white listing solution against fortify erros does not remove the fortify errors - fortify

when i ran fority scanner it reported often misused authentication issue on the below line
I had written a function which will validate this host name against the white list of host names as below.
private String validateHost(String hostName)
String[] PossibleHosts = {"host1","host2","host2","host4","host5",};
Integer myhostIndex = Arrays.asList(PossibleHosts).indexOf((hostName).toLowerCase());
hostName = PossibleHosts[myhostIndex];
} else {
hostName = "";
return hostName;
which will be called by below line
But when i run the fority scan for the next time , it still shows issue on the same line even after i have done the validaiton. what can be done to remove the fortify error.

To answer you, let me explain how Fortify detects this issue, why it's included, then what to do about it.
How Fortify detects this issue: It's basically a super grep. It just finds anywhere you're using java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() and complains. It is unaffected by data validation.
Why do this? Because this function is sometimes used for security purposes, and it should not be. For example, imagine a dev wanted to trust all messages from their own domain, they might use this to determine where a message came from. But then the security of their system relies on DNS, which is not secure. (See the Details tab for more info.)
What to do: First, make sure that what you're trying to do with java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() is safe. Basically, that you're not trying to secure your system with this code. Then ignore the finding. At most companies I help, you would write a short explanation of why this code is OK, put it in the comment field of the Issue Summary tab, and mark the Analysis as "Not an Issue." At some places, you could also suppress it. If you're getting a ton of these, you can create a Filter that will knock out the whole category, but realize that you might also knock out some real issues that way.
Source of information: Consultant at Fortify Software 2008-2010, independent application security consultant since then.


Get all current forms via code

I can identify (find) an element with a certain RanoreXPath via Ranorex Spy, but not via Ranorex API.
Is there a method to output all current \forms on the computer to be able to debug the problem?
var FormElementList = Host.Local.Find("/form");
foreach (var formElement in FormElementList) {
Report.Info(formElement.GetPath(PathBuildMode.Default, Ranorex.Host.Local).ToString());
By identify, do you really mean find?
When I encouter problems with troubleshooting an issue, I usually insert Report.Screenshot and Report.Snapshot at strategic places in recordings (or user code).
When Report.Screenshot has no element specified, it captures a screenshot of the entire desktop which can be useful (when tests are executed unattended).
Report.Snapshot does however need an element (/form could be used as suggested by RanorexPro), but if your XPath is incorrect, this won't help much...
Hoping this gives you ideas...

Error: _handleNonLaunchSpecificActions in iOS9

I am getting the following error on iOS 9:
completion:] unhandled action ->
<FBSSceneSnapshotAction: 0x150b2aef0>
handler = remote;
info = <BSSettings: 0x15333f650>
(1) = 5;
Has anyone else come across this error or it's implications? What is wrong?
There is nothing wrong with your code. This is a logging message internal to Apple, and you should file a radar about it.
There are two hints that show that this is probably Apple's code:
The underscore leading the method name _handleNonLaunchSpecificActions:forScene:withTransitionContext:completion is a convention indicating that the method is private/internal to the class that it's declared in. (See this comment.)
It's reasonable to guess that the two letter prefix in FBSSceneSnapshotAction is shorthand for FrontBoard, which according to Rene Ritchie in "iOS 9 wish-list: Guest Mode" is part of the whole family of software related to launching apps:
With iOS 8, Apple refactored its system manager, SpringBoard, into several smaller, more focused components. In addition to BackBoard, which was already spun off to handle background tasks, they added Frontboard for foreground tasks. They also added PreBoard to handle the Lock screen under secure, encrypted conditions. [...]
I have no idea what the BS prefix in BSSettings is for, but an analysis of this log message would indicate that it's not anything you did, and you should file a radar with steps to reproduce the logging message.
If you want to try and grab a stack trace, you can implement the category linked to here. Some would argue that overriding private API is a bad idea, but in this case a temporary injection to grab a stack trace can't be too harmful.
But, we still want to know what this action is. So I put a breakpoint on -[UIApplication _handleNonLaunchSpecificActions:forScene:withTransitionContext:completion] and started printing out register values and found a class called FBSceneImpl which had a whole bunch of information about my application:
We are able to find out which private method is called next (stored in the program counter, register 15.)
I tried finding the un-handled FBSceneSnapshotAction referenced in the log, but no dice. Then, I subclassed UIApplication, and overrode _handleNonLaunchSpecificActions:forScene:withTransitionContext:completion. Now I was able to get at the action directly, but still, we don't know what it is.
Then, I looked at the FBSceneSnapshotAction again. Turns out it has a superclass called BSAction.
Then I wrote a tool similar to RuntimeBrowser and looked up all of the subclasses of BSAction. It turns out that there's quite a list of them:
The two method names we have (one from the log and one from the program counter on the devices) indicate that these actions are used under the hood for passing actions around the system.
Some actions are probably sent up to the app delegate's callbacks, while others are handled internally.
What's happening here is that there is an action that wasn't handled correctly and the system is noting it. We weren't supposed to see it, apparently.

Decoding YouTube's error 500 page

This is YouTube's 500 page. Can anyone help decode this information?
<p>500 Internal Server Error<p>
Sorry, something went wrong.
<p>A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.<p>
If you see them, show them this information:
(Source: this post on HN)
The debug information contained in the (urlsafe-)base64 blob is likely encrypted.
Think about it from Google's perspective: You would want to display a stack trace, relevant headers of the http request and possibly some internal state of the user session to help a developer debug the situation. On the other hand all that information might contain sensitive information that you don't want the general public to see or that might endanger the user if he copy'n pastes it in a public support forum.
If I was to take a guess of the format I would imagine:
A public identifier of the key used for encryption (their servers could use different keys then)
The debug data encrypted using an authenticated encryption scheme
Additional data for error correction when OCR has to be used
For statistical analysis of the format it would be interesting to sample a lot of these error messages and see if some parts of the message are less random than you would expect from encrypted data (symmetrical encrypted data should follow a uniform distribution).
It looks like you are not the only one who is looking for some secret messages in YouTube error page. It seems that you can decode it using Base64.
Here is how:
In a nutshell:
Sadly, contrary to my expectations, there doesn't seem to be any
hidden messageā€¦ Screw you, highly trained monkeys!
I guess it is just another Easter Egg similar to 'Goats Teleported' performance counter Google Chrome had:
But I guess unless you look like this, you can't be 100% sure.
It's entirely possible that this is random padding to avoid the "friendly" IE error pages that show if your error page does not contain more than 512 bytes of HTML. It would be base64 encoded if it were simply random bytes.
Imho this is all about customer care.
Actually there would be no need to send the error/debug message to the customer, because, I guess, it's already handled internally.
why do we see this?
and why do they crypt it?
and is there really no hidden message for us?
Although the error might be handled and resolved internally, this does not necessarily satisfy a customer, who is not able to use the product. They pretty much do crypt by a good reason as this debug message might reveal more than a typical admin is used to.
And also there is no need to hide a message for us. Why? Because we NEVER stop until we find something.
I think:
internally the error is dealt with
external users might have something in hand to tell a technician if necessary and in return can get an approximation of ongoing problem
All in all nothing special about it and i think linking e.g. to the inf. monkey theorem is a bit overspectulated...
Error 500 means google has a problem which can not resolve. So when reporting a bug the most important thing is to prepare reproduction steps. So I tried to find an answer of the question "When this happens?"
I found this post in reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/40k858/is_youtube_giving_you_500_internal_server_errors/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=comment_list
As resume:
It happens on desktops (www...), it works ok on mobile version (m...)
It happens for authenticated users. For anonymous users is working fine.
The problem is resolved after cookies are cleaned.
So I would give a direction: try to find the key in the session cookie. I hope my 2 cents will help.

Access Control: Database Fortify

We ran the Fortify scan and had some Access Control: Database issues. The code is getting the textbox value and setting it to a string variable. In this case, it's passing the value from the TextBox to the stored procedure in a database. Any ideas on how I can get around this Access Control: Database issue?
Without proper access control, the method ExecuteNonQuery() in DataBase.cs
can execute a SQL statement on line 320 that contains an attacker-controlled primary
key, thereby allowing the attacker to access unauthorized records.
Source: Tool.ascx.cs:591 System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox.get_Text()
rptItem.FindControl("lblClmInvalidEntry").Visible = false;
ToolDataAccess.UpdateToolData(strSDN, strSSNum, strRANC, strAdvRecDate, strAdvSubDate, strClmRecDate, strClmAuth, strClmSubDate, strAdvAuth, txtNoteEntry.Text);
Sink: DataBase.cs:278
// Add parameters
foreach (SqlParameter parameter in parameters)
The point of "Access Control: Database" is where it isn't being specific enough in the query and so could potentially allow a user to see information that they're not supposed to.
An easy example of this vulnerability would be a payroll database where there is a textbox that says the ID of the employee and gives their salary, this could potentially allow the user to change the ID and see the salary of other employees.
Another example where this is often intended functionality is in a website URL where the product ID is used in a parameter, meaning a user could go through every product you have on your site. But as this only allows users to see information they're supposed to be able to, it's not particularly a security issue.
For instance:
"SELECT account_balance FROM accounts WHERE account_number = " + $input_from_attacker + ";"
// even if we safely build the query above, preventing change to the query structure,
// the attacker can still send someone else's account number, and read Grandma's balance!
As this is pretty context based, it's difficult to determine statically so there are lots of examples where Fortify may catch this but it's actually intended functionality. That's not to say the tool is broken, it's just one of the limitations of static analysis and depending on what your program is supposed to be doing it may or may not be intended.
If this is intended to work like this, then I would suggest auditing it as not an issue or suppressing the issue.
If you can see that this is definitely an issue and users can see information that they shouldn't be able to, then the stored procedure needs to be more specific so that users can only see information they should be able to. However SCA will likely still pick this up in a latter scan so you would still then need to audit it as fixed and no longer an issue.

How to suppress false positives in Fortify

I have two questions regarding Fortify.
1 - Lets say I have a windows forms app, which asks for a username
and password, and the name of the textbox for password is
texboxPassword. So in the designer file, you have the following,
generated by the designer.
// texboxPassword
this.texboxPassword.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 163);
this.texboxPassword.Name = "texboxPassword";
this.texboxPassword.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 73);
this.texboxPassword.TabIndex = 3;
Fortify marks this as a password in comment issue. How can I suppress this by creating a custom rule? I don't want to suppress the whole issue because I still would like to catch certain patterns (such as password followed by = or : in comments) but the blanket search where any line that contains password is flagged is creating so many false positives. I looked into creating a structural rule but could not figure out how to remove the associated tag (where can I find the tag for password in comment anyways?)
2 - Let's say I have a custom UI control. This control html encodes everything and in my context, it is good enough to avoid XSS. Needless to say, it is being flagged by Fortify. How can I suppress XSS when I have a certain control type in my UI and all of its methods are safe for XSS (they sanitize) in my context? I have tried a DataflowCleanseRule (with a label just to test the concept) and wanted to mark get_Text() and set_Text() as sanitizer functions, but it did not make a difference and Fortify still flagged it for XSS.
<DataflowCleanseRule formatVersion="3.16" language="dotnet">
<ApplyTo implements="true" overrides="true" extends="true"/>
Thank you in advance for your help
This is parsed using regular expressions. Unless you think you are able to create a regular expression that can parse human language properly, I would leave it alone and just audit it as not an issue.
The Pattern tag uses a java regular expression in the body, so should be used as user2867433 suggested. However, you stated
This control html encodes everything and in my context, it is good enough to avoid XSS
If you are going to use a custom rule, this has to assume that it will work in EVERY context, as say in the future somebody writes a piece of code that uses get_Text and then places this directly into a piece of JavaScript, html encoding will do NOTHING to stop the XSS problem here. I would advise again to audit this as not an issue or a false positive due to the validation used and explain why it's good enough in that context
Within "Pattern" you can use Java-Regex. So it should work if you use [gs]et_Text
