Total read time in Dataflow job has high variance - google-cloud-dataflow

I have a Dataflow job that reads log files from my GCS bucket that are split by time and host machine. The structure of the bucket is as follows:
Each job can end up consuming on the order of 10,000+ log files of around 10-100 KB in size.
Normally our job takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. We at times see our jobs spike to 2-3x that amount of time, and find that the majority of the increase is seen in the work items related to reading the data files. How can we reduce this variance on our job execution time? Is there a throughput issue with reading from GCS?

Most likely the variance you see in your jobs is due to GCS network latency. While typically the latency to retrieve items from GCS is rather small, it can spike depending on various factors like network conditions and time of day. There is no SLA around latency when it comes to reading from GCS. The throughput from GCS is probably not the factor as the size of the data files you are reading are rather small.
If network conditions are such that your latency increases significantly, this effect will grow proportionally by the number of files you are reading.
One way to alleviate the variance in job time is to try and combine your log files before reading them in such that you have fewer files to read that are larger in size.

I have a different insight on this. Reading a gzip file implies it is being unzipped first on the worker machine. The unzip on the gzip file is a single core (ideally 1 n1-standard-1 worker) operation because gzip as a compression format is not splittable.
In the above scenario, there might be some files which are significantly larger compared to other files and will most likely result into creating stragglers (workers in the dataflow job that lag behind) which will increase the job execution time.
I can think of two solutions to keep the job execution time as minimum as possible -
Change to a splittable compression format like bzip2 so that all the files are massively parallelised and the read operation is completed as fast as possible.
Make the gzip files as minimum in size as possible so that a large number of workers consume a huge number of files and total execution time is less. For example, having 10 workers read 10 gzip files of 100KB each, have 100 workers read zip files of 10KB each. GCP bills you per minute, so cost should most probably remain the same.


dask scheduler OOM opening a large number of avro files

I'm trying to run a pipeline via dask on a cluster on gcp. The pipeline loads a lot of avro files from cloud storage (~5300 files with around 300MB each) like this
bag = db.read_avro(
It then applies some transformations and saves the data back to cloud storage (as parquet files).
I've tested this pipeline with a fraction of the avro files and it works perfectly, but when I tell it to ingest all the files, the scheduler process sits at 100% CPU for a long time and at some point it runs out of memory (I have tried scaling my master node running the scheduler up to 64GB of RAM but that still does not suffice), while the workers are idling. I assume that the problem is that it has to create an excessive amount of tasks that are all held in RAM before being distributed to the workers.
Is this some sort of antipattern that I'm using when trying to open a very large number of files? If so, is there perhaps a built-in way to better cope with this or would I have to split the avro files manually?
Avro with Dask at scale is not particularly well-trodden territory. There is no theoretical reason it should not work. You could inspect the contents of the graph to see if things are getting serialised there that are large, or if simply a massive number of tasks are being generated. If the former, it may be solvable, and you could raise an issue.
As you say, you may be able to keep the load on the scheduler down by processing sub-batches out of the total set of files at a time and waiting for completion.

GCP Dataflow - Throughput gradually slows down, Workers underutilized

I have a Beam script running in GCP Dataflow. This data flow performs the below steps:
Read a number of files that are PGP encrypted. (Total size more than 100 GB, individual files are of 2 GB in size)
Decrypt the files to form a PCollection
Do a wait() on PCollection
Do some processing on each record in the PCollection before writing into an output file
Behavior seen with GCP Dataflow:
When reading the input files and decrypting the files, it starts with one workers, and then scales upto 30 workers. But, only one worker continues to be utilized, utilization in all other workers is less than 10 %
Initially, throughput was 150K records per second while decryption. So, 90% of the decryption gets completed in 1 hours, which is good. But, then the throughput slows down gradually, even to just 100 records per second. So, it takes another 1-2 hours to complete the remaining 10% of the workload.
Any idea why the workers are underutilized? If there is no utilization, why are they not scaled down? Here, I am paying unnecessarily for a large number of VM-s :-(. Second, why the throughput slows reduction towards the end, and thereby significantly increasing the time for completion?
There is an issue related to the throughput and input behavior of the Cloud Dataflow. I suggest you to track the improvements being made to the autoscaling and utilization behavior of workers here.
The default architecture for Dataflow worker processing and autoscaling is not as responsive in some cases compared to when the Dataflow Streaming Engine feature is enabled. I would recommend you to try running the relevant Dataflow pipeline with Streaming Engine enabled, since it provides a more responsive autoscaling performance based on CPU utilization for your pipeline.
I hope you find the above pieces of information useful.
Can you try to implement your solution without wait() ?
For example,
FileIO.match().filepattern() -> ParDo(DoFn to decrypt files) -> fileIO.readmatches() -> ParDo(DoFn to read files)
See the example here.
This should allow your pipeline to better parallelize.

How do you determine how many resources to provision in a Google Dataflow streaming pipeline?

I'm curious how to decide on how to provision resources for Apache Beam pipelines running on Google's Dataflow platform. I've built a streaming pipeline (Beam Java 2.0.0) that takes a PubSub JSON string, transforms it to a BQ TableRow, then routes it to the correct tables. There are also two transforms within the pipeline, one with a 5 minute sliding window every minute and another window with a 1 minute fixed time duration.
For some context, each incoming message is about a 1KB JSON string, and at an extreme peak the pipeline will receive 250,000 messages in one second. My sliding time window could possibly grow to have 5,000,000 million tablerows / minute before it closes (worst case scenario, but that's what we're planning for). Our typical peak traffic usage is about 75k messages / second. However, 90% of the time our pipeline is processing only 30 messages / second.
We're running on dataflow with autoscaling enabled, and by default Google provisions 4 CPUs, 15GB, and 420gb * max_number of workers for streaming pipelines. With 10 max workers set, we're going to be paying for 4.2TB of disk usage a month. That seems a bit overkill, but I don't know what data I should be looking at to verify my theory.
Something I've been thinking about is to instead use 2 CPUs and 7.5 GB of memory with 20GB of SSD per worker, and setting the max number of workers at 50. Under this configuration, we'd have at minimum 4 workers.
Summary of my spiel:
- How do you determine the CPU, RAM, and disk space you need for your streaming pipelines?
- How do you determine that a pipeline should provision SSD resources instead of standard harddrives?
- What metric measurements can I look at to measure performance of my pipeline?
Since pipelines are very different, there is no all purpose general way to say how many workers and what sizes of disks to use. There are several approaches that do work well though:
Dataflow's horizontal scaling is very close to linear. This means
that if you run a sampled pipeline (eg by sampling 10% of your input
traffic) you can very quickly estimate the resources the full
pipeline will need, without overpaying. You can tell if the pipeline is "keeping up" with the input, if the system lag stays low, and the data watermark continues to advance. You can then estimate the
maximum number of workers that your pipeline will need at peak input rate using this strategy. Lets call this number m
Having done the above, you can then rely on autoscaling, having set the maxNumWorkers flag to a number k*m where k will effectively determine how quickly your pipeline can catch up from a backlog at peak load. Eg, at k=1 the pipeline can only keep up with peak load, so a backlog at peak load may never be drained, or wait for non-peak load to drain. at k=2 the pipeline can process 2x the peak load, so it will catch up faster. Of course this is a tradeoff for how many resources you are willing to pay for during backlog, and how much catchup latency you are willing to tolerate.
Autoscaling will also ensure that the pipeline downscales during non-peak load, so that you will not be paying for all of the resources during non-peak times.
A few other notes:
Streaming dataflow tends to perform better with 4 CPU workers vs 2 CPU workers. This is because there is some per-worker overhead, and certain tuning for work parallelism that is optimized to 4 CPU workers.
SSD use should already be enabled by default when using dataflow, as SSDs drastically improve write throughput and lead to much better performance.

Is this a good use-case for Dataflow?

We currently are using google taskqueues to batch up requests to store analytics data into Keen and Stathat (more performant with batch puts). In order to consume from the taskqueues, we have a set of process brokers and workers to consume from the taskqueues. Seeing as dataflow is something where we just write the logic for pushing to our analytics solutions and we can specify a batch size to pull when processing in our dataflow program, I was curious if the overhead (seems more taylored to much larger applications) of dataflow is a good fit.
Your use case seems like a good one for Dataflow. Rather than publishing to a task queue you could publish to pubsub as a way to stream your data to your Dataflow job. Your Dataflow job could use Dataflow windows and triggers to batch your data based on size and/or time. You could then write each batch to your datastore.
Dataflow should work well on small datasets. The overhead would likely be in the cost of unused CPU cycles of Dataflow workers. Dataflow allows you to control the number of workers so you can allocate a number of workers suitable for your data size.
Utilization will depend on how evenly your load is spread out in time. If your peak and average loads are quite different then you can make a tradeoff between latency and utilization. If you want to maintain low latency then you can pick the number of workers so that you keep up during peak times. On the other hand if you want to maximize utilization, you can provision the number of workers based on average load. During peak times you would start to accumulate a backlog of messages in pubsub. The system would get rid of that backlog during non-peak times when there was spare capacity.
Right now Dataflow doesn't support writing custom sinks for unbounded data. One way to work around this is to do the writes from a DoFn rather than a sink. This should work just fine provided you can do your writes in an idempotent way so that writing a record multiple times won't cause problems.
Windowing and triggers are a way of dividing your data into finite batches to which aggregations (e.g. grouping, summing, etc...) can be applied. This blog post explains it better than I could (look at the section "windowing").

Dataflow job takes too long to start

I'm running a job which reads about ~70GB of (compressed data).
In order to speed up processing, I tried to start a job with a large number of instances (500), but after 20 minutes of waiting, it doesn't seem to start processing the data (I have a counter for the number of records read). The reason for having a large number of instances is that as one of the steps, I need to produce an output similar to an inner join, which results in much bigger intermediate dataset for later steps.
What should be an average delay before the job is submitted and when it starts executing? Does it depend on the number of machines?
While I might have a bug that causes that behavior, I still wonder what that number/logic is.
The time necessary to start VMs on GCE grows with the number of VMs you start, and in general VM startup/shutdown performance can have high variance. 20 minutes would definitely be much higher than normal, but it is somewhere in the tail of the distribution we have been observing for similar sizes. This is a known pain point :(
To verify whether VM startup is actually at fault this time, you can look at Cloud Logs for your job ID, and see if there's any logging going on: if there is, then some VMs definitely started up. Additionally you can enable finer-grained logging by adding an argument to your main program:
This will cause workers to log detailed information, such as receiving and processing work items.
Meanwhile I suggest to enable autoscaling instead of specifying a large number of instances manually - it should gradually scale to the appropriate number of VMs at the appropriate moment in the job's lifetime.
Another possible (and probably more likely) explanation is that you are reading a compressed file that needs to be decompressed before it is processed. It is impossible to seek in the compressed file (since gzip doesn't support it directly), so even though you specify a large number of instances, only one instance is being used to read from the file.
The best way to approach the solution of this problem would be to split a single compressed file into many files that are compressed separately.
The best way to debug this problem would be to try it with a smaller compressed input and take a look at the logs.
