How do iBeacon apps 'communicate' with an online platform? - ruby-on-rails

Apologies if this has been answered in some way shape or form many times before - I am new to this area.
If you are familiar with iBeacons, you are probably familiar with the concept of proximity marketing; iBeacons broadcast their signals, the users app picks up on this signal and does something accordingly. My question is how does the app know what to do, does it communicate with a server?
The field of 'proximity marketing' hosts many different online platforms that allow app owners to add their beacons and manage dynamic marketing campaigns - meaning this 'content' is accumulated by the app through communication of some sort.
BeaconControl (open source proximity marketing platform) quotes this on their website:-
"It's Open Source. Built with Ruby On Rails. Customizable Ruby Engines (plug-in support). MySQL and PostgreSQL support. Uses Redis for backend tasks. REST JSON API. Hosted on GitHub. Deployable with Capistrano to your own server. Deployable to heroku."
If someone could set me off in the right direction that would be great!
Thanks and regards,

iBeacon devices transmit their own unique identification number to the nearby area. A specific app on a mobile device is continiously looking up (sniffing) for iBeacon frames and parses unique identification numbers (UUID, Major, Minor values) from the captured devices. Then the app sends this identification number to the dedicated server and based on this numbers, it triggers some action on the mobile device, such as an auto check-in, or delivery of a push notification, etc.


Is CoreML local to the device (iOS)?

I want to leverage AI and Machine learning and develop a mobile app in iOS. I plan to start with clothes but branch into other verticals as well (tools, appliances, etc.). The goal is to blend the in-store experience with mobile commerce, on a personal level (e.g. integrated retail). The app will come prepared with recommendations from the start, but should also continue to learn based on customer preferences as they shop with the app. I need to figure out how to tie this in with Major retailer's APIs as well.
Is something like this possible using CoreML? Or is CoreML something that is local to the device and I would need something that is cloud based so I can tie in with Major retailer APIs?
I believe IBM Watson can address your problem the best. It allows to establish a pipeline where device will upload new data to the cloud and updated models will be pushed back to the device. See
I tried their SDK, it works pretty straightforward. I had a problem using UK node of Watson, so I had to switch to US node - and it worked perfectly.

How to de-duplicate notifications between native and progressive web app?

If I have both a native app and a progressive web app using web push notifications powered by service worker, is there a way to prevent a user from receiving duplicate notifications if they opt in to receiving notifications from the web site and also have the app installed?
In short - there is no easy way to do this today.
There is a discussion on Chrome here on this:
The last comment from October 2015:
For now the safest minimal solution is for sites to provide an easy
opt out mechanism (which we strongly recommend you do anyway!) so
users can turn off notifications from one platform
Another possible heuristic based solution is to take some measure for
which interface (web or native) the user most often uses (or most
recently used) and only send to that. Combined with grouping these
devices by rough screen size should give a pretty good approximation.
The issue is that if the user has two similar sized devices and uses
native on one and web on the other then notifications will only be
delivered to one, which is an edge case.
We've also been discussing building an API so sites can tell whether
their corresponding native app is installed to avoid this case, but
need to start discussing that with other browser vendors to see if
they'd be supportive.

iOS approach to location based peer to peer communication

I recently have been very interested in developing iOS apps (for iPhone specifically) that can "communicate" with nearby (geographically) apps.
My networking skills/resources are limited, so I was really hoping to make it a peer to peer app, avoiding the need to host my own server.
It seems like I have a few options, including the newish Multi-peer Connectivity framework, and Location services.
I was hoping someone who has experience writing peer to peer apps could direct me to what they think the most logical approach would be.
Additonal info:
*I am only looking to send text/small pictures (speed is not a priority)
*Detecting nearby (within a mile or so) geographically is the main goal
*Possibly communicate with Android devices (I know multi-peer connectivity lacks this)
Peer-to-peer communication is limited to a range of about 50 meters. To extend the range you can create a mesh using intermediate peers to relay messages. That is how the Firechat app works.
If you want to communicate over greater distances without a mesh I believe you will need to go via the cloud
In terms of communicating with Android, the people who made FireChat are coming out with their SDK. Not sure how/what pricing will be but I assume they will offer this cross platform function. There are of course other ways but I am not that advanced in app development to know them yet.
For a simple chat app there are many free online tutorials that help you create iphone to iphone chat app that can also send images. Range will be limited however to whatever is max for WiFi. Like Keith said, mesh is another option but I believe everyone in the network has to have the app for the data to bounce.

How to prevent cloning in Ibeacons and avoid conflicts among beacons?

I am trying to develop one app with using a lot of beacons like say in any muti floor shopping mall. In this situation how can I control these
Suppose someone clones a beacon and starts advertsing the signal with same UUID, major, and minor, how to prevent that and what are the other security measures that can be taken?
How to avoid mutiple notifications, suppose somewhere conflicted by two beacons any area is common to more than one beacons, how to control that in app?
The iBeacon standard does not provide any built-in ways to prevent cloning. Apple restricts iOS devices from seeing iBeacons except for ones where the ProximityUUID is known, suggesting this may have been a rudimentary security attempt. But since other operating systems (Android, OSX Mavericks, Linux) allow reading identifiers of all iBeacons, this restriction seems rather silly. It is possible to read identifiers using a tool like Android iBeacon Locate and deploy your own iBeacon with the same identifiers.
Four common approaches to address this:
Do nothing. This is appropriate for most use cases where cloned beacons will cause minor consequences or for low profile deployments where the risk of someone doing this is minimal.
Rotate the iBeacon identifiers. You can do this manually by replacing beacons or manually changing their identifiers periodically. This does not eliminate the problem, but it limits the risk and impact on time.
Use an automated rotating identifier combined with an automated system for validating/converting it to a trusted identifier.
Abandon the iBeacon standard and use a proprietary beacon technology using encryption. This should be considered a last resort, because this choice makes it impossible to use widely available open source and commercial tools for working with iBeacons, and locks you into a single vendor.
Before you choose any option other than the first, be sure you carefully evaluate the risk and consequences of cloning, and be sure any countermeasure you take is really worth the downsides.
The multiple notification problem described in the question is generally not an issue in the absence of intentional cloning. Simply design the ProximityUUID/major/minor numbers of your beacons to be unique for each event you wish to give to users and make your app respond appropriately.
For beacon clone:
customize your beacon firmware and encrypt major/minor with a random key. If beacon and app both can access to cloud, maybe exchange random key via cloud to encrypt/decrypt the major/minor id. If no cloud is involved, beacon and app need to deal with a random key generating algorithm, ex use time as a seed.
(Encrypt with a forever fixed key is useless because clone or replay beacon advertising data still can cheat app)
Rotate UUID with a predefined table-based list. This just reduces the risk with a periodically changing UUID but not really fix the security issue. And the UUID list has a limited size because all UUIDs in list may need to pre-register in App, ex iOS, to let iOS take it as a recognized region and then pass data to your App.
For Multi-notification:
Usually, this should be handled by App.
When enter a region or beacon trigger callback, app should check if it is a duplicated region by uuid-major-minor info. App should also check if it is related notification/info has been sent to user or not to avoid user be bothered by duplicated notification.

Transfer data over wifi without a database

I want to get to know how I can transfer data easily between 2 iPhones, over wifi. I would like to know if I could do that without having a server or database, but within an app (so without using email).
Game Kit has support for Peer-to-Peer-Connectivity and is, despite the name, not only usable for games:
The GKSession class allows your application to create and manage an
ad-hoc Bluetooth or local wireless network, as shown in Figure 1.
Copies of your application running on multiple devices can discover
each other and exchange information, providing a simple and powerful
way to create multiplayer games on iOS. Further, sessions offer all
applications an exciting mechanism to allow users to collaborate with
each other.
You can also check out Bonjour API from Apple. I am not sure if you need a static IP for it to work or it can just work over wifi. Just trying to give a pointer.
Based on your exact usecase, it can work well.
Check it out here, Game center is also there.
