Could not resolve host : error while cloning floodlight in git in mininet - git-clone

Trying to install floodlight controller in mininet

DNS is not configured or there is no connectivity with the Internet.


How to debug network host access

I'm having problems with getting proxy setup right in a docker container. I want to download a file from github, but get unable to resolve host address error from wget. Now, how do I debug what goes wrong in accessing the host? I want to see steps like :
requesting `" (my local proxy)
requesting ""
requesting "".
What command line utility can get this information? or what other approach can I use to debug inaccessible host?
I had similar issues and found it helpful to debug by comparing behavior of curl locally and via docker.
docker run -it curlimages/curl
If docker network setup is fine, result should be the same.
"unable to resolve host address" points to a problem with DNS resolution. You can try to ping the IP address of github. If you use docker behind a proxy, you need to make some configuration ( To test connectivity you can use: ping, curl, wget.

Connection refused while trying to push to Harbor registry

I am trying to use Harbor as a Docker registry on Ubuntu 20. I followed the official documentation. As I wanted to connect to Harbor via HTTP, I followed the instructions there.
I am still getting this kind of error:
$ sudo docker push harbor_example:5000/ubuntu
Using default tag: latest
The push refers to repository [harbor_example:5000/ubuntu]
Get http://harbor_example:5000/v2/: dial tcp :5000: connect: connection refused
Did I miss something in the setup of Harbor and/or Docker?
Best regards
It turns out it works when you specifically add the port 80 in /etc/docker/daemon.json
"insecure-registries" : ["harbor_example:80", ""]

Can't use host machine internet after docker installation

After I install to my computer(Ubuntu 16.04), the hosts machine internet goes away.
Could anyone help me, how can I use both internet and the installed docker.
I could write this here, because I removed docker, and now it is not on my machine.
Thanks in advance!
I had to add the following lines into /etc/docker/daemon.json:
"bip": ""
If you are using VM environments, have you a) set the VM network adapter to dhcp and b) shared your main connection to the VM network adapter?

Error: Status 404 trying to push repository busybox

I tried to push signed images from a machine (A) to a registry on another machine (B).
docker tag busybox:latest ubuntu:5005/busybox:latest
docker push ubuntu:5005/busybox:latest
The push refers to a repository [ubuntu:5005/busybox] .... Error: Status 404 trying to push repository busybox ... .
telnet ubuntu 5005
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
Are there any extra settings in order to push signed images on a diff machine. Or just to push without signing? Thanks a lot!
If you can't reach this, make sure your ports are properly exposed on the machine and that your networking resolves "ubuntu" to your newest machine correctly.
It's probable Machine A has no rule allowing ubuntu to resolve to <machine B>.
Make sure you docker login as well once you verify this, too.
This docs helped me to solve the problem.

How to connect to a service running on docker container from withing host MacOS machine?

I am trying to install Hadoop on Docker on top of docker-machine. Long story short, I need to be able to curl
That works just fine from within the Virtual Machine but fails from within MacOS.
curl: (7) Failed connect to; Operation timed out
What should I do to go around this issue?
Krisztian Horvath from sequenceiq/docker-ambari was kind enough to help me out with that.
So, what you need to do is to
docker-machine ip default
to get VM_IP your virtual machine IP and then
sudo route add -net VM_IP
