iOS app background location access using a timer - ios

I am looking for a solution to access/stop location services while app is in the background. My app takes continuous location when it's sent to background (It has access to continuous location) . It's necessary for the app functionality.
So I would like to know few things:
How long my app can take continuous location while it's still in the background? (before OS kills the background process or something like that)
If I want to add a timer say after 60 minutes app will stop taking the location, what would be the correct approach?

Background location updation can be done using following code:
In Appdelegate class:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
if ([launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocationKey]) {
// This "afterResume" flag is just to show that he receiving location updates
// are actually from the key "UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocationKey"
self.shareModel.afterResume = YES;
[self.shareModel startMonitoringLocation];
return YES;
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application {
[self.shareModel stopContinuosLocationUpdate];
[self.shareModel restartMonitoringLocation];
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application {
//Remove the "afterResume" Flag after the app is active again.
self.shareModel.afterResume = NO;
[self.shareModel startContinuosLocationUpdate];
In Location update class, say LocationManager.m:
#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>
#property (nonatomic) CLLocationManager * anotherLocationManager;
- (void)startContinuosLocationUpdate
CLAuthorizationStatus status = [CLLocationManager authorizationStatus];
if (status == kCLAuthorizationStatusDenied)
NSLog(#"Location services are disabled in settings.");
// for iOS 8
if ([self.anotherLocationManager respondsToSelector:#selector(requestAlwaysAuthorization)])
[self.anotherLocationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization];
// for iOS 9
if ([self.anotherLocationManager respondsToSelector:#selector(setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:)])
[self.anotherLocationManager setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:YES];
[self.anotherLocationManager startUpdatingLocation];
- (void)stopContinuosLocationUpdate
[self.anotherLocationManager stopUpdatingLocation];
- (void)startMonitoringLocation
if (_anotherLocationManager)
[_anotherLocationManager stopMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
self.anotherLocationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc]init];
_anotherLocationManager.delegate = self;
_anotherLocationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation;
_anotherLocationManager.activityType = CLActivityTypeOtherNavigation;
[_anotherLocationManager setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:YES];
[_anotherLocationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization];
[_anotherLocationManager startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
- (void)restartMonitoringLocation
[_anotherLocationManager stopMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
[_anotherLocationManager setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:YES];
[_anotherLocationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization];
[_anotherLocationManager startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
#pragma mark - CLLocationManager Delegate
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations
if(_dictLocation && [_dictLocation isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
float latitudeValue = [[RVCommon validateDataForNumber:_dictLocation[#"lat"]] floatValue];
float longitudeValue = [[RVCommon validateDataForNumber:_dictLocation[#"lng"]] floatValue];
CLLocation *facilityLocation = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:latitudeValue longitude:longitudeValue];
CLLocation *mostRecentLocation = locations.lastObject;
CLLocationDistance distanceInMeters = [mostRecentLocation distanceFromLocation:facilityLocation];
if (distanceInMeters <= 500.0)
//Here I am informing the server when user is within 500mts of the coordinate.
NSLog(#"locationManager didUpdateLocations: %#",locations);


iOS Location Updates not trigerred consistently in background mode

To Trigger Location update Callback after every second when the app is in background.
Location Callbacks are not triggered after every second. Instead we get them inconsistently sometimes after 1 second, sometimes after 4 second and even with gap of 40-50 seconds.
Current Implementation:
setActivityType = CLActivityTypeOther
setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = YES
setDesiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation
setDistanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone
setPausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = false
plist configuration also done for background location updates.
Please suggest what more can be done to achieve solution for this problem?
Try out below code for background location updation when a significant location change is occured:
#pragma mark - CLLocationManager
- (void)startContinuosLocationUpdate
CLAuthorizationStatus status = [CLLocationManager authorizationStatus];
if (status == kCLAuthorizationStatusDenied)
NSLog(#"Location services are disabled in settings.");
// for iOS 8
if ([self.anotherLocationManager respondsToSelector:#selector(requestAlwaysAuthorization)])
[self.anotherLocationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization];
// for iOS 9
if ([self.anotherLocationManager respondsToSelector:#selector(setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:)])
[self.anotherLocationManager setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:YES];
[self.anotherLocationManager startUpdatingLocation];
- (void)stopContinuosLocationUpdate
[self.anotherLocationManager stopUpdatingLocation];
- (void)startMonitoringLocation
if (_anotherLocationManager)
[_anotherLocationManager stopMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
self.anotherLocationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc]init];
_anotherLocationManager.delegate = self;
_anotherLocationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation;
_anotherLocationManager.activityType = CLActivityTypeOtherNavigation;
[_anotherLocationManager setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:YES];
[_anotherLocationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization];
[_anotherLocationManager startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
- (void)restartMonitoringLocation
[_anotherLocationManager stopMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
[_anotherLocationManager setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:YES];
[_anotherLocationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization];
[_anotherLocationManager startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];

significant change location delegate methods not being called

All of my code is in AppDelegate.m:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
self.window = [[UIWindow alloc]initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen]bounds]];
_locationMgr = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
[_locationMgr setDelegate:self];
if([_locationMgr respondsToSelector:#selector(setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:)])
[_locationMgr setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:YES];
CLAuthorizationStatus authorizationStatus= [CLLocationManager authorizationStatus];
if([launchOptions valueForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocationKey] != nil) {
NSLog(#"relaunching because of significant location change - restarting SLC");
[_locationMgr startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
if (authorizationStatus == kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways) {
NSLog(#"launching with authorization to always use location - starting SLC");
[_locationMgr startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
NSLog(#"launching with no authorization to always use location - requesting authorization");
if([_locationMgr respondsToSelector:#selector(requestAlwaysAuthorization)])
[_locationMgr requestAlwaysAuthorization];
if([userdefaults objectForKey:#"pfuser"] == nil) {
NSLog(#"in delegate signup");
SignUpController *signup = [[SignUpController alloc] init];
[self.window setRootViewController:signup];
else {
ViewController *map = [[ViewController alloc] init];
[self.window setRootViewController:map];
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
return YES;
- (void)startSignificantChangeUpdates
deviceNotFoundAlertController = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:#"START" message:#"startSignificantChangeUpdates called" preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
[deviceNotFoundAlertController addAction:deviceNotFoundAlert];
// Create the location manager if this object does not
// already have one.
if (nil == _locationMgr) {
_locationMgr = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
_locationMgr.delegate = self;
[CLLocationManager significantLocationChangeMonitoringAvailable];
[_locationMgr startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
-(void)locationManger:(CLLocationManager *)manager didFailWithError:(NSError *)error {
NSLog(#"didFailWithError: %#", error);
deviceNotFoundAlertController = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:#"LOCATION FAIL" message:#"didFailWithError" preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
[deviceNotFoundAlertController addAction:deviceNotFoundAlert];
// Delegate method from the CLLocationManagerDelegate protocol.
- (void)_locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager
didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations {
deviceNotFoundAlertController = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:#"LOCATION UPDATE" message:#"didUpdateLocations called" preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
[deviceNotFoundAlertController addAction:deviceNotFoundAlert];
// If it's a relatively recent event, turn off updates to save power.
CLLocation* location = [locations lastObject];
NSDate* eventDate = location.timestamp;
NSTimeInterval howRecent = [eventDate timeIntervalSinceNow];
if (fabs(howRecent) < 15.0) {
// If the event is recent, do something with it.
NSLog(#"latitude %+.6f, longitude %+.6f\n",
None of the alerts happen, it seems like the delegate methods aren't being called.
Now I have:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
self.window = [[UIWindow alloc]initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen]bounds]];
deviceNotFoundAlert = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:#"OK" style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault handler:nil];
// Delegate method from the CLLocationManagerDelegate protocol.
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager
didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations {
deviceNotFoundAlertController = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:#"LOCATION UPDATE" message:#"didUpdateLocations called" preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
[deviceNotFoundAlertController addAction:deviceNotFoundAlert];
// If it's a relatively recent event, turn off updates to save power.
CLLocation* location = [locations lastObject];
NSDate* eventDate = location.timestamp;
NSTimeInterval howRecent = [eventDate timeIntervalSinceNow];
if (fabs(howRecent) < 15.0) {
// If the event is recent, do something with it.
NSLog(#"latitude %+.6f, longitude %+.6f\n",
When I test the app, I open it at my house, and then close it, so that when I leave my house it should send an alert (or 3) at some point, but I am not getting alerts from any of the delegate methods (where I placed alerts).
I just had an idea, maybe I have to display the alerts from the main UIViewController, not the AppDelegate?
This may be why I am not seeing the alerts: How do I add a UIAlertController in app delegate (obj-c)
This is how I am doing the alerts now:
deviceNotFoundAlertController = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:#"START" message:#"startSignificantChangeUpdates called" preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
[deviceNotFoundAlertController addAction:deviceNotFoundAlert];
alertWindow = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];
alertWindow.rootViewController = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
alertWindow.windowLevel = UIWindowLevelAlert + 1;
[alertWindow makeKeyAndVisible];
[alertWindow.rootViewController presentViewController:deviceNotFoundAlertController animated:YES completion:nil];
The alerts did not seem to be the issue, the alert in startSignificantChangeUpdates never appears. Should it appear once I am 500m from my initial location?
Can anyone help me understand this?
The methods of your delegate object are called from the thread in which you started the corresponding location services. That thread must itself have an active run loop, like the one found in your application’s main thread.
I think I figured out what the above quote is saying...and I have this now - I will test tomorrow.
if([launchOptions valueForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocationKey] != nil) {
NSLog(#"relaunching because of significant location change - restarting SLC");
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
[_locationMgr startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
if (authorizationStatus == kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways) {
NSLog(#"launching with authorization to always use location - starting SLC");
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
[_locationMgr startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
NSLog(#"launching with no authorization to always use location - requesting authorization");
if([_locationMgr respondsToSelector:#selector(requestAlwaysAuthorization)])
[_locationMgr requestAlwaysAuthorization];
I think that code is starting the location services on its own thread. One thing I noticed already, is that when I exit the app, the location in the top right goes away. I just updated to iOS 10. In iOS 9 the location arrow in the top right would stay there, but it would only be a black outline when the app was not running. This could just be something they changed with iOS 10, or now because I updated to 10, something else isn't working now. Or that is what happens when the location services are run on their own thread. From here: iOS start Background Thread
Maybe I am not using the thread correctly, but as I said, now when I close the app, location services quits. When I was doing it without the thread the location service arrow would stay in the top right, as an outline.
I read that the service should be started on the main thread - so now I have:
CLAuthorizationStatus authorizationStatus= [CLLocationManager authorizationStatus];
NSLog(#"launching with no authorization to always use location - requesting authorization");
if([_locationMgr respondsToSelector:#selector(requestAlwaysAuthorization)]) {
[_locationMgr requestAlwaysAuthorization];
if([launchOptions valueForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocationKey] != nil) {
NSLog(#"relaunching because of significant location change - restarting SLC");
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
[_locationMgr startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
else if (authorizationStatus == kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways) {
NSLog(#"launching with authorization to always use location - starting SLC");
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
[_locationMgr startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
else {
The arrow in the right doesn't show up when the app is closed, is this something new to iOS 10 where they don't show it anymore?
I accidentally deleted: _locationMgr = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init]; I put in and now the arrow is always there, going to test today.
I tested it, still no alerts.
It is a problem with your delegate method please replace below one
- (void)_locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager
didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations {
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager
didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations {
Hope it will help you.
I took my computer with me in my car, and watched the console, and I saw that the significant location changes are happening now because I get location updates every 500m. The alerts are the only thing not working, but they are irrelevant to the program - they were just there to see if it was working. It is working with this code:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
self.window = [[UIWindow alloc]initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen]bounds]];
_locationMgr = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
[_locationMgr setDelegate:self];
if([_locationMgr respondsToSelector:#selector(setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:)])
[_locationMgr setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:YES];
CLAuthorizationStatus authorizationStatus= [CLLocationManager authorizationStatus];
NSLog(#"launching with no authorization to always use location - requesting authorization");
if([_locationMgr respondsToSelector:#selector(requestAlwaysAuthorization)]) {
[_locationMgr requestAlwaysAuthorization];
if([launchOptions valueForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocationKey] != nil) {
NSLog(#"relaunching because of significant location change - restarting SLC");
[_locationMgr startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
else if (authorizationStatus == kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways) {
NSLog(#"launching with authorization to always use location - starting SLC");
[_locationMgr startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
else {
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
return YES;
- (void)startSignificantChangeUpdates
// Create the location manager if this object does not
// already have one.
if (nil == _locationMgr) {
_locationMgr = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
_locationMgr.delegate = self;
[CLLocationManager significantLocationChangeMonitoringAvailable];
[_locationMgr startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
deviceNotFoundAlertController = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:#"START" message:#"startSignificantChangeUpdates called" preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
-(void)locationManger:(CLLocationManager *)manager didFailWithError:(NSError *)error {
NSLog(#"didFailWithError: %#", error);
// Delegate method from the CLLocationManagerDelegate protocol.
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager
didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations {
// If it's a relatively recent event, turn off updates to save power.
CLLocation* location = [locations lastObject];
NSDate* eventDate = location.timestamp;
NSTimeInterval howRecent = [eventDate timeIntervalSinceNow];
if (fabs(howRecent) < 15.0) {
// If the event is recent, do something with it.
NSLog(#"latitude %+.6f, longitude %+.6f\n",
You have written write code, Just add below delegate method in your code. But startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges for updating location take 10 to 20 min. and also trigger if location channel change.
-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations
[_locationMgr startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
The significant-change location service delivers updates only when there has been a significant change in the device’s location, such as 500 meters or more.
So your delegate method will call each time once when your device moved more than 500 meter.
Make sure your app have background location permission.
if your app is in background or foreground then it will call delegate method
otherwise app will launch with location option in AppDelegate file where you have to create Location manager object and start location again to get new location.

Geofencing don't send a notification (iOS)

I'm trying to send a notification every time the user passes a store of my client (about 1700 stores) but it's not working.
Can someone tell me why?
My code:
CLCircularRegion *region=[[CLCircularRegion alloc] initWithCenter:self.geoPoint radius:1000 identifier:self.identifier];
return region;
if (![CLLocationManager isMonitoringAvailableForClass:[CLCircularRegion class]]) {
NSLog(#"Monitoring is not available for CLCircularRegion class");
for (Store *currentStore in self.allStores) {
CLCircularRegion *region=[currentStore createCircularRegion];
[self.locationManager startMonitoringForRegion:region];
[self findObjectsWithClassName:#"Stores"];
[self.allStores addObjectsFromArray:self.allStores];
[self startMonitoringAllStores];
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
[self.locationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization];
return YES;
NSLog(#"Geofence triggered");
-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didEnterRegion:(CLRegion *)region
if ([region isKindOfClass:[CLCircularRegion class]]) {
[self handleRegionEvent:region];
You can only monitor 20 locations simultaneously in iOS. See Apple's documentation. Also, make sure you are requesting permission via requestAlwaysAuthorization.
One way to get around this limit is to locate the 19 stores closest to the user and monitor those regions, then use the 20th region as an outer boundary around the user's current position whose radius is the distance to the 19th store. When the user crosses the outer boundary, recompute the nearest 19 stores and the boundary, and repeat. In code, you would do something like this. (Note that I have not tested this code; it is just an example.)
- (void)installClosestGeofencesTo:(CLLocation *)currentLocation {
[self removeAllGeofences];
NSArray *closestStores = [self findClosestStoresTo:currentLocation limit:19];
for (Store *store in closestStores) {
CLCircularRegion *region = [[CLCircularRegion alloc] initWithCenter:store.location radius:100 identifier:store.identifier];
[self.locationManager startMonitoringForRegion:region];
Store *furthestStore = [closestStores lastObject];
CLCircularRegion *boundaryRegion = [[CLCircularRegion alloc] initWithCenter:currentLocation.coordinate radius:furthestStore.distance identifier:#"boundary"];
[self.locationManager startMonitoringForRegion:boundaryRegion];
- (void)removeAllGeofences {
NSArray *monitoredRegions = [self.locationManager monitoredRegions];
for (CLRegion *region in monitoredRegions) {
[self.locationManager stopMonitoringForRegion:region];
- (NSArray *)findStoresClosestTo:(CLLocation *)location limit:(NSUInteger)limit {
In your CLLocationManagerDelegate, you would do something like this:
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didExitRegion:(CLRegion *)region
if ([region.identifier isEqual:#"boundary"]) {
[self installClosestGeofencesTo:self.locationManager.location];

App crashing (Location GPS Region Monitoring)

App crashes on launch in Xcode: it does not generate a bug report, and instead terminates during a thread (self > UIViewController > _locationManager).
Below is the code from MapViewController.m
#import "MapViewController.h"
#interface MapViewController ()
#implementation MapViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
//Monitoring a Region
[self.locationManager requestWhenInUseAuthorization];
[self.locationManager startUpdatingLocation];
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
NSLog(#"Started location services");
_locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
_locationManager.delegate = self;
_locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone;
_locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation;
_locationManager.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = NO;
[_locationManager startUpdatingLocation]; // to show authorisation popup
// Test coordinates
CLLocationDegrees latitude = 50;
CLLocationDegrees longitude = -1;
CLLocationDistance radius = 50; // meters;
// If radius is too large, registration fails automatically, so limit the radius to the maximum value
if (radius > _locationManager.maximumRegionMonitoringDistance) {
radius = _locationManager.maximumRegionMonitoringDistance;
CLCircularRegion* region = [[CLCircularRegion alloc] initWithCenter:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude, longitude) radius:radius identifier:#"Clue1"];
region.notifyOnEntry = YES;
region.notifyOnExit = YES;
NSLog(#"Created region");
return region;
CLRegion *region = [self createRegion];
// Check if support is unavailable
if ( ![CLLocationManager isMonitoringAvailableForClass:[CLRegion class]]) {
NSLog( #"Failed to initialise region monitoring: support unavailable");
// Check if authorised
if ([CLLocationManager authorizationStatus] != kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways) {
NSLog( #"Failed to initialise region monitoring: app not authorized to use location services");
} else {
NSLog(#"Started monitoring proximity");
// Clear out any old regions to prevent buildup.
if ([_locationManager.monitoredRegions count] > 0) {
for (id obj in _locationManager.monitoredRegions)
[_locationManager stopMonitoringForRegion:obj];
[_locationManager startMonitoringForRegion:region];
-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didStartMonitoringForRegion:(CLRegion *)region
NSLog(#"Started monitoring for region: %#", [region description]);
//[_locationManager requestStateForRegion:region]; // check if already inside region
-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager monitoringDidFailForRegion:(CLRegion *)region withError:(NSError *)error
NSLog(#"Failed to start monitoring for region: %#", [error localizedDescription]);
-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didDetermineState:(CLRegionState)state forRegion:(CLRegion *)region
if (state == CLRegionStateInside) {
} else if (state == CLRegionStateOutside) {
// println(#"Outside");
} else {
// println("unknown");
-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didEnterRegion:(CLRegion *)region
-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didExitRegion:(CLRegion *)region
-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didChangeAuthorizationStatus:(CLAuthorizationStatus)status
NSLog(#"Monitoring authorisation status is now: %#", status == kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways ? #"authorized" : #"not authorized");
if (status == kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways) {
[self monitorProximity];
UPDATE: Where do I put Initialise call for locationManager and also associate with MapKit map? App won't launch as thread fails.

Getting location updates when app is inactive stops after 2 updates

I'm trying to get location updates while my app is inactive (user closed the app).
After 2 location updates, the location updates stops launching my app.
Indicator for this is the gray arrow in my app in location services settings.
What I'm trying is combination of startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges & regionMonitoring.
I tested on iPhone 4 iOS 7.1.1 and location updates stops after 2 updates.
I tested in iPad mini WiFi+Cellular iOS 7.1.1 and location updates stops after 1 update and region monitoring send only 1 location.
Where I'm wrong?
My code:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[RegionMonitoringService sharedInstance].launchOptions = launchOptions;
[[RegionMonitoringService sharedInstance] stopMonitoringAllRegions];
if ( [CLLocationManager significantLocationChangeMonitoringAvailable] ) {
[[RegionMonitoringService sharedInstance] startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
} else {
NSLog(#"Significant location change service not available.");
if (launchOptions[UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocationKey]) {
[self application:application handleNewLocationEvet:launchOptions]; // Handle new location event
UIViewController *controller = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
controller.view.frame = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds;
UINavigationController *nvc = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:controller];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
appDelegate.window.rootViewController = nvc;
[appDelegate.window makeKeyAndVisible];
else {
// ...
return YES;
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
[defaults synchronize];
[UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationIconBadgeNumber = 0;
if ([RegionMonitoringService sharedInstance].launchOptions[UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocationKey]) {
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application handleNewLocationEvet:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
NSLog(#"%s, launchOptions: %#", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, launchOptions);
if (![launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocationKey]) return;
if ([UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationState == UIApplicationStateActive) return;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>
#import "ServerApiManager.h"
#interface RegionMonitoringService : NSObject
#property (strong, nonatomic) CLLocationManager *locationManager;
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSDictionary *launchOptions;
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSDate *oldDate;
#property (strong, nonatomic) CLLocation *oldLocation;
+ (RegionMonitoringService *)sharedInstance;
- (void)startMonitoringForRegion:(CLRegion *)region;
- (void)startMonitoringRegionWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate andRadius:(CLLocationDirection)radius;
- (void)stopMonitoringAllRegions;
- (void)startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges;
- (void)stopMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *NSStringFromCLRegionState(CLRegionState state);
#import "RegionMonitoringService.h"
static CLLocationDistance const kFixedRadius = 250.0;
#interface RegionMonitoringService () <CLLocationManagerDelegate>
- (NSString *)identifierForCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate;
- (CLLocationDistance)getFixRadius:(CLLocationDistance)radius;
- (void)sortLastLocation:(CLLocation *)lastLocation;
#implementation RegionMonitoringService
+ (RegionMonitoringService *)sharedInstance
static RegionMonitoringService *_sharedInstance;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
_sharedInstance = [[self alloc] init];
return _sharedInstance;
- (instancetype)init
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return nil;
_locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
_locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation;
_locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone;
// _locationManager.activityType = CLActivityTypeFitness;
_locationManager.delegate = self;
return self;
- (void)startMonitoringForRegion:(CLRegion *)region
NSLog(#"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
[_locationManager startMonitoringForRegion:region];
- (void)startMonitoringRegionWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate andRadius:(CLLocationDirection)radius
NSLog(#"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if (![CLLocationManager regionMonitoringAvailable]) {
NSLog(#"Warning: Region monitoring not supported on this device.");
if (__iOS_6_And_Heigher) {
CLRegion *region = [[CLRegion alloc] initCircularRegionWithCenter:coordinate
identifier:[self identifierForCoordinate:coordinate]];
[_locationManager startMonitoringForRegion:region];
else {
CLCircularRegion *region = [[CLCircularRegion alloc] initWithCenter:coordinate
identifier:[self identifierForCoordinate:coordinate]];
[_locationManager startMonitoringForRegion:region];
SendLocalPushNotification([NSString stringWithFormat:#"StartMonitor: {%f, %f}", coordinate.latitude, coordinate.longitude]);
- (void)stopMonitoringAllRegions
NSLog(#"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if (_locationManager.monitoredRegions.allObjects.count > 1) {
for (int i=0; i<_locationManager.monitoredRegions.allObjects.count; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
NSLog(#"stop monitor region at index %d", i);
CLRegion *region = (CLRegion *)_locationManager.monitoredRegions.allObjects[i];
[_locationManager stopMonitoringForRegion:region];
- (void)startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges
NSLog(#"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
[_locationManager startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
- (void)stopMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges
NSLog(#"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
[_locationManager stopMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
- (NSString *)identifierForCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate
NSLog(#"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"{%f, %f}", coordinate.latitude, coordinate.longitude];
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *NSStringFromCLRegionState(CLRegionState state)
NSLog(#"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if (__iOS_6_And_Heigher) {
return #"Support only iOS 7 and later.";
if (state == CLRegionStateUnknown) {
return #"CLRegionStateUnknown";
} else if (state == CLRegionStateInside) {
return #"CLRegionStateInside";
} else if (state == CLRegionStateOutside) {
return #"CLRegionStateOutside";
} else {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Undeterminded CLRegionState"];
- (CLLocationDistance)getFixRadius:(CLLocationDistance)radius
if (radius > _locationManager.maximumRegionMonitoringDistance) {
radius = _locationManager.maximumRegionMonitoringDistance;
return radius;
- (void)sortLastLocation:(CLLocation *)lastLocation
NSLog(#"%s, %#", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, lastLocation);
self.oldDate = lastLocation.timestamp; // Get new date
NSTimeInterval seconds = fabs([self.oldLocation.timestamp timeIntervalSinceDate:self.oldDate]); // Calculate how seconds passed
NSInteger minutes = seconds * 60; // Calculate how minutes passed
if (lastLocation && self.oldLocation) { // New & old location are good
if ([lastLocation distanceFromLocation:self.oldLocation] >= 200 || minutes >= 30) { // Distance > 200 or 30 minutes passed
[[ServerApiManager sharedInstance] saveLocation:lastLocation]; // Send location to server
else { // We just starting location updates
[[ServerApiManager sharedInstance] saveLocation:lastLocation]; // Send new location to server
self.oldLocation = lastLocation; // Set old location
#pragma mark - CLLocationManagerDelegate Methods
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations
NSLog(#"%s, %#", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, locations);
CLLocation *lastLocation = (CLLocation *)locations.lastObject;
CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate = lastLocation.coordinate;
if (lastLocation == nil || coordinate.latitude == 0.0 || coordinate.longitude == 0.0) {
[self startMonitoringRegionWithCoordinate:coordinate andRadius:[self getFixRadius:kFixedRadius]];
[self sortLastLocation:lastLocation];
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didDetermineState:(CLRegionState)state forRegion:(CLRegion *)region
NSLog(#"%s, currentLocation: %#, regionState: %#, region: %#",
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, manager.location, NSStringFromCLRegionState(state), region);
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didStartMonitoringForRegion:(CLRegion *)region
NSLog(#"%s, REGION: %#", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, region);
[manager requestStateForRegion:region];
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didEnterRegion:(CLRegion *)region
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didExitRegion:(CLRegion *)region
NSLog(#"%s, REGION: %#", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, region);
[self stopMonitoringAllRegions];
[self startMonitoringRegionWithCoordinate:manager.location.coordinate andRadius:[self getFixRadius:kFixedRadius]];
CLLocation *lastLocation = manager.location;
CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate = lastLocation.coordinate;
if (lastLocation == nil || coordinate.latitude == 0.0 || coordinate.longitude == 0.0) {
[self sortLastLocation:manager.location];
I did a a lot of real time tests with car with several devices (iPhone 5s, iPad mini, iPhone 4) after several tests I came to this:
In one case, iPad mini & iPhone 4 stops updating location after several minutes when app is not running and the little arrow become gray.
When WiFi was off, the accuracy was terrible and locations updated rarely.
OK, after a lot of driving and walking around and testing it it works like a charm so far.
I managed to make it work, combining significantLocationChanges & region monitoring, always register a geofence around my current location and always starting significant location changes when new UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocationKey come.
Note that turning off wifi make accuracy very low and even sometimes not working.
Any bugs in my code?
From the Apple docs it can be seen that updates are not sent more frequently than every 5 minutes and for 500 meters of location change:
Apps can expect a notification as soon as the device moves 500 meters or more from its previous notification. It should not expect notifications more frequently than once every five minutes. If the device is able to retrieve data from the network, the location manager is much more likely to deliver notifications in a timely manner.
You are going to receive the updates even when the app is inactive. Another hint for you might be that oyu can test the location in the simulator instead using a real device, this way you don't have to go outside for testing and can still check your logs too. In the simulator menu, chose Debug --> Location.
