How to save a UIImage to documents directory? - ios

I'm trying to save both a recorded video's file path, and a thumbnail from the video to the documents directory. Then, set those two values to an object using the file paths so I can use the object to populate a collection view. With the code I have currently (below), after I record a video, the video path gets saved to the documents directory, and the video path and thumbnail get set to my Post object, and the thumbnail appears properly in my collection view. All good so far.
However only the video path persists between app re-launches since it's in the directory, and the thumbnail isn't. I'd like to save the thumbnail there too but I don't know how to go about it since it appears you can only write URLs to the directory.
This is my first experience with utilizing the documents directory so any help will be appreciated! How can I write the thumbnail (UIImage) to my documents directory along with the video it's from?
Here's my code so far:
func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : Any]) {
let mediaType = info[UIImagePickerControllerMediaType] as! NSString
dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
if mediaType == kUTTypeMovie {
// Componenets for a unique ID for the video
var uniqueVideoID = ""
var videoURL:NSURL? = NSURL()
var uniqueID = ""
uniqueID = NSUUID().uuidString
// Get the path as URL
videoURL = info[UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL] as? URL as NSURL?
let myVideoVarData = try! Data(contentsOf: videoURL! as URL)
// Write the video to the Document Directory at myVideoVarData (and set the video's unique ID)
let docPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.documentDirectory, FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask.userDomainMask, true)
let documentsDirectory: AnyObject = docPaths[0] as AnyObject
uniqueVideoID = uniqueID + "VIDEO.MOV"
let docDataPath = documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent(uniqueVideoID) as String
try? myVideoVarData.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: docDataPath), options: [])
print("docDataPath under picker ", docDataPath)
print("Video saved to documents directory")
// Create a thumbnail image from the video (first frame)
let asset = AVAsset(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: docDataPath))
let assetImageGenerate = AVAssetImageGenerator(asset: asset)
assetImageGenerate.appliesPreferredTrackTransform = true
let time = CMTimeMake(asset.duration.value / 3, asset.duration.timescale)
if let videoImage = try? assetImageGenerate.copyCGImage(at: time, actualTime: nil) {
// Add thumbnail & video path to Post object
let video = Post(pathToVideo: URL(fileURLWithPath: docDataPath), thumbnail: UIImage(cgImage: videoImage))
print("Video saved to Post object")

One Suggestion: Save images to Library/Caches if that can be downloaded again as per apple's guide line.
As simple as this:
func saveImageToDocumentDirectory(_ chosenImage: UIImage) -> String {
let directoryPath = NSHomeDirectory().appending("/Documents/")
if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: directoryPath) {
do {
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(at: NSURL.fileURL(withPath: directoryPath), withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch {
let filename = NSDate().string(withDateFormatter: yyyytoss).appending(".jpg")
let filepath = directoryPath.appending(filename)
let url = NSURL.fileURL(withPath: filepath)
do {
try UIImageJPEGRepresentation(chosenImage, 1.0)?.write(to: url, options: .atomic)
return String.init("/Documents/\(filename)")
} catch {
print("file cant not be save at path \(filepath), with error : \(error)");
return filepath
func saveImageToDocumentDirectory(_ chosenImage: UIImage) -> String {
let directoryPath = NSHomeDirectory().appending("/Documents/")
if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: directoryPath) {
do {
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(at: NSURL.fileURL(withPath: directoryPath), withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyyMMddhhmmss"
let filename = dateFormatter.string(from: Date()).appending(".jpg")
let filepath = directoryPath.appending(filename)
let url = NSURL.fileURL(withPath: filepath)
do {
try chosenImage.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1.0)?.write(to: url, options: .atomic)
return String.init("/Documents/\(filename)")
} catch {
print("file cant not be save at path \(filepath), with error : \(error)");
return filepath


Saving video in locally (directory) in Swift?

I try to save given video locally after then I need those saved videos for playing video in my app. I can't handle the saving video. Here is my saving try :
func saveVideoDocumentDirectory(url : URL){
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let paths = (NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0] as NSString).appendingPathComponent(".MOV")
let videoData = try Data(contentsOf: url)
fileManager.createFile(atPath: paths as String, contents: videoData, attributes: nil)
here is the get file try
func getVideo(){
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let videoPAth = (self.getDirectoryPath() as NSString).appendingPathComponent(".MOV")
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: videoPAth){
play(url: URL(string: videoPAth)!)
print("No Video")
here is my play video func :
func play(url : URL)
let player = AVPlayer(url: url)
let playerViewController = AVPlayerViewController()
playerViewController.player = player
present(playerViewController, animated: true)
Instead of Filemanager.createFile(), try using write instead.
let videoData = try Data(contentsOf: url)
try videoData.write(to: paths, options: .atomic)
Also, I recommend creating a folder first (from this answer).
extension URL {
static func createFolder(folderName: String) -> URL? {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
// Get document directory for device, this should succeed
if let documentDirectory = fileManager.urls(for: .documentDirectory,
in: .userDomainMask).first {
// Construct a URL with desired folder name
let folderURL = documentDirectory.appendingPathComponent(folderName)
// If folder URL does not exist, create it
if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: folderURL.path) {
do {
// Attempt to create folder
try fileManager.createDirectory(atPath: folderURL.path,
withIntermediateDirectories: true,
attributes: nil)
} catch {
// Creation failed. Print error & return nil
return nil
// Folder either exists, or was created. Return URL
return folderURL
// Will only be called if document directory not found
return nil
Then, you can save like this:
guard let folderURL = URL.createFolder(folderName: "StoredVideos") else {
print("Can't create url")
let permanentFileURL = folderURL.appendingPathComponent(nameOfYourFile).appendingPathExtension("MOV")
let videoData = try Data(contentsOf: url)
try videoData.write(to: permanentFileURL, options: .atomic)
This will save you the hassle of NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains.

Can not get proper firebase image save in document directory in swift 4 iOS

i'm saving firebase image in document directory !! For uniqueness my Document Directory name is firebase image name ! i have check with a condition that if firebase image name is not exists in my document directory then save that image in Document Directory !!
i'm checking if that firebase name means it save in document directory then it get document directory image if not then it get image from Firebase !!
Issue is when i try to get image :-
(1) For example :- Firebase Image name is 1.jpg .
(2) Document Directory save image with firebase name like 1.jpg .
(3) now i change firebase image to other but it save with name 1.jpg .
(4) when i try to get image because already 1.jpg is in Document Directory that's why it not return me updated image it show me previous 1.jpg image !!
how can i solved this issue. Thank You
Save And Get Image Code :-
func saveImageDocumentDirectory(imageName: String){
let documentPath = try! FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: true)
let imgURL = documentPath.appendingPathComponent(imageName, isDirectory: true)
if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: imgURL.path){
let image = UIImage(named: imgURL.path)
try image?.pngData()?.write(to: imgURL)
}catch let err{
print("error in save:\(err.localizedDescription)")
func getDocumentImage(imageName: String, firebaseImgURL: URL, imgView:UIImageView){
let documentPath = try! FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: true)
let imgURL = documentPath.appendingPathComponent(imageName, isDirectory: true)
let image = UIImage(contentsOfFile: imgURL.path)
if image != nil{
imgView.image = image
imgView.kf.setImage(with: firebaseImgURL)
Please try with like below code
Save Data
let placeholderURL: URL =
isDirectory: true)
let fileExists: Bool = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: placeholderURL.path )
if !fileExists {
let thumbnailImageURL = URL(string: firebaseURL)
var placeholderData: Data? = nil
if let url = url {
do {
placeholderData = try Data(contentsOf: (thumbnailImageURL ?? nil)!)
} catch {
print("Unable to load data: \(error)")
if urlData != nil {
do {
//saving is done on main thread
try placeholderData?.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: placeholderURL.path) , options: .atomic)
} catch {
Retrive image
let thumbnailURL: URL = getDocumentDirectoryPath()!.appendingPathComponent("\("imageName.JPG")/", isDirectory: true)
let fileExists: Bool = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: thumbnailURL.path)
var urlThumbnail:URL? = nil
if fileExists {
urlThumbnail = URL(fileURLWithPath: thumbnailURL.path)
} else {
urlThumbnail = URL(string: firebaseURL)
Sat image in image view
self.imgtemp.sd_setImage(with: urlThumbnail, placeholderImage: UIImage(named: "placeholder.png"))

Collection view not displaying cells using custom object

I'm making an app that lets you record a video, then save it to the documents directory and a Post object, along with a thumbnail image. When I record a video and tap "use video", I see my print statements that the video was saved to the documents directory, and to the post object. However when I go to my collection view, which is set to display the thumbnail images from Post, it's empty. This is the function that handles saving the video and appending the Post object:
func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : Any]) {
var posts = [Post]()
let mediaType = info[UIImagePickerControllerMediaType] as! NSString
dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
if mediaType == kUTTypeMovie {
var uniqueVideoID = ""
var videoURL:NSURL? = NSURL()
var uniqueID = ""
uniqueID = NSUUID().uuidString
// Get the path as URL and store the data in myVideoVarData
videoURL = info[UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL] as? URL as NSURL?
let myVideoVarData = try! Data(contentsOf: videoURL! as URL)
// Write data to temp diroctory
let tempPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.documentDirectory, FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask.userDomainMask, true)
let tempDocumentsDirectory: AnyObject = tempPath[0] as AnyObject
uniqueVideoID = uniqueID + "TEMPVIDEO.MOV"
let tempDataPath = tempDocumentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent(uniqueVideoID) as String
try? myVideoVarData.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: tempDataPath), options: [])
//Getting the time value of the movie.
let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: tempDataPath)
let asset = AVAsset(url: fileURL)
let duration : CMTime = asset.duration
//Now we remove the data from the temp Document Diroctory.
let fileManager = FileManager.default
try fileManager.removeItem(atPath: tempDataPath)
} catch {
//Do nothing
// Check to see if video is under the 18500 (:30 seconds)
if duration.value <= 18500 {
// Write the data to the Document Directory for use later on
let docPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.documentDirectory, FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask.userDomainMask, true)
let documentsDirectory: AnyObject = docPaths[0] as AnyObject
uniqueVideoID = uniqueID + "VIDEO.MOV"
let docDataPath = documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent(uniqueVideoID) as String
try? myVideoVarData.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: docDataPath), options: [])
print("docDataPath under picker ",docDataPath)
print("Video saved to documents directory")
//Create a thumbnail image from the video
let assetImageGenerate = AVAssetImageGenerator(asset: asset)
assetImageGenerate.appliesPreferredTrackTransform = true
let time = CMTimeMake(asset.duration.value / 3, asset.duration.timescale)
//Add thumbnail & video path to Post object
if let videoImage = try? assetImageGenerate.copyCGImage(at: time, actualTime: nil) {
let video = Post(pathToVideo: docDataPath, thumbnail: UIImage(cgImage: videoImage))
print("Video saved to Post object")
print("Video not saved")
If I set a breakpoint I can see that Post does indeed have one value after the save, so I'm not sure why the CV isn't displaying the thumbnail.
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "postCell", for: indexPath) as! PostCell
cell.postImage.image = posts[indexPath.row].thumbnail
cell.postImage.contentMode = UIViewContentMode.scaleAspectFill
return cell
Post Object:
class Post: NSObject {
var thumbnail: UIImage!
var pathToVideo: String!
init(pathToVideo: String, thumbnail: UIImage) {
self.pathToVideo = pathToVideo
self.thumbnail = thumbnail
Can anyone see what's going wrong?
Do you have a singleton VideoFeedController? What are you trying to accomplish by doing this:
let feed = VideoFeedController()
Seems to me you are reloading an instance of the VideoFeedController that is never displayed anywhere.
if your image picking function is within the VideoFeedController you could simply call
but if not, then you could try overriding viewDidAppear inside the VideoFeedController and reload the collectionView there, i.e. add this to the VideoFeedController
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

Persisting data in iOS documents directory

I have an app that saves a recorded video to the documents directory, as well as a Post object, and populates a collection view from the Post object. However upon restarting the app, the collection view is empty, so the videos being saved to the docs directory is not persisting (at least I think that's the problem).
This is the function that saves the video:
func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : Any]) {
let mediaType = info[UIImagePickerControllerMediaType] as! NSString
dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
if mediaType == kUTTypeMovie {
var uniqueVideoID = ""
var videoURL:NSURL? = NSURL()
var uniqueID = ""
uniqueID = NSUUID().uuidString
// Get the path as URL and store the data in myVideoVarData
videoURL = info[UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL] as? URL as NSURL?
let myVideoVarData = try! Data(contentsOf: videoURL! as URL)
// Write data to temp diroctory
let tempPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.documentDirectory, FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask.userDomainMask, true)
let tempDocumentsDirectory: AnyObject = tempPath[0] as AnyObject
uniqueVideoID = uniqueID + "TEMPVIDEO.MOV"
let tempDataPath = tempDocumentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent(uniqueVideoID) as String
try? myVideoVarData.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: tempDataPath), options: [])
// Get the time value of the video
let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: tempDataPath)
let asset = AVAsset(url: fileURL)
let duration : CMTime = asset.duration
// Remove the data from the temp Document Diroctory.
let fileManager = FileManager.default
try fileManager.removeItem(atPath: tempDataPath)
} catch {
//Do nothing
// Check to see if video is under the 18500 (:30 seconds)
if duration.value <= 18500 {
// Write the data to the Document Directory
let docPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.documentDirectory, FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask.userDomainMask, true)
let documentsDirectory: AnyObject = docPaths[0] as AnyObject
uniqueVideoID = uniqueID + "VIDEO.MOV"
let docDataPath = documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent(uniqueVideoID) as String
try? myVideoVarData.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: docDataPath), options: [])
print("docDataPath under picker ",docDataPath)
print("Video saved to documents directory")
//Create a thumbnail image from the video
let assetImageGenerate = AVAssetImageGenerator(asset: asset)
assetImageGenerate.appliesPreferredTrackTransform = true
let time = CMTimeMake(asset.duration.value / 3, asset.duration.timescale)
if let videoImage = try? assetImageGenerate.copyCGImage(at: time, actualTime: nil) {
//Add thumbnail & video path to Post object
let video = Post(pathToVideo: URL(fileURLWithPath: docDataPath), thumbnail: UIImage(cgImage: videoImage))
print("Video saved to Post object")
print("Video not saved")
Specifically, this is where the video path and thumbnail are added to my object:
//Add thumbnail & video path to Post object
if let videoImage = try? assetImageGenerate.copyCGImage(at: time, actualTime: nil) {
let video = Post(pathToVideo: URL(fileURLWithPath: docDataPath), thumbnail: UIImage(cgImage: videoImage))
So I do give it the path to the video in the documents directory; how can I ensure that the data persists there?
To verify if the videos are being saved on the device, connect the device to Xcode and navigate to Window->Devices in Xcode. Then select your device on the left and find your app in the Installed Apps list. Select your app and click on the gear icon at the bottom of the list and press 'Show Containter'. Wait for a few seconds and you should see all the folders in your app.
Secondly, not sure why you are writing the video and deleting it and writing it back again and also why use 'try?' instead of actually catching any exceptions thrown during the file write?

I created a UIImage as a snapshot of my video in Swift. How can I get a temporary path to it?

So I used this code:
func videoSnapshot(filePathLocal: String) -> UIImage? {
let vidURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath:filePathLocal as String)
let asset = AVURLAsset(URL: vidURL)
let generator = AVAssetImageGenerator(asset: asset)
generator.appliesPreferredTrackTransform = true
let timestamp = CMTime(seconds: 1, preferredTimescale: 60)
do {
let imageRef = try generator.copyCGImageAtTime(timestamp, actualTime: nil)
return UIImage(CGImage: imageRef)
print("Image generation failed with error \(error)")
return nil
to get the UIImage of a snapshot from my video. I called this function like this:
let tempImg: UIImage = videoSnapshot(pathToFile)!
now I would like to upload this tempImg to my server, and to to this I need a path to this file - I will pass it later to the function that uploads data further. How can I get a temporary path to it and store it as a String or NSURL?
You have to get the image data using JPEG Representation method (check this so UIImageJPEGRepresentation answer) and use NSData method writeToURL or writeToPath to save it to disk. For temporary items you can create a destination url at the temporary folder url using URL appendingPathComponent method:
Swift 3 would look like this:
let destinationURL = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent("filename.jpg")
if let tempImg = videoSnapshot("filePathLocal"),
let imgData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(tempImg, 1) {
do {
try imgData.write(to: destinationURL, options: .atomic)
print("saved at:", destinationURL.path)
} catch {
Swift 2.3
if let tempImg = videoSnapshot("filePathLocal"),
let imgData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(tempImg, 1),
let destinationURL = NSFileManager.defaultManager().temporaryDirectory.URLByAppendingPathComponent("filename.jpg")
where imgData.writeToURL(destinationURL, atomically: true) {
print("saved at:", destinationURL.path)
