Apple Watch screen stays blank telerik - ios

I use Telerik-AppleWatch plugin for cordova.
i followed the instructions and i copied the simplified example from the project.
when i run the project the Built successfully but on the iwatch i see just the name of the app and blank screen.
I didn't receive error on the console.
i use xcode. target is- 8.2
There is not much information on the internet about it
function initAppleWatch() {
applewatch.init(function () {
applewatch.callback.onLoadAppMainRequest = onAppRequestsUpdate;
applewatch.callback.onLoadGlanceRequest = onGlanceRequestsUpdate;
can anybody know what can i do?
I work on it all week without success


Expo iOS simulator doesn't automatically refresh React Native app upon code changes

I'm using Expo's iOS simulator with my React Native app. Before, it would live update / "fast refresh" when code changes were made, but it's no longer doing that. So this is not about using the Expo Go app on my phone, but rather the Simulator on my Macbook.
I've checked the shake (ctrl + cmd + Z) menu, and Fast Refresh is still enabled. Running npx expo run:ios does correctly reflect the latest code, but that takes a while to run.
Any help to debug this?
A few days ago the same thing happened to me and it depended on how I exported the main component to App.tsx.
This one doesn't work properly:
export default () => {
return <View/>
This one works:
const App = () => {
return <View/>
export default App
Let me know if this helps

Xamarin iPad app never gets past default blue xamarin logo screen

(Microsoft Windows 10 VS2022)
I have a basic Xamarin App that I have been working with and deploying on my Android Phone. (works great on Android.)
I created a Apple Developer Account and added those details into Visual Studios 2022.
I plugged in an iPad and started debugging.
The app launches and Hot Reload at the bottom says Launch succeeded.
But the screen only shows the Blue default Xamarin page that initially loads as default. It never goes past that - I don't get any errors. And all my breakpoints set at all spots on the App.xaml.cs page and AppShell.xaml.cs page never get triggered.
Is it a navigation issue with my AppShell.xaml.cs?
Or what could I be missing? Where do I look to see where it is hanging?
public App()
MainPage = new AppShell();
public partial class AppShell : Xamarin.Forms.Shell
public AppShell()
Routing.RegisterRoute(nameof(MainPage), typeof(MainPage));
It appears I may have found the solution.
I updated the iPad (only one revision back; it's at 15.4 now)… I don't think that was the issue.
I think I had not "Built" the app prior to debugging. This resulted in a bad version being stored on the iPad. (You must delete the app with each change.)
To help - If you have a Windows machine developing on Apple iOS:
When developing on a Windows (win) 10 machine. You have to do a full build First!
Build - Build Solution.
Then debug/deploy on apple device.
Every change made - you must delete the app off the Apple device, Build, and re-deploy. This is the only way I can get it to work.

why is sqlite plugin not working with cordova app on ios

I am building a cordova app for android and iOS that stores user information in a local database. However, I am unable to open a database connection on iOS.
The app works perfectly on android, but when I run it on iOS I get an error saying that window.sqlite is undefined. I have been searching the internet, but I can't find a related issue. I am not sure if my code has been setup incorrectly, or if I am missing some configuration for iOS. The SQLite plugin I am using "cordova-sqlite-evplus-legacy-free 0.9.1", and the cordova iOS version is "5.0.1".
db = window.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase({
name: 'test.db',
location: 'default',
//iosDatabaseLocation: 'Library'
function(db) {
if (clean_database) dumpDatabase();
else buildSchemaVersions();
function(error) {
db_error = error;
alert('Open database ERROR: ' + error.message);
First of all: I would strongly advise against using a plugin for which the last update has been made more than 2 years ago, especially if it is for something as important as the database of your app. It is very likely that it has not been properly tested on current version of iOS. Why not use the more active plugin cordova-sqlite-storage? I have been using this plugin for years now without any issues whatsoever (iOS and Android).
For the question itself:
Did you make sure to make the openDatabase call after the deviceready event?
Was the plugin correctly added to the iOS platform? Please try removing it and adding it again and look out for any errors when it is added to the iOS platform.

EarlGrey launches APP with black screen

After successfully adding EarlGrey to existing project (using CocoaPods) project is successfully built (both "for running" and "for testing"). The problem is that if I run the app from XCode it runs as expected. If I run it as a test only splash screen appears and then whole screen turns black. Have anyone encountered such issue? What might be a problem here?
There is somewhat similar question Black screen with EarlGrey but author did not share his solution.
Additional info:
XCode 8
CocoaPods 1.2.1
EarlGrey 1.9.3
I followed #khandpur advice and tried debugging my app first. So I found out, that in main.m file we're checking if current run is a test run, by
BOOL areWeRunningTests = NSClassFromString(#"XCTestCase") != nil;
Based on that we are running app differently.
To everyone in similar situation: I've added a check
BOOL areWeRunningUITests = NSClassFromString(#"EarlGreyImpl") != nil;
and if that's true app is starting normally.
Final comments - you have to know your app a little to be able to use EarlGrey easily... :)

Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI is not working on IOS only

we have migrated a worklight 6.1 application t IBM mobilefirst 7.0 platform and all the functionalities working as expected on the android environment, but in ios we are facing an issue: there is a function called "quick receipt". on click on a button the device camera opens and a photo is taken. The problem is that the photo is not displaying - it returns complete blank page this issue on ios device only but not on Android device.
Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI is not working on IOS.
for security reason we wont share the code. here is similar prototype code.
<div><img alt="QuickReceipts" src="resources/img/camera.png" onclick="imgCapture();"</div>
imgCapture: function (){, this.onFail,{quality:80,destinationType:Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, targetWidth:600,targetHeight:1050}
// applying the css and displaying the img
$("#imgReceipt").attr("src","data:image/jpeg;base64," +imgData);
$("#imgReceipt").css("display", "block");
// failure msg
One suggestion is to attempt to code change as mentioned by Nazmul:
Another suggestion is to upgrade to the latest 7.1 iFix from IBM Fix Central which contains several Cordova corrections and may address your issue.
If your issue is not resolved still, I suggest to open an IBM PMR (support ticket).
