Creates package but no export - google-cloud-ml-engine

My job completes with no error. The logs show "accuracy", "auc", and other statistical measures of my model. ML-engine creates a package subdirectory, and a tar under that, as expected. But, there's no export directory, checkpoint, eval, graph or any other artifact that I'm accustom to seeing when I train locally. Am I missing something simple with the command I'm using to call the service?
gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training $JOB_NAME \
--job-dir $OUTPUT_PATH \
--runtime-version 1.0 \
--module-name trainer.task \
--package-path trainer/ \
--region $REGION \
-- \
--model_type wide \
--train_data $TRAIN_DATA \
--test_data $TEST_DATA \
--train_steps 1000 \
--verbose-logging true
The logs show this: model directory = /tmp/tmpS7Z2bq
But I was expecting my model to go to the GCS bucket I defined in $OUTPUT_PATH.
I'm following the steps under "Run a single-instance trainer in the cloud" from the getting started docs.

Maybe you could show where and how you declare the $OUTPUT_PATH?
Also the model directory, might be the directory within the $OUTPUT_PATH where you could find the model of that specific Job.


Avoiding duplicated arguments when running a Docker container

I have a tensorflow training script which I want to run using a Docker container (based on the official TF GPU image). Although everything works just fine, running the container with the script is horribly verbose and ugly. The main problem is that my training script allows the user to specify various directories used during training, for input data, logging, generating output, etc. I don't want to have change what my users are used to, so the container needs to be informed of the location of these user-defined directories, so it can mount them. So I end up with something like this:
docker run \
-it --rm --gpus all -d \
--mount type=bind,source=/home/guest/datasets/my-dataset,target=/datasets/my-dataset \
--mount type=bind,source=/home/guest/my-scripts/config.json,target=/config.json \
-v /home/guest/my-scripts/logdir:/logdir \
-v /home/guest/my-scripts/generated:/generated \
train-image \
python \
--data_dir /datasets/my-dataset \
--gpu 0 \
--logdir ./logdir \
--output ./generated \
--config_file ./config.json \
--num_epochs 250 \
--batch_size 128 \
--checkpoint_every 5 \
--generate True \
--resume False
In the above I am mounting a dataset from the host into the container, and also mounting a single config file config.json (which configures the TF model). I specify a logging directory logdir and an output directory generated as volumes. Each of these resources are also passed as parameters to the script.
This is all very ugly, but I can't see another way of doing it. Of course I could put all this in a shell script, and provide command line arguments which set these duplicated values from the outside. But this doesn't seem a nice solution, because if I want to anything else with the container, for example check the logs, I would use the raw docker command.
I suspect this question will likely be tagged as opinion-based, but I've not found a good solution for this that I can recommend to my users.
As user Ron van der Heijden points out, one solution is to use docker-compose in combination with environment variables defined in an .env file. Nice answer.

How can I prevent docker compile a library every time I deploy to bitbucket? Is there any bitbucket pipeline cache?

We have our Flask API in a docker image, we push this docker to a bitbucket repository, then a bitbucket pipeline start deploying.
Everything works as expected, but the compilation of OpenCV is taking in average 15 min.
I would like to know if is there any way to avoid this compilation every time we push to bitbucket. Something like caching.
I have read about cache on bitbucket pipelines but it did not work as I expected.
This is part of my Dockerfile I would like to improve:
RUN mkdir /opt && cd /opt && \
wget -q${OPENCV_VERSION}.zip && \
unzip ${OPENCV_VERSION}.zip && \
rm -rf ${OPENCV_VERSION}.zip && \
mkdir -p /opt/opencv-${OPENCV_VERSION}/build && \
cd /opt/opencv-${OPENCV_VERSION}/build && \
CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ CC=/usr/bin/clang cmake \
-D BUILD_opencv_python2=NO \
-D BUILD_opencv_python3=ON \
-D PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 \
.. && \
make VERBOSE=1 -j8 && \
make && \
make install && \
rm -rf /opt/opencv-${OPENCV_VERSION}
I expect some solution like just pointing a pre-compiled version of the OpenCV Api.
I have recently faced this problem and agree that cache doesn't seem to work as expected. However without looking at your entire Dockerfile, it's hard to say. ADD's and COPY's will invalidate the cache so i'd suggest you move this section up to the top if you can before adding any files.
A better solution (if there is no pre-compiled version), is to use the concept of a base image which is what I have done to cut my build time down in half. Basically you build a base image flask-api-base which will install all your packages and compile OpenCV and then your actual final image will pull FROM flask-api-base:latest and build your application specific code. Just remember if the base image changes, you may need to wipe your Bitbucket cache.
I'm unfamiliar with OpenCV but assume that, if there is a binary that you can use, that would be the ideal option.
I'm curious as to why this layer (RUN ...) isn't being cached between builds. It appears that you're cleanly separating the make of OpenCV from other statements in your Dockerfile and so, this RUN should generate a distinct layer that's stable and thus reused across builds.
Does this statement occur after earlier e.g. RUN statements that do change? If so, you may want to reorder this statement and place it earlier in the Dockerfile so that this layer becomes constant. See best practices for the Dockerfile statements that generate layers.
Alternatively, you could make a separate image containing OpenCV and then FROM this image in your code builds. You may do this either using distinct Dockerfiles or multi-stage builds. This way, this image containing the OpenCV build would only be built on (your) demand and reused across subsequent builds.
The solution I used was to create my own image, upload it to Docker hub, and create a new one based on that.
So the first docker image should contain all the basic libraries my system uses.
The second has the environmental variables and the api itself.

Error: "argument --job-dir: expected one argument" while training model using AI Platform on GCP

Running macOS Mojave.
I am following the official getting started documentation to run a model using AI platform.
So far I managed to train my model locally using:
# This is similar to `python -m trainer.task --job-dir local-training-output`
# but it better replicates the AI Platform environment, especially
# for distributed training (not applicable here).
gcloud ai-platform local train \
--package-path trainer \
--module-name trainer.task \
--job-dir local-training-output
I then proceed to train the model using AI platform by going through the following steps:
Setting environment variables export JOB_NAME="my_first_keras_job" and export JOB_DIR="gs://$BUCKET_NAME/keras-job-dir".
Run the following command to package the trainer/ directory:
Command as indicated in docs:
gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training $JOB_NAME \
--package-path trainer/ \
--module-name trainer.task \
--region $REGION \
--python-version 3.5 \
--runtime-version 1.13 \
--job-dir $JOB_DIR \
I get the error:
ERROR: ( argument --job-dir:
expected one argument Usage: gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training
JOB [optional flags] [-- USER_ARGS ...] optional flags may be
--async | --config | --help | --job-dir | --labels | ...
As far as I understand --job-dir: does indeed have one argument.
I am not sure what I'm doing wrong. I am running the above command from the trainer/ directory as is shown in the documentation. I tried removing all spaces as described here but the error persists.
Are you running this command locally? Or on a AI notebook VM in Jupyter? Based on your details I assume youre running it locally, I am not a mac expert, but hopefully this is helpful.
I just worked through the same error on an AI notebook VM and my issue was that even though I assigned it a value in a previous Jupyter cell, the $JOB_NAME variable was passing along an empty string in the gcloud command. Try running the following to make sure your code is actually passing a value for $JOB_DIR when you are making the gcloud ai-platform call.
echo $JOB_DIR

Using ccache in automated builds on Docker cloud

I am using automated builds on Docker cloud to compile a C++ app and provide it in an image.
Compilation is quite long (range 2-3 hours) and commits on github are frequent (~10 to 30 per day).
Is there a way to keep the building cache (using ccache) somehow?
As far as I understand it, docker caching is useless since the compilation layer producing the ccache will not be used due to the source code changes.
Or can we tweak to bring some data back to first layer?
Any other solution? Pushing it somewhere?
Here is the Dockerfile:
# CACHE_TAG is provided by Docker cloud
# see
# using ARG in FROM requires min v17.05.0-ce
FROM qgis/qgis3-build-deps:${CACHE_TAG}
MAINTAINER Denis Rouzaud <>
ENV CC=/usr/lib/ccache/clang
ENV CXX=/usr/lib/ccache/clang++
COPY . /usr/src/QGIS
WORKDIR /usr/src/QGIS/build
RUN cmake \
-GNinja \
.. \
&& ninja install \
&& rm -rf /usr/src/QGIS
You should try saving and restoring your cache data from a third party service:
- an online object storage like Amazon S3
- a simple FTP server
- an Internet available machine with ssh to make a scp
I'm assuming that your cache data is stored inside the ´~/.ccache´ directory
Using Docker multistage build
From some time, Docker supports Multi-stage builds and you can try using it to implement the solution with a single Dockerfile:
Warning: I've not tested it
# CACHE_TAG is provided by Docker cloud
# see
# using ARG in FROM requires min v17.05.0-ce
FROM qgis/qgis3-build-deps:${CACHE_TAG} as builder
MAINTAINER Denis Rouzaud <>
ENV CC=/usr/lib/ccache/clang
ENV CXX=/usr/lib/ccache/clang++
COPY . /usr/src/QGIS
WORKDIR /usr/src/QGIS/build
# restore cache
RUN curl -o ccache.tar.bz2 http://my-object-storage/ccache.tar.bz2
RUN tar -xjvf ccache.tar.bz2
COPY --from=downloader /.ccache ~/.ccache
RUN cmake \
-GNinja \
.. \
&& ninja install
# save the current cache online
RUN tar -cvjSf ccache.tar.bz2 .ccache
RUN curl -T ccache.tar.bz2 -X PUT http://my-object-storage/ccache.tar.bz2
FROM alpine:latest
# USE THE FROM IMAGE YOU NEED, this is only an example
# E.g.:
# COPY --from=builder /usr/src/QGIS/build/YOUR_EXECUTABLE /usr/bin
# ...
In the stage 2 you will build the final image that will be pushed to your repository.
 Using Docker cloud hooks
Another, but less clear, approach could be using a Docker Cloud pre_build hook file to download cache data:
echo "=> Downloading build cache data"
curl -o ccache.tar.bz2 http://my-object-storage/ccache.tar.bz2 # e.g. Amazon S3 like service
cd /
tar -xjvf ccache.tar.bz2
Obviously you can use dedicate docker images to run curl or tar mounting the local directory as a volume in this script.
Then, copy the .ccache extracted folder inside your container during the build, using a COPY command before your cmake call:
WORKDIR /usr/src/QGIS/build
COPY /.ccache ~/.ccache
RUN cmake ...
In order to make this you should find a way to upload your cache data after the build and you could make this easily using a post_build hook file:
echo "=> Uploading build cache data"
tar -cvjSf ccache.tar.bz2 ~/.ccache
curl -T ccache.tar.bz2 -X PUT http://my-object-storage/ccache.tar.bz2
But your compilation data aren't available from the outside, because they live inside the container. So you should upload the cache after the cmake command inside your main Dockerfile:
RUN cmake...
&& tar ...
&& curl ...
&& ninja ...
&& rm ...
If curl or tar aren't available, just add them to your container using the package manager (qgis/qgis3-build-deps is based on Ubuntu 16.04, so they should be available).

Training locally with ML Engine & GCloud

I would like to train my model locally using this command:
gcloud ml-engine local train
--module-name cloud_runner
--job-dir ./tmp/output
The issue is that it complains that --job-dir: Must be of form gs://bucket/object.
This is a local train so I'm wondering why it wants the output to be a gs storage bucket rather than a local directory.
As explained by other gcloud --job-dir expects the location to be in GCS. To go around that you can pass it as a folder directly to your module.
gcloud ml-engine local train \
--package-path trainer \
--module-name trainer.task \
-- \
--train-files $TRAIN_FILE \
--eval-files $EVAL_FILE \
--job-dir $JOB_DIR \
--train-steps $TRAIN_STEPS
The --package-path argument to the gcloud command should point to a directory that is a valid Python package, i.e., a directory that contains an file (often an empty file). Note that it should be a local directory, not one on GCS.
The --module argument will be the fully qualified name of a valid Python module within that package. You can organize your directories however you want, but for the sake of consistency, the samples all have a Python package named trainer with the module to be run named
-- Source
So you need to change this block with valid path:
gcloud ml-engine local train
--module-name cloud_runner
--job-dir ./tmp/output
Specifically, your error is due to --job-dir ./tmp/output because it is expecting a path on your gcloud
Local training tries to emulate what happens when you run using the Cloud because the point of local training is to detect problems before submitting your job to the service.
Using a local job-dir when using the CMLE service is an error because the output wouldn't persist after the job finishes.
So local training with gcloud also requires that job-dir be a GCS location.
If you want to run locally and not use GCS you can just run your TensorFlow program directly and not use gcloud.
