Passing environmental variables when deploying docker to remote host - docker

I am having some trouble with my docker containers and environment variables.
Currently i have a docker-compose.yml with the following defined:
version: '2.1'
context: .
image: image/replacedvalues
- 8080
- TZ=Europe/Berlin
service: some-service
- SERVICE_NAME=some-service-acc
Now when i deploy this manually (via SSH command line directly) on server A, it will take the environmental variables from Server A and put them in my container. So i have the values of ENVA and ENVB from the host in my container. Using the following command (after building the image ofcourse): docker-compose up some-service-acc.
We are currently developing a better infrastructure and want to deploy services via Jenkins. Jenkins is up and running in a docker container on server B.
I can deploy the service via Jenkins (Job-DSL, setting DOCKER_HOST="tcp://serverA:2375"temporary). So it will run all docker (compose) commands on ServerA from the Jenkins Container on Server B. The service is up and running except that it doesn't have values for the ENVA and the ENVB.
Jenkins runs the following with the Job-DSL groovy script:
withEnv(["DOCKER_HOST=tcp://serverA:2375"]) {
sh "docker-compose pull some-service-acc"
sh "docker-compose -p some-service-acc up -d some-service-acc"
I tried setting them in my Jenkins container and on Server B itself but neither worked. Only when i deploy manually directly on Server A it works.
When i use docker inspect to inspect the running container, i get the following output for the env block:
"Env": [
Where do i need to set the Environmental variables so that they will be passed to the container? I prefer to store the variables on Server A. But if this is not possible, can someone explain me how it could be done? It is not an option to hardcode the values in the compose file or anywhere else in the source as they contain sensitive data.
If i am asking this in the wrong place, please redirect me to where i should be.

You need to set the environment variables in the shell that is running the docker-compose command line. In Jenkins, that's best done be inside your groovy script (Jenkins doesn't use the host environment within the build slave):
withEnv(["DOCKER_HOST=tcp://serverA:2375", "ENVA=hello", "ENVB=world"]) {
sh "docker-compose pull some-service-acc"
sh "docker-compose -p some-service-acc up -d some-service-acc"
Edit: from the comments, you also want to pass secrets.
To do that, there are plugins like the Mask Password that would allow you to pass variables without them showing up in the logs or job configuration. (I'm fairly certain a determined intruder could still get to the values since Jenkins itself knows it and passes it to your script in clear text.)
The better option IMO is to use a secrets management tool inside of docker. Hashicorp has their Vault product which implements an encrypted K/V store where values are accessed with a time limited token and offers the ability to generate new passwords per request with integration into the target system. I'd consider this the highest level of security when fully configured, but you can configure this countless ways to suit your own needs. You'll need to write something to pull the secret and inject it into your container's environment (it's a rest protocol that you can add to your entrypoint).
The latest option from Docker itself is secrets management that requires the new Swarm Mode. You save your secret in the swarm and add it to the containers you want as a file using an entry in the docker-compose.yml version 3 format. If you already use Swarm Mode and can start your containers with docker stack deploy instead of docker-compose, this is a fairly easy solution to implement.


How to setup Docker in Docker (DinD) on CloudBuild?

I am trying to run a script (unitest) that uses docker behind the scenes on a CI. The script works as expected on droneci but switching to CloudBuild it is not clear how to setup DinD.
For the droneci I basically use the DinD as shown here my question is, how do I translate the code to Google CloudBuild. Is it even possible?
I searched the internet for the syntax of CloudBuild wrt DinD and couldn't find something.
Cloud Build lets you create Docker container images from your source code. The Cloud SDK provides the container buildsubcommand for using this service easily.
For example, here is a simple command to build a Docker image:
gcloud builds submit -t
This command sends the files in the current directory to Google Cloud Storage, then on one of the Cloud Build VMs, fetch the source code, run Docker build, and upload the image to Container Registry
By default, Cloud Build runs docker build command for building the image. You can also customize the build pipeline by having custom build steps.If you can use any arbitrary Docker image as the build step, and the source code is available, then you can run unit tests as a build step. By doing so, you always run the test with the same Docker image. There is a demonstration repository at cloudbuild-test-runner-example. This tutorial uses the demonstration repository as part of its instructions.
I would also recommend you to have a look at these informative links with similar use case:
Running Integration test on Google cloud build
Google cloud build pipeline
I managed to figure out a way to run Docker-in-Docker (DinD) in CloudBuild. To do that we need to launch a service in the background with docker-compose. Your docker-compose.yml script should look something like this.
version: '3'
image: docker:<dnd-version>-dind
privileged: true
- ""
- ""
name: cloudbuild
In my case, I had no problem using versions 18.03 or 18.09, later versions should also work. Secondly, it is important to attach the container to the cloudbuild network. This way the dind container will be on the same network as every container spawned during your step.
To start the service you need to add a step to your cloudbuild.yml file.
- id: start-dind
name: docker/compose
args: ['-f', 'docker-compose.yml', 'up', '-d', 'dind-service']
To validate that the dind service works as expected, you can just create a ping step.
- id: 'Check service is listening'
args: ["dind-service:2375"]
waitFor: [start-dind]
Now if it works you can run your script as normal with dind in the background. What is important is to pass the DOCKER_HOST env variable so that the docker client can locate the docker engine.
- id: my-script
name: my-image
script: myscript
- 'DOCKER_HOST=tcp://dind-service:2375'
Take note, any container spawned by your script will be located in dind-service, thus if you are to do any request to it you shouldn't do it to http://localhost but instead to the http://dind-service. Moreover, if you are to use private images you will require some type of authentication before running your script. For that, you should run gcloud auth configure-docker --quiet before running your script. Make sure your docker image has gcloud installed. This creates the required authentication credentials to run your app. The credentials are saved in path relevant to the $HOME variable, so make sure your app is able to access it. You might have some problems if you use tox for example.

TeamCity run pytest in a docker-compose environment

I have a question regarding a build configuration in teamcity
We are developing a python (flask) rest api where a sql database holds the data.
Flask server and postgresql server each runs in a docker container.
Our repository contains a docker-compose file which starts all necesary containers.
Now I want to set up a build configuration in TeamCity where the repository is pulled, containers are build and then the docker-compose file should be up and all test functions (pytest) in my flask-python application should be run. I want to get the test report and the docker-compose down command should be run.
My first approach using a command line build configuration step and issuing the commands works, but i don't get the test reports. I not even getting the correct exit code (test fails, but build configuration marked as success)
Can you give me a hint what would be the best strategie to do this task.
Building, Testing, Deploying a application which is build out of multiple docker containers (i.e. a docker-compose file)
I'm working with a similar configuration: a FastAPI application that uses Firebase Emulator suite to run pytest cases agains. Perhaps you will find these build steps suitable for your needs too. I get both test reports and coverage using all the built-in runners.
Reading the TeamCity On-Premise documentation, I found that running a build step command within a docker container will pick up TEAMCITY_DOCKER_NETWORK env var if previous steps ran docker-compose. This variable is then passed to your build step that runs in docker via --network flag, allowing you to communicate with services started in docker-compose.yml.
Three steps are required to get this working (please ignore numbering in the screenshots, I also have other steps configured):
Using Docker runner, build your container where you will run pytest. Here I'm using the %build-counter% to give it a unique tag.
Using Docker Compose runner, bring up other services that your tests rely on (postgresql service in your case). I am using teamcity-services.yml here because docker-compose.yml is already used by my team for local development.
Using Python runner, run Pytest within your container that was build in step 1. I use suggested teamcity-messages and, which get installed using pip install inside the container before executing pytest. My container already has pytest installed, if you look through "Show advanced options" there's a checkbox that will let you "Autoinstall the tool on command run" but I haven't tried it out.
Contents of my teamcity-services.yml, exposing endpoints that my app uses when running pytest.
version: "3"
image: my-firebase-emulator:0.1.13
- "9099" # auth
- "8080" # firestore
- "9000" # realtime database
command: ./ -o auth,firestore,database
A hypothetical app/tests/ run by pytest, which connects to my auth endpoint on firebase-emulator:9099. Notice how I am using the service name defined in teamcity-service.yml and an exposed port.
def test_auth_connect(fb):
auth = fb.auth.connect("firebase-emulator:9099")
assert auth.connected
In my actual application, instead of hardcoding the hostname/port, I pass them as environment variables which can also be defined using TeamCity "Parameters" page in the build configuration.

How can I communicate with my services in my gitlab job?

I have the following gitlab job:
stage: build
- name: postgres:11.2
alias: postgres
- name: my-repo/special-hasura
alias: graphql-engine
image: node:13.8.0-alpine
- wget -q http://graphql-engine/v1/version
The docker image my-repo/special-hasura looks more or less like this:
FROM hasura/graphql-engine:v1.3.3.cli-migrations
ENV HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres:#postgres:/postgres"
ENV HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLED_LOG_TYPES="startup, http-log, webhook-log, websocket-log, query-log"
COPY ./my-migrations /hasura-migrations
When I run my gitlab job, then I see that my hasura instance initializes properly, i.e. it can connect to postres without any problem (the connection url HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL seems to be fine). However, I cannot access my hasura instance from my job's container, in the script section. The output of the command is
wget: bad address 'graphql-engine'
I suppose that the job's container is not located in the same network as the service containers. How can I communicate with the graphql-engine service from my job container? I am currently using gitlab-runner 13.2.4.
Looking at the amount of answers to this question, I guess there is no easy way. Therefore I'll switch to docker-compose. Instead of using the services that I can theoretically define in my job, I'll use docker-compose in my job and that'll achieve exactly the same purpose.

Makefile: extract an env variable from a docker container and use it in another docker container

I have an app that runs on several docker containers. To simplify my problem let's say I have 3 containers : one for MySQL and 2 for 2 instances of the api (sharing the same volume where the code is but with a different env specifying different database settings) as configured in the following docker-compose.yml
image: mynamespace/my-image-name:1.0
DB_NAME: db_api_1
image: mynamespace/my-image-name:1.0
DB_NAME: db_api_2
In a Makefile I have rules for deploying the containers and installing the database for each of my api instances.
What I am trying to achieve is to create a make rule that dumps a database given an env. Knowing that I have no MySQL client installed on my api instances, I thought there should be a way to extract the env variables I need (with printenv VARNAME) from an api container then use it in the database container.
Anyone knows how this could be achieved ?
Assuming that it's an environment variable that you set using the -e option to docker run, you could do something like this:
docker exec api_container sh -c 'echo $VARNAME'
If it is environment variable that was set inside the container e.g. from a script, then you're mostly out of luck. You could of course inspect /proc/<pid>/environ, but that's hacky and I wouldn't recommend it.
It also sounds as if you would benefit from using something like docker-compose to manage your containers.

Docker: how to provide secret information to the container?

I have my app inside a container and it's reading environment variables for passwords and API keys to access services. If I run the app on my machine (not inside docker), I just export SERVICE_KEY='wefhsuidfhda98' and the app can use it.
What's the standard approach to this? I was thinking of having a secret file which would get added to the server with export commands and then run a source on that file.
I'm using docker & fig.
The solution I settled on was the following: save the environment variables in a secret file and pass those on to the container using fig.
have a secret_env file with secret info, e.g.
export GEO_BING_SERVICE_KEY='98hfaidfaf'
export JIRA_PASSWORD='asdf8jriadf9'
have secret_env in my .gitignore
have a secret_env.template file for developers, e.g.
export GEO_BING_SERVICE_KEY='' # can leave empty if you wish
export JIRA_PASSWORD='' # write your pass
in my fig.yml I send the variables through:
call source secret_env before building
docker run provides environment variables:
docker run -e SERVICE_KEY=wefsud your/image
Then your application would read SERVICE_KEY from the environment.
In fig, you'd use
- SERVICE_KEY: wefsud
in your app spec.
From a security perspective, the former solution is no worse than running it on your host if your docker binary requires root access. If you're allowing 'docker' group users to run docker, it's less secure, since any docker user could docker inspect the running container. Running on your host, you'd need to be root to inspect the environment variables of a running process.
