Greasemonkey script testfor url & add parameter - youtube

I want to check for site and if it is a video site (includes watch?v=) then add &rel=0 to the url. Pseudocode:
if url =* |then newurl = url + &rel=0
More examples: -> -> -> ->

The trick is to use modern javascript to replace URL without redirecting. Second trick is to know that window.location contains parsed URL divided in sections (hostname, path, query arguments...).
// ==UserScript==
// #name window rel youtube
// #namespace util
// #match *://*
// #version 1
// #grant none
// ==/UserScript==
const watchRegex = /watch\?v=/i
if(window.location.href.indexOf("watch?v=")!=-1 &&"rel=0")==-1) {
console.log("changing url");
var baseURL = window.location.origin +"&rel=0"+window.location.hash;
window.history.pushState({"pageTitle":document.title},"", baseURL);
else {
console.log("No change in url");


File download of server -generated file from button mvc

OK, this sounds dumb even to me, but I am clearly having a "bad brain day" and need help.
On a button click, I want to generate a file based on parameters taken from 2 ViewData fields and a checkbox control, and have the file be downloaded/displayed, just as you get with a fixed link.
Most of it is going fine, the controller method passes back a file like so: Return File(filePath, "text/csv") - but then what? How do I connect that to the button and have the file download/open dialog come up?
I feel I am missing something really simple. Just calling the controller via ajax seems to do nothing... the code is called but I see no results
***** EDIT: ******
The following gets me a file automatically downloaded, but with the name "download" - I want to offer the user the choice to open or download, and to set the filename - how do I do that?
serialize = function (obj) {
var str = [];
for (var p in obj)
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
return str.join("&");
var params = {
ID1: '#ViewData("ID1")',
ID2: '#ViewData("ID2")',
flag: getFlag()
var actionUrl = ('#Url.Action("ProduceReport", "Report")');
actionUrl += "/?" + serialize(params);;
* 2nd edit *
Controller code - this produces a file and returns the path. After the call to ProduceReport The file is there on that path, this I have checked. It is used in production to email the file (works fine).
public FileResult ProduceReport(int ID1, int ID2, bool flag = false)
var filePath = ExcelReports.ProduceReportExcel(Models.UserInfo.GetCurrentUserID, ID1, ID2, flag);
return File(filePath,"application/");
The acceptable compromise that I found, to at least get the file downloaded. I will have to do further research to see if I can print it automatically.
serialize = function (obj) {
var str = [];
for (var p in obj)
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
return str.join("&");
var params = {
ID1: '#ViewData("ID1")',
ID2: '#ViewData("ID2")',
flag: getFlag()
var actionUrl = ('#Url.Action("ProduceReport", "Report")');
actionUrl += "/?" + serialize(params);
window.location.href = actionUrl;
Controller: Note 3rd parameter on the File() call
public FileResult ProduceReport(int ID1, int ID2, bool flag = false)
var filePath = ExcelReports.ProduceReportExcel(Models.UserInfo.GetCurrentUserID, ID1, ID2, flag);
return File(filePath,"application/",System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath));

YouTube : This video contains content from vevo?

I am trying to play a YouTube video in my application. Everything works fine. However, when I try to watch a video that contains content from Vevo, it fails.
I had also tried to pass el=vevo in get_video_info:
"fallback_host" = "";
itag = 22;
quality = hd720;
s = "8E6E5D13EB65FB653B173B94CB0BCC3A20853F5EDE8.5E2E87DF33EEDE165FEA90109D3C7D5DADA06B6BB60";
type = "video/mp4; codecs=\"avc1.64001F, mp4a.40.2\"";
url = "";
When I use url its not playing. Is there any solution?
get_video_info works only for the videos which are allowed to be viewed as embedded videos in other websites. I struggled a lot with get_video_info but could find any solution for vevo. however I was able to make it work by retrieving the actual video page, in actual video page you have to grab player version and hit url (specified in code) to grab the streams links and actual signatures.
youtube might change this in future but today following solutions is working great for me.
Its c# you should know how to convert it into object-C, entry point of following code is ExtractUrls function and remember to pass it html of video page.
e.g. html content of
private static List<string> ExtractUrls(string html)
string Player_Version = Regex.Match(html, #"""\\/\\/\\/yts\\/jsbin\\/html5player-(.+?)\.js""").Groups[1].ToString();
string Player_Code = new WebClient().DownloadString("" + "html5player-" + Player_Version + ".js");
html = Uri.UnescapeDataString( Regex.Match(html, #"""url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"":\s+""(.+?)""", RegexOptions.Singleline).Groups[1].ToString());
var Streams = Regex.Matches(html, #"(^url=|(\\u0026url=|,url=))(.+?)(\\u0026|,|$)");
var Signatures = Regex.Matches(html, #"(^s=|(\\u0026s=|,s=))(.+?)(\\u0026|,|$)");
List<string> urls = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < Streams.Count - 1; i++)
string URL = Streams[i].Groups[3].ToString();
if (Signatures.Count > 0)
string Sign = Sign_Decipher(Signatures[i].Groups[3].ToString(), Player_Code);
URL += "&signature=" + Sign;
return urls;
public static string Sign_Decipher(string s, string Code)
string Function_Name = Regex.Match(Code, #"signature=(\w+)\(\w+\)").Groups[1].ToString();
var Function_Match = Regex.Match(Code, "function " + Function_Name + #"\((\w+)\)\{(.+?)\}",RegexOptions.Singleline);
string Var = Function_Match.Groups[1].ToString();
string Decipher = Function_Match.Groups[2].ToString();
var Lines = Decipher.Split(';');
for (int i = 0; i < Lines.Length; i++)
string Line = Lines[i].Trim();
if (Regex.IsMatch(Line, Var + "=" + Var + #"\.reverse\(\)"))
char[] charArray = s.ToCharArray();
s = new string(charArray);
else if (Regex.IsMatch(Line, Var + "=" + Var + #"\.slice\(\d+\)"))
s = Slice(s, Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Match(Line, Var + "=" + Var + #"\.slice\((\d+)\)").Groups[1].ToString()));
else if (Regex.IsMatch(Line, Var + #"=\w+\(" + Var + #",\d+\)"))
s = Swap(s, Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Match(Line, Var + #"=\w+\(" + Var + #",(\d+)\)").Groups[1].ToString()));
else if (Regex.IsMatch(Line, Var + #"\[0\]=" + Var + #"\[\d+%" + Var + #"\.length\]"))
s = Swap(s, Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Match(Line, Var + #"\[0\]=" + Var + #"\[(\d+)%" + Var + #"\.length\]").Groups[1].ToString()));
return s;
private static string Slice(string Input, int Length)
return Input.Substring(Length, Input.Length - 1);
private static string Swap(string Input, int Position)
var Str = new StringBuilder(Input);
var SwapChar = Str[Position];
Str[Position] = Str[0];
Str[0] = SwapChar;
return Str.ToString();
credit goes to comments under this code project artical
Certain videos have a domain-level whitelist or blacklist applied to them. This is done at the discretion of the content owner.
If there is a whitelist or a blacklist, and the domain of the embedding site can't be determined (perhaps because of there not being a real referring domain in the case of your native application), then the default behavior is to block playback.
This blog post has a bit more detail as well:
That specific video can only be played when it's embedded on a real website with a real referring URL, due to the way domain white/blacklisting works. And, we don't expose those lists via the API. It's a longstanding feature request
YouTube video URL should contain a signature (which is included in the 's' field), to use this url, you need to decrypt the signature first and add it to the URL.
The signature decryptor can be found on the web page of the video (i.e.
I can't provide more info as it would be against YouTube terms of service :).

How to identify correct url

I have list of URL in txt file I am using it for performance test, since URL were not formed correctly java.IO.exeption were thrown,I would like to know how to check correctness of URL? and whether it is working fine? I have more than 35 K url checking manually will consume lot's of time.
To check whether URL are properly formed try casting the string to an URI object.
public void validURLs(List<string> urlList)
int line = 1;
for(string s : urlList)
URI test = new URI(s);
catch(Exception e)
System.err.println(s + " is not a valid URL, item " + line);
line ++;

Youtube video download URL

I wrote a program that gets youtube video URL and downloads it
Up today I did this:
1. get video "token" from "/get_video_info?video_id=ID" like:
2. Download Video by requesting it from "/get_video?video_id=ID&t=TOKEN&fmt=FORMAT_ID" like:
But this doesn't work anymore!
What is the new download URL?
Actually I'm working on the similar project that downloading the video file from youtube. I find that the get_video might be blocked by Youtube. so instead of using get_video., I use the video info retrieved from get_video_info and extract it to get the video file url.
Within the get_video_info, there are url_encoded_fmt_stream_map. After encoding it, you can find url and signature value of every video with different format. So the file url is like [url value]+'&signature='+[sig value].
Additionally I find the following topic that using same method with mine. Hope it can help you.
Can't Download from youtube
If you are interested about how to downloading youtube video file, there is a small program written by me to demonstrate the process. You are free to use it.
Add &asv=2 to the end of the URL.
You can get the stream directly by using only
I made a little script to stream youtube videos in PHP. See how the script get the video file.
$id = $_GET['id']; //The youtube video ID
$type = $_GET['type']; //the MIME type of the video
$streams = explode(',',$info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map']);
foreach($streams as $stream){
$stype = $real_stream['type'];
if(strpos($real_stream['type'],';') !== false){
$tmp = explode(';',$real_stream['type']);
$stype = $tmp[0];
if($stype == $type && ($real_stream['quality'] == 'large' || $real_stream['quality'] == 'medium' || $real_stream['quality'] == 'small')){
header('Content-type: '.$stype);
header('Transfer-encoding: chunked');
#readfile($real_stream['url'].'&signature='.$real_stream['sig']); //Change here to do other things such as save the file to the filesystem etc.
See the working demo here. I hope this can help you.
After a lot of failed tries, this github repositories help me:
Get the url only like:
youtube-dl '' --get-url
download an mp4 and save as a.mp4 like:
youtube-dl '' -f mp4 -o a.mp4
Good luck.
Last time I was working on fixing one of the broken Chrome extensions to download YouTube video. I fixed it by altering the script part.
var links = new String();
var downlink = new String();
var has22 = new Boolean();
has22 = false;
var Marked = false;
var FMT_DATA = fmt_url_map;//This is html text that you have to grab. In case of extension it was readily available through:document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var StrSplitter1 = '%2C', StrSplitter2 = '%26', StrSplitter3 = '%3D';
if (FMT_DATA.indexOf(',') > -1) { //Found ,
StrSplitter1 = ',';
StrSplitter2 = (FMT_DATA.indexOf('&') > -1) ? '&' : '\\u0026';
StrSplitter3 = '=';
var videoURL = new Array();
var FMT_DATA_PACKET = new Array();
var FMT_DATA_PACKET = FMT_DATA.split(StrSplitter1);
for (var i = 0; i < FMT_DATA_PACKET.length; i++) {
var FMT_DATA_FRAME = FMT_DATA_PACKET[i].split(StrSplitter2);
var FMT_DATA_DUEO = new Array();
for (var j = 0; j < FMT_DATA_FRAME.length; j++) {
var pair = FMT_DATA_FRAME[j].split(StrSplitter3);
if (pair.length == 2) {
FMT_DATA_DUEO[pair[0]] = pair[1];
var url = (FMT_DATA_DUEO['url']) ? FMT_DATA_DUEO['url'] : null;
if (url == null) continue;
url = unescape(unescape(url)).replace(/\\\//g, '/').replace(/\\u0026/g, '&');
var itag = (FMT_DATA_DUEO['itag']) ? FMT_DATA_DUEO['itag'] : null;
var itag = (FMT_DATA_DUEO['itag']) ? FMT_DATA_DUEO['itag'] : null;
if (itag == null) continue;
var signature = (FMT_DATA_DUEO['sig']) ? FMT_DATA_DUEO['sig'] : null;
if (signature != null) {
url = url + "&signature=" + signature;
if (url.toLowerCase().indexOf('http') == 0) { // validate URL
if (itag == '5') {
links += '<span class="yt-uix-button-menu-item" id="v240p">FLV (240p)</span>';
if (itag == '18') {
links += '<span class="yt-uix-button-menu-item" id="v360p">MP4 (360p)</span>';
if (itag == '35') {
links += '<span class="yt-uix-button-menu-item" id="v480p">FLV (480p)</span>';
if (itag == '22') {
links += '<span class="yt-uix-button-menu-item" id="v720p">MP4 HD (720p)</span>';
if (itag == '37') {
links += ' <span class="yt-uix-button-menu-item" id="v1080p">MP4 HD (1080p)</span>';
if (itag == '38') {
links += '<span class="yt-uix-button-menu-item" id="v4k">MP4 HD (4K)</span>';
videoURL[itag] = url;
You can get separate video link from videoURL[itag] array.
The extension can be downloaded from here.
I hope this would help someone. This is working solution (as of 06-Apr-2013)

Getting the URL of the current page in Grails

In a Grails application I'd like to send a user from page A, then to a form on page B and then back to page A again.
To keep track of which URL to return to I send a "returnPage" parameter to page B containing the URL of page to return to (page A).
Currently I'm using request.getRequestURL() on page A to retrieve the page's URL. However, the URL I get from getRequestURL() does not correspond to the URL the end-user has in his/hers address bar:
request.getRequestURL() == "http://localhost:8080/something/WEB-INF/grails-app/views/layouts/main.gsp"
URL in address bar == "http://localhost:8080/something/some/thing"
How do I obtain the "end-user" URL?
The answer is request.forwardURI (details here).
I built this method to get current url.
static String getCurrentUrl(HttpServletRequest request){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
sb << request.getRequestURL().substring(0,request.getRequestURL().indexOf("/", 8))
sb << request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.request_uri")
sb << "?"
sb << request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.query_string")
return sb.toString();
I prefer to use:
createLink(action: "index", controller:"user", absolute: true)
// http://localhost:8080/project/user
when I need to get an absolute url!
It's interesting to get relative path too:
createLink(action: "index", controller:"user")
// /project/user
When creating the link to page B you can use the createLink tag to set the returnPage parameter:
<g:link controller="pageB"
params='[returnPage:createLink(action:actionName, params:params)]'>
Go to Page B
My solution (Grails 1.3.7) is this one, you can copy and paste it into your controller:
boolean includePort = true;
String scheme = request.getScheme();
String serverName = request.getServerName();
int serverPort = (new
String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
boolean inHttp = "http".equals(scheme.toLowerCase());
boolean inHttps = "https".equals(scheme.toLowerCase());
if (inHttp && (serverPort == 80)) {
includePort = false;
} else if (inHttps && (serverPort == 443)) {
includePort = false;
String redirectUrl = scheme + "://" + serverName + ((includePort) ? (":" + serverPort) : "") + contextPath;
In our application, we cannot just use g.createLink(.. absolute:true) because we have different end-user URLs because of multiple customers.
