I want to partition my dataset (10,000 50x50 RGB images) into two datasets. Something like:
X = torch.rand(10000, 3, 50, 50)
inds = torch.randperm(X:size(1))[{ { 1, nTrain } }]:long()
X_selected = X:index(1, inds)
X_remaining = X:delete(1, inds)
No matter what I google search, I just get Torch's GitHub documentation. How can I do this?
You can try this way
X = torch.rand(10000, 3, 50, 50)
inds = torch.randperm(X:size(1)):long()
train_inds = inds:narrow(1, 1, nTrain)
valid_inds = inds:narrow(1, nTrain + 1, X:size(1) - nTrain)
X_train = X:index(1, train_inds)
X_valid = X:index(1, valid_inds)
So I have to implement a model from a paper, and after explaining each layer it says:
Layer normalization was used for both the input samples and for all
convolutional layers.
My implementation is as follows:
self.sinc_convolution = sinc_conv(80, 251, 16000)
self.convolution2 = nn.Conv1d(80, 60, 5)
self.convolution3 = nn.Conv1d(60, 60, 5)
self.lr = nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(60, constants.embedding_size * 2)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(constants.embedding_size * 2, constants.embedding_size)
self.input_norm = nn.LayerNorm((1, 3200))
self.layer_norm1 = nn.LayerNorm((80, 2950))
self.layer_norm2 = nn.LayerNorm((60, 2946))
self.layer_norm3 = nn.LayerNorm((60, 2942))
But I am wondering if that's alright. How can I implement it for all layers?
I am looking for something like the defunct 'coords_to_point' in the new manim version (2021).
What do you replace coords_to_point with?
from manimlib import *
class DiagramPlot(Scene):
def construct(self):
data = [20, 0, 0, -5]
x = [0, 8, 38, 39]
dot_collection = VGroup()
for time, val in enumerate(data):
dot = Dot().move_to(self.coords_to_point(x[time], val))
l1 = Line(dot_collection[0].get_center(), dot_collection[1].get_center())
l2 = Line(dot_collection[1].get_center(), dot_collection[2].get_center())
l3 = Line(dot_collection[2].get_center(), dot_collection[3].get_center())
self.add(l1, l2, l3)
I think what you are looking for is axes.c2p(*your_point) with axes being the Axis() object. the c2p method returns the point for your coordinates as numpy array.
I'm practicing logistic regression models and cross validation. I would like to output ROC curve to estimate performance, but I'm not sure which response and predictor I should use in the roc() function.
Here is an example I tried. Why are the plots different? What is my error? Thanks.
mtcars$am = factor(ifelse(mtcars$am == 1, 'one', 'zero'))
ctrl = trainControl(method="cv",number = 5,
summaryFunction=twoClassSummary, classProbs=T,
savePredictions = T)
m=train(am ~ qsec, data = mtcars, method = "glm",
family = binomial,metric="ROC",
curve1 = roc(response = mtcars$am,
predictor = as.numeric(predict(m)), plot = T, legacy.axes = T, percent = T,
main = 'Test Curve1',
xlab = 'False Positive Percentage (1 - Specificity)',
ylab = 'True Positive Percentage (Sensitivity)',print.auc = T,
print.auc.x = 100, print.auc.y = 100, col = '#20B2AA', lwd = 4)
curve2 = roc(response = m$pred$obs,
predictor = as.numeric(m$pred$pred), plot = T, legacy.axes = T, percent = T,
main = 'Test Curve2',
xlab = 'False Positive Percentage (1 - Specificity)',
ylab = 'True Positive Percentage (Sensitivity)',print.auc = T,
print.auc.x = 100, print.auc.y = 100, col = '#20B2AA', lwd = 4)
If i do this
X_train1 = resample(X_train, n_samples = 40, random_state = 1)
Y_train1 = resample(Y_train, n_samples = 40, random_state = 1)
will it be taking the exact same n_samples because they are both set to random_state = 1?
No, this cannot be guaranteed.
In your case, you can use this:
X_train1, y_train1 = resample(X_train, y_train, n_samples = 40, random_seed=1)
random_seed fixed to reproduce code on another machine or after a kernel restart.
def obcandidate(inputvgg,outputmodel):
graph = Graph()
graph.add_input(name = 'input1', input_shape = (512, 14, 14))
graph.add_node(Convolution2D(512, 1, 1), name = 'conv11', input = 'input1')
graph.add_node(Convolution2D(512, 14, 14), name = 'conv112', input = 'conv11')
graph.add_node(Flatten(), name = 'flatten11', input = 'conv112')
graph.add_node(Dense(3136), name = 'dense1', input = 'flatten11')
graph.add_node((Activation('relu')), name = 'relu', input = 'dense1')
graph.add_node(Reshape((56,56)), name = 'reshape', input = 'relu')
sgd = SGD(lr = 0.001, decay = .00005, momentum = 0.9, nesterov = True)
graph.add_output(name = 'output1', input = 'reshape')
graph.compile(optimizer = sgd, loss = {
'output1': 'binary_crossentropy'})
print 'compile success'
history = graph.fit({'input1':inputvgg, 'output1':outputmodel}, nb_epoch=1)
predictions = graph.predict({'input1':inputvgg})
return graph
"main function"
if __name__ == "__main__":
model = VGG_16('vgg16_weights.h5')
sgdvgg = SGD(lr = 0.1, decay = 1e-6, momentum = 0.9, nesterov = True)
model.compile(optimizer = sgdvgg, loss = 'categorical_crossentropy')
finaloutputmodel = outputofconvlayer(model)
finaloutputmodel.compile(optimizer = sgdvgg, loss = 'categorical_crossentropy')
img = cv2.resize(cv2.imread('000032.jpg'), (224, 224))
mean_pixel = [103.939, 116.779, 123.68]
img = img.astype(np.float32, copy = False)
for c in range(3):
img[: , : , c] = img[: , : , c] - mean_pixel[c]
img = img.transpose((2, 0, 1))
img = np.expand_dims(img, axis = 0)
imgout = np.asarray(cv2.resize(cv2.imread('000032seg.png',0), (56, 56)))
inputvgg = np.asarray(finaloutputmodel.predict(img))
Hi ,above is my code where i am trying to segment object candidate through graph model,
i want to check for one input if the code works or not so i am giving it one input image and the output image,
But keras gives me an error - "All input arrays and target arrays must have the same number of samples."
Can anyone tell me what do i do to see if my model runs .i am training on one input so that i can verify that my model is correct and start training ,is there any other way to do it?
In the part where you do this - history = graph.fit({'input1':inputvgg, 'output1':outputmodel}, nb_epoch=1) inputvgg and outputmodel should have same number of dimensions.