UITextField iOS: how to deal with the dismiss keyboard button? - ios

On the iPhone in Landscape orientation, there is a button in the lower right corner that causes the keyboard to dismiss. I really don't want this button to be there, since I have a Done button already and users should only be able to stop editing the textfield by pressing this Done button (which has to be there to address portrait orientation anyway).
I'm wondering if there's a way to remove that keyboard dismissal button, or if not, I'd appreciate any suggestions for UITextField delegate behavior that differentiates between proper dismissal (Done button pressed) and improper (first responder might resign even though Done button not pressed, e.g. because of aforementioned problem button or view controller dismissal).

One thing you can do is declare a variable, something like, isDismissedProperly and initiate it to false. Then subscribe to keyboard show and hide notifications. UIKeyboardDidShowNotification and UIKeyboardDidHideNotification. In the target method for done button(as mentioned in the question), change the isDismissedProperly to true. And in the keyboardDidHide method, you can check if isDismissedProperly is true or false.
If it's true, then user dismissed the keyboard by pressing done button.
Hope it helps!


Detecting when back button is tapped in navigation bar

I need to resignFirstResponder() on a text field when the user taps the back button in the navigation bar of the navigation controller, otherwise I get some error. The back button works as it should (the previous view gets shown) but I don't know where to do resign first responder. It's too late if I do it in viewWillDisappear() (I tried), and prepareForSegue() doesn't get called, so I need to somehow do it as soon as the back button gets tapped or at least before viewWillDisappear(). How do I detect that event?
Note: See first comment on question for simpler answer
You could combine NotificationCenterand this post: Execute action when back bar button of UINavigationController is pressed to make a custom back button (that looks the same). Just post a Notification in the action for the back button, and add an observer for the Notification on the textfield whose action calls resignFirstResponder. You would also need to make an image or draw an image in CoreGraphics for the arrow.

After Modal Dismissal, keyboard displays the wrong color - iOS

I have a question in regards to the color of the keyboard after a modal is dismissed. Basically, the flow goes like this...
I press a toolbar button on a keyboard that brings up a modal view controller.
That modal view controller dismisses itself and then calls a method on the presenting view controller that makes a text field first responder.
Here are some photos
Weirdly colored keyboard
Normal keyboard
In case it helps, I can get from the weirdly colored keyboard to the normal keyboard by pressing the shift key.
I saw this happen when I inadvertently tried to make my input field first responder twice and also when I let the system resign and re-establish first responder around my modal
I fixed the problem by manually resigning first responder before my modal was presented, and then manually becoming first responder again after my modal was dismissed.
You might just try manually resigning first responder before you present your modal.

What is the correct approach for dismissing the keyboard when using a UITextView?

I am wondering what the best approach for dismissing a keyboard is when using a UITextView. At the minute for UITextFields I dismiss the keyboard when the return button is pressed. However for the TextView I want to have the return button actually add new lines so there is no additional buttons remaining to close.
What if any is the current "standard" approach for dealing with this issue? For example is it to add an additional button on the screen or is there another approach?
On the iPad there is a "dismiss" button on the keyboard. For iPhones, add an inputAccessoryView to the UITextView. Put a "dismiss" button there.
If you have several fields (text fields, text views, etc.) in some sort of form, you could have a standard inputAccessoryView for all of them. Include a "Next" button (to go to the next field) and a "Done" button (to dismiss the keyboard).

Why iOS default did not support auto keyboard dismiss function?

while I develop iOS application with swift, I wondered why apple did not support auto-dismiss keyboard function in application. This means if I implement a TextLabel on screen, I tapped that label, Keyboard appears, but did not dismissed automatically.
I thought many of application keyboards need to dismissed when users tap on outside of the keyboard screen or click 'done' button on a screen. However, basically, I have to implement keyboard dismiss function on every ViewController. And I think this is code duplication.
Anyone can explain me about apple's application method implementation philosophy and how can I wrote an reusable function, which is not duplicated function in every ViewController scheme.
Transposed from Comments:
In general apps where the main function utilizes the keyboard would rather control when the keyboard dismisses themselves instead on relying on an auto feature.
Ex: For a texting app after I click the send button I would like to send another text. Then I shouldn't dismiss the keyboard.
If you are dismissing the keyboard multiple times than I would try making a view controller class that handles that and subclass it. You can observe when the keyboard is shown and add a button on top of your view so when it is clicked the keyboard dismisses using [self.view endEditing:YES];

Different popover for editing and non editing text field

Ok, sorry if the title is a little off. Hope I explain it better here. What I want to do is have a popover (iPad app) that will do different things based on the state of a UITextField. So if the user is typing in that text field and then taps the popover button, the popover appears and if the user taps something in that popover it will get added to that text field (think something like adding often used text). In this situation the popover will only disappear when the text field finishes editing.
However if the user taps the popover button when the text field is not editing then that list of items still appears but now it should disappear if the user taps outside the popover.
I hear something about pass-through views, but I'm not certain that is what I need.
Does anybody know a good way to do this?
The passthrought views are views outside the popover that don't cause it to dismiss automatically. When you want to dismiss the popover from your code when the textfield has finished editing call [myPopover dismissPopoverAnimated:YES].
For adding text blocks into the textfield I think delegation is the right thing to do. You set the your main view as the delegate of the conten view of the popover and each time a text block in the popover is selected you tell the delegate to add this block to the textfields text.
When you want to prevent the popover from dismissing while the textfield is being edited you should implement the UIPopoverControllerDelegate methode popoverControllerShouldDismissPopover:.
