How can I see Dockerfile for each docker image? - docker

I have the following docker images.
$ docker images
hello-world latest 48b5124b2768 2 months ago 1.84 kB
docker/whalesay latest 6b362a9f73eb 22 months ago 247 MB
Is there a way I can see the Dockerfile of each docker image on my local system?
The answer at Where to see the Dockerfile for a docker image? does not help me because it does not exactly show the Dockerfile but the commands run to create the image. I want the Dockerfile itself.

As far as I know, no, you can't. Because a Dockerfile is used for building the image, it is not packed with the image itself. That means you should reverse engineer it. You can use docker inspect on an image or container, thus getting some insight and a feel of how it is configured. The layers an image are also visible, since you pull them when you pull a specific image, so that is also no secret.
However, you can usually see the Dockerfile in the repository of the image itself on Dockerhub. I can't say most repositories have Dockerfiles attached, but the most of the repositories I seen do have it.
Different repository maintainers may opt for different ways to document the Dockerfiles. You can see the Dockerfile tab on the repository page if automatic builds are set up. But when multiple parallel versions are available (like for Ubuntu), maintainers usually opt to put links the Dockerfiles for different versions in the description. If you take a look here:, under the "Supported tags" (again, for Ubuntu), you can see there are links to multiple Dockerfiles, for each respective Ubuntu version.

As the images are downloaded directly from the Dockerhub, only the image is pulled from the docker hub into your machine. If you want to see the dockerfile, then you can go to docker hub and type the image name and version name in the tag format (e.g ubuntu:14.04) this will open the image along with Docker file details. Also keep in mind, only if the owner of the image shared their Dockerfile, you can see it. Otherwise not. Most official images will not provide you with Dockerfile.
Hope it helps!

You can also regenerate the dockerfile from an image or use the docker history <image name> command to see what is inside.
check this: Link to answer
So if you have a docker image that was built by a dockerfile, you can recover this information (All except from the original FROM command, which is important, I’ll grant that. But you can often guess it, especially by entering the container and asking “What os are you?”). However, the maker of the image could have manual steps that you’d never know about anyways, plus they COULD just export an image, and re-import it and there would be no intermediate images at that point.

One approach could be to save the image in a image.tar file. Next extract the file and try to explore if you can find Dockerfile in any of the layer directories.
docker image save -o hello.tar hello-world
This will output a hello.tar file.
hello.tar is the compressed output image file and hello-world is the name of the image you are saving.
After that, extract the compressed file and explore the image layer directories. You may find Dockerfile in one of the directories.
However, there is one thing to note, if the image was built while ignoring the Dockerfile in the .dockerignore. Then you will not find the Dockerfile by this approach.


Check for unused/uncessary packages in Docker

TL;DR: Is there an convenient way to scan docker images for unused/unnecessary packages.
Question: Given an enormous list of docker images & files, is it possible to scan them and check whether or not a package is activity being used? For the purpose of security, it would be best to remove all unnecessary packages and reduce any attack surface. In particularly large applications it's not uncommon for a developer to accidentally leave behind a previously useful package.
Potential dirty approach: Remove packages one by one, if the application fails to build then we put that package back and can consider it necessary. However, if the docker file builds successfully it could trigger a notification indicating that the package was potentially unused.
Concerning the unsued image, you can use the command docker image prune.
Here a link to the documentation that might help you.
nabil#LAPTOP:~$ docker image help
Usage: docker image COMMAND
Manage images
build Build an image from a Dockerfile
history Show the history of an image
import Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image
inspect Display detailed information on one or more images
load Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN
ls List images
prune Remove unused images
pull Pull an image or a repository from a registry
push Push an image or a repository to a registry
rm Remove one or more images
save Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)
tag Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE
Run 'docker image COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

Override a volume when Building docker image from another docker image

sorry if the question is basic but would it be possible to build a docker image from another one with a different volume in the new image? My use case is the following:
Start From image library/odoo (cfr.
upload folders into the volume "/mnt/extra-addons"
build a new image, tag it then put it in our internal image repo
how can we achieve that? I would like to avoid putting extra folders into the host filesystem
thanks a lot
This approach seems to work best until the Docker development team adds the capability you are looking for.
FROM percona:5.7.24 as dbdata
FROM centos:7
USER root
COPY --from=dbdata / /
Do whatever you want . This eliminates the VOLUME issue. Heck maybe I'll write tool to automatically do this :)
You have a few options, without involving the host OS that runs the container.
Make your own Dockerfile, inherit from the library/odoo Docker image using a FROM instruction, and COPY files into the /mnt/extra-addons directory. This still involves your host OS somewhat, but may be acceptable since you wouldn't necessarily be building the Docker image on the same host you were running it.
Make your own Dockerfile, as in (1), but use an entrypoint script to download the contents of /mnt/extra-addons at runtime. This would increase your container startup time since the download would need to take place before running your service, but no host directories would need be involved.
Personally I would opt for (1) if your build pipeline supports it. That would bake the addons right into the image, so the image itself would be a complete, ready-to-go build artifact.

What happens when the base image of my image gets updated?

I have images based on microsoft/aspnet:4.6.2, when those (my) images were built, the microsoft/aspnet:4.6.2 was pulled down in order to build my own image. So, in my local computer I have the microsoft/aspnet:4.6.2 image. Let's say the base image gets updated, Microsoft finds a bug with the image and decided to make a fix maintaining the tag, so it's still called microsoft/aspnet:4.6.2 but it actually is a different image than it was when I built my own.
So I have two questions:
1. Everytime my image gets pulled down, it will get the base image as it was when I built my image, right? (it seems obvious but I need to check)
2. If I notice (web hook, trigger?) there's a newer version of microsoft/aspnet:4.6.2 can I just run the docker build command again and the newer image would get pulled down? Keep in mind the old base image is in my file system (called the same). Is Docker smart enough to realize that I have an older version of that base image and it'll download the latest version of it?
Hope I made myself clear
Your image, as downloaded by someone, will always remain the same. An image relies on specific layers to give the image it's SHA256 checksum. Modifying parent layers would modify the checksum used to reference the image, so that would become a new image. The only way for that image to change is if the image is referenced by a tag and the local tag changes, either manually or by pulling the image tag again.
docker build will use the a local image first by default. You either need to run docker build --pull, separately docker pull or docker rmi IMAGE for the build to use the latest tagged image.
The Docker Hub build service has a build feature to automatically rebuild when any specified image's are updated in the hub.
use the —no-cache option during docker build if you need latest released base images else docker will always use the image available locally unless you do a cleanup post docker build
yes. (internally it uses IMAGE ID, not the name, to refer base images)
IIRC not smart by default. (there is a --pull switch in docker build )

The best way to create docker image "offline installer"

I use docker-compose file to get Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana stack. Everything works fine,
docker-compose build
command creates three images, about 600 MB each, downloads from docker repository needed layers.
Now, I need to do the same, but at the machine with no Internet access. Downloading from respositories there is impossible. I need to create "offline installer". The best way I found is
docker save image1 image2 image3 -o archivebackup.tar
but created file is almost 2GB. During
docker-compose build
command some data are downloaded from the Internet but it is definitely less than 2GB.
What is a better way to create my "offline installer", to avoid making it so big?
The save command is the way to go for running docker images online.
The size difference that you are noticing is because when you are pulling images from a registry, some layers might exist locally and are thus not pulled. So you are not pulling all the image layers, only the ones
that you don't have locally.
On the other hand, when you are saving the image to a tar, all the layers need to be stored.
The best way to create the Docker offline Installer is to
List item
Get the CI/CD pipeline to generate the TAR file as build process.
Later create a local folder with the required TAR files
Write a script to load these TAR files on the machine
The same script can fire the docker-compose up -d command to bring up the whole service ecosystem
Note : It is important to load the images before bringing up the services
Regarding the size issue the answer by Yamenk specifically points to the reason why the size increases. The reason is docker does not pull the shared layers.

How to see tree view of docker images?

I know docker has deprecated --tree flag from docker images command. But I could not find any handy command to get same output like docker images --tree. I found dockviz. But it seems to be another container to run. Is there any built in cli command to see tree view of images without using dockviz
Update Nov. 2021: for online public image, you have the online service
Update Nov. 2018, docker 18.09.
You now have wagoodman/dive, A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
To analyze a Docker image simply run dive with an image tag/id/digest:
dive <your-image-tag>
or if you want to build your image then jump straight into analyzing it:
dive build -t <some-tag> .
The current (Sept 2015, docker 1.8) workaround mentioned by issue 5001 remains dockviz indeed:
docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock nate/dockviz images -t
The -t allows to remain in CLI only (no graphics needed)
Update Sept. 2016 (post docker 1.10: docker 1.11 soon 1.12), one year later, as mentioned in the same issue 5001, by Michael Härtl:
Since 1.10 the way layer IDs worked has changed fundamentally. For a lengthy explanation of this topic see #20399. There's also #20451 but I'm not sure, if this could be used by the nate/dockviz image.
Personally I find the way the new layers work very very confusing and much less transparent than before. And it's not really well documented either.
AFAIK #tonistiigi's comments in the issue above are the only public explanation available.
Tõnis Tiigi:
Pre v1.10 there was no concept of layers or the other way to think about it is that every image only had one layer. You built a chain of images and you pushed and pulled a chain. All these images in the chain had their own config.
Now there is a concept of a layer that is a content addressable filesystem diff. Every image configuration has an array of layer references that make up the root filesystem of the image and no image requires anything from its parent to run. Push and pull only move a single image, the parent images are only generated for a local build to use for the cache.
If you build an image with the Dockerfile, every command adds a history item into the image configuration. This stores to command so you can see it in docker history. As this is part of image configuration it also moves with push/pull and is included in the checksum verification.
Here are some examples of content addressable configs:
Terms in v1.10: (the terms really have not changed in implementation but previously our docs probably simplified things).
Layer is a filesystem diff. Bunch of files that when stacked on top of each other make up a root filesystem. Layers are managed by graphdrivers, they don't know anything about images.
Image is something you can run and that shows up in docker images -a. Needs to have a configuration object. When container starts it needs some kind of way to generate a root filesystem from image info. On build every Dockerfile command creates a new image.
You can refer to the more recent project TomasTomecek/sen, which:
had to understand 1.10 new layer format (commit 82b224e)
include an image tree representation:
