Rails is not sending custom metrics to NewRelic - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to send custom metrics to NewRelic insights, but unfortunately it is not working for my Rails app that is currently sending default data to New Relic.
Steps to reproduce
I just logged in the console of the working application and ran the following command:
NewRelic::Agent.record_metric('/Custom/MyCategory/MyMetric', 5)
Unfortunately it never appeared in the Insights Data Explorer.
The configuration in the application is the following:
common: &default_settings
license_key: <MY_KEY>
app_name: my_app
log_level: info
<<: *default_settings
app_name: executive_alerts (development)
monitor_mode: false
<<: *default_settings
app_name: executive_alerts (test)
monitor_mode: false
<<: *default_settings
app_name: executive_alerts (staging)
<<: *default_settings
Thank you!

From the documentation for the New Relic agent:
metric_name should follow a slash separated path convention. Application specific metrics should begin with Custom/.
Change your command from:
NewRelic::Agent.record_metric('/Custom/MyCategory/MyMetric', 5)
NewRelic::Agent.record_metric('Custom/MyCategory/MyMetric', 5)


Google Cloud build fails due to rails db:migrate

I'm following the 'Running Rails on the Cloud Run environment' instructions and have hit a snag. I used their provided github repo and the google cloud shell and I had success in launching the working application.
Now, I am trying to integrate Cloud Run into my rails template. While 'Deploying the app to Cloud Run' using the cloudbuild.yaml file provided, the build crashes during database migration. I am using postgreSQL. Here are the error details:
The error
"bundle exec rails db:migrate" ->
"ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished: could not connect to server: No such file or directory"
I think I've traced it to database.yml file where Google recommends this host:
  <<: *default
  database: <%= ENV["PRODUCTION_DB_NAME"] %>
  username: <%= ENV["PRODUCTION_DB_USERNAME"] %>
  password: <%= Rails.application.credentials.gcp[:db_password] %>
  host: "<%= ENV.fetch("DB_SOCKET_DIR") { '/cloudsql' } %>/<%= ENV["CLOUD_SQL_CONNECTION_NAME"] %>"
It is unclear where this ENV.fetch("DB_SOCKET_DIR") comes from [at least to me, I'm new]. Their git repo holds a folder where I found templates for another build that included an app.standard.yaml and a config/database_unix.yml that I've tried integrating.
entrypoint: bundle exec rackup --port $PORT
runtime: ruby27
RAILS_ENV: production
# [START cloud_sql_postgres_activerecord_connect_unix]
unix: &unix
adapter: postgresql
# Configure additional properties here.
# [END cloud_sql_postgres_activerecord_connect_unix]
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
# [START cloud_sql_postgres_activerecord_connect_unix]
# Note: Saving credentials in environment variables is convenient, but not
# secure - consider a more secure solution such as
# Cloud Secret Manager (https://cloud.google.com/secret-manager) to help
# keep secrets safe.
username: <%= ENV["DB_USER"] %> # e.g. "my-database-user"
password: <%= ENV["DB_PASS"] %> # e.g. "my-database-password"
database: <%= ENV.fetch("DB_NAME") { "vote_development" } %>
# Specify the Unix socket path as host
host: "<%= ENV["INSTANCE_UNIX_SOCKET"] %>"
# [END cloud_sql_postgres_activerecord_connect_unix]
<<: *unix
# Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
<<: *unix
pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 1 } %>
database: <%= ENV.fetch("DB_NAME") { "vote_test" } %>
<<: *unix
database: <%= ENV.fetch("DB_NAME") { "vote_production" } %>
Some other solutions I've seen mention this instead of host:
socket: “/cloudsql/project_id:us-central1:photo-album-production”
I tried this with no luck. I cloned the repo to my machine and re-tried the Cloud Run instructions. No success this time as it's getting the same migration error. Am I thinking about this wrong?
Check this out: https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/postgres/connect-build.
In short, you'll need to run the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy to create a Unix socket in Cloud Build so your app can connect.
If you're using a private IP instance, you'll need to make sure you're using private pools.

Custom yaml configuration in rails not working

I'm having some trouble loading custom configuration data from a yml file. I've looked at a few resources and can't seem to get anywhere with it.
When I try to load some custom settings from the yml file I get an empty hash.
my application.rb contains:
config.myapp = config_for(:myapp)
my myapp.yml contains:
default: &default
support: test#myapp.com
marketing: marketing#myapp.com
address: 123 Test lane
<<: *default
<<: *default
<<: *default
When I call:
I get:
Any thoughts what the issue might be?
It's got something to do with the lifecycle of the Application object and where your config.myapp = config_for(:myapp) call sits.
So I tried it locally and solved this problem by putting it inside a config.before_initialize callback block:
this is in my config/application.rb file
config.before_initialize do
config.myapp = config_for(:myapp)
and then in rails console Rails.application.config.myapp correctly dumps the config parsed from yml.

Postgree too many connections in rails console

I am developing a Ruby on Rails app using postgre gem and this is how my database.yml looks like:
adapter: postgresql
encoding: utf-8
pool: 5
username: "hytxlzju"
password: "xxxxx"
host: "jumbo.db.elephantsql.com"
port: "5432"
database: "hytxlzju"
adapter: postgresql
encoding: utf-8
pool: 5
username: "hytxlzju"
password: "xxxxxx"
host: "jumbo.db.elephantsql.com"
port: "5432"
database: "hytxlzju"
Whenever I am connecting to this db locally, from the rails console I am getting too many connections. How can I kill a connection in the code, once the user logged out, in the code, and how can I kill one in my rails console, after I finished altering the tables?
This is the error message:
22:in `initialize': FATAL: too many connections for role "hytxlzju" (PG::ConnectionBad)
[EDIT] I added my initilizer, still no success:
Rails.application.config.after_initialize do
ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do
config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env] ||
config['pool'] = ENV['DB_POOL'] || ENV['RAILS_MAX_THREADS'] || 5
You can try the below approach
Active Record limits the total number of connections per application
through a database setting pool; this is the maximum size of the
connections your app can have to the database
in config/datbase.yml
pool: <%= ENV['RAILS_MAX_THREADS'] || 5 %>
If you are using puma then use ENV['RAILS_MAX_THREADS'] more here
It might solve the problem.
Somehow my demo app was not finding the entries in the tables, so it was creating multiple pools connections, without closing them, because before closing the connection, a 500 error was getting thrown, hence that bit of code where I closed the pool was never closed. More abut postgre session here

how to set Seamless database pool read slave database as default?

I have problem with seamless gem
adapter: jdbcmysql
database: mydb_development
username: read_user
password: abc123
pool_adapter: jdbcmysql
port: 3306
host: master-db.example.com
port: 6000
username: master_user
password: 567pass
- host: read-db-1.example.com
pool_weight: 2
- host: read-db-2.example.com
it should read for slave right [read-db-1.example.com] ? but it was weird.. it always read to master database [mydb_development] .
do you have any suggestion, how should i do to configure this gem for default read to slave database?
Thank you
Specify pool_weight=0 in the master configuration
By default, the master connection will be included in the read pool. If you would like to dedicate this connection only for write operations, you should set the pool weight to zero.
seam_leass_database_pool plugin

My site name and url are not recognized from my mailers

I'm new at ruby on rails, and I've noticed that when I send an email, my site_name and site_url vars are not being recognized from the mailer files.
In my config.yml file I've got the following:
development: &local
site_name: my site name
site_url: http://localhost:8282
company_name: my company name
admin_email: admin#domain.com
support_name: askdjaskd Support
support_email: support#domain.com
<<: *local
<<: *local
<<: *local
And in the mailers I call them the as follows:
#body[:url] = "http://#{Setting.get(:site_url)}/"
Do I need to write a require statement at the beginning of the mailers? If not, what am I missing?
I've solved it! Instead of Settings.get(:site_url), I'm using configatron.site_url and it works!
Thank you!
