ASP.NET Website Not Displaying Externally for HTTPS -

I have a project that I have developed which is an ASP.NET MVC website.
For a while I have been able to access the website externally but recently when I try to access it at its https domain I get an IIS 7 logo, but http will access the site fine.
However it is a requirement that we use https otherwise I would just stick with http.
There was a dev version of the website that was also able to be accessible both http and https externally and it still works.
(The dev version and the production version used two different subdomains)
I have gone into all settings in the features view under sites in the IIS manager for both the dev version and the production version and made all their settings match and it still won't show externally.
What other areas can I explore?
The OS of the server that the website is server from is Windows Server 2012


Trouble connecting to Docker application via subdirectory instead of port

Preface: I'm new to the whole web hosting thing, so I apologize if any information I give doesn't make sense or is inaccurate. I will do my best to explain things.
I currently have a self-hosted server running Windows Server 2019 that is hosting two sites via IIS. I recently have created an application that runs on a Docker container instance that hosts a website on port 40444. I would like to access this site via a specific subdirectory on my website instead of the port ( instead of For clarification, here is an example of what I'm looking to do: (hosted on IIS) (hosted on IIS) (hosted on docker via port 40444)
I was able to get a basic reverse proxy set up and successfully got the docker application to show on localhost/, but I would prefer using a subdirectory if possible.(image below).
I attempted to change (.*) to (.*)website3$ and it did what I wanted, but the website cannot load any files (i.e css, js, etc.) and gives me the following error net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
If IIS isn't the best option to accomplish what I need I am more than happy to use a different solution. As I mentioned before, I'm new to web hosting and it was just the simplest to set up.

When publishing an application to IIS is a port binding necessary?

On our IIS we have multiple websites that serve shared applications under their respective hostname/bindings...
We achieve this by deploying the applications and then using the "Add Application" so that it can be served as "".
This works great, except that when deploying the application to be shared, we have to enter a bogus port number...
How can we avoid this port binding since the added application will be served from an existing web site's hostname/bindings?

Ngrok + IIS Express and Windows Authentication

Im trying to expose a web application I have developed in ASP.NET MVC 5 through ngrok and Im having no luck with the Windows Authentication. My plan was to test the app using other VMs with IE8 (insert rage here) and a few mobile devices connecting through ngrok.
My setup details are as follows.
VM with Server 2008 (Domain Controller), Visual Studio 2013, SQL etc and development tools
Domain XYZ setup in VM with test users
The Web App is running by F5'ing VS in IIS Express and uses Windows Authentication. IIS express is configured to support Windows Authentication.
I have configured ngrok bindings in the applicationhost config file and also run the netsh command "netsh http add urlacl url=URLPLUSPORT user=everyone"
I can access and use/debug the app fine on the VM using localhost, this has always worked. However, when I run ngrok and then access the app from outside the VM I get the login credential prompt (was expecting this). I enter the correct user/password and I still get 401 Unauthorised and cannot access the app.
Can anyone help? Do I need any extra configuration to allow the authentication to pass through? Is this even possible?
I am pretty much stumped right now and the ngrok site is down although I cant imagine there is much documentation on this scenario :(
Thanks for your help

MVC4 WebSite 404 Error on IIS7

I have a website built in Visual Studio 2012 using MVC 4 and .NET framework 4.5.
It is being hosted on a Windows 2008 and running IIS7.
I am using a VS2012 "Web Deploy Package" to deploy to the server. I manually copy this to the server and run the install using the web deploy cmd script option /T and then /Y. It all installs fine to the Test folder.
On the Test website in IIS the application pool is pointing to the DefaultAppPool which is set for integrated and pointing to the .Net Framework v4.0.30319
I have created a new Web Site in IIS for the application called Test and defaulted the bindings for port 80 and stopped the default web site that is in IIS.
I've created a new foldeer called Test under wwwroot which is where the Web Deploy script is set to point to, when I created the script I add "Test" as the Site/Application
When I have created the web deploy package on my local machine I am manually copying the zip file and other deploy files (cmd,*.xml) to the remote server
I have run %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i on the server and installed .net 4.5 framework and MVC framework components I could see in the Web Platform installer.
This website was previously being hosted on Windows Azure and have been able to direct publish to Azure and everything runs fine and when I go to any page it displays as expected.But on the new web server I get a 404 when I go to any page.
Everything seems to be installed as far as I can see on the web server. I was able to stop my website and re-start the default web site and add an index.htm file and that displays fine.
It almost seems like something in the MVC pipeline is not initialising. I'm using the standard Home controller with Index action that comes as part of the VS20102 MVC template as a test and that returns me a 404 when I go to /Home.
I've also tried other endpoints (I have WEB api rest endpoints off /API/* and these are returning 404 errors).
I'm just wondering if there is some basic set-up I've missed. It almost seems like some service is not running correctly and picking up the MVC website.

Successfully deployed MVC 4 site runs but does not display

I succesffuly deployed an MVC 4 application to IIS Express on my development machine and everything runs fine. I can also successfully deploy to my production server, but when trying to access the deployed application in the production envioronment it can't be displayed.
Development tool: Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web.
Production server (all updates installed):
- Windows Server 2008 R2 x64
- IIS 7.5
- MS .Net Framework 4.5
- ASP.Net MVC 4 with language pack
- Web Deploy 2.1 and Web Deploy 3.0
- Recommended configuration for IIS.
Furthermore, ASP.NET is registered with IIS for Framework\v4.0.30319 and Framwork64\v4.0.30319 and the application pool of the site is .Net Framework v4.0.30319. The IIS_IUSRS group has inherited permissions (Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and Read).
I have a production web server tied to the web via DynDNS, my site uses port 80.
What could be the cause for the site running but not displaying?
Any help would be appreciated.
Additional info: When I check the compatibility in WebMatrix of any site deployed to the production server I always get the result "Not available" for a Simple HTML-Page (the .Net-Framework-Version on the other hand always gives "Available").
It seems that everything is ok, I had a DNS-Server error (wrong external server address).
