I'm using Highcharts in polar mode. I am using spline but it is rendered as a linear spline, rather than a polar one.
Please see the attached picture to compare what I want (red) vs what I get (black).
How can I solve? Thanks
Bad polar chart
I wonder if HighCharts provides a way to get the length of a curve plotted along the serie of points in a x,y chart.
I found a graph on the internet that I am trying to mimic. The line has a linear gradient inside the line to make it appear cylindric. Is there an option to add this in high charts? I found I can apply a linear gradient with fixed xy coordinates but they are not relative to the line but the background of the graph it self.
I have a chart with multiple axes. The same axis can be used for multiple curves.
I would like to draw colored swatches next to the y axes to make it easier to identify which curve belongs to which axis.
I don't find any API setting or sample. Is it possible? If yes, how?
I am using pie chart type to build something like a speed meter type of chart like the example. Im looking for a way to make the path to have rounded corner instead of sharp 90 degree angle kinda.
am I using the right chart type or is there a better one that suits my application?
I have a Highcharts scatter plot with a datetime x axis. The x values are all in the past. The y coordinates are positive integers, typically in the range 100..10k. I want to draw lines from the imaginary point (tomorrow, 0) back to some of the data points.
The Renderer's path command looks to take absolute coordinates in chart space. How do I transform the point (tomorrow,0) into those absolute coordinates?
Also, assume the data was from 1995..2005. The default auto-scaling of Highcharts would make tomorrow be off the chart to the right. What will happen when drawing the path? Will the chart remain the same scale and the line be clipped at the right-hand edge? (That would be OK). Would the chart be redrawn with a new scale so that the x axis covered the whole span from 1995 to tomorrow? Something else?
Thanks in advance...
Found it. There is a translate() function to do the conversion. See the Highcharts support forum thread for info on the function.
Use Axis.toPixels() and Axis.toValue()