GRC file meta sink how - gnuradio-companion

I'm new to GRC. I want to modify the attached config to replace the "file sink" at the bottom of the image with "file meta sink", so I can use a program to read the header and then the complex samples. I guess I might need a different stream adapter, but it is not clear which one or how.
Help please.


How to process a GCS filepattern, full file at a time?

I need to process a (GCS) bucket of files, where each file is compressed and contains a single multi-line JSON record. Also, the name of the file being processed is significant and I need to know it within my transform.
Starting with examples in the docs, TextIO looks pretty close, but it looks like its designed to process each file line-by-line and does not allow me to read the entire file at once. Also, I don't see any way to get the filename that's being processed?
PCollectionTuple results = p.apply(TextIO.Read
Looks like I need to write a custom IO reader, or some such? Any tips for best place to start?
You are correct that right now none of the existing classes do exactly what you want. There are 2 reasonable approaches:
Match the filepattern yourself (using IOChannelUtils and IOChannelFactory) and wrap the resulting files into a PCollection<String> where the String will be a filename, using Create.of(filenames). Then apply a ParDo with a function which reads the given filename.
Write your own subclass of Source (there's also FileBasedSource, but it's not quite right for your use case). It would be configured by the filepattern, and splitIntoBundles would match the filepattern and expand into individual sources each corresponding to one file.
I would recommend the first approach because it seems like less code and your use case does not require the full power of Source.

get latex variable/definition from file

So we have a file which has mappings like:
one/two/one.tex 27/11/85
some/other/two.tex 27/03/89
I would like all our documents to reference this file and pull out the appropriate date. For example, for one.tex, it would display 27/11/85
Any suggestion on how I can do this?
You might try the datatool package.
You can find an entire community on the TeX StackExchange, where no TeX-related question is too small.

How to get Date and Time the picture was taken at?

I am writing a program in Delphi which should get the date and time of the picture which was taken with photo cam and then it would rename the file to include the date+time it found.
So far i have achieved that by opening file as binary and searching for a special order of bytes. These bytes were then followed by the date and then time. So i've come to a problem. Actually few problems.
Because it reads the file 1 byte after another, reading a file is a slow process. If the date was found, it is usually at the start of file, it doesn't take long, however if 'special byte order' was not found, it will read the whole file. So my method is way too slow.
The special byte order may change in some pictures (i have no idea why) even if it was taken with the same camera. So my program sometimes fails to find the date in the file even though it is there.
Windows explorer has no problems finding date in all of the pictures, so i was thinking maybe there are some kind of special functions which could get me what i need?
How do i get the information i need from the picture so it works with all the formats?
I think you only need to look at the EXIF information.
There are some open source tools which accomplish that, but I don't know of anything Delphi specific. If you're not scared of Java, you can have a look at the source code of this open source project: to see how they evaluate the date field.
You can then optimise your reader, to only look at the relevant area. You might want to keep in mind that the Endianness in Java is different to Delphi.
Jules is right about Exif data; you might want to try this Delphi library:
This is an amazing site to view Exif data.
If it is a graphic file (as in your case), to open it with a dialog box, place a TOpenPictureDialog component on the form.
Also place the component TLabel, for displaying the date of creation of the file.
In the button's place the following code:
if OpenPictureDialog1.Execute then Label1.Caption := DateTimeToStr(FileDateToDateTime(FileAge(OpenPictureDialog1.FileName));
In order to open jpeg and png files in the code, in the line uses you need to add the name of the two libraries, JPEG, PNGImage.
If you have the full address of your file, you can write the code above instead of the code above:
Label1.Caption := DateTimeToStr(FileDateToDateTime(FileAge('full address to file')));
If you only need the date, without the file creation time, then instead of the DateTimeToStr command, use the DateToStr command.

how to read data from dat file?

how to read data from .dat files ?
i just tried like this memo1.lines.loadfromfile('c:\myfile.dat'); but not worked
Note : File type is binary
can any one please help me :)
#radick to show the contents of an binary file in a memo control you must encode o convert the data to valid ASCII characters, to turn it all into text. because you can not load something that is not text into a text control.
you can find a very nice sample from Peter Below in this link.
read a binary file and display the byte values as ASCII?
Use the TStream descendants from the VCL Classes unit to read binary files.
There are plenty Delphi TStream reading binary files examples you can find using Google.
You might look at this post as they seem to be discussing this very thing.

Free reader for RMKF Cobol database files

i have some dat files for powercobol starting with an RMKF tag at the begining of the file anyone know of a way to read them?
You can try
You might atleast get an idea of what the record layout is.
