UIbutton misplaced in simulator - ios

Here I have to implement the UIView for both the screens iPhone 5 and 6. So I used the screeHeight to integrate the UIView. But the button in the view is misplaced in iPhone 5s simulator and works fine in iPhone 6 simulator Here is the code for that. Whatever I changed the values in x and y remains the same top position.
if screenHeight == 568{
self.viewFareEstimate.frame = CGRect(x:0, y:150, width:359, height:40)

The screen size of Iphone 5 is 320 × 568, but your width is more than 320.
Try this
if screenHeight == 568{
self.viewFareEstimate.frame = CGRect(x:0, y:150, width:320, height:40)

Hi #imac for good programming practices try to avoid to give constant values to frame.
For your refrence height for iPhone 5 is 568.0f & 6 is 667.0f are different,
Whenever you want size width full then try to give frame like this,
self.viewFareEstimate.frame = CGRect(x:0, y:150, width:self.view.frame.size.width, height:40);// Manage width by + or - constant value now.
In your case check that if you are giving constraint from storyboard already then it should work with setting frame only.


Increasing height of UIView.frame programmatically works till iPhone 8 plus but doesn't works beyond model iphone x

I am increasing the height for UIView programmatically in runtime on click of button, it works fine on iPhone 6,7,8 and plus models but doesn't works on iPhone X and beyond models. i have initially set constraints programmatically as i views are autoLayout based. I also tried to set constraints at runtime which didn't helped too.
//Tried this and working till iPhone 8+
self.view.frame.size.height += CGFloat(280)
self.view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.view.frame.width,
height: self.view.frame.height + 20.0)
//Tried setting height constraint
self.view.autoSetDimension(.height, toSize: 270)
Debug view hierarchy and look for conflicting constraints that might interfere with your height constraint. Also make sure you set translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints to false if you set constraints in code.
Also: if you set your constraint like this in code (apparently you are using PureLayout), that method returns the reference to that height constraint. So if you want to modify it, you need to update the constant value of your constraint, instead of setting a new one.
For any further help you certainly need to share more information.

How do I add constraints so that my view's dimensions do not change when the orientation changes?

I want my view to have the following properties (the numbers are arbitrarily chosen):
width is equal to height divided by 1.2
stays at the bottom right of the screen
height is 1/7 of the screen's height when in portrait
width and height does not change when the orientation changes
The first three requirements can be easily translated into UILayoutConstraints. I have done them with SnapKit just because it reads more clearly. You should see what I mean even if you have never used SnapKit before.
let myView = UIView(frame: .zero)
myView.backgroundColor = .green
myView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
make.height.equalTo(view.snp.height).dividedBy(7) // *
The problem is the last bullet point. When I rotate the device from portrait to landscape, what was originally the width before the rotation, becomes the height after the rotation. This causes my view to become smaller as a result.
Basically, I want to replace the constraint marked with * with something like this:
make.height.equalTo(max(view.snp.height, view.snp.width)).dividedBy(7)
but I don't think max(a, b) is a thing in SnapKit or the UILayoutConstraint API.
Surely there is some other way of expressing "equal to whichever length is longer", right?
P.S. I didn't tag this with snapkit because I would also accept an answer that uses the UILayoutConstraint API.
Looks like you have 2 options:
Hardcode the height value.
Try to use nativeBounds:
This rectangle is based on the device in a portrait-up orientation. This value does not change as the device rotates.
In this case the height is always be for portrait mode.
myView.snp.makeConstraints { make in
let screenHeight = UIScreen.main.nativeBounds.height / UIScreen.main.nativeScale
let height = screenHeight / 7

How to make sure uiview looks same in different ipads without using constraints

in below example i have mentioned
-view (UIView which i will be displaying in both iPads).
-parentView (container UIView that will be same as iPads resolution).
-parentViewOfIPadInWhichViewHasMade : this is parentview of iPads in which view has been saved.this will be used when displaying view in different iPads.
function is i am saving view in iPad mini and saving it will store its frame information on server and when open app from iPad pro it will fetch those data from server and display view in iPad pro.
this is my expected output if view has been resized to fullscreen of iPad Pro and Fetched From iPad Mini
iPad Pro 12.9 inch :
view.size (x : -25.0, y : -25.0, width : 1416.0, height : 874.0)
parentView.size (x : 0.0, y : 0.0, width : 1366.0, height : 824.0)
iPad Mini :
view.size : (x : -25.0,y : -25.0, width : 1074.0, height : 618.0)
parentView.size : (x : 0.0, y : 0.0, width : 1024.0, height : 568.0)
to get this i have wrote below code in view did load.
viewX = parentView.frame.width * view.origin.x / parentViewOfIPadInWhichViewHasMade!.width
viewY = parentView.frame.height * view!.origin.y / parentViewOfIPadInWhichViewHasMade!.height
viewWidth = parentView.frame.width * view!.frame.width / parentViewOfIPadInWhichViewHasMade!.width
viewHeight = parentView.frame.height * view!.frame.height / parentViewOfIPadInWhichViewHasMade!.height
note : can't fix size of view or use Constraint.
I can suggest a couple of ideas (before coding..):
1) your graphic/creative design must precisely consider the layout as a UX point of view. After this huge work you can start coding.
2) You can of course use code without using constraints. Asa programmer you cn prefer to do math instead of using mouse. But be careful: Using constraints is much more flexible and you can mix code too.
3) a pervasive and deep approach can be to implement layoutSubviews in every view..
override func layoutSubviews() {
if(self.subTitle?.text == nil) {
self.callLabel?.center.y = (self.titleLabel?.center.y)!
but honestly for basic needs, better to use constraints, and eventually add an IBOutlet so you can control in code, for example height in custom view:
final func setH(Hconstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!){
var h = Hconstraint!.constant
if (.... add your test based on models, orientation...){
h = H1
h = H2
Hconstraint.constant = h // re-apply height.
self.setNeedsDisplay() // to trigger redraw... seems needed in some cases...
(you can also add this code in controller.. but better to put it in custom view, so the logic is there..)
we need to use scale for this problem.
if we have saved view in ipad pro and opening in ipad mini than we need to set parentview's height and width from ipad pro parentview. and than scale down it to ipad mini parentview and calculate x and y cordinate change.

resize my app on another iOS devices?

Iv'e made an app for for iPhone 5, now i want to make it available for another iOS devices, but i don't know how to resize the label in different sizes.
I've got a label that change his point by the iPhone 5 size:
if (a == true) {
self.minutes.frame = CGRectMake(271, 109, 140,100)
I used to play with the auto layouts but the label always "jumps" to here:
CGRectMake(271, 109, 140,100)
and back to his first place.
How can i fix it.
Thank you
You can test for the different iphone sizes
if( UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.width == 568)
{self.minutes.frame = CGRectMake(271, 109, 140,100)}
else if(UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.width == 667 )
{ change to the size that looks best in iphone 6 }
else if(UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.width == 736 )
{ change to the size that looks best on iphone 6 plus }
{ change to the size that you want for the smaller devices }
You should definitely be using AutoLayout for this, if you tried you need to make sure you edit the constraints to change the position or size of views instead of setting the frame.
Here is a good tutorial that introduces AutoLayout: http://www.appcoda.com/introduction-auto-layout/
Also, UILabel has an intrinsic content size (the size depends on the text and font), therefore you shouldn't be changing it's size manually.

iOS 8 - UIWindow Orientation Is Always Portrait

I am updating an iOS 6 app to iOS 8 (iPad), and any new UIWindows that I create are always showing up in Portrait mode. The app originally supported both the Portrait and Landscape orientations but now will only support Landscape.
I've changed the supported orientations in the project file to Landscape Left and Landscape Right. The entire UI shows up in landscape, as expected, but when I create a new UIWindow, it shows up in portrait. The new UIWindow's frame matches the screen's frame exactly, so I can't imagine why/how it is showing up in portrait mode.
The following code is what I am using to create and show the new UIWindow, which acts as a modal:
var modalWindow:UIWindow = UIWindow(frame: self.view.window!.bounds)
modalWindow.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor().colorWithAlphaComponent(0.66)
modalWindow.hidden = false
modalWindow.windowLevel = (UIWindowLevelStatusBar + 1)
I've been struggling with this for a few hours; shouldn't the UIWindow be in landscape mode by default since the app only supports the Landscape orientation?
I would greatly appreciate any advice on how to resolve this issue.
I just created a new test app that only supports Landscape Left and Landscape Right, and the issue occurs there as well. Is this a bug? I can't seem to understand why the UIWindow would think the app is in Portrait mode when it's in Landscape mode.
EDIT (July 2, 2015)
This answer breaks in iOS 8.3+ and possibly previous versions of iOS 8. I DO NOT recommend that anyone uses it, especially since it is not guaranteed to work in future iOS versions.
My new solution uses the standard presentViewController method of a UIViewController. I initialize a UIViewController, add my custom modal View as a subview of the UIViewController, and then position the modal View using constraints. Works like a charm!
Original Answer
I left this for a while but decided to come back to it today. I ended up rotating the modal window -90 degrees since it is automatically rotated 90 degrees to be displayed in portrait. I also added a small calculation for the modal window's width and height to support both iOS 7 and iOS 8. Here is my new code:
// Get the screen size
var screenSize:CGSize = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size
// Use the larger value of the width and the height since the width should be larger in Landscape
// This is needed to support iOS 7 since iOS 8 changed how the screen bounds are calculated
var widthToUse:CGFloat = (screenSize.width > screenSize.height) ? screenSize.width : screenSize.height
// Use the remaining value (width or height) as the height
var heightToUse:CGFloat = (widthToUse == screenSize.width ? screenSize.height : screenSize.width)
// Create a new modal window, which will take up the entire space of the screen
var modalWindow:UIWindow = UIWindow(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: widthToUse, height: heightToUse))
modalWindow.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor().colorWithAlphaComponent(0.66)
modalWindow.hidden = false
modalWindow.windowLevel = (UIWindowLevelStatusBar + 1)
// Create a -90 degree transform since the modal is always displayed in portrait for some reason
var newTransform:CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(CGFloat(-M_PI / 2))
// Set the transform on the modal window
modalWindow.transform = newTransform
// Set the X and Y position of the modal window to 0
modalWindow.frame.origin.x = 0
modalWindow.frame.origin.y = 0
As stated, this works great on both iOS 7+ and iOS 8+! When working with subviews, note that the modal's width and height values are switched since it's displaying in portrait. So, if you want to center a subview horizontally, use the modal window's height and the subview's width instead of both views' width.
