Reading value from XML file Throws an error - FAKE F#MAKE - f#

I am trying to read value from XML file from FAKE , But I am getting an error i.e.
.fsx(9,16) : eror FS000: Incomplete structurd construct at or before this
point in expression. Expected '->' or other token.
Below is my code , I am using XMLHelper.XMLRead to read values from xml file .
#r "./packages/FAKE/tools/FakeLib.dll"
open Fake
open Fake.XMLHelper
Target "BuildMain" (fun _ ->
for s in XMLHelper.XMLRead true "D:/test/Version.Config" "/version/major/minor"
trace s)
RunTargetOrDefault "BuildMain"
Below is my XML File :
<major number="2">
Here I am trying to read value from minor version , and moreover can I store this value in a variable so that I can use this later ??

The for ... in construct requires either do or an arrow -> before the body:
for s in XMLHelper.XMLRead true "D:/test/Version.Config" "/version/major/minor" do
trace s
You use do if the body is another loop or just side-effecting code, as in:
for x in 1..5 do
printfn "%d" x
You use arrow -> to have the body produce a value, which then becomes part of the resulting list or sequence, as in:
let evenNumbers2to10 = [for x in 1..5 -> x*2]
The arrow -> can be viewed as a shortcut for do yield:
let evenNumbers2to10 = [for x in 1..5 do yield x*2]


What is the best way to enhance Map in F# such that it reports the key when raising KeyNotFoundException?

I find it impractical that F# Maps do not report the key in KeyNotFoundExceptions:
let m = Map.empty<int,string>
>> KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. // ok, and which key?
The problem certainly does not arise in this example where the key is present but when the exception comes out from a running program. I tried to extend Item, but extensions do not override (
module Ext =
type Map<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> with
member o.Item k = // with better exception
match o.TryGetValue k with
| true, value -> value
| false,_ -> failwithf "key not found in map: %A" k
open Ext
I will wrap Map, to get it done, but wondered if there is a simpler alternative.
I don't think there's any practical way to do this, and I suspect that wrapping Map is more trouble than it's worth. Instead, I would consider a custom operator:
let (#) map key =
match map |> Map.tryFind key with
| Some value -> value
| None -> failwithf "key not found in map: %A" key
let m = Map.empty<int,string>
m # 2

F# Seq.choose() Error FS0001

I have tried MSDN's example for the Seq.choose function (written below) in both a .fsx file and the interactive window for Visual Studio, but it repeatedly returns an error FS0001, stating that the "None" option is a PageExt type rather than the abstract option type 'a option.
I have searched in vain for an explanation of the PageExt type or why this could be returning an error when the None keyword should just represent the "no value" option in the match expression.
let numbers = seq {1..20}
let evens = Seq.choose(fun x ->
match x with
| x when x%2=0 -> Some(x)
| _ -> None ) numbers
printfn "numbers = %A\n" numbers
printfn "evens = %A" evens
| _ -> None ) numbers
C:Path\stdin(38,40): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
'a option
but here has type
Thanks for any help anyone can offer!
The PageExt type is likely something that you've pulled into your current FSI session previously which bound something to None, essentially blocking FSI from recognizing the normal option types.
In F#, you can reuse names, which "shadows" the original value. For example, in FSI, if you type:
let a = 1;;
let a = 2.3;;
You'll notice that it shows:
val a : int = 1
val a : float = 2.3
val it : float = 2.3
This isn't changing the definition of a, but rather defining a new a name that shadows (or "hides") the original bound value.
In your case, you have a None name that's bound to something with a PageExt type that's shadowing Option.None, preventing it from being usable.
The easiest way to fix this is to reset your FSI session. Right click in the F# Interactive window, and choose "Reset iteractive session". If you do that, then run the code you pasted, it will work fine.

Unit testing: '[] |> should equal List.empty' is not working as expected

I have the following code with a test that fails:
open Xunit
open FsUnit.Xunit
let rec openOrSenior xs =
match xs with
| head :: tail when fst head >= 55 && snd head >= 7 -> "Senior" :: openOrSenior tail
| head :: tail -> "Open" :: openOrSenior tail
| [] -> []
let ``empty input gives empty result``() =
openOrSenior [] |> should equal List.empty
The test fails with the following matching error
FsUnit.Xunit+MatchException : Exception of type
'FsUnit.Xunit+MatchException' was thrown. Expected: Equals []
Actual: was []
equal in FsUnit does some fancy match were be is just identity function.
Here is the link source
Your check will be fine if you use:
|> should be Empty
This answer is just to clarify the reasons behind this. It turned out to be too long for a comment.
This is a type mismatch situation. The two values [] and [] look the same when printed out, but actually have different types: the "actual" value is string list, but the "expected" value is obj list.
This happens because List is generic, and should equal doesn't require that "expected" and "actual" have the same type, thus preventing type inference from kicking in. For example, this compiles:
5 |> should equal "abc"
It will, of course, fail at runtime, nicely showing you that the values are not, in fact, equal.
But if one of your values is generic in return type:
let a: int list = []
a |> should equal []
then the lack of type inference means that this value will end up having type obj, and thus not strictly speaking "equal" to the other value, which has a different type.

F# mysterious differences between piping and function application

Premise: I thought that the piping operator is nothing but syntactic sugar, thus x |> f should be exactly the same as f(x).
Analogously, I thought that f (fun x -> foo) is equivalent to let g = fun x -> foo; f g
But apparently there are differences that I do not understand.
Example 1:
static member contents =
let files = Directory.EnumerateFiles (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__+ #"\foo\bar.txt")
let fileList = List.ofSeq files
fileList |> (fun f -> TestCaseData(f).SetName(""))
This works fine: TestCaseData expects an arg:obj which is matched by f which in turn in inferred to be a string since fileList is a list of file names.
However the following does not work
static member contents =
let files = Directory.EnumerateFiles (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__+ #"\foo\bar.txt")
let fileList = List.ofSeq files (fun f -> TestCaseData(f).SetName("")) fileList
Nothing but the last line has changed. Suddenly f is inferred as obj [] and TestCaseData requires an argument of type obj [] and hence I get an error
Error 1 Type mismatch. Expecting a obj [] list but given a string list
The type 'obj []' does not match the type 'string'
I would have thought that both snippets are equivalent in produce correct code but only the first does?!
Example 2:
[<TestCase("nonsense", TestName="Nonsense")>]
member x.InvalidInputs str =
let lexbuf = Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Lexing.LexBuffer<char>.FromString(str)
Assert.Throws<FatalError> (fun () -> ParsePkg.parse "Dummy path" lexbuf |> ignore)
|> ignore
Above everything works fine.
[<TestCase("nonsense", TestName="Nonsense")>]
member x.InvalidInputs str =
let lexbuf = Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Lexing.LexBuffer<char>.FromString(str)
let ff = fun () -> ParsePkg.parse "Dummy path" lexbuf |> ignore
Assert.Throws<FatalError> (ff)
|> ignore
As you see, all I did was pull out the argument of the assertion by first defining let ff = ... (for readability reasons, say) and suddenly the compiler points to the (ff) argument and complains:
Error 2 This expression was expected to have type TestDelegate but here has type unit -> unit
TestDelegate is a type of NUnit that I am using here and it happens to coincide with unit->unit so I'd assume it would be unified anyway but that does not even matter. Why at all is it possible that the type changes, since again I believe to have done a purely syntactic replacement?!
type inferences is done sequential top to bottom. So in the first case fileList is the first lexical argument.
The information that the fileList is a list of strings is then used in the piping expression. To know whether stringis a legal type for f the signature of TestCaseData is used. As commented, based on the error message TestCaseData probably accepts [<Params>] obj [] making a single string argument valid.
In the second version there's no information to use when determining the type of f other than the signature of TestCaseData and therefor f is inferred to be of type obj []
Similar is true in the other example. Just the other way around. Pulling out the function removes the information that it's supposed to be of type TestDelegate.
At the lexical point the only information available is that it's a function of type unit->unit.
When the function is used at a program point where a TestDelegate is required. The type inference tests whether the function can be used as a TestDelegate and if so, infers the type to be TestDelegate

How to invoke the function in Seq.whatever without "printf"?

I'm new to f# and I tried to write a program supposed to go through all files in a given dir and for each file of type ".txt" to add an id number + "DONE" to the file.
my program:
let notImportantString= "blahBlah"
let mutable COUNT = 1.0
//addNumber --> add the sequence number COUNT to each file.
let addNumber (file : string) =
let mutable str = File.ReadAllText(file)
printfn "%s" str//just for check
let num = COUNT.ToString()
let str4 = str + " " + num + "\n\n\n DONE"
COUNT <- COUNT + 1.0
let str2 = File.WriteAllText(file,str4)
//matchFunc --> check if is ".txt"
let matchFunc (file : string) =
//allFiles --> go through all files of a given dir
let allFiles dir =
{ for file in Directory.GetFiles(dir) do
yield file
let dir = "D:\FSharpTesting"
let a = allFiles dir
|> Seq.filter(matchFunc)
printfn "%A" a
My question:
Tf I do not write the last line (printfn "%A" a) the files will not change.(if I DO write this line it works and change the files)
when I use debugger I see that it doesn't really computes the value of 'a' when it arrives to the line if "let a =......" it continues to the printfn line and than when it "sees" the 'a' there it goes back and computes the answer of 'a'.
why is it and how can i "start" the function without printing??
also- Can some one tells me why do I have to add file as a return type of the function "addNumber"?
(I added this because that how it works but I don't really understand why....)
last question-
if I write the COUNT variable right after the line of the [] definition
it gives an error and says that a constant cannot be "mutable" but if a add (and this is why I did so) another line before (like the string) it "forgets" the mistakes and works.
why that? and if you really cannot have a mutable const how can I do a static variable?
if I do not write the last line (printfn "%A" a) the files will not change.
F# sequences are lazy. So to force evaluation, you can execute some operation not returning a sequence. For example, you can call Seq.iter (have side effects, return ()), Seq.length (return an int which is the length of the sequence) or Seq.toList (return a list, an eager data structure), etc.
Can some one tells me why do I have to add file : string as a return type of the function "addNumber"?
Method and property access don't play nice with F# type inference. The type checker works from left to right, from top to bottom. When you say file.Contains, it doesn't know which type this should be with Contains member. Therefore, your type annotation is a good hint to F# type checker.
if I write the COUNT variable right after the line of the [<Literal>] definition
it gives an error and says that a constant cannot be "mutable"
Quoting from MSDN:
Values that are intended to be constants can be marked with the Literal attribute. This attribute has the effect of causing a value to be compiled as a constant.
A mutable value can change its value at some point in your program; the compiler complains for a good reason. You can simply delete [<Literal>] attribute.
To elaborate on Alex's answer -- F# sequences are lazily evaluated. This means that each element in the sequence is generated "on demand".
The benefit of this is that you don't waste computation time and memory on elements you don't ever need. Lazy evaluation does take a little getting used to though -- specifically because you can't assume order of execution (or that execution will even happen at all).
Your problem has a simple fix: just use Seq.iter to force execution/evaluation of the sequence, and pass the 'ignore' function to it since we don't care about the values returned by the sequence.
let a = allFiles dir
|> Seq.filter(matchFunc)
|> Seq.iter ignore // Forces the sequence to execute is intended to map one value to another, not generally to mutate a value. seq<_> represents a lazily generated sequence so, as Alex pointed out, nothing will happen until the sequence is enumerated. This is probably a better fit for codereview, but here's how I would write this:
Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir, "*.txt")
|> Seq.iteri (fun i path ->
let text = File.ReadAllText(path)
printfn "%s" text
let text = sprintf "%s %d\n\n\n DONE" text (i + 1)
File.WriteAllText(path, text)) requires a return type, as do all expressions in F#. If a function performs an action, as opposed to computing a value, it can return unit: (). Regarding COUNT, a value cannot be mutable and [<Literal>] (const in C#). Those are precise opposites. For a static variable, use a module-scoped let mutable binding:
module Counter =
let mutable count = 1
open Counter
count <- count + 1
But you can avoid global mutable data by making count a function with a counter variable as a part of its private implementation. You can do this with a closure:
let count =
let i = ref 0
fun () ->
incr i
let one = count()
let two = count()
f# is evaluated from top to bottom, but you are creating only lazy values until you do printfn. So, printfn is actually the first thing that gets executed which in turn executes the rest of your code. I think you can do the same thing if you tack on a println after and do toList on it which will force evaluation as well.
This is a general behaviour of lazy sequence. you have the same in, say C# using IEnumerable, for which seq is an alias.
In pseudo code :
var lazyseq = "abcdef".Select(a => print a); //does not do anything
var b = lazyseq.ToArray(); //will evaluate the sequence
ToArray triggers the evaluation of a sequence :
This illustrate the fact that a sequence is just a description, and does not tell you when it will be enumerated : this is in control of the consumer of the sequence.
To go a bit further on the subject, you might want to look at this page from F# wikibook:
let isNebraskaCity_bad city =
let cities =
printfn "Creating cities Set"
["Bellevue"; "Omaha"; "Lincoln"; "Papillion"]
|> Set.ofList
let isNebraskaCity_good =
let cities =
printfn "Creating cities Set"
["Bellevue"; "Omaha"; "Lincoln"; "Papillion"]
|> Set.ofList
fun city -> cities.Contains(city)
Most notably, Sequence are not cached (although you can make them so). You see then that the dintinguo between the description and the runtime behaviour can have important consequence as the sequence itself is recomputed which can incur a very high cost and introduce quadratic number of operations if each value is itself linear to get !
