Predictors of different size for time series prediction using LSTM with Keras - time-series

I would like to predict time series values X using another time series Y and the past value of X.In detail, I would like to predict X at time t (Xt) using (Xt-p,...,Xt-1) and (Yt-p,...,Yt-1,Yt) with p the dimension of the "look back".
So, my problem is that I do not have the same length for my 2 predictors.
Let's use a exemple to be clearer.
If I use a timestep of 2, I would have for one observation :
[(Xt-p,Yt-p),...,(Xt-1,Yt-1),(??,Yt)] as input and Xt as output. I do not know what to use instead of the ??
I understand that mathematically speaking I need to have the same length for my predictors, so I am looking for a value to replace the missing value.
I really do not know if there is a good solution here and if I could to something so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers !
PS : you could see my problem as if I wanted to predict the number of ice cream sell one day in advance in a city using the forcast of weather for the next day. X would be the number of ice cream and Y could be the temperature.

You could e.g. do the following:
input_x = Input(shape=input_shape_x)
input_y = Input(shape=input_shape_y)
lstm_for_x = LSTM(50, return_sequences=False)(input_x)
lstm_for_y = LSTM(50, return_sequences=False)(input_y)
merged = merge([lstm_for_x, lstm_for_y], mode="concat") # for keras < 2.0
merged = Concatenate([lstm_for_x, lstm_for_y])
output = Dense(1)(merged)
model = Model([x_input, y_input], output)
model.compile(..)[X, Y], X_next)
Where X is an array of sequences, X_forward is X p-steps ahead and Y is an array of sequences of Ys.


Stata timeseries rolling forecast

I'm new to Stata and have a question about its command language. I want to use my ARIMA model to forecast, ie use x[t], x[t-1]... to produce an estimate xhat[t+1], and then roll forward one time step, to make the next forecast, rebuilding the model every N time steps.
i can duplicate code, something like the following code for T, T+1, T+2, etc.:
arima x if t<=T, arima(2,0,2)
predict xhat
to produce a series of xhats to compare with in-sample x observations. There must be a more natural way to do this in the command language. any suggestions, pointers would be very much appreciated.
Posting a working solution provided by Stata tech support:
webuse dfex
tsset month
generate int id = _n
capture program drop forecarima
program forecarima, rclass
syntax [if]
tempvar yhat
arima unemp `if', arima(1,1,0)
local T = e(tmax)
local T1 = `T' + 1
summarize id if month == `T1'
local h = r(max)
predict `yhat', y dynamic(`T')
return scalar y = unemp[`h']
return scalar yhat = `yhat'[`h']
rolling unemp = r(y) unemp_hat = r(yhat), window(400) recursive ///
saving(results,replace): forecarima
use results,clear
this provides output with the prediction and observed both available. the dates are off by one step, but easier left to post-processing.

Why am I getting almost same top 10 features using Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier for positive and negative class?

After running MultinomialNB multiple times I'm getting same features for +ve and -ve class BoW, TfIdf.
I even tried it on bi-grams, tri-grams still the same features for both classes.
best_alpha = 6
clf = MultinomialNB( alpha=best_alpha ), y_train)
y_train_pred = batch_predict(clf, X_tr)
y_test_pred = batch_predict(clf, X_te)
train_fpr, train_tpr, tr_thresholds = roc_curve(y_train, y_train_pred)
test_fpr, test_tpr, te_thresholds = roc_curve(y_test, y_test_pred)
This is the code for getting top 10 features for positive and negative classes of text data Tf-Idf.
feats_tfidf contains the features of categorical, numerical and text data.
For Positive class
sorted_idx = np.argsort( clf.feature_log_prob_[1] )[-10:]
for p,q in zip(feats_tfidf[ sorted_idx ], clf.feature_log_prob_[1][ sorted_idx ]):
Mathematics :-7.134937347073638
Literacy :-6.910334729871051
Grades_3_5 :-6.832969821702653
Ms :-6.791634814736902
Math_Science :-6.748584860699069
Grades_PreK_2 :-6.664767807632341
Literacy_Language :-6.4833650280402875
Mrs :-6.404885953106168
Teacher number of previously posted projects :-3.285663623429455
price :-0.09775430166978438
For negative class
sorted_idx = np.argsort( clf.feature_log_prob_[0] )[-10:]
for p,q in zip(feats_tfidf[ sorted_idx ], clf.feature_log_prob_[0][ sorted_idx ]):
Literacy :-7.31906682336635
Mathematics :-7.318545582802034
Grades_3_5 :-7.088236519755028
Ms :-6.970453484098645
Math_Science :-6.887189615718408
Grades_PreK_2 :-6.85882128589294
Literacy_Language :-6.8194613665941155
Mrs :-6.648860662073821
Teacher number of previously posted projects :-4.008908256269724
price :-0.08131982830664697
Please help me someone is it correct way of doing.
It should be like this
sorted_idx = np.argsort(-1 * clf_bow.feature_log_prob_[0] )[0:11]
for i in sorted_idx:
When you say [-10:] you would be printing elements in position (n-10), (n-9)....n
but we would want elements to be printed are n, n-1, n-2,... n-10
I'm working on the same problem, and yes I too got many top features that are common in both the classes, though it's not exactly in same order as yours.
Here's how I did it -
I first chained all the features and the probability values(exponential of log-probability) together and then sorted in descending order.
top 10 Positive class features
top 10 Negative class features
So yes, I think what you're getting is correct.

Compute annual mean using x-arrays

I have a python xarray dataset with time,x,y for its dimensions and value1 as its variable. I'm trying to compute annual mean of value1 for each x,y coordinate pair.
I've run into this function while reading the docs:
This seems to compute a single annual mean for all x,y coordinate pairs in value1 at each given time slice
rather than the annual means of individual x,y coordinate pairs at each given time slice.
While the code snippet above produces the wrong output, I'm very interested in its oversimplified form. I would really like to figure out the "X-arrays trick" to doing annual mean for a given x,y coordinate pair rather than hacking it together myself.
Cam someone point me in the right direction? Should I temporarily turn this into a pandas object?
To avoid the default of averaging over all dimensions, you simply need to supply the dimension you want to average over explicitly:
Note, that calling ds.groupby('time.year').mean('time') will be incorrect if you are working with monthly and not daily data. Taking the mean will place equal weight on months of different length, e.g., Feb and July, which is wrong.
Instead use below from NCAR:
def weighted_temporal_mean(ds, var):
weight by days in each month
# Determine the month length
month_length = ds.time.dt.days_in_month
# Calculate the weights
wgts = month_length.groupby("time.year") / month_length.groupby("time.year").sum()
# Make sure the weights in each year add up to 1
np.testing.assert_allclose(wgts.groupby("time.year").sum(xr.ALL_DIMS), 1.0)
# Subset our dataset for our variable
obs = ds[var]
# Setup our masking for nan values
cond = obs.isnull()
ones = xr.where(cond, 0.0, 1.0)
# Calculate the numerator
obs_sum = (obs * wgts).resample(time="AS").sum(dim="time")
# Calculate the denominator
ones_out = (ones * wgts).resample(time="AS").sum(dim="time")
# Return the weighted average
return obs_sum / ones_out
average_weighted_temp = weighted_temporal_mean(ds_first_five_years, 'TEMP')

Normalize a feature in this table

This has become quite a frustrating question, but I've asked in the Coursera discussions and they won't help. Below is the question:
I've gotten it wrong 6 times now. How do I normalize the feature? Hints are all I'm asking for.
I'm assuming x_2^(2) is the value 5184, unless I am adding the x_0 column of 1's, which they don't mention but he certainly mentions in the lectures when talking about creating the design matrix X. In which case x_2^(2) would be the value 72. Assuming one or the other is right (I'm playing a guessing game), what should I use to normalize it? He talks about 3 different ways to normalize in the lectures: one using the maximum value, another with the range/difference between max and mins, and another the standard deviation -- they want an answer correct to the hundredths. Which one am I to use? This is so confusing.
...use both feature scaling (dividing by the
"max-min", or range, of a feature) and mean normalization.
So for any individual feature f:
f_norm = (f - f_mean) / (f_max - f_min)
e.g. for x2,(midterm exam)^2 = {7921, 5184, 8836, 4761}
> x2 <- c(7921, 5184, 8836, 4761)
> mean(x2)
> max(x2) - min(x2)
> (x2 - mean(x2)) / (max(x2) - min(x2))
0.306 -0.366 0.530 -0.470
Hence norm(5184) = 0.366
(using R language, which is great at vectorizing expressions like this)
I agree it's confusing they used the notation x2 (2) to mean x2 (norm) or x2'
EDIT: in practice everyone calls the builtin scale(...) function, which does the same thing.
It's asking to normalize the second feature under second column using both feature scaling and mean normalization. Therefore,
(5184 - 6675.5) / 4075 = -0.366
Usually we normalize all of them to have zero mean and go between [-1, 1].
You can do that easily by dividing by the maximum of the absolute value and then remove the mean of the samples.
"I'm assuming x_2^(2) is the value 5184" is this because it's the second item in the list and using the subscript _2? x_2 is just a variable identity in maths, it applies to all rows in the list. Note that the highest raw mid-term exam result (i.e. that which is not squared) goes down on the final test and the lowest raw mid-term result increases the most for the final exam result. Theta is a fixed value, a coefficient, so somewhere your normalisation of x_1 and x_2 values must become (EDIT: not negative, less than 1) in order to allow for this behaviour. That should hopefully give you a starting basis, by identifying where the pivot point is.
I had the same problem, in my case the thing was that I was using as average the maximum x2 value (8836) minus minimum x2 value (4761) divided by two, instead of the sum of each x2 value divided by the number of examples.
For the same training set, I got the question as
Q. What is the normalized feature x^(3)_1?
Thus, 3rd training ex and 1st feature makes out to 94 in above table.
Now, normalized form is
x = (x - mean(x's)) / range(x)
Values are :
x = 94
mean(89+72+94+69) / 4 = 81
range = 94 - 69 = 25
Normalized x = (94 - 81) / 25 = 0.52
I'm taking this course at the moment and a really trivial mistake I made first time I answered this question was using comma instead of dot in the answer, since I did by hand and in my country we use comma to denote decimals. Ex:(0,52 instead of 0.52)
So in the second time I tried I used dot and works fine.

How to do leave-one-out cross validation in SPSS

I am having trouble understanding how to perform LOOCV in SPSS.
I need to evaluate a simple linear regression
For linear regression it is pretty easy, and SPSS allows you to save the statistics right within the REGRESSION command. See here for another example.
/SAVE PRED (PredAll) DFIT (CVFit).
Then the leave one out prediction can be calculated as COMPUTE LeaveOneOut = PredAll - CVFit. But for non-linear models that SPSS does not provide convenient SAVE values for one can build the repeated dataset with the missing values, then use SPLIT FILE, and then obtain the leave one out statistics for whatever statistical procedure you want. If your id variable is simply the row number for the dataset, you simply need two loops of the maximum case number, and then match the needed info into the new file.
Here is an example of this procedure.
*Making some fake data to work with.
LOOP Id = 1 TO 10.
COMPUTE Y = 3 + 0.2*(X) + RV.NORMAL(0,0.2).
FORMATS Id (F2.0) X Y (F4.2).
*Original regression model with the leave one.
*out fits.
/SAVE PRED (PredAll) DFIT (CVFit).
*Manual way to create stacked dataset
*can use with other non-linear models.
COMPUTE #Cases = 10.
LOOP #Id = 1 TO #Cases.
LOOP #Iter = 1 TO #Cases.
COMPUTE L1O = #Iter.
*Merging in original data.
/TABLE = 'Sim'
/BY Id.
*Set missing to
IF L1O = Id Y = $SYSMIS.
*You can replace regression with whatever procedure you are.
*interested in.
*This shows the original leave one out stats.
*And new stats are the same besides some floating.
*point differences.
COMPUTE Test = (CVFit2 - (PredAll-CVFit)).
