Rendering the charts as columnrange type - highcharts

I have the following chart I would like to render the working times intervalls as columnrange and palcing the charts close to the xAxis.
with this part of code in the code below
chart: {
spacingTop: 0,
paddingTop: 0,
zoomType: 'x',
I am getting the following charts:
But I am not getting the right result.

Putting your code into a fiddle, I can see that nothing is plotted:
Looking at your data, the reason is apparent. You have your data set up as;
x: 1483358580000,
y: 1
But the columnrange series type requires the data elements of low and high, with an optional/inferred x value.
In addition, you have points with null values for x, which does not work for Highcharts - there must always be an x value, whether set or inferred.
It's also unnecessary - use of null points to break a line series is needed because lines are meant to be continuous; the columnrange type already has the breaks built in.
And finally, you have your x and y mixed up - since you are inverting the chart, the axes swap places - x is the vertical axis, and y is the horizontal.
If your values are time, as in the 1483358580000 above, you need to specify two timestamps - one for the start, and one for the end of each bar segment.
Example from the Highcharts demo:
data: [
[-9.7, 9.4],
[-8.7, 6.5],
[-3.5, 9.4],
[-1.4, 19.9],
[0.0, 22.6],
[2.9, 29.5],
[9.2, 30.7],
[7.3, 26.5],
[4.4, 18.0],
[-3.1, 11.4],
[-5.2, 10.4],
[-13.5, 9.8]
(in this example, the x value is determined by the order of the data points, and does not need to be set explicitly. In your case, you will need to specify the x value, since you want them all on the same line)
Demo Fiddle:
{{ EDIT }}
Using your chart as a base, here is an updated version.
Code (data based on yours, edited for demonstration)
xAxis: {
categories: ['', 'Woring time'],
title: {
text: null
gridLineWidth: 0
yAxis: {
type: 'datetime'
series: [{
data: [
{{ Edit again for comments }}
To reduce space between the series, you have a variety of options
1) reduce the height of your chart
2) increase the width of your bar
1/2) do both!
3) work with your axis min/max and minPadding/maxPadding settings, if you want one side of the series and not the other.
Option one, in a fiddle:
Option three:


Highcharts stocks - Scale candlesticks serie only

i have two series to display (one is a candlestick and the other is a simple line) and i want the chart scale only based on the candlestick series.
On the Tradingview website this option is:
Scale Series Only
This option is for when there are studies or indicators overlaid onto the main chart window. When this option is active, the axis will scale according to the data series (price) alone. The values and coordinates of any active indicators will not be factored into the scaling of the axis.
My code is:
Highcharts.stockChart('chart-container', {
series: [
type: 'candlestick',
data: data.ohlc,
data: data.otherLine,
Is it possible to do this with highchart?
Highstock doesn't offer a property that'll do it automatically.
It can be done manually: find the lowest & the highest y value in your data and assign them to yAxis.min & yAxis.max options:
yAxis: {
min: 380,
max: 600
Live demo:

Adding symbols and annotations to Highchart date axis

I need to add graphic annotations in a chart on the date (x) axis, so I added a new series with a constant value of 0 (x: date, y: 0), with custom image markers. Annotations look like this:
The problem with this approach is that the constant 0 value in the annotation series is messing around with the automatically placed ticks (on the right), which then stretch the whole Y range from 0 onwards, instead of the min and max of other series, as it is by default. That drastically affects the display of other series, whose value are far away from 0, making them look less diverse.
Highcharts comes with an annotation module, bit I didn't find an option to pin it to the axis and use a different graphic.
Is it possible to either:
a) Prevent the annotation series to influence the Y axis ticks?
b) Make customized annotations on the X axis without adding new constant series?
The easiest solution here I think would be to create a new yAxis, and have your constant series use that yAxis. Like this:
yAxis: [{
...//original yAxis
}, {
visible: false //this hides all axis lines, ticks, and labels
Then in the series, you would set:
series: [{
... //Real data series
}, {
yAxis: 1, //constant series

Possible to create a dual y axis chart but where the secondary y series is using a secondary x axis?

I'm able to create in Excel a chart where...
The data is in a different date frequency based on the x axis
Two different chart types - line over bars
So for example, I can have a bar chart on the primary x-axis / y-axis that is aggregated by year. Then another series as a line that changes on a daily basis. What allows the line to show up as a daily time series (raw values) is the option to turn on the secondary x-axis. With this on, the two time series can work off a different date frequency.
Is this possible in highcharts? I've only been able to find examples of where it's possible to enable the secondary y-axis but both time series is in the same date frequency
Yes. The method to add a second x axis is exactly the same as it is to add a secondary y axis - you just make the changes to the xAxis properties instead of the yAxis properties, and specify the xAxis for you series instead of specifying the yAxis.
xAxis: [{
}, {
opposite: true
series: [{
data: []
}, {
xAxis: 1,
type: 'line',
data: []
Fiddle example:

HighCharts: automatic x-axis issue in presence of missing data values

Consider the following chart toy example which contains a missing value:
chart: {
type: 'scatter',
plotOptions: {
scatter: {
series: [{data:[[-3.8,0.4],[-3.3,-0.2],null,[-4.9,-0.7],[-4.8,-0.3]]}]
The points lie in the left side on the chart and don't span all its width, as it happens when you remove the missing point from the data series. In other words, the automatic min and max x-axis values seems to not be correctly computed.
In another one of my real examples the issue is more dramatic: all the data points are accumulated on a tiny strip on the left while the remainder of the chart area is completely empty.
What's wrong? It's a bug? There's a solution or a workaround?
You can't have a null x value in Highcharts.
If you want the null point to work as you've described, you need to provide an x value in order to tell the chart where the null y value is.
You've supplied your data in [x,y] pairs, so you must do that for all data points, including the null value.
Updated example, using [-3,null]:

Align y axis tick "outside" on highstock, so they are the same as on highcharts

Is it possible to align the y axis tick "outside" on a highstock graph, so that it aligns with the gridline, rather than being "inside" and sat on top of the gridline. The documentation for highstock suggests that it should be placed "outside" by default, but looking at every example of a highstock graph, they always appear to be "inside".
tickPosition: String. The position of the major tick marks relative to the axis line. Can be one of inside and outside. Defaults to "outside".
Highchart example (what I want):
Highstock example (what I get):
Many thanks in advance.
Update - a solution of sorts
I came to the realisation that a Highcharts.StockChart is just a pre-configured version of Highcharts.Chart in the highstock.js file.
HighCharts.Chart has all the features of a Highcharts.StockChart - not just the features of a Highcharts.Chart in the highcharts.js file.
As a result, I have just used a highstock.js Highcharts.Chart with the configuration I require, and this places the yAxis labels in the correct position.
You can use offset parameter for yAxis.
yAxis : {
lineWidth : 1,
offset : 30
I've found a solution (jsfiddle): Add labels: { align: 'left' } to your yAxis options, like so:
yAxis: [{
labels: {
align: 'left'
This tells Highcharts to align the left end of the labels with the y-axis.
Updated jsfiddle:
