How to delete a build from Jenkins job workspace - jenkins

I wonder if it is possible to remove only one build (including artifacts) from job workspace.
I tried to "Delete Build" in Build History but all it does is remove build reference from Build History table. I know I can ssh to a server and delete files from the command line but I am looking for a way to do it from Jenkins web interface.
After installing Workspace Cleanup Plugin I am able to wipe out current workspace but I want to keep my other builds in the workspace.

In your Jenkins instance, to be able to have folder/per build - set flag "Use custom workspace" in your job's settings. Here is a brief help info from the setting description:
For each job on Jenkins, Jenkins allocates a unique "workspace directory."
This is the directory where the code is checked out and builds happen.
Normally you should let Jenkins allocate and clean up workspace directories,
but in several situations this is problematic, and in such case, this option
lets you specify the workspace location manually.
One such situation is where paths are hard-coded and the code needs to be
built on a specific location. While there's no doubt that such a build is
not ideal, this option allows you to get going in such a situation.
And your custom directory path would look like this:
workspace\$JOB_NAME\$BUILD_NUMBER ~> workspace\my-job-name\123
where $JOB_NAME will be "my-job-name" and $BUILD_NUMBER is the build number, eq. "123".
There is one nasty problem with this approach and this is why I wouldn't recommend to use it - Jenkins will not be able to reclaim disk space for outdated builds. You would have to handle cleanup of outdated builds manually and it is a lot of hassle.
Alternative approach, that gives you more control, tools and is able to keep disk space usage under control (without your supervision) is to use default workspace settings and archive your build output (files, original source code, libraries and etc.) as a post-build action. Very-very handy and gives you access to a whole bunch of great tools like, Copy Artifact Plugin or ArtifactDeployer Plugin in other jobs.
Hope that info helps you make a decision that fits your needs best.

I also use "General/Advanced/Use custom workspace" (as in #pabloduo's answer) on a Windows machine with something like:
Just wanted to add a solution for getting rid of the build job's workspaces.
I use Groovy Events Listener Plugin for this.
Using the plug-in's standard configuration I just use the following Groovy script:
if (event == Event.JOB_DELETED){
new File(env.WORKSPACE).deleteDir()
And now the custom workspace is deleted when the build job is deleted.
Just be aware that this would also delete non-custom workspaces (because the event is triggered for all jobs on your Jenkins server).


Gradle Project Not Naming Archives Properly Under Jenkins

I have a number of Gradle builds that work very well from the command line, from buildship, etc.
However now I am porting them to a Jenkins system. And it is producing some very strange results. I'm pretty much a total newbie to Jenkins, so this may have an easy answer. So far I haven't found it.
I am using the Gradle Plugin for Jenkins, v.1.24 to configure my build in Jenkins. However, Jenkins (at least as I have it configured) organizes its build structure as {jenkins root}/data/jobs/{project_name}/workspace. When code is checked out of source control it is deposited in that directory, not in a directory named {project_name}.
Gradle seems to assume that the directory in which it is running names the project, and when I'm running outside of Jenkins this assumption is true. The name of the project that Gradle sees is the name of the project that was checked out from source control. is a gettable but not a settable property of a gradle Project. So in the Jenkins case, the archives that gradle builds are named workspace* rather than {project_name}*. It is also named workspace in the repositories it publishes into. I must be missing something very obvious but for the life of me I cannot figure out what it is.
Has anyone grappled with this?
UPDATE - It appears that the problem is that the people who designed my Jenkins instance knew nothing about Gradle. The {jenkins root}/data/jobs/{project_name}/workspace layout that I described above is not required by Jenkins, but apparently was felt to be useful for some reason in some other, non-Gradle context. So the question becomes, where is the project layout set up in the Jenkins configuration - OR - can Gradle be modified somehow to assume a different project layout/naming strategy.
Set Manage Jenkins → Configure System → Advanced... (the one right at the top) → Workspace Root Directory: ${JENKINS_HOME}/workspace/${ITEM_FULLNAME}.
The inline help:
Specify where Jenkins would store job workspaces on the master node. (It has no effect on builds run on slaves.) This value can include the following variables.
${JENKINS_HOME} — Jenkins home directory.
${ITEM_ROOTDIR} — Root directory of a job for which the default workspace is allocated.
${ITEM_FULL_NAME} — '/'-separated job name, like "foo/bar".
Changing this value allows you to put workspaces on SSD, SCSI, or even ram disks. Default value is ${ITEM_ROOTDIR}/workspace.
Gradle seems to assume that the directory in which it is running names the project
Yes this is gradle's default behavior, but can be easily overridden. If it is just the output artifact name you're concerned about, override the jar name with:
baseName 'actualProjectName'

Jenkins creating wrong folder for the new jobs that were copied from other existing jobs

Sorry, for the confusing title. I am totally new to Jenkins and have been handed over Jenkins to maintain which was set-up by someone else.
This is Jenkins Master slave config. I have 1 Master and 3 Slaves.
When I create a new job by "copying an existing" job, the new job works fine and no issues.
QUESTION: I see that in Jenkins workspace, this new job is creating a folder with the name of the original job that it was copied from. Why it is not creating a folder with the name of the new job instead?
Now, this is certainly not a show stopper for me, but it seems that Jenkins is creating a folder in workspace for each job that is run. And hence this particular folder is causing some confusion (although notional it is).
Hence, could you help me find out why the new job is creating a workspace folder with the name of original job it was copied from.
BTW, above issue was seen on the Jenkins slave.
It can be solved by configuring the correct building workspace in jenkins job.
General > Advanced > custom workspace > "give your correct workspace"
I had the same problem:
copied some jenkins project and wondered about hard coded workspace paths
Console output of the copied project. Job failed due to missing D: drive.
12:30:44 Failed to mkdirs: D:\TEAMS\WORKSPACE\RELEASE_1_1
The problem i had: the 'Advanced project options' were not expanded and the configure GUI had an enormous width, that i didn´t see the button to expand and show the 'advanced' settings.
In fact (thanks to sti): the original project had some hard coded workspace path.
One possibility is that you accidentally triggered the wrong job. You could change the job to print the directory where it executes by adding something like:
echo "XXX $JOB_NAME running in directory $WORKSPACE"
into the build step script. Then look for XXX in the build console log.
Second possibility is that you found an old workspace of the original job. Jenkins leaves workspaces lying around just in case it needs them again so it does not have to make them from scratch.
Third possibility is the original job is configured to use a hard-coded path as workspace. (Custom workspace). If you clone such a job, it would be a good idea to change the hard-coded path. An even better idea would be to let Jenkins manage the workspace and it's naming.
And finally, if all the other possibilities have been checked, you may have found a bug. You could look for it in and create a bug report if it is a new one.

Jenkins - Post Build to a Folder

does jenkins have a post build process such that the build WAR files can be made to be stored particular folder?
There are a couple of different ways to move built files. The first is through plugins. Which plugin you use depends on where you want to store things. Try looking at these sections of the Jenkins Plugin list:
Artifact Uploaders
Other Post-build Actions (Some of them are "hidden" in here.)
The second way of moving built files is to brute force the move by creating a Jenkins build step to execute a set of shell commands.

Archiving artifacts not in the workspace when build fails

When an ANT build step fails in my build I'd like to archive the logs in order to determine the problem. The relevant logs, however, are not located in the workspace, so I have to use a full path to them.
The standard artifact archiving feature does not work well with full paths, so first I have to copy the logs into the workspace within some build step so that I can later archive them. I do not want to incorporate the copying code into the original ANT script (it does not really belong there). On the other hand, since the build step fails the build I can't execute the code that copies the artifacts into the workspace as a separate build step as it is never reached.
I am considering using ANT -keep-going option, but how will I then fail the build?
Any other ideas (artifact plugins that handle full paths gracefully, for example)?
Update: I've worked around the problem by creating a symbolic link in the workspace to the directory that contains the files to be archived. Kludgy, but effective.
I would recommend using Flexible Publish plugin in conjunction with the Conditional Build Step plugin.
The Flexible Publish plugin allows you to schedule build steps AFTER the build steps have normally run. This allows you to catch both successful and failed builds and execute something - say a script that copies the files from OUTSIDE the workspace to INSIDE the workspace. The Conditional BuildSet plugin allows conditionalizing the steps so that they only run when the build fails. Using these two plugins, you can copy the files into the workspace upon failure, then archive them with the usual Jenkins mechanisms.

Hudson/Jenkins PMD Configuration

I am new to Jenkins and just started configuring it. This is what i have done till now:
Installed and configured Jenkins to display the home page. Added PMD plugin.
Set the HUDSON_HOME to a specific directory > C:\Work\Jenkins
Configured a test build to run a simple do-nothing ant script. It runs successfully
Written an independent pmdbuild.xml to run checks on a set of files in C:\myview (I am using clearcase). This xml also copies the output pmd_results.xml to the workspace directory in $HUDSON_HOME/[job-name]/workspace
Now I added the pmdbuild.xml as a step in my primary build. So my build has 2 steps:
a. Run a simple script, do-nothing.
b. Run pmdbuild.xml which generate pmd_results.xml and place it in $HUDSON_HOME/[job-name]/workspace (HARD-CODED as Jenkins PMD plugin expects the file there)
Jenkins picks up the pmd_results.xml automatically with the plugin and displays warnings and everything.
Now the problem:
If I click on a filename in the PMD results, it gives a filenotfound exception as it is looking for the source file in $HUDSON_HOME/[job-name]/workspace.
My java code files are placed in C:\myview (a clearcase snapshot view)
My question is, do I need all my code files to be present inside $HUDSON_HOME/[job-name]/workspace ?? Meaning can't I tell Jenkins to look for the PMD input files in C:\myview or any other directory instead of $HUDSON_HOME/[job-name]/workspace ??
Sorry for the extremely long description.
Jenkins expects that all the code is in the workspace. Usually Jenkins is used to check out a copy of the code into the workspace, and then runs all build steps on the Sources in the Workspace.
Might seem restraining at first, but it saves you a lot of trouble if you need to move Jenkins to another server, or create a slave instance.
So I would suggest you let Jenkins check out your code (there should be a clearcase plugin) into the workspace, and run the analysis on the checked out code.
If there are compelling reasons why your code has to stay where it is (C:\myview in your case) you can still set the workspace of your build to that directory (find this in the job configuration page, you need to click on the 'extended' button to see the option).
