Calling slack api for data from specific time range - slack-api

Can you do that? If so, how? I'm using some of the methods here but I haven't found any information about using time range as an argument.

When I asked that question I had believed you should ask about date range using extra args field so I had felt like I was specific enough. I believe Slack API docs does not document such use cases as getting date range. Good thing is that there is a tester on the page.
To get time ranges you need a method that supports that.
Here is an example of such method:


Trying to search reddit submissions and subreddits based on comment word search

Can you search for submissions (over all subreddits) to find those having a particular keyword use in the discussions i.e comments of that submission?
I am trying to :
Collect all the submission ids and hence the comments that have this word say "awesome".
I would also like to know if there are some subreddits that are likely to have this word used often based on the comments?
I have already looked at PRAW & PSAW documentation and even found the exact solution to this problem i.e the aggs paramter but apparently it is not working at the moment? Every query gives me a JSON that is empty(with the same code as in the documentation)?
I was wondering if there are alternatives or workarounds to this? Or something that could solve my problem.
Thanks in advance for your time.

Get time spent by field (column) on Jira

I have a board with 3 columns (To-do, Work in Progress and Done).
Is there a way to get the time spent by a card on each column via API?
The getIssue does not fetch this kind of data
There is no 'time spent by' measure available through the JIRA REST API (as it is too narrow/specific).
There is a possibility to get timestamps of status changes via REST API though. As this answer explains it, you need to use &expand=changelog flag in your API request. In this case response would return created field for each transition that issue has made. You can use it to calculate time between issue transitions.
There is another answer that explains how to get dates using jira-python library (just in case you use it).

How to do the print range or worksheet in the excel add-in?

I generate tables for the corresponding styles based on the data in the sheet. I want to print them out.
I tried to find the api in the document,but I did not find it.
I would like to know if there is a print function of the api exists, if there is, please give me a help, if not, I think it would be useful to add this api in office-js.
There is no "Print" API (partially because the APIs -- at least, until now -- have largely focused on cross-platform APIs, and also because printing is different across the different devices).
That said, please add your suggestion to

Twitter API 1.1 search/tweets - search by date

Since the "since" param is no longer in use, how can I search tweets older than specific date ? I understand how to use since_id, but in my case I don't have any historic tweet to take the tweet_id from. How is search by date done these days ?
It's an old question, but since it has no answer i share what i have found regarding this question by reading the docs and using the API.
Since and until params are only for maximum 9 past days.
Instead we can use since_id and max_id. You have to set them to unique ids of tweets. You can find one tweet in the specified time (from any user you want). Detect the id by using the API or simply by Developer tools of your browser.
You can use the until param:
Returns tweets generated before the given date. Date should be
formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Keep in mind that the search index may not go
back as far as the date you specify here.

Twitter API: Get latest nearby tweets

I see the request API docs here:
I understand that there's a geocode field. The problem is that the query field is required meaning I have to search something that's related in that area. Is it possible to just get ALL the latest tweets around that area without specifying a query?
No, this is deliberate to prevent huge demand on the servers, you need to specify something else. My tip - use the date/time related query fields. This is acceptable, and if you really need "forever", you can make more requests.
