How to save/load files from File Manager in background thread? - ios

I am using File manger to save a simple JSON file. The issue is I want to do this asynchronously and on the background thread. So far I am having issues getting this accomplished. I am adding a code sample below and would welcome some help! Thanks!
init(apiService: apiService) {
self.updateAction = Action(apiService.revision)
self.updateAction.values.observeValues { [weak self] revisionDataContainer in
guard let data =, let this = self else {
do {
try data, to: this.currentRevisionUrl)
this.currentRevision.value = try this.parse(data: data) as Revision
} catch let error {
do {
if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: self.currentRevisionUrl.path) {
self.currentRevision.value = try self.load(from: self.currentRevisionUrl) as Revision
} else {
self.currentRevision.value = try self.load(from: self.seedRevisionUrl) as Revision
} catch let error {

If you want to run this code in background thread, then you need to create a new instance of FileManager instead of using default.
This method always represents the same file manager object. If you
plan to use a delegate with the file manager to receive notifications
about the completion of file-based operations, you should create a new
instance of FileManager (using the init method) rather than using the
shared object.


Serial DispatchQueue is not working as expected

To load some information in my app's view, I need it to finish networking because some methods depend on the result. I looked into serial DispatchQueue and .async methods, but it's not working as expected.
Here is what I tried so far. I defined 3 blocks:
Where I'd get hold of the user's email, if any
The email would be used as input for a method called getData, which reads the database based on user's email address
This block would populate the table view with the data from the database. I've laid it out like this, but I'm getting an error which tells me the second block still executes before we have access to user's email address, i.e. the first block is finished. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.queue.serial")
let block1 = DispatchWorkItem {
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.restorePreviousSignIn { user, error in
if error != nil || user == nil {
print("unable to identify user")
} else {
print(user!.profile?.email ?? "") = user!.profile?.email ?? ""
print("email is: \(")
let block2 = DispatchWorkItem{
let block3 = DispatchWorkItem {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
serialQueue.async(execute: block1)
block1.notify(queue: serialQueue, execute: block2)
block2.notify(queue: serialQueue, execute: block3)
Your problem is that you are dispatching asynchronous work inside your work items; GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.restorePreviousSignIn "returns" immediately but fires the completion handler later when the work is actually done. Since it has returned, the dispatch queue considers the work item complete and so moves on to the next item.
The traditional approach is to invoke the second operation from the completion handler of the first (and the third from the second).
Assuming you modified self.getData() to have a completion handler, it would look something like this:
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.restorePreviousSignIn { user, error in
if error != nil || user == nil {
print("unable to identify user")
} else {
print(user!.profile?.email ?? "") = user!.profile?.email ?? ""
print("email is: \(")
self.getData( {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
You can see you quickly end up with a "pyramid of doom".
The modern way is to use async/await. This requires your functions to support this approach and imposes a minimum iOS level of iOS 13.
It would look something like
do {
let user = try await GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.restorePreviousSignIn()
if let email = user.profile?.email {
let fetchedData = try await getData(email) = fetchedData
} catch {
print("There was an error \(error)")
Ahh. Much simpler to read.

Listener event not triggered when document is updated (Google Firestore)

I am struggling to understand why my event listener that I initialize on a document is not being triggered whenever I update the document within the app in a different UIViewController. If I update it manually in Google firebase console, the listener event gets triggered successfully. I am 100% updating the correct document too because I see it get updated when I update it in the app. What I am trying to accomplish is have a running listener on the current user that is logged in and all of their fields so i can just use 1 global singleton variable throughout my app and it will always be up to date with their most current fields (name, last name, profile pic, bio, etc.). One thing I noticed is when i use setData instead of updateData, the listener event gets triggered. For some reason it doesn't with updateData. But i don't want to use setData because it will wipe all the other fields as if it is a new doc. Is there something else I should be doing?
Below is the code that initializes the Listener at the very beginning of the app after the user logs in.
static func InitalizeWhistleListener() {
let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
let userDocRef = Firestore.firestore().collection("users").document(currentUser!)
WhistleListener.shared.listener = userDocRef.addSnapshotListener { documentSnapshot, error in
guard let document = documentSnapshot else {
print("Error fetching document: \(error!)")
guard let data = else {
print("Document data was empty.")
Below is the code that update's this same document in a different view controller whenever the user updates their profile pic
func uploadProfilePicture(_ image: UIImage) {
guard let uid = currentUser!.UID else { return }
let filePath = "user/\(uid).jpg"
let storageRef =
guard let imageData = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.75) else { return }
storageRef.putData(imageData) { metadata, error in
if error == nil && metadata != nil {
"profilePicURL": filePath
]) { err in
if let err = err {
print("Error updating document: \(err)")
} else {
print("Document successfully updated")
You can use set data with merge true it doesn't wipe any other property only merge to specific one that you declared as like I am only update the name of the user without wiping the age or address
.setData(["name":"Zeeshan"],merge: true)
The answer is pretty obvious (and sad at the same time). I was constantly updating the filepath to be the user's UID therefore, it would always be the same and the snapshot wouldn't recognize a difference in the update. It had been some time since I had looked at this code so i forgot this is what it was doing. I was looking past this and simply thinking an update (no matter if it was different from the last or not) would trigger an event. That is not the case! So what I did was append an additional UUID to the user's UID so that it changed.

I can't get array and put in the another array swift from Firebase storage

I want get folders and images from Firebase storage. On this code work all except one moment. I cant append array self.collectionImages in array self.collectionImagesArray. I don't have error but array self.collectionImagesArray is empty
class CollectionViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var collectionImagesArray: [[String]] = [[]]
#Published var collectionImages = [""]
init() {
var db = Firestore.firestore()
let storageRef ="img")
storageRef.listAll { (result, error) in
if error != nil {
for prefixName in result.prefixes {
let storageLocation = String(describing: prefixName)
let storageRefImg = storageLocation)
storageRefImg.listAll { (result, error) in
if error != nil {
for item in result.items {
// List storage reference
let storageLocation = String(describing: item)
let gsReference = storageLocation)
// Fetch the download URL
gsReference.downloadURL { url, error in
if let error = error {
// Handle any errors
} else {
// Get the download URL for each item storage location
let img = "\(url?.absoluteString ?? "placeholder")"
If i put self.collectionImagesArray.append(self.collectionImages) in closure its works but its not what i want
The problem is caused by the fact that calling downloadURL is an asynchronous operation, since it requires a call to the server. While that call is happening, your main code continues so that the user can continue to use the app. Then when the server returns a value, your closure/completion handler is invoked, which adds the URL to the array. So your print("\(self.collectionImagesArray)") happens before the self.collectionImages.append(img) has ever been called.
You can also see this in the order that the print statements occur in your output. You'll see the full, empty array first, and only then see the print("\(self.collectionImages)") outputs.
The solution for this problem is always the same: you need to make sure you only use the array after all the URLs have been added to it. There are many ways to do this, but a simple one is to check whether your array of URLs is the same length as result.items inside the callback:
if self.collectionImages.count == result.items.count {
Also see:
How to wait till download from Firebase Storage is completed before executing a completion swift
Closure returning data before async work is done
Return image from asynchronous call
SwiftUI: View does not update after image changed asynchronous

Realm iOS: How to handle Client Reset

Basically, I want to handle a case where any device got SyncError with type ClientResetError then, want my device to re-login to realm again. but as per documentation, we have to closeRealmSafely before I login to realm again, but I am not sure how to close realm safely.
I am going through the doc ( to handle client reset error and found it's very confusing . I want help to understand about the following code.
First there is no method available to closeRealmsafely. Please help me understand how can I close the realm safely?
How can I backup and when I will use it? Should I skip the reset error because in documentation it's mentions if the client reset process is not manually initiated, it will instead automatically take place after the next time the app is launched, upon first accessing the SyncManager singleton. It is the app’s responsibility to persist the location of the backup copy if needed, so that the backup copy can be found later."
Below is the error handler sample code from the doc.
let syncError = error as! SyncError
switch syncError.code {
case .clientResetError:
if let (path, clientResetToken) = syncError.clientResetInfo() {
// Handle other errors...
Finally we figured out how to handle the client reset error. We have taken following steps To avoid the data loss incase user is offline and came online and got reset error.
Save the local realm to another directory
Invalidate and nil the realm
Initiate realm manual reset - Call SyncSession.immediatelyHandleError with clientResetToken passed and it will delete the existing realm from directory
Show client reset alert - This will intimate user to relaunch the app.
On next launch realm creates a fresh realm from ROS.
After new realm connects, restore the realm records (if any) from the old realm saved in backup directory above.
Delete the backup realm(old realm) from directory.
switch syncError.code {
case .clientResetError:
if let (path, clientResetToken) = syncError.clientResetInfo() {
// taking backup
backUpRealm(realm: yourLocalRealm)
// making realm nil and invalidating
yourLocalRealm = nil
//Initiate realm manual reset - Call `SyncSession.immediatelyHandleError` with `clientResetToken` passed and it will delete the existing realm from directory
// can show alert to user to relaunch the app
// Handle other errors...
The back up realm code look like this:
func backUpRealm(realm: Realm?) {
do {
try realm?.writeCopy(toFile: backupUrl)
} catch {
print("Error backing up data")
After doing this backup will be available at backup path. On next launch device will connect and download a fresh realm from ROS so after device connects restore the realm records from the backup realm saved in the backup path.
The restore merge backup code will look like this. place the below method when realm connects after relauch.The ```restoredRealm`` is fresh downloaded realm on launch
func restoreAndMergeFromBackup(restoredRealm: Realm?) {
let realmBackUpFilePath = isRealmBackupExits()
// check if backup exists or not
if realmBackUpFilePath.exists {
let config = Realm.Configuration(
fileURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: realmBackUpFilePath.path),
readOnly: true)
let realm = try? Realm(configuration: config)
guard let backupRealm = realm else { return }
//Get your realm Objects
let objects = backupRealm.objects(YourRealmObject.self)
try? restoredRealm?.safeWrite {
for object in objects {
// taking local changes to the downloaded realm if it has
restoredRealm?.create(YourRealmObject.self, value: object, update: .modified)
self.removeRealmFiles(path: realmBackUpFilePath.path)
} else {
debug("backup realm does not exists")
private func isRealmBackupExits() -> (exists: Bool, path: String) {
let documentsPath = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0])
let realmPathComponent = documentsPath.appendingPathComponent("your_backup.realm")
let filePath = realmPathComponent.path
let fileManager = FileManager.default
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: filePath) {
return (true, filePath)
return (false, "")
private func removeRealmFiles(path: String) {
let realmURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
let realmURLs = [
for URL in realmURLs {
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: URL)
} catch {
debug("error while deleting realm urls")
In our testing we have found that there is a backup made by realm automatically so we deleted it for safety purpose. the path argument you will get in the if let (path, clientResetToken) = syncError.clientResetInfo()
func removeAutoGeneratedRealmBackUp(path: String) {
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: URL(fileURLWithPath: path))
} catch {
debug("error while deleting realm backUp path \(path)")

How to write data to a file on iOS in the background

I have an app that runs continuously in the background and needs to write data to a file. Occasionally I am finding a partial record written to the file so I have added some additional code to try and ensure that even if the app is backgrounded it will still have some chance of completing any writes.
Here is the code so far, and it seems to work but I am still not really sure if the APIs that I am using are the best ones for this job.
For example, is there a better way of opening the file and keeping it open so as to not have to seek to the end of the file each time ?
Is the approach for marking the task as a background task correct to ensure that iOS will allow the task to complete - it executes approximately once every second.
/// We wrap this in a background task to ensure that task will complete even if the app is switched to the background
/// by the OS
func asyncWriteFullData(dataString: String, completion: (() -> Void)?) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), {
let taskID = self.beginBackgroundUpdateTask()
if (completion != nil) {
func beginBackgroundUpdateTask() -> UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier {
return UIApplication.sharedApplication().beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler({})
func endBackgroundUpdateTask(taskID: UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier) {
/// Write the record out to file. If the file does not exist then
/// create it.
private func writeFullData(dataString: String) {
let filemgr = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
if let filePath = self.fullDataFilePath {
if filemgr.fileExistsAtPath(filePath) {
if filemgr.isWritableFileAtPath(filePath) {
let file: NSFileHandle? = NSFileHandle(forUpdatingAtPath: filePath)
if file == nil {
// This is a major problem so best notify the User
// How are we going to handle this type of error ?
DebugLog("File open failed for \(self.fullDataFilename)")
AlertManager.sendActionNotification("We have a problem scanning data, please contact support.");
} else {
let data = (dataString as
} else {
//print("File is read-only")
} else {
//print("File not found")
if createFullDataFile() {
// Now write the data we were asked to write
} else {
DebugLog("Error unable to write Full Data record")
I suggest you use NSOutputStream. In addition, GCD IO can also deal your work.
Techniques for Reading and Writing Files Without File Coordinators
