networking options for a docker image in minikube - docker

I have a docker image (usermanagement:latest) from which I normally create containers this way when I'm testing locally:
docker run --net "host" -p 8096:8096 -v $(pwd):/etc usermanagement:latest -port 8096 -configfile /etc/config
Both port and configfile has default values and port's default value is 8096.
I can then simply reach it at localhost:8096/1/users/some_api. This gives me the flexibility of being able to create many containers of the same image listening to different ports.
Now, I've pushed this image into a private registry and want to use minikube which also has access to the registry (all good and fine).
Problem is I can't figure out how to specify networking options (--net or -p) or even volume option (-v) when creating a Kubernetes deployment.
I tried:
kubectl run usr --image=$REGISTRY_IP:80/usermanagement:latest --port=8096
kubectl expose deployment usr --target-port=8096 --type=NodePort
Where REGISTRY_IP is the IP of the private registry from which the image has already been pulled into the minikube's docker.
I've verified the service is created and exposed, but I can't reach (getting 404) the container in minikube using:
curl -v
Service's IP and port above came from:
kubectl get svc usr
minikube ip
Any help is appreciated.


How to access NodePort in Minikube with docker driver?

I launched minikube with the docker driver on a remote machine and I have used a nodePort service for a particular pod. I believe nodePort exposes the port on the minikube docker container. On doing minikube IP it gave me the IP of the docker container in which minikube runs. How can I port map the port from the minnikube container to the host port so that I can access it remotely. A different approach would other than using driver=none or restarting minikube is appreciated as I do not want to restart my spinnaker cluster.
There is a minikube service <SERVICE_NAME> --url command which will give you a url where you can access the service. In order to open the exposed service, the minikube service <SERVICE_NAME> command can be used:
$ minikube service example-minikube
Opening kubernetes service default/hello-minikube in default browser...
This command will open the specified service in your default browser.
There is also a --url option for printing the url of the service which is what gets opened in the browser:
$ minikube service example-minikube --url
You can run minikube service list to get list of all available services with their corresponding URL's. Also make sure the service points to correct pod by using correct selector.
Try also to execute command:
ssh -i ssh -i ~/.minikube/machines/minikube/id_rsa docker#$(minikube ip) -L *:30000:
Take a look: minikube-service-port-forward, expose-port-minikube, minikube-service-documentation.

Getting ErrImagePull when trying to use Local Docker Registry with Kubernetes

First I create a local Docker registry...
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
Then I push
docker push localhost:5000/jrg/hello-k8s
I confirm it is there by
$ docker pull localhost:5000/jrg/hello-k8s
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from jrg/hello-k8s
Digest: sha256:c475cb7167208e8f018e54ad81d4b7bbbb9c14875bc1624bcce730edf9afede0
Status: Image is up to date for localhost:5000/jrg/hello-k8s:latest
Then I start Minikube
minikube start --insecure-registry=localhost:5000
But when I run
kubectl create deployment hello-k8s --image=localhost:5000/jrg/hello-k8s
I get
hello-k8s-75846c4bfc-b7zp7 0/1 ErrImagePull 0 4s
What am I missing?
I also tried (assuming is the IP address for my wireless adapter (confirmed by accessing in the browser).
Then I start Minikube
minikube start --insecure-registry=
But when I run
kubectl create deployment hello-k8s --image=
But I still get the same issue, also after a while it appears to become ImagePullBackOff
FYI Project (
I think the issue is localhost will reference the kubernetes host itself, and not your registry.
You need to make it so that the registry is accessible from inside minikube. Try using the ip address of your computer instead of localhost.
There is a proxy addon for minikube that will allow you to access localhost from within minikube. I would suggest setting this up as the simplest solution
If this doesn't work there is a guide here to setup minikube with a local registry
If you are using minikube you must start the docker registry on the minikube machine.
You can either use the minikube registry addon, or use docker yourself. Make sure to use the docker daemon from the minikube host:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
You must push the image to the right registry then, f.e. by using the remote docker daemon for building and pushing to 'localhost' (which is the minikube VM in that case)

Assigning a local IP to docker containers

Is there a way to have docker automatically give it’s containers a local IP address that you can reach with it’s ports exposed?
For example, LXC has ways to do this.
lxc-create -t ubuntu -n myname
lxc-start -n myname -d
Which will then assign a local IP which you can see via lxc-ls if you have a bridge configured:
lxc-ls -f
This is super convenient for throwing up a bunch of containers for testing out deployment/configuration management like ansible.
Is it possible to do something similar in docker without much headache? I come from using LXC and I’m not familiar with the networking modes.
LXC and Docker are very similar. When LXC is installed, a random subnet is picked for configuring the IP addresses of bridge and the containers attached to it. With Docker, the default subnet is, which can be customized if needed. Every container stared (unless using host network or network of another container) using docker run command are assigned an IP address from the above subnet.
docker ps lists all the containers running but unfortunately it doesn't show the IP addresses.
Looks like a small trick can show the IP addresses: (based on this post)
docker ps -q | xargs docker inspect --format '{{ .Id }} - {{ .Name }} - {{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}'
Also you can expose the ports using the -p option of docker run command.
docker run -itd -p 8080:80 nginx
This starts the container on the docker bridge and also exposes the nginx on the host network via port 8080.
from_host_running_container# curl http://172.17.x.y
from_not_the_host_running_container # curl http://${HOST_IP}:8080

Map container to hostname other than localhost in Docker for Mac

I am creating an Nginx container that I would like to access locally at http://api. Using Docker Machine, I assumed running docker-machine create default and docker-machine ip default to receive the IP and editing my hosts file to something like this:
# docker-machine ip default --> api
should map requests to api\ to the Docker Machine IP and serve my content.
Two things are confusing me:
I launch Docker through the Mac App and can create Nginx containers and access content at http://localhost. However, running docker-machine ls returns no machines. This is confusing because I thought Docker had to run on a VM.
Starting from scratch and starting Docker Machine, then spinning up containers seems to have no effect. In other words, I still can access content at http://localhost but not http://api
Instead of accessing my container at http://localhost I want to access it at http://api. How do I do this?
I'm using Docker for Mac 17.12 and Docker Machine 0.14.
On the base of your this question:
Instead of accessing my container at http://localhost I want to access
it at http://api. How do I do this?
Your docker run command:
docker run -it --rm --name test --add-host api: -p 80:80 apachehttpd
1st Thing: The --add-host flag add value to /etc/hosts in your container /etc/hosts so http://api will also response inside the container if ping inside that container.
This is how will ping response inside container
2nd Thing: Edit your host etc/hosts file and add
api [your ip]
This is how you can see in Browser.

How to identify the docker host ip to use when running a jenkins container

I have docker machine installed on windows OS and have pulled in Jenkins image from docker hub. I then run the below commands:
docker volume created myjenkins-data
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v myjenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home jenkins
I received the admin key for Jenkins in the logs. I've confirmed that my container is still running status:
$ docker ps -a
2854c7d83879 jenkins "/bin/tini -- /usr..." About a minute ago Up About a minute>8080/tcp,>50000/tcp quizzical_cray
Now, I need to log into 8080 port to view the Jenkins web app. But I do not know which host ip to use. I identified the docker host ip with the command "docker-machine ip" and got the ip address: But using did not bring up Jenkins app. I also tried using docker inspect to get the container's ip, but port 8080 didn't work on those ips as well. Which ip address do i use to see the Jenkins app that is running in the container?
First, double-check if http://localhost:8080 is not enough.
Hyper-V (through vpnkit, if you are using Docker for Windows) should have done the port-forwarding for you.
If you are using the legacy docker toolbox (VirtualBox), then you need port-forwarding (issue 4115).
