Extend Highcharts options as plugin - highcharts

I want to create a Highcharts Plugin which should improve the Accessibility module.
In the plugin code I want to change the screenReaderSectionFormatter (http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/accessibility.screenReaderSectionFormatter). Can I add the function somehow to the general chart options? Or can I override the function in another way?
Thanks in advance.

You could override the highcharts function if you wish. This piece of code will add a default function for screenReaderSectionFormatter if one is not provided in the settings
var originalHighchartsFunction = Highcharts.chart
Highcharts.chart = function() {
var higchartsSettings = arguments[1];
if (higchartsSettings.accessibility == undefined) {
higchartsSettings.accessibility = {
screenReaderSectionFormatter: function(){
// your code
return originalHighchartsFunction.apply(this, arguments);
here is the full fiddle where i added the load event in the function override as a proof of concept http://jsfiddle.net/uz7bd7xo/1/


Event ExportData in Highcharts

im searching an example for using the exportData event in Highcharts
I do not find any example, can someone help me?
You need to add exporting and export-data modules and click for example 'View data table' in the context menu:
chart: {
events: {
exportData: function() {
alert('export data!');
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/50vx6ad8/
Docs: https://www.highcharts.com/docs/export-module/export-module-overview

In high chart how to add event for label click

In high chart there is an event for clicking on the bar. But bar is small in height it is impossible to click on it. Hence I want the event in high chart for further processing.
E.g. I want the event for month name in following example.
Thanks In advance.
If you don't want to use JQuery you can use it as follows
label.style.cursor = "pointer";
label.onclick = function(){
alert('You clicked on '+this.textContent);
complete code at http://jsfiddle.net/t07ok5v3/5/
Alternate solution, maintained since Highcharts v3 is to use Custom Events plugin. Plugin adds a lot of new event, natively not supported by Highcharts.
Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/Utx8g/963/
Events are added the same way as official events in Highcharts, and we don't need to re-inspect every release the DOM:
xAxis: {
labels: {
events: {
click: function () { ... }
I get Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'forEach' when running the solution from Malay Sarkar in Internet Explorer. Here's a workaround I used which works in both Chrome and IE.
for (let i = 0; chart.xAxis[0].labelGroup.element.childNodes.length; i++)
chart.xAxis[0].labelGroup.element.childNodes[i].onclick = function(){
alert('You clicked on '+this.textContent);

Get Activating browser tab atributes in firefox addon builder

I am trying to create a bootstrapped firefox extension to obtain current tabs url and title. The issue is that I want to check when the tab url has the word "about:" in its url. The solution that I propose is to check the require("sdk/tabs").activeTab.url" using the browsers native string.substr() javascript function. Is any posibility to use browsers native javasript functions on widget or ToolbarButton onClick method?
exports.main = function(options) {
var base64 = require("sdk/base64");
var panel = require("sdk/panel").Panel({
width: 700,
height: 470,
onHide: function ()
panel.contentURL = "about:blank";
var tbb = require("toolbarbutton").ToolbarButton({
id: "extension-tbb-id",
label: "IFShare+",
image: "https://www.fasdfasd.es/factory/templates/templateforidkreader/favicon.ico",
panel: panel,
onClick: function()
windowPanel = require("sdk/tabs").activeTab;
title = windowPanel.title;
url = windowPanel.url;
// Is any posibility to do something like that ????
contentScript: "if("+url+".substring(0,5)=='about:'){"
contentScript: "}"
this.panel.contentURL = "https://www.fasdfasdf.es/factory/index2.php?option=com_idkreader&view=shareplus&task=window&Itemid=0&url="+base64.encode(url, "utf-8")+'&title='+base64.encode(title, "utf-8")+'&ref=ext';
// move the toolbar button to the navigation bar
if ("install" == options.loadReason) {
tbb.moveTo({toolbarID: "nav-bar"});
I'm not entirely clear on the details of what you're trying to accomplish, but I think you're close.
To answer the question as asked, no you can't access variables from within a content script. The best you can do is use content script messaging a mentioned in the page-mod documentation.
However, to accomplish what you want, you don't need to do this. You can just do what you want in the onClick function itself, like so
function onClick()
windowPanel = require("sdk/tabs").activeTab;
title = windowPanel.title;
url = windowPanel.url;
} else {
//You can insert any content script stuff you want here
this.panel.contentURL = "https://www.fasdfasdf.es/factory/index2.php?option=com_idkreader&view=shareplus&task=window&Itemid=0&url="+base64.encode(url, "utf-8")+'&title='+base64.encode(title, "utf-8")+'&ref=ext';
If you refine your question a bit, I will be happy to refine my answer.

Is it possible to disable chosen.js for a specific select box?

Given a certain event (say, a button click), I'd like to disable Chosen.js for a specific select box.
Is this possible?
I had a similar requirement although it didn't require a button click, I just wanted to enable / disable Chosen for specific select boxes.
My solution is for each select element that you don't want to use Chosen with, add the CSS class 'no-chzn'. Then in chosen.jquery.js, add the following lines to the constructor (this is near line 533 in version 1.1.0):
chosen: function(options) {
if (!AbstractChosen.browser_is_supported()) {
return this;
return this.each(function(input_field) {
var $this, chosen;
$this = $(this);
if ($this.parent().hasClass("chosen-disable")) { return; } // Just add this line!
chosen = $this.data('chosen');
if (options === 'destroy' && chosen) {
} else if (!chosen) {
$this.data('chosen', new Chosen(this, options));
For example you have a select with class no-chosen and you do this:
It means it takes all selects except the one with no-chosen class.

jqueryUI Sortable: handling .disableSelection() on form inputs

example: i have an un-ordered list containing a bunch of form inputs.
after making the ul .sortable(), I call .disableSelection() on the sortable (ul) to prevent text-selection when dragging an li item.
..all fine but I need to re/enable text-selection on the form inputs.. or the form is basically un-editable ..
i found a partial solution # http://forum.jquery.com/topic/jquery-ui-sortable-disableselection-firefox-issue-with-inputs
enableSelection, disableSelection seem still to be un-documented: http://wiki.jqueryui.com/Core
any thoughts?
solved . bit of hack but works! .. any comments how i can do this better?
apply .sortable() and then enable text-selection on input fields :
stop: function () {
// enable text select on inputs
.bind('mousedown.ui-disableSelection selectstart.ui-disableSelection', function(e) {
// enable text select on inputs
.bind('mousedown.ui-disableSelection selectstart.ui-disableSelection', function(e) {
A little improvement from post of Zack - jQuery Plugin
preventDisableSelection: function(){
return this.each(function(i) {
$(this).bind('mousedown.ui-disableSelection selectstart.ui-disableSelection', function(e) {
And full solution is:
stop: function () {
// enable text select on inputs
// enable text select on inputs
jQuery UI 1.9
$("#list selector").bind('click.sortable mousedown.sortable',function(e){
selector = input, table, li....
I had the same problem. Solution is quite simple:
The following will disable selection for the entire document, but input and select elements will still be functional...
function disableSelection(o) {
var $o = $(o);
if ($o.find('input,select').length) {
$o.children(':not(input,select)').each(function(x,e) {disableSelection(e);});
} else {
But note that .disableSelection has been deprecated by jquery-ui and will someday go away.
EASY! just do:
$( "#sortable_container_id input").click(function() { $(this).focus(); });
and replace "sortable_container_id" with the id of the element that is the container of all "sortable" elements.
Quite old, but here is another way:
// ...
// Add all non draggable parts by class name or id, like search input texts and google maps for example
cancel: '#my-input-text, div.map',
