Does it make sense to use `ordered_set` for `select` statement with `>` and `<=` for lowering time compexity - erlang

I use ETS table of type ordered_set, and row looks like {{integer_value, string}} (basically it has no value, only key).
When I perform ets:select(tab, [match_spec]), what match_spec does is selecting all rows, where integer_value meets greater than and lower than comprehensions.
I wonder, do I benefit and instead of scanning whole table, find both lower and upper bounds in logarithmic time and then get all elements in between, like I would expect from SQL table, or such functionality is not implemented in ETS and there is no particular benefit from using ordered_set instead of ordinary set?

Simple way is using timer:tc/3 function for getting execution time of your functions or ets module's functions.
You can profile your code using fprof or eprof for undestanding what function called and how much time it takes for its execution.
This can help you.
If you are not familiar with erlang profilers, i can show simple example of ets set and ordered_set with profilers.


Array of references that share an Arc

This one's kind of an open ended design question I'm afraid.
Anyway: I have a big two-dimensional array of stuff. This array is mutable, and is accessed by a bunch of threads. For now I've just been dealing with this as a Arc<Mutex<Vec<Vec<--owned stuff-->>>>, which has been fine.
The problem is that stuff is about to grow considerably in size, and I'll want to start holding references rather than complete structures. I could do this by inverting everything and going to Vec<Vec<Arc<Mutex>>, but I feel like that would be a ton of overhead, especially because each thread would need a complete copy of the grid rather than a single Arc/Mutex.
What I want to do is have this be an array of references, but somehow communicate that the items being referenced all live long enough according to a single top-level Arc or something similar. Is that possible?
As an aside, is Vec even the correct data type for this? For the grid in particular I really want a large, fixed-size block of memory that will live for the entire length of the program once it's initialized, and has a lot of reference locality (along either dimension.) Is there something else/more specialized I should be using?
EDIT:Giving some more specifics on my code (away from home so this is rough):
What I want:
Outer scope initializes a bunch of Ts and somehow collectively ensures they live long enough (that's the hard part)
Outer scope initializes a grid :Something<Vec<Vec<&T>>> that stores references to the Ts
Outer scope creates a bunch of threads and passes grid to them
Threads dive in and out of some sort of (problable RW) lock on grid, reading the Tsand changing the &Ts in the process.
What I have:
Outer thread creates a grid: Arc<RwLock<Vector<Vector<T>>>>
Arc::clone(& grid)s are passed to individual threads
Read-heavy threads mostly share the lock and sometimes kick each other out for the writes.
The only problem with this is that the grid is storing actual Ts which might be problematically large. (Don't worry too much about the RwLock/thread exclusivity stuff, I think it's perpendicular to the question unless something about it jumps out at you.)
What I don't want to do:
Top level creates a bunch of Arc<Mutex<T>> for individual T
Top level creates a `grid : Vec<Vec<Arc<Mutex>>> and passes it to threads
The problem with that is that I worry about the size of Arc/Mutex on every grid element (I've been going up to 2000x2000 so far and may go larger). Also while the threads would lock each other out less (only if they're actually looking at the same square), they'd have to pick up and drop locks way more as they explore the array, and I think that would be worse than my current RwLock implementation.
Let me start of by your "aside" question, as I feel it's the one that can be answered:
As an aside, is Vec even the correct data type for this? For the grid in particular I really want a large, fixed-size block of memory that will live for the entire length of the program once it's initialized, and has a lot of reference locality (along either dimension.) Is there something else/more specialized I should be using?
The documenation of std::vec::Vec specifies that the layout is essentially a pointer with size information. That means that any Vec<Vec<T>> is a pointer to a densely packed array of pointers to densely packed arrays of Ts. So if block of memory means a contiguous block to you, then no, Vec<Vec<T>> cannot give that you. If that is part of your requirements, you'd have to deal with a datatype (let's call it Grid) that is basically a (pointer, n_rows, n_columns) and define for yourself if the layout should be row-first or column-first.
The next part is that if you want different threads to mutate e.g. columns/rows of your grid at the same time, Arc<Mutex<Grid>> won't cut it, but you already figured that out. You should get clarity whether you can split your problem such that each thread can only operate on rows OR columns. Remember that if any thread holds a &mut Row, no other thread must hold a &mut Column: There will be an overlapping element, and it will be very easy for you to create a data races. If you can assign a static range of of rows to a thread (e.g. thread 1 processes rows 1-3, thread 2 processes row 3-6, etc.), that should make your life considerably easier. To get into "row-wise" processing if it doesn't arise naturally from the problem, you might consider breaking it into e.g. a row-wise step, where all threads operate on rows only, and then a column-wise step, possibly repeating those.
Speculative starting point
I would suggest that your main thread holds the Grid struct which will almost inevitably be implemented with some unsafe methods, e.g. get_row(usize), get_row_mut(usize) if you can split your problem into rows/colmns or get(usize, usize) and get(usize, usize) if you can't. I cannot tell you what exactly these should return, but they might even be custom references to Grid, which:
can only be obtained when the usual borrowing rules are fulfilled (e.g. by blocking the thread until any other GridRefMut is dropped)
implement Drop such that you don't create a deadlock
Every thread holds a Arc<Grid>, and can draw cells/rows/columns for reading/mutating out of the grid as needed, while the grid itself keeps book of references being created and dropped.
The downside of this approach is that you basically implement a runtime borrow-checker yourself. It's tedious and probably error-prone. You should browse before you do that, but your problem sounds specific enough that you might not find a fitting solution, let alone one that's sufficiently documented.

How to efficiently extract all values in a large master table that start with a specified string

I'm designing the UI for a Lua program, one element of which requires the user to either select an existing value from a master table or create a new value in that table.
I would normally use an IUP list with EDITBOX = "YES".
However, the number of items that the user can select may run into many hundreds or possibly thousands, and the performance when populating the list in iup (and also selecting from it) is unacceptably slow. I cannot control the number of items in the table.
My current thinking is to create a list with an editbox, but without any values. As the user types into the editbox (after perhaps 2-3 characters) the list would populate with the subset of table items that start with the characters typed. The user could then select an item from the list or keep typing to narrow the options or create a new item.
For this to work, I need to be able to create a new table with the items from the master table that start with the entered characters.
One option would be to iterate through the master table using the Penlight 'startswith' function to create the new table:
require "pl.init"
local subtable = {} --empty result table
local startstring = "xyz" -- will actually be set by the iup control
for _, v in ipairs (mastertable) do
if stringx.startswith(v, startstring) then
However, I'm worried about the performance of doing that if the master table is huge. Is there a more efficient way to code this, or a different way I could implement the UI?
There are various approaches you can take to improve the big-O performance of your prefix search, at the cost of increased code complexity; that said, given the size of your dataset (thousands of items) and the intended use (triggered by user interaction, rather than e.g. game logic that needs to run every frame), I think a simple linear search over the options is almost certainly going to be fast enough.
To test this theory, I timed the following code:
local dict = {}
for word in io.lines('/usr/share/dict/words') do
table.insert(dict, word)
local matched = {}
local search = "^" .. (...)
for _,word in ipairs(dict) do
if word:match(search) then
table.insert(matched, word)
print('Found '..#matched..' words.')
I used /usr/bin/time -v and tried it with both lua 5.2 and luaJIT.
Note that this is fairly pessimistic compared to your code:
no attempt made to localize library functions that are repeatedly called, or use # instead of table.insert
timing includes not just the search but also the cost of loading the dictionary into memory in the first place
string.match is almost certainly slower than stringx.startswith
dictionary contains ~100k entries rather than the "hundreds to thousands" you expect in your application
Even with all those caveats, it costs 50-100ms in lua5.2 and 30-50ms in luaJIT, over 50 runs.
If I use os.clock() to time the actual search, it consistently costs about 10ms in lua5.2 and 3-4 in luajit.
Now, this is on a fairly fast laptop (Core i7), but also non-optimized code running on a dataset 10-100x larger than you expect to process; given that, I suspect that the naïve approach of just looping over the entries calling startswith will be plenty fast for your purposes, and result in code that's significantly simpler and easier to debug.

Why do we use data structures? (when no dynamic allocation is needed)

I'm pretty sure this is a silly newbie question but I didn't know it so I had to ask...
Why do we use data structures, like Linked List, Binary Search Tree, etc? (when no dynamic allocation is needed)
I mean: wouldn't it be faster if we kept a single variable for a single object? Wouldn't that speed up access time? Eg: BST possibly has to run through some pointers first before it gets to the actual data.
Except for when dynamic allocation is needed, is there a reason to use them?
Eg: using linked list/ BST / std::vector in a situation where a simple (non-dynamic) array could be used.
Each thing you are storing is being kept in it's own variable (or storage location). Data structures apply organization to your data. Imagine if you had 10,000 things you were trying to track. You could store them in 10,000 separate variables. If you did that, then you'd always be limited to 10,000 different things. If you wanted more, you'd have to modify your program and recompile it each time you wanted to increase the number. You might also have to modify the code to change the way in which the calculations are done if the order of the items changes because the new one is introduced in the middle.
Using data structures, from simple arrays to more complex trees, hash tables, or custom data structures, allows your code to both be more organized and extensible. Using an array, which can either be created to hold the required number of elements or extended to hold more after it's first created keeps you from having to rewrite your code each time the number of data items changes. Using an appropriate data structure allows you to design algorithms based on the relationships between the data elements rather than some fixed ordering, giving you more flexibility.
A simple analogy might help to understand. You could, for example, organize all of your important papers by putting each of them into separate filing cabinet. If you did that you'd have to memorize (i.e., hard-code) the cabinet in which each item can be found in order to use them effectively. Alternatively, you could store each in the same filing cabinet (like a generic array). This is better in that they're all in one place, but still not optimum, since you have to search through them all each time you want to find one. Better yet would be to organize them by subject, putting like subjects in the same file folder (separate arrays, different structures). That way you can look for the file folder for the correct subject, then find the item you're looking for in it. Depending on your needs you can use different filing methods (data structures/algorithms) to better organize your information for it's intended use.
I'll also note that there are times when it does make sense to use individual variables for each data item you are using. Frequently there is a mixture of individual variables and more complex structures, using the appropriate method depending on the use of the particular item. For example, you might store the sum of a collection of integers in a variable while the integers themselves are stored in an array. A program would need to be pretty simple though before the introduction of data structures wouldn't be appropriate.
Sorry, but you didn't just find a great new way of doing things ;) There are several huge problems with this approach.
How could this be done without requring programmers to massively (and nontrivially) rewrite tons of code as soon as the number of allowed items changes? Even when you have to fix your data structure sizes at compile time (e.g. arrays in C), you can use a constant. Then, changing a single constant and recompiling is sufficent for changes to that size (if the code was written with this in mind). With your approach, we'd have to type hundreds or even thousands of lines every time some size changes. Not to mention that all this code would be incredibly hard to read, write, maintain and verify. The old truism "more lines of code = more space for bugs" is taken up to eleven in such a setting.
Then there's the fact that the number is almost never set in stone. Even when it is a compile time constant, changes are still likely. Writing hundreds of lines of code for a minor (if it exists at all) performance gain is hardly ever worth it. This goes thrice if you'd have to do the same amount of work again every time you want to change something. Not to mention that it isn't possible at all once there is any remotely dynamic component in the size of the data structures. That is to say, it's very rarely possible.
Also consider the concept of implicit and succinct data structures. If you use a set of hard-coded variables instead of abstracting over the size, you still got a data structure. You merely made it implicit, unrolled the algorithms operating on it, and set its size in stone. Philosophically, you changed nothing.
But surely it has a performance benefit? Well, possible, although it will be tiny. But it isn't guaranteed to be there. You'd save some space on data, but code size would explode. And as everyone informed about inlining should know, small code sizes are very useful for performance to allow the code to be in the cache. Also, argument passing would result in excessive copying unless you'd figure out a trick to derive the location of most variables from a few pointers. Needless to say, this would be nonportable, very tricky to get right even on a single platform, and liable to being broken by any change to the code or the compiler invocation.
Finally, note that a weaker form is sometimes done. The Wikipedia page on implicit and succinct data structures has some examples. On a smaller scale, some data structures store much data in one place, such that it can be accessed with less pointer chasing and is more likely to be in the cache (e.g. cache-aware and cache-oblivious data structures). It's just not viable for 99% of all code and taking it to the extreme adds only a tiny, if any, benefit.
The main benefit to datastructures, in my opinion, is that you are relationally grouping them. For instance, instead of having 10 separate variables of class MyClass, you can have a datastructure that groups them all. This grouping allows for certain operations to be performed because they are structured together.
Not to mention, having datastructures can potentially enforce type security, which is powerful and necessary in many cases.
And last but not least, what would you rather do?
string string1 = "string1";
string string2 = "string2";
string string3 = "string3";
string string4 = "string4";
string string5 = "string5";
List<string> myStringList = new List<string>() { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4", "string5" };
foreach (string s in myStringList)

Is there any point to using Any() linq expression for optimisation purposes?

I have a MVC application which returns 2 types of Json responses from 2 controller methods; AnyRemindersExist() and GetAllUserReminders(). The first returns a boolean, 2nd returns an array, both wrapped as Json.
I have a JavaScript timer checking for calendar reminders against a user. It makes the first call (AnyRemindersExist) to check whether reminders exist and whether the client should then make the 2nd call.
For example, if the result of the Json response is false from the Any() query, it doesn't then make the 2nd controller action which makes a LINQ select call. If there are reminders that exist, it then goes further and then requests them (making use of the LINQ SELECT).
Imagine a system ramped up where 100-1000s users use the system and on the client, every 30-60 seconds a request comes in to load in the reminders. Does this Any() call help in anyway in reducing load on the server?
If you're always going to get the actual values afterwards, then no - it would make more sense to have fewer requests, and just always give the full results. I very much doubt that returning no results is slower than returning an indication that there are no results.
EDIT: tvanfosson's latest comment (at the time of this writing) is worth promoting:
You can really only tell by measuring and I'd only resort to it IFF the performance of the select only option didn't meet the requirements.
That's the most important thing about performance: the value of a guess is much less than the value of test data.
I would say that it depends on how the underlying queries are translated. If the any call is translated into an indexed lookup when the select (perhaps due to a join to get related data) must do some sort of table scan, then it will save some work in the case when there are no reminders to be found. It will cause a little extra work when there are reminders. It might be useful if the majority of the calls don't result in any results.
In the general case, though, I would just select the data and only try to optimize IF that turns out to not be fast enough. The conditions under which it will actually save effort on the server are pretty narrow and might only apply if you hand-craft the SQL rather than depend on your ORM.
Any only checks to see if there is at least one item in the Collection that is being returned. Versus using something like Count > 0 which counts the total amount of items in the collection then yes this is more optimal.
If your AnyRemindersExist method is operating on a similar principle then not calling a second call to the server would reduce your load.
So you are asking if not doing work the application doesn't need to do would reduce the workload on the server?
Of course. How would this answer every be "yes, doing extra work for no reason won't effect the server load".
It ultimately depends on how much faster the Any check is compared to getting the results and how often it will be false.
If the Any call takes near as long as the select then it pretty
much never makes sense.
If the Any call is much faster than the select but 90% of the
time it's true, then it probably isn't worth it (best case you
get 10% improvement, worst case it's actually more work).
If the Any call is much faster than the select and 90% of the
time it's false, then it probably makes sense to check if there
are any before actually getting results.
So the answer is it depends on your specific scenario. Ultimately you're going to need to measure both the relative performance (on different typical loads, maybe some queries are more intensive than others) as well as the frequency that there are no results to return.
Actually it should almost never make sense to check Any in this case.
If Any returns false then you don't need to grab the results.
However this means it would have returned no results anyway, so
unless your Any check is significantly faster than a select
returning 0 results, there's no added benefit here.
On the other hand, if Any returns true, then you'll need to get the
results anyway, so in this case Any is purely additional work done.

How to count occurrences of a substring within string fast with Ruby

I have a text file sized 300MB, I want to count the occurrences of each 10,000 substrings in the file. I want to know how to do it fast.
Now, I use the following code:
content ="path/to/mytextfile")
Word.each do |w|
w.occurrence = content.scan(
Word is an ActiveRecord class.
It took me almost 1 day to finish the counting. Is there anyway to do it faster? Thanks.
Thank you again. I am running rails 2.3.9. The name filed of words table contains what I am searching for, and it contains only unique values. Instead of using Word.each, I use batch(1000 rows a time) load. It should help.
I rewrited the whole code with the idea from bpaulon. Now it only took a few hours to finish the counting.
I profiled the new version code, now the largest time costing methods are utf8 encode supported string truncating code
def truncate(n)
and characters counting code
def utf8_length
Any other faster methods to replace them?
Your use of scan creates an array, counts the size of it, then throws it away. If you have a lot of occurrences of the substring inside a big file, you will create a big array temporarily, potentially burning up CPU time with memory management, but that should still run pretty quickly, even with 300MB.
Because Word is an ActiveRecord class, it is dependent on the schema and any indexes in your database, plus any issues your database server might be having. If the database is not optimized or is responding slowly or the query used to retrieve the data is not efficient, then the iteration will be slow. You might find it a lot faster to grab groups of Word so they are in RAM, then iterate over them.
And, if the database and your code are running on the same machine, you could be suffering from resource constraints like having only one drive, not enough RAM, etc.
Without knowing more about your environment and hardware it's hard to say.
I can grab the substrings into an array/hash first, then add the count results to the array or hash, and write the results back to database after all the counting is done. You think it be faster, right?
No, I doubt that will help a lot, and, without knowing where the problem lies all you might do is make the problem worse because you'll have to load 10,000 records as objects from the database, then build a 10,000 element hash or array which will also be in memory along with the DB records, then write them out.
Ruby will only use a single core, currently, but you can gain speed by using Ruby 1.9+. I'd recommend installing RVM and letting it manage your Ruby. Be sure to read the instructions on that page, then run rvm notes and follow those directions.
What is your Word model and the underlying schema and indexes look like? Is the database on the same machine?
EDIT: From looking at your table schema, you have no indexes except for id which really won't help much for normal look-ups. I'd recommend presenting your schema on Stack Overflow's sibling site and explain what you want to do. At a minimum I'd add a key to the text fields to help avoid full table scans for any searches you do.
What might help more is to read: Retrieving Multiple Objects in Batches from "Active Record Query Interface".
Also, look at the SQL being emitted when your Word.each is running. Is it something like "select * from word"? If so, Rails is pulling in 10,000 records to iterate over them one by one. If it is something like "select * from word where id=1" then for every record you have a database read followed by a write when you update the count. That is the scenario that the "Retrieving Multiple Objects in Batches" link will help fix.
Also, I am guessing that content is the text you are searching for, but I can't tell for sure. Is it possible you have duplicated text values causing you to do scans more than once for the same text? If so, select your records using a unique condition on that field and then update your counts for all matching records at one time.
Have you profiled your code to see if Ruby itself can help you pinpoint the problem? Modify your code a little to process 100 or 1000 records. Start the app with the -r profile flag. When the app exits profiler will output a table showing where time was spent.
What version of Rails are you running?
I think you could approach this problem differently
You do not need to scan the file this many times, you could create a db, like in mongo or mysql, and for each word you find, you fetch the db for it and then adds on some "counter" field.
You could ask me "but then I will have to scan my database a lot and it could take a lot more". Well, sure you wouldn't ask this, but it won't take more time because databases are focused in IO, besides you could always index it.
EDIT: There is no way to delimit at all?? Let's say that where you have the a string you really holds a (not simple) regex. Could the regex contain the \n? Well, if the regex can contain any value, you should estimate the maximum size of string the regex can fetch, double it, and scan the file by that ammount of chars but moving the cursor by that number.
Lets say your estimate of the maximum your regex could fetch it is like 20 chars nad your file has from 0 to 30000 chars. You pass each regex you have from 0 to 40 chars, then again from 20 to 60, from 40 to 80, etc...
You should also hold the position you found of your smaller regex so it wouldn't repeat it.
Finally, this solution seems to be not worth the effort, your problem may have a greater solution based on what that regexes are, but it will be faster than invoke scan Words.count times your your 300Mb string.
You could load your entire "Word" table into a Trie, then do back-tracking since you said there are no delimiters in the text.
So for each character in the text, go down the Trie of words. If you hit a word, increment its count. "Going down the trie" involves three cases:
There's no node at this character. (If you're mid-search, pop the back-tracking stack)
There's a node at this character. (But it's not a Word)
There's a node at this character. (It's a Word - increment and "dirty")
Back-tracking is just keeping track of places you want to go after you've exhausted this "search" of the Trie, which is when you run out of nodes to visit. This will probably be each character you visit that is a root of the Trie.
After you've done this, you can then visit all the nodes you changed and just update the records they represent.
This will take some time to implement, but will surely be faster than each & scan.
