I was just wondering if anybody had a reliable way to convert UK postcodes to their respective NUTS region/code?
I managed to find a .csv on eurostat's website, but their data appears to be a bit inaccurate (i.e classifying Dudley as in Scotland and using the old NUTS regions for London).
I've searched endlessly online for anything like this, but as I've only just heard of NUTS today, I'm unsure whether I'm even looking for the right thing.
The title of your question says NUTS to UK postcodes but in the body you mention UK postcodes to NUTS. I'm not sure whether you are interested in both.
There is a simple way to turn UK postcode to NUTS (both names and codes) using R:
# both will work:
This will return a list with geographic information about the postcodes.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of the PostcodesioR package.
I am getting this message when I try to index using elasticsearch. I have tried both the elasticsearch-rails gem and searchkick gem. We are making creation and editing of e-courses online.
Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::Forbidden: [403] {"message":"The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details."}
When we have a small amount of data its fine but for example if I increase this part beyond the words in the section. Its around 1200 then I get the error.
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Inhabit so perhaps of in to certain. Sex excuse chatty was seemed warmth. Nay add far few immediate sweetness earnestly dejection. Extremely we promotion remainder eagerness enjoyment an. Ham her demands removal brought minuter raising invited gay. Contented consisted continual curiosity contained get sex. Forth child dried in in aware do. You had met they song how feel lain evil near. Small she avoid six yet table china. And bed make say been then dine mrs. To household rapturous fulfilled attempted on so.Ferrars all spirits his imagine effects amongst neither. discover"}
This is our config for our initializer for searchkick:
ENV["ELASTICSEARCH_URL"] = "https://*.eu-west-2.es.amazonaws.com:443"
Searchkick.aws_credentials = {
access_key_id: Rails.application.credentials.dig(:aws, :access_key_id),
secret_access_key: Rails.application.credentials.dig(:aws, :secret_access_key),
region: 'eu-west-2'
I can index from my dev machine using curl without signing and also I can index through kibana sitting on the instance. I can index 1000s of words. I test around 10,000
If you can shed any light on the matter I would be most grateful.
After removing the "faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4" gem and then running 'bundle clean --force'. I then added it back in and it is now indexing properly without the signing failure.
A simple search of "how alexa works" yielded no results so here it is.
If you go through the documentation for utterances the need to exhaustively list out all possible variations is ridiculous. For example you need to list down the following variations separately to support them.
what's my horoscope
what is my horoscope
what my horoscope is
Maybe I didn't interpret the documentation correctly but I'm just curious as to where exactly the machine learning algorithms come in for identifying intents and skills.
Any pointers to helpful resources will be fine too.
Just pure pattern matching on the transcribed text. We are still in 21st century ...
I've got a field on an iPhone app that contains "1.2 m". VoiceOver will speak this as "1 point 2 metres". I was a little surprised that VoiceOver was smart enough to understand units.
However, I have a different field that contains the text "1.2 m/s" which VoiceOver speaks as "1 point 2 metres slash S", which obviously isn't what I want. Another slight oddity is that in the Google Earth app, the longitude and latitude are pronounced as "xx degrees, xx minutes, xx inches" which is clearly wrong.
This raises a couple of questions for me:
What units does iOS VoiceOver understand?
Do I have any control over what VoiceOver says without setting the text explicitly in the accessibilityLabel? Can I tell it to understand that "m/s" is pronounced "metres per second"?
Bear in mind that people who depend on VoiceOver and use it every day to access information are familiar with its quirks and expect to hear information read out in a consistent way. Any efforts to work around those quirks might create an experience that is actually more confusing. That said, if your intended reader is unfamiliar with the units/numbers expressed, then a parenthetical clarification of any abbreviations will be of benefit to all users (not just those using VoiceOver).
For your first question, to be honest, I don't know the metrics perfectly handled by VoiceOver but I always make tests to be sure of what's vocalized : the best way to be 100% sure in my view.
About your second one, I always format the date, time and numbers I use in my labels so as not to have unpleasant surprise with a new iOS release that could weirdly interprets these elements: I follow these steps to format these data.
I want to experiment with an idea I have of automatically localizing software, or at least suggesting a reasonable translation if a localized string is not available.
I'm not sure this will be working satisfactorily tomorrow morning but I just wanted to play with this idea.
Does anybody know of a dictionary that is free to use, and is in an easy to parse format, that can help me automatically translate words from English to other European languages (French, German, Spanish, etc)
The FreeDict project has quite a few relatively complete dictionaries. Most are from one language to english or vice versa, but some are between two non-english languages as well.
I don't know any dictionary but would like to point something out. You have to bear in mind that translating is not a direct word to word technique in any sense. The Rules of the language change as well and thus leave sentences unreadable. This is why even companies like Google have trouble making good translation software. Context is very hard to programmatically detect and context means everything in choosing the right word, the right structure and so on.
Maybe use a Translation API, if there is one. Google only seem to do a JavaScript API for Language.
You can't even expect to get a reasonable translation with an automatic method. Translating full texts is too hard for a computer to handle completely correct, translating short phrases correctly is impossible.
Take for example the simple text "Open", without a context it's not even possible to tell if it's a verb or an adjective. I know that at least in german that the verb and the adjective translates into two different words.
Also, computer specific concepts often borrow words from similar concepts outside the computer sphere. Those concepts often have a specific translation, but an automatic translation would sometimes try to translate it as if it was the original meaning, which can give you very strange translations.
After a while of searching i solved the problem by myself start to create my own dictionary. I do a lot of translations in my free time. In the beginning it is really boring work...but after a while you get an really good dicitionary. Some friends of mine using it too...so we all benefit from every new Word we translate.
I am working on integrating geolocation services into a website and the best source of data I've found so far is MaxMind's GeoIP API with GeoLite City data. Even this data seems to often be questionable though. For example, I am located in downtown Palo Alto, but it locates my IP as being in Portola Valley, which is about 7 miles away. Palo Alto has a population of 60k+, whereas Portola Valley has a population of less than 5k. I would think if you see an IP originating somewhere around there it would make more sense to assume it was coming from the highly populated city, not the tiny one. I've also had it locate Palo Alto IPs completely across the country in Kentucky, etc.
Does anyone know of any better sources of data, or any tools/technologies/efforts to improve the accuracy of geolocation efforts? Commercial solutions are fine.
Where an IP comes up at the wrong end of the country, you probably won't find a better match elsewhere because it's probably an ISP that uses one group of IPs for customers in a wide area. My favourite example is trains here in the UK where the on-board wifi is identified as being in Sweden because they use a satellite connection to an ISP in Sweden.
A commercial supplier may be able to afford to spend more time tracking down the hard cases, but in many cases there just won't be a good answer to give you. They may, however, give you a confidence factor to tell you when they're guessing. I've heard good things about Quova, though I've never used them.
Assuming that you've got the best latitude and longitude that you can get (or can afford), then you're left dealing with cases where they pick the closest city rather than a more likely larger city nearby. Unfortunately I don't have the code to hand, but I had some success using the data from geonames to pick a "sensible" city near a point. They list lat/long and population, so you can do something like
ORDER BY ( Distance / LOG( Population ) )
You'd need to experiment with that to get something with the right level of bias towards larger cities, but I had it working quite nicely taking the centre of a Google Maps view and displaying a heading like "Showing results near London..." that changed as you moved the map.
I am not sure if this will help, but here is a site that has done a pretty good job of IP mapping. Maybe you could ask them for help :) seomoz.org
A couple of sites I saw referenced recently for free GeoIP services are