in parallel with queues). parse_example does does not support SequenceExamples.

Separating relationship types by | (pipe) vs |: (pipe colon)

The Neo4j MATCH documentation says that
To match on one of multiple types, you can specify this by chaining them together with the pipe symbol |
but gives an example where the separator used is in fact |:, not just |
MATCH (wallstreet { title:'Wall Street' })<-[:ACTED_IN|:DIRECTED]-(person)
RETURN person
Experimenting in my local Neo4j browser, it seems that the two separators (| and |:) behave identically; that is, the query
MATCH (wallstreet { title:'Wall Street' })<-[:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED]-(person)
RETURN person
seems to do the same thing as the one from the Neo4j docs, at least on my data set. But this invites the question of why Neo4j would implement two similar syntaxes to do exactly the same thing.
Are the behaviours of the two syntaxes above in fact identical, or is there a subtle difference between them that doesn't show up on my data set? Whatever the answer may be, is it documented anywhere? And if there is no difference between them, what is the rationale for Cypher supporting both syntaxes?
AFAIK - there are no differences.
Rationality - backward compatibility.
Over time, Cypher language has been evolved.
If I recall correctly, there were ~3 implementations of Cypher language.
So, to allow users to migrate to new Neo4j versions, without rewriting all queries, Cypher retained old syntax support.
For example, in the past (< 3.0.0) you were able to use "bare node" syntax:
General recommendation - do not use deprecated syntax.
If the syntax is not mentioned in documentation explicitly - it can be considered as deprecated.
Deprecations page in documentation - http://neo4j.com/docs/stable/deprecations.html

unifying model for 'static' / 'historical' /streaming data in F#

An API I use exposes data with different characteristics :
'Static' reference data, that is you ask for them, get one value which supposedly does not change
'historical' values, where you can query for a date range
'subscription' values, where you register yourself for receiving updates
From a semantic point of view, though, those fields are one and the same, and only the consumption mode differs. Reference data can be viewed as a constant function yielding the same result through time. Historical data is just streaming data that happened in the past.
I am trying to find a unifying model against which to program all the semantic of my queries, and distinguish it from its consumption mode.
That mean, the same quotation could evaluated in a "real-time" way which would turn fields into their appropriate IObservable form (when available), or in 'historical' way, which takes a 'clock' as an argument and yield values when ticked, or a 'reference' way, which just yield 1 value (still decorated by the historical date at which the query is ran..)
I am not sure which programming tools in F# would be the most natural fit for that purpose, but I am thinking of quotation, which I never really used.
Would it be well suited for such a task ?
you said it yourself: just go with IObservable
your static case is just OnNext with 1 value
in your historical case you OnNext for each value in your query (at once when a observer is registered)
and the subscription case is just the ordinary IObservable pattern - you don't need something like quotations for this.
I have done something very similar (not the static case, but the streaming and historical case), and IObservable is definitely the right tool for the job. In reality, IEnumerable and IObservable are dual and most things you can write for one you can also write for the other. However, a push based model (IObservable) is more flexible, and the operators you get as part of Rx are more complete and appropriate than those as part of regular IEnumerable LINQ.
Using quotations just means you need to build the above from scratch.
You'll find the following useful:
Observable.Return(value) for a single static value
list.ToObservable() for turning a historical enumerable to an observable
Direct IObservable for streaming values into IObservable
Also note that you can use virtual schedulers for ticking the observable if this helps (most of the above accept a scheduler). I imagine this is what you want for the historical case.
