Rspec testing, Capybara unable to find link or button - ruby-on-rails

This the part of my requests test that fails:
scenario 'Admin destroys a job posting + gets notified' do
parent = create(:parent)
create(:assignment, user_id:, role_id: 1)
demand = create(:demand, shift_id: 4)
visit demands_path
click_on 'Destroy'
expect(page).to have_content('successfully')
This is the error:
Failure/Error: click_on 'Destroy'
Unable to find link or button "Destroy"
And here is the corresponding index view, including a "Destroy" link in the app:
Any idea why this test fails??

Odds are the data you assume is on the page actually isn't. This could be for a number of reasons.
Your page requires JS and you're not using a JS capable driver - see
Your sign_in method is defined to fill in user/pass and then click a button, but doesn't have an expectation for content that confirms the user has completed login at the end. This can lead to the following visit occurring before login has completed and therefore not actually logging in. Verify that by inspecting the result of page.html or calling page.save_and_open_screenshot before the click.
Your 'Destroy' "button" is neither an actual <a> element or <button> element. Fix that by either using semantic markup or swapping to find(...).click
You are using a JS capable driver but your records aren't actually visible to the app - this would affect all your tests though so I assume it's probably not this. If this was the case the login would fail and you'd probably need to install database_cleaner and configure for use with RSpec & Capybara -


Capybara integration test object creation

I have a basic integration test that is using Capybara, the problem is that if I do not create the required objects firstly the integration test fails. Am I required to create all objects as the first step in an integration test using Capybara? I am using Rails 4.2.4 with Capybara 2.4.3
scenario 'if media content contains more than 10 items display pagination links' do
# Object creation
11.times do
within '.pagination' do
expect(page).to have_content '1'
scenario 'if media content contains more than 10 items display pagination links' do
# Object creation
11.times do
within '.pagination' do
expect(page).to have_content '1'
If the objects creation affects the page that you are visit-ing in your capybara test then yes, you need to create the objects before you test for elements on that page because upon visiting the page, its content is already grabbed by the test browser.
I assume that you have a visit "some_login_page" and perhaps a redirect upon successful login in your sign_in method, so when finishing the sign_in, the test browser already visited (i.e. grabbed) the page on which you are trying to test content later.
The only exception that comes to my mind is if you used a delayed AJAX request to grab the newly created elements from the server to the page dynamically - in that case creating the objects after page visit might work ok.

How to access the same DB data that Capybara uses

I have a very simple password reset form, which is just a text field to enter an email and a submit button.
There are some client-side validations using JS, so I use the Capyabara JS driver when writing spec tests for it.
This test just tests that a password reset token is added to the user's auth_info table.
describe "password reset form", js: true do
let(:email) { "" }
# Create existing user with an email so we can reset it's password
let!(:user) { create(:user, email: email) }
before(:each) do
fill_in email_field, with: email
click_button reset_button
it "generates a new token" do
# `token` is definitely getting set properly when I pause it here
# with binding.pry and inspect the object using `user.reload`
# But when running the test it always shows up as `nil`
expect(user.reload.auth_info.token).to match(/[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}/)
As the comment notes, I know for a fact the token is getting properly set when I inspect it directly using binding.pry. But RSpec and Capybara are seeing it as nil, even after refreshing the model using reload.
Is Capybara maintaining a different cache or something?
EDIT: Also tried different combinations of applying the reload to the User model as well as the AuthInfo model, in case I needed to refresh the latter too
You're using a JS capable browser which means click_button is asynchronous. The result of this is you're executing click_button and then immediately checking for the token before the action triggered by the button has occurred. You can verify this by putting sleep 5 before the expect and the test should pass. The correct way to make the test wait before the check is to use capybaras matchers to look for info on the page that changes once the click_button has completed, something like either of the following
expect(page).to have_text('text that appears after click_button has succeeded')
expect(page).to have_selector('div.abcde') #element that appears after click_button has succeeded
Those will make the test wait until the action has completed and then you can check for the token

Rspec with capybara facing issue with page.should have_content

I am new to Rspec and here I am trying to test one of the integration test. When I (Using Capybara) clicks button then page content gets replaced with post response. Now i am checking for page content, it present on the page but still my test is failing.
Below is the spec
it "get force check takeover1" do
select('Showroom', :from => 'urlVal')
fill_in('fpHeaderForce', :with => 'PSD.L.Syn')
fill_in('currentDate', :with => '2013-09-11')
page.should have_content('Buy 2013 Labor Law Posters')
But Result is,
1) las box get force check takeover1
Failure/Error: page.should have_content('Test page')
expected #has_content?("Buy 2013 Labor Law Posters") to return true, got false
# ./integration/las_box_spec.rb:19:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
and resulted response html contains,
<div class="las-link" id="">
<div class="laborLink_actual labor_01">
<span class="laborLink"></span>
Buy 2013 Labor Law Posters
Possible causes
Provided you're indeed testing a html page as your result excerpt seems to show, there may be several possibilities, here :
the text you're trying to test is not the actual one. Double check there's no typo and you use the same locale if multiple language website
the element containing the text may be hidden. Capybara won't consider the content to exist if it is not visible
the previous click on button may simply not work or may lead to an other page
Ways to isolate problem
As often with capybara since fails are just symptoms of real problem, we can deal with all problems using debugging features :
page.save_screenshot( filename ) : saves a screenshot to given file name (for example, 'shot.png')
save_and_open_page : open an inspectable html page in your browser
binding.pry : from pry gem, always useful to inspect context
For an example of screenshot creation through poltergeist, see this.
Edit : dynamic page problems
As mentioned in comments, problem seems to be tied to javascript content editing.
You should still use debugging mentioned before to be sure to isolate your problem. Once done, you can use capybara's #synchronize method to wait for your content :
page.document.synchronize( 10 ) do
result = page.evaluate_script %($(':contains("Post")').length)
raise Capybara::ElementNotFound unless result > 0
The synchronize method will be retried for 10 seconds, as long that the containing block raises a Capybara::ElementNotFound exception (any other exception is not catched). So basically, here, we check (using jQuery) if the "Post" content is present in page, and retry until it is or until ten seconds have passed.
If element was not found, test will fail by raising an uncaught exception.
If element is found, you can now proceed with your regular test. This allow to add timing condition in specs.

RSpec and Capybara setup, have_no_content doesn't seem to be working

I'm creating an app where I have a simple delete record on the index of the records once a user logs in. When I don't have the user logging in under my rspec specs, the delete works. Meaning that the has_no_content test returns true. But once I put in place the authentication required to access the index of records, the test fails. Any thoughts?
before do
#records = Factory(:record)
it "should delete a record" do
visit records_path
find("#record_#{}").click_link 'Delete'
page.should have_content "Record has been deleted"
page.should have_no_content "Record 1"
Nevermind - I figured it out with the help of using launchy.
My initial thought was that I was some how losing the "session" and that once the delete link was clicked, then the login page was being displayed again. That wasn't the case at all. I did notice though that the header of my app also contained "Record 1" in it. Therefore the spec would fail for obvious reasons. Head to desk - sorry about that, but I figured I'd post my own stupidity and looking way deeper than I needed to.

how to test a stale link click (or link I can't get to) using capybara/rspec

Artists cannot rate their own artworks
it "should display error if voting on own artwork", :js => true do
visit "/upcoming"
click_link "like_post_1"
page.should have_content("Can't vote on your own artwork")
This was passing just fine.
However, I can't click on like_post_1 anymore because I added a feature to prevent voting links from appearing next to your own artworks.
Does this mean I no longer need test coverage for this scenario because it's extremely rare that someone can click on a voting link for their own artwork? Or should still have coverage to test the ajax response, because it's not tested anywhere else and it's possible for some stale page of links to somehow exist in a tabbed browser window. If so... how do I test it if I cannot call click_link?
I could try to create a POST request to create the vote, but capybara doesn't support posts, and I can't test the ajax response that way...
Or is there a way to simulate tabbed browsing in capybara?
You can use CSS display:none or visibility:hidden for the own artwork instead of eliminating the link from the DOM. You might have to set
Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false
Another way is giving up Capybara and putting them into the controller/model spec. Controller/model spec might be a better place for the extremely rare case or safeguarding your app case.
Please try this:
Use sleep function.
sleep 10 use to wait process upto 10 seconds..
it "should display error if voting on own artwork", :js => true do
visit "/upcoming"
click_link "like_post_1"
sleep 10
page.should have_content("Can't vote on your own artwork")
