Bluetooth - data reading from custom controller returning same value - ios

I am creating app which connects to custom controller and reads some data over bluetooth, should be pretty simple stuff.
App has address and data characteristics:
- I am writing addresses to address characteristics (that way I tell controller which values from given addresses I would like to have)
- Controller is updating data characteristics with values from given addresses
I am constantly updating address in time interval of 12 seconds to receive different values from different addresses.
App works and is reading data from controller. But after some time values on data address don't update and controller returns same values for different addresses.
We know controller works since Android version of the app has already been made and it works like a charm.
I am wondering if anyone has any idea what could be wrong? Is there a way bluetooth connection changes services / characteristics so I have to update them too?
Wasn't able to add code before, so here is the main part:
To sum it up:
I read values manually by using .readValue and .writeWithResponse when writing.
internal func nextIteration() {
if _writeQueue.count > 0 {
} else {
internal func writeData() {
let writeProperty = _writeQueue[0]
self.writeDataCharacteristics(writeProperty: writeProperty)
_writeQueue.remove(at: 0)
internal func readData() {
if _resetReadParameters || _currentPropertiesNumber != _selectedPropertiesNumber {
if _selectedPropertiesNumber >= _readQueue.count || _selectedPropertiesNumber < 0 {
_selectedPropertiesNumber = 0
_currentProperties = _readQueue[_selectedPropertiesNumber]
_resetReadParameters = false
_currentPropertiesNumber = _selectedPropertiesNumber
_selectedPropertiesNumber += 1
if _selectedPropertiesNumber >= _readQueue.count {
_selectedPropertiesNumber = 0
internal func writeAddressCharacteristics() {
if _currentProperties.count != Constants.maxProperties {
print("Not enough current properties.")
for property in _currentProperties {
let a = property.address.rawValue
_addressBytes.append(UInt8(a & 0xFF))
_addressBytes.append(UInt8(a >> 8))
peripheral?.writeValue(Data(bytes: _addressBytes), for: _address, type: .withResponse)
internal func writeDataCharacteristics(writeProperty: Property) {
let d = UInt16(bitPattern: Int16(writeProperty.value!))
_writeBytes = [UInt8(d & 0xFF), UInt8(d >> 8), 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
peripheral?.writeValue(Data(bytes: _writeBytes!), for: _data, type: .withResponse)
internal func readDataCharacteristics() {
_communicatingData = true
peripheral?.readValue(for: _data)
internal func parseValueBroadcast(bytes: [UInt8], property: Property, byteIndex: Int) {
let value = Int(Int16(bitPattern: UInt16(bytes[byteIndex]) | UInt16(bytes[byteIndex + 1]) << 8))
property.value = value
_communicationDelegate?.didReceiveProperty(property: property)
internal func setWriteProperty(address: Address, value: Int) {
let newProperty = Property.get(address)
newProperty.value = value
if _pausedReading {
// MARK: CBPeripheralDelegate
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didWriteValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
if let writeError = error {
print("Error writing: \(writeError.localizedDescription)")
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 4, execute: {
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
if let error = error {
print("READ ERROR:", error.localizedDescription)
guard let value = characteristic.value else {
let bytes = [UInt8](value)
if !_pausedReading {
var n = 0
for property in _currentProperties {
parseValueBroadcast(bytes: bytes, property: property, byteIndex: n)
n += 2
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 4, execute: {


Laggy WCSession sendMessageData

I am polling the apple watch for Core Motion at a frequency of 0.01. The purpose of the application is to see movement in real-time. To capture data as quickly as possible, I leverage the didReceiveMessageData/ sendMessageData functions. On the iPhone, I have a simple function that reads the data:
func session(_ session: WCSession, didReceiveMessageData messageData: Data) {
let records : [Double] = try! NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClasses: [NSArray.self], from: messageData) as! [Double]
And on an Apple Watch 6, I have a simple function that sends the data. However, sending suffers from a sporadic yet significant delay.
class MyController: WKInterfaceController, WCSessionDelegate {
private let motion = CMMotionManager()
private let motionQueue = OperationQueue()
private let messagingQueue = OperationQueue()
private let healthStore = HKHealthStore()
private var stack : QuaternionStack = QuaternionStack()
override init() {
if WCSession.isSupported() {
let session = WCSession.default
session.delegate = self
if session.activationState == .notActivated { session.activate() }
// Serial queue for sample handling and calculations.
messagingQueue.qualityOfService = .userInteractive
messagingQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
motionQueue.qualityOfService = .userInteractive
motionQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
func startGettingData() {
// If we have already started the workout, then do nothing.
if (workoutSession != nil) { return }
if !motion.isDeviceMotionAvailable { return }
let workoutConfiguration = HKWorkoutConfiguration()
workoutConfiguration.activityType = .functionalStrengthTraining
workoutConfiguration.locationType = .indoor
do {
workoutSession = try HKWorkoutSession(healthStore: healthStore, configuration: workoutConfiguration)
} catch { fatalError("Unable to create the workout session!") }
// Start the workout session and device motion updates.
workoutSession!.startActivity(with: Date())
motion.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.01
motion.startDeviceMotionUpdates(using: .xArbitraryZVertical, to: motionQueue) { [self] (deviceMotion: CMDeviceMotion?, _ : Error?) in
guard let motion = deviceMotion else { return }
let attitude = motion.attitude.quaternion
stack.push(Quaternion(x: attitude.x, y: attitude.y, z: attitude.z, w: attitude.w))
guard let quaternions = stack.pop() else { return }
let blockOperation = BlockOperation()
blockOperation.addExecutionBlock({ [unowned blockOperation] in
if blockOperation.isCancelled { return }
self.sendDataToPhone(quaternions: quaternions)
private func sendDataToPhone(quaternions: [Quaternion]) {
if WCSession.default.isReachable {
var capturedQuaternions : [Double] = [Double]()
for quat in quaternions { capturedQuaternions.append(contentsOf: [quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w]) }
WCSession.default.sendMessageData(try! NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: capturedQuaternions, requiringSecureCoding: false), replyHandler: nil, errorHandler: nil);
I've implemented a stack as follows:
struct QuaternionStack {
private let max = 2;
private var array: [Quaternion] = []
mutating func push(_ element: Quaternion) {
if array.count > max { array.removeFirst() }
mutating func pop() -> [Quaternion]? {
if (array.count < max) { return nil }
var results : [Quaternion] = [Quaternion]()
for _ in 0 ..< max { results.append(array.popLast()!)}
return results
If I set QuaternionStack.max to a big number, like 10, I see no obvious throttling on the iPhone when receiving data. This is because I send more data but less often. However, decreasing the number degrades the performance. As an example, imagine I send every 2 incoming packets ( QuaternionStack.max = 2 ). Sometimes, a few seconds pass between when the packets are received. When this happens, the iWatch seems to send them very quickly in an effort to catch up. Another example of this issue is when listening to music on paired Apple Airpods or receiving an incoming call. The WCSession sendMessageData from the watch becomes very inconsistent.
What must I do to increase the throughput of the WCSession sendMessageData ? The application I am writing requires very fast ( 100hz ) and continuous motion updates.

How to extract SFLOAT value from Bluetooth LE data for 1822 PulseOximeter using CoreBluetooth

I'm working on an iOS app that is to read pulse oximeter data from a Bluetooth LE enabled device, using CoreBluetooth on iOS 11.4 in Swift 4.1.
I've got the CBCentralManager searching for peripherals, I find the CBPeripheral I am interested in, I verify that it has the 0x1822 Pulse Oximeter Service, as described by Bluetooth SIG here. (You may need to register with Bluetooth SIG to access that link. It's free but takes a day or two.)
After that, I connect to it, then I discover services:
func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral) {
Then in my peripheral:didDiscoverServices I discover GATT characteristics:
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverServices error: Error?){
for service in ?? [] {
if service.uuid.uuidString == "1822" {
peripheral.discoverCharacteristics(nil, for: service)
From that I see the the following characteristics (CBCharacteristic.uuid) available: 0x2A5F, 0x2A5E, 0x2a60, and 0x2A52. I then subscribe to updates for 0x2A5F, which is PLX Continuous Measurement, which is described here:
if service.uuid.uuidString == "1822" && characteristic.uuid.uuidString == "2A5F" {
// pulseox continuous
print("[SUBSCRIBING TO UPDATES FOR SERVICE 1822 'PulseOx' for Characteristic 2A5F 'PLX Continuous']")
peripheral.setNotifyValue(true, for: characteristic)
I then begin to receive back 20-byte packets in my peripheral:didUpdateValueFor method:
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
if characteristic.service.uuid.uuidString == "1822" && characteristic.uuid.uuidString == "2A5F" {
if let data = characteristic.value {
var values = [UInt8](repeating:0, count:data.count)
data.copyBytes(to: &values, count: data.count)
From the reference doc you can see the first byte is a bunch of bitfields describing which optional values are included in the packet. The next 2 bytes are an SFLOAT value for the SpO2PR-Normal - SpO2 (oxygenation) reading, and the following 2 bytes are another SFLOAT value for the
SpO2PR-Normal - PR (pulse rate) value.
Bluetooth SIG lists an SFLOAT as an IEEE-11073 16-bit SFLOAT here. IEEE's document on IEEE-11073 is not publicly listed, and is available for purchase, but I'd prefer to avoid that.
Any idea how to decode? I found another question on Stack Overflow referencing the normal 32-bit Float, but that question was for a different type of Float, and its answer was not applicable.
Here it is:
Xcode 9.4.1 or Xcode 10.0 beta 3
iOS 11.4.1 or iOS 12.0 beta 3
Swift 4.1.2 or Swift 4.2
func floatFromTwosComplementUInt16(_ value: UInt16, havingBitsInValueIncludingSign bitsInValueIncludingSign: Int) -> Float {
// calculate a signed float from a two's complement signed value
// represented in the lowest n ("bitsInValueIncludingSign") bits
// of the UInt16 value
let signMask: UInt16 = UInt16(0x1) << (bitsInValueIncludingSign - 1)
let signMultiplier: Float = (value & signMask == 0) ? 1.0 : -1.0
var valuePart = value
if signMultiplier < 0 {
// Undo two's complement if it's negative
var valueMask = UInt16(1)
for _ in 0 ..< bitsInValueIncludingSign - 2 {
valueMask = valueMask << 1
valueMask += 1
valuePart = ((~value) & valueMask) &+ 1
let floatValue = Float(valuePart) * signMultiplier
return floatValue
func extractSFloat(values: [UInt8], startingIndex index: Int) -> Float {
// IEEE-11073 16-bit SFLOAT -> Float
let full = UInt16(values[index+1]) * 256 + UInt16(values[index])
// Check special values defined by SFLOAT first
if full == 0x07FF {
return Float.nan
} else if full == 0x800 {
return Float.nan // This is really NRes, "Not at this Resolution"
} else if full == 0x7FE {
return Float.infinity
} else if full == 0x0802 {
return -Float.infinity // This is really negative infinity
} else if full == 0x801 {
return Float.nan // This is really RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE
// Get exponent (high 4 bits)
let expo = (full & 0xF000) >> 12
let expoFloat = floatFromTwosComplementUInt16(expo, havingBitsInValueIncludingSign: 4)
// Get mantissa (low 12 bits)
let mantissa = full & 0x0FFF
let mantissaFloat = floatFromTwosComplementUInt16(mantissa, havingBitsInValueIncludingSign: 12)
// Put it together
let finalValue = mantissaFloat * pow(10.0, expoFloat)
return finalValue
The extraSFloat method takes a Uint8 array and an index into that array to indicate where the SFLOAT is. For example, if the array was two bytes (just the two bytes of the SFLOAT), then you would say:
let floatValue = extractSFloat(values: array, startingIndex: 0)
I did it this way because when working with Bluetooth data I always ended up with an array of UInt8 values containing the data I needed to decode.
This is how I do it in Swift 5 (XCode 12.4)
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
guard characteristic.service.uuid == CBUUID(string: "1822"),
characteristic.uuid == CBUUID(string: "2A5F"),
let data = characteristic.value else {
let numberOfBytes = data.count
var byteArray = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: numberOfBytes)
(data as NSData).getBytes(&byteArray, length: numberOfBytes)
logger.debug("Data: \(byteArray)")
let oxygenation = byteArray[1]
let heartRate = byteArray[3]
Taken from my tutorial "Reverse Engineering Bluetooth Devices - An Introduction to CoreBluetooth"

can't get returned values in a structure in swift 3

I'm having this code:
// Measurement.swift
// BicycleSpeed
import Foundation
import CoreBluetooth
// CSC Measurement
// Flags : 1 byte. Bit 0: Wheel. Bit 1: Crank
// Cumulative Wheel revolutions: 4 bytes uint32
// Last wheel event time: 2 bytes. uint16 (1/1024s)
// Cumulative Crank revolutions: 2 bytes uint16
// Last cranck event time: 2 bytes. uint16 (1/1024s)
struct Measurement : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
let hasWheel:Bool
let hasCrank:Bool
let cumulativeWheel:UInt32
let lastWheelEventTime:TimeInterval
let cumulativeCrank:UInt16
let lastCrankEventTime:TimeInterval
let wheelSize:UInt32
init(data:Data, wheelSize:UInt32) {
self.wheelSize = wheelSize
// Flags
var flags:UInt8=0
(data as NSData).getBytes(&flags, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: 1))
hasWheel = ((flags & BTConstants.WheelFlagMask) > 0)
hasCrank = ((flags & BTConstants.CrankFlagMask) > 0)
var wheel:UInt32=0
var wheelTime:UInt16=0
var crank:UInt16=0
var crankTime:UInt16=0
var currentOffset = 1
var length = 0
if ( hasWheel ) {
length = MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size
(data as NSData).getBytes(&wheel, range: NSRange(location: currentOffset, length: length))
currentOffset += length
length = MemoryLayout<UInt16>.size
(data as NSData).getBytes(&wheelTime, range: NSRange(location: currentOffset, length: length))
currentOffset += length
if ( hasCrank ) {
length = MemoryLayout<UInt16>.size
(data as NSData).getBytes(&crank, range: NSRange(location: currentOffset, length: length))
currentOffset += length
length = MemoryLayout<UInt16>.size
(data as NSData).getBytes(&crankTime, range: NSRange(location: currentOffset, length: length))
currentOffset += length
cumulativeWheel = CFSwapInt32LittleToHost(wheel)
lastWheelEventTime = TimeInterval( Double(CFSwapInt16LittleToHost(wheelTime))/BTConstants.TimeScale)
cumulativeCrank = CFSwapInt16LittleToHost(crank)
lastCrankEventTime = TimeInterval( Double(CFSwapInt16LittleToHost(crankTime))/BTConstants.TimeScale)
func timeIntervalForCurrentSample( _ current:TimeInterval, previous:TimeInterval ) -> TimeInterval {
var timeDiff:TimeInterval = 0
if( current >= previous ) {
timeDiff = current - previous
else {
// passed the maximum value
timeDiff = ( TimeInterval((Double( UINT16_MAX) / BTConstants.TimeScale)) - previous) + current
return timeDiff
func valueDiffForCurrentSample<T:UnsignedInteger>( _ current:T, previous:T , max:T) -> T {
var diff:T = 0
if ( current >= previous ) {
diff = current - previous
else {
diff = ( max - previous ) + current
return diff
func valuesForPreviousMeasurement( _ previousSample:Measurement? ) -> ( cadenceinRPM:Double?, distanceinMeters:Double?, speedInMetersPerSecond:Double?)? {
var distance:Double?, cadence:Double?, speed:Double?
guard let previousSample = previousSample else {
return nil
if ( hasWheel && previousSample.hasWheel ) {
let wheelTimeDiff = timeIntervalForCurrentSample(lastWheelEventTime, previous: previousSample.lastWheelEventTime)
let valueDiff = valueDiffForCurrentSample(cumulativeWheel, previous: previousSample.cumulativeWheel, max: UInt32.max)
distance = Double( valueDiff * wheelSize) / 1000.0 // distance in meters
if distance != nil && wheelTimeDiff > 0 {
speed = (wheelTimeDiff == 0 ) ? 0 : distance! / wheelTimeDiff // m/s
if( hasCrank && previousSample.hasCrank ) {
let crankDiffTime = timeIntervalForCurrentSample(lastCrankEventTime, previous: previousSample.lastCrankEventTime)
let valueDiff = Double(valueDiffForCurrentSample(cumulativeCrank, previous: previousSample.cumulativeCrank, max: UInt16.max))
cadence = (crankDiffTime == 0) ? 0 : Double(60.0 * valueDiff / crankDiffTime) // RPM
print( "Cadence: \(String(describing: cadence)) RPM. Distance: \(String(describing: distance)) meters. Speed: \(String(describing: speed)) Km/h" )
return ( cadenceinRPM:cadence, distanceinMeters:distance, speedInMetersPerSecond:speed)
var debugDescription:String {
get {
return "Wheel Revs: \(cumulativeWheel). Last wheel event time: \(lastWheelEventTime). Crank Revs: \(cumulativeCrank). Last Crank event time: \(lastCrankEventTime)"
var myMeasurement = ((Measurement?) -> (cadenceinRPM: Double?, DistanceinMeters: Double?, speedinMetersPerSecond: Double?)).self
struct dataVariables {
static var mySpeed = myMeasurement.speedInMetersPerSecond
static var myCadence : Double?
static var miDistance : Double?
static var myLastWheelEventTime : Double? = Measurement.valuesForPreviousMeasurement(lastWheelEventTime)
static var myLastCrankEventTime : Double? = Measurement.valuesForPreviousMeasurement(lastCrankEventTime)
and I'm trying to assign to static variables inside the struct dataVariables the returned values cadenceinRPM,distanceinMeters,speedinMetersPerSecond
as well as lastWheelEventTime and lastCrankEventTime, so I can access them in another class, but I'm having the following errors:
on var mySpeed : Instance member'myMeasurement' cannot be used on type 'Measurement'
on var myLastWheelEventTime and var myLastCrankEventTime : Instance member 'valuesForPreviousMeasurement' cannot be used on type 'Measurement' ; did you mean to use a value of this type instead?
how can a reference to those returned values than?
Can somebody explain the error? I searched for other similar questions but I'm not getting to a solution yet
I have tried to change var myVariable to
var myMeasurement = Measurement.self
but the errors stayed the same.
and this other code
// CadenceSensor.swift
import Foundation
import CoreBluetooth
// Bluetooth "Cycling Speed and Cadence"
Service Cycling Speed and Cadence. Characteristic [2A5B] // Measurement
Service Cycling Speed and Cadence. Characteristic [2A5C] // Supported Features
Service Cycling Speed and Cadence. Characteristic [2A5D] // Sensor location
Service Cycling Speed and Cadence. Characteristic [2A55] // Control Point
public struct BTConstants {
static let CadenceService = "1816"
static let CSCMeasurementUUID = "2a5b"
static let CSCFeatureUUID = "2a5c"
static let SensorLocationUUID = "2a5d"
static let ControlPointUUID = "2a55"
static let WheelFlagMask:UInt8 = 0b01
static let CrankFlagMask:UInt8 = 0b10
static let DefaultWheelSize:UInt32 = UInt32(myVariables.circonferenzaRuota!) // In millimiters. 700x30 (by default my bike's wheels) :)
static let TimeScale = 1024.0
protocol CadenceSensorDelegate {
func errorDiscoveringSensorInformation(_ error:NSError)
func sensorReady()
func sensorUpdatedValues( speedInMetersPerSecond speed:Double?, cadenceInRpm cadence:Double?, distanceInMeters distance:Double? )
class CadenceSensor: NSObject {
let peripheral:CBPeripheral
var sensorDelegate:CadenceSensorDelegate?
var measurementCharasteristic:CBCharacteristic?
var lastMeasurement:Measurement?
let wheelCircunference:UInt32
init(peripheral:CBPeripheral , wheel:UInt32=BTConstants.DefaultWheelSize) {
self.peripheral = peripheral
wheelCircunference = wheel
func start() {
self.peripheral.delegate = self
func stop() {
if let measurementCharasteristic = measurementCharasteristic {
peripheral.setNotifyValue(false, for: measurementCharasteristic)
func handleValueData( _ data:Data ) {
let measurement = Measurement(data: data, wheelSize: wheelCircunference)
let values = measurement.valuesForPreviousMeasurement(lastMeasurement)
lastMeasurement = measurement
sensorDelegate?.sensorUpdatedValues(speedInMetersPerSecond: values?.speedInMetersPerSecond, cadenceInRpm: values?.cadenceinRPM, distanceInMeters: values?.distanceinMeters)
extension CadenceSensor : CBPeripheralDelegate {
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateNotificationStateFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
guard error == nil else {
sensorDelegate?.errorDiscoveringSensorInformation(NSError(domain: CBErrorDomain, code: 0, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey:NSLocalizedString("Error receiving measurements updates", comment:"")]))
print("notification status changed for [\(characteristic.uuid)]...")
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
print("Updated [\(characteristic.uuid)]...")
guard error == nil , let data = characteristic.value else {
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverServices error: Error?) {
guard error == nil else {
sensorDelegate?.errorDiscoveringSensorInformation(error! as NSError)
// Find the cadence service
guard let cadenceService ={ (service) -> Bool in
return service.uuid == CBUUID(string: BTConstants.CadenceService)
}).first else {
sensorDelegate?.errorDiscoveringSensorInformation(NSError(domain: CBErrorDomain, code: NSNotFound, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey:NSLocalizedString("Cadence service not found for this peripheral", comment:"")]))
// Discover the cadence service characteristics
peripheral.discoverCharacteristics(nil, for:cadenceService )
print("Cadence service discovered")
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor service: CBService, error: Error?) {
guard let characteristics = service.characteristics else {
sensorDelegate?.errorDiscoveringSensorInformation(NSError(domain: CBErrorDomain, code: NSNotFound, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey:NSLocalizedString("No characteristics found for the cadence service", comment:"")]))
print("Received characteristics");
// Enable notifications for the measurement characteristic
for characteristic in characteristics {
print("Service \(service.uuid). Characteristic [\(characteristic.uuid)]")
if characteristic.uuid == CBUUID(string: BTConstants.CSCMeasurementUUID) {
print("Found measurement characteristic. Subscribing...")
peripheral.setNotifyValue(true, for: characteristic)
measurementCharasteristic = characteristic
and this other code
// MainViewController.swift
// BicycleSpeed
import UIKit
import CoreBluetooth
class MainViewController: UIViewController {
struct Constants {
static let ScanSegue = "ScanSegue"
static let SensorUserDefaultsKey = "lastsensorused"
var bluetoothManager:BluetoothManager!
var sensor:CadenceSensor?
weak var scanViewController:ScanViewController?
var infoViewController:InfoTableViewController?
var accumulatedDistance:Double?
lazy var distanceFormatter:LengthFormatter = {
let formatter = LengthFormatter()
formatter.numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 1
return formatter
//#IBOutlet var labelBTStatus:UILabel!
#IBOutlet var scanItem:UIBarButtonItem!
#IBOutlet weak var idLabel: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
bluetoothManager = BluetoothManager()
bluetoothManager.bluetoothDelegate = self
scanItem.isEnabled = false
deinit {
#IBAction func unwindSegue( _ segue:UIStoryboardSegue ) {
guard let sensor = (segue as? ScanUnwindSegue)?.sensor else {
print("Need to connect to sensor \(sensor.peripheral.identifier)")
func disconnectSensor( ) {
if sensor != nil {
sensor = nil
accumulatedDistance = nil
func connectToSensor(_ sensor:CadenceSensor) {
self.sensor = sensor
// Save the sensor ID
UserDefaults.standard.set(sensor.peripheral.identifier.uuidString, forKey: Constants.SensorUserDefaultsKey)
// TODO: REconnect. Try this every X seconds
func checkPreviousSensor() {
guard let sensorID = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: Constants.SensorUserDefaultsKey) as? String else {
guard let sensor = bluetoothManager.retrieveSensorWithIdentifier(sensorID) else {
self.sensor = sensor
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if let infoVC = segue.destination as? InfoTableViewController {
infoViewController = infoVC
if segue.identifier == Constants.ScanSegue {
// Scan segue
scanViewController = (segue.destination as? UINavigationController)?.viewControllers.first as? ScanViewController
extension MainViewController : CadenceSensorDelegate {
func errorDiscoveringSensorInformation(_ error: NSError) {
print("An error ocurred disconvering the sensor services/characteristics: \(error)")
func sensorReady() {
print("Sensor ready to go...")
accumulatedDistance = 0.0
func updateSensorInfo() {
let name = sensor? ?? ""
let uuid = sensor?.peripheral.identifier.uuidString ?? ""
OperationQueue.main.addOperation { () -> Void in
self.infoViewController?.showDeviceName(name , uuid:uuid )
func sensorUpdatedValues( speedInMetersPerSecond speed:Double?, cadenceInRpm cadence:Double?, distanceInMeters distance:Double? ) {
accumulatedDistance? += distance ?? 0
let distanceText = (accumulatedDistance != nil && accumulatedDistance! >= 1.0) ? distanceFormatter.string(fromMeters: accumulatedDistance!) : "N/A"
let speedText = (speed != nil) ? distanceFormatter.string(fromValue: speed!*3.6, unit: .kilometer) + NSLocalizedString("/h", comment:"(km) Per hour") : "N/A"
let cadenceText = (cadence != nil) ? String(format: "%.2f %#", cadence!, NSLocalizedString("RPM", comment:"Revs per minute") ) : "N/A"
OperationQueue.main.addOperation { () -> Void in
self.infoViewController?.showMeasurementWithSpeed(speedText , cadence: cadenceText, distance: distanceText )
extension MainViewController : BluetoothManagerDelegate {
func stateChanged(_ state: CBCentralManagerState) {
print("State Changed: \(state)")
var enabled = false
var title = ""
switch state {
case .poweredOn:
title = "Bluetooth ON"
enabled = true
// When the bluetooth changes to ON, try to reconnect to the previous sensor
case .resetting:
title = "Reseeting"
case .poweredOff:
title = "Bluetooth Off"
case .unauthorized:
title = "Bluetooth not authorized"
case .unknown:
title = "Unknown"
case .unsupported:
title = "Bluetooth not supported"
infoViewController?.showBluetoothStatusText( title )
scanItem.isEnabled = enabled
func sensorConnection( _ sensor:CadenceSensor, error:NSError?) {
guard error == nil else {
self.sensor = nil
print("Error connecting to sensor: \(sensor.peripheral.identifier)")
accumulatedDistance = nil
self.sensor = sensor
self.sensor?.sensorDelegate = self
print("Sensor connected. \(String(describing: [\(sensor.peripheral.identifier)]")
func sensorDisconnected( _ sensor:CadenceSensor, error:NSError?) {
print("Sensor disconnected")
self.sensor = nil
func sensorDiscovered( _ sensor:CadenceSensor ) {
in MainViewController.swift, there is this func sensorUpdatedValues that converts the three values that I want, to strings and initialize the the func showMeasurementWithSpeed ins the InfoTableViewController.swift .
Could I just return the three values inside function sensorUpdateValues instead to be able to store them into new variables?
The better way to solve this is by passing on the sensor object to the InfoTableViewController in the prepare(forSegue:) and then inside InfoTableViewControlleryou can call sensor.lastMeasurement.speedInMetersPerSecond or any other var that is inside there. Since the class is passed on by reference it will retain the data even when you transition to a new ViewController.
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if let infoVC = segue.destination as? InfoTableViewController {
infoVC.sensor = self.sensor
if segue.identifier == Constants.ScanSegue {
// Scan segue
scanViewController = (segue.destination as? UINavigationController)?.viewControllers.first as? ScanViewController
Then of course you can do whatever you want with this data in the new VC( assign the values to labels or whatnot)
I believe it's because you have that func declared as an instance level function rather than a class/struct level function. You should be able to simply add the "static" keyword to make it accessible for the way you are using it in your sample code. i.e. "static func valuesForPreviousMeasurement ..."
** UPDATE - Added a simple example to show the difference between class and instance functions.
// This is an instance function being used. It's called such because
// you need an actual object instance in order to call the func.
var myCar: Car = Car()
// This is a class level function being used. It's called such because
// you don't actually need an object instance: It's simply part of the class.
Finally Solved .. it was easier than thought.. as I was understanding the three values I'm interested in were passed some how to the infoTableViewController I wanted to get rid of. And they were passed, already converted to String with the function sensorUpdatedValues inside MainView controller
func sensorUpdatedValues( speedInMetersPerSecond speed:Double?, cadenceInRpm cadence:Double?, distanceInMeters distance:Double? ) {
accumulatedDistance? += distance ?? 0
let distanceText = (accumulatedDistance != nil && accumulatedDistance! >= 1.0) ? distanceFormatter.string(fromMeters: accumulatedDistance!) : "N/A"
let speedText = (speed != nil) ? distanceFormatter.string(fromValue: speed!*3.6, unit: .kilometer) + NSLocalizedString("/h", comment:"(km) Per hour") : "N/A"
let cadenceText = (cadence != nil) ? String(format: "%.2f %#", cadence!, NSLocalizedString("RPM", comment:"Revs per minute") ) : "N/A"
OperationQueue.main.addOperation { () -> Void in
self.infoViewController?.showMeasurementWithSpeed(speedText , cadence: cadenceText, distance: distanceText )
so I traced down the function inside my InfospeedoViewController ( as xCode was asking for it because it was present in InfoTableViewController and rerouting to InfoSpeedoViewController made it necessary) and inside that function's body I made the connection of the values to the labels.
func showMeasurementWithSpeed( _ speed:String, cadence:String, distance:String ) {
speedDisplayLabel.text = speed
cadenceDisplayLabel.text = cadence
distanceDisplayLabel.text = distance
// showDetailText(speed, atSection: Constants.MeasurementsSection, row:Constants.SpeedRow)
// showDetailText(cadence, atSection: Constants.MeasurementsSection, row:Constants.CadenceRow)
// showDetailText(distance, atSection: Constants.MeasurementsSection, row:Constants.DistanceRow)
the commented out parts were the old InfoTableViewController indication to fill the cells..
Many thanks for your help. I learned a few things and consolidated others. I guess we went the hard way trying to catch this values in the wrong place, but I guess that just because I had all the project's file printed that I could trace the data flow easier. Not fully understanding the code because of my low knowledge of swift made it a bit more difficoult, but I had this feeling the this solution was logic as often the simple way is the best way, an often one just can't see it.
thanks again
I have two more values I want to get. A new adventure begins ..should I post another question or continue this one?

Data to Int / String in swift3

I'm working with BLE device. Device is sending values in specific UUID.
Here is my code for converting Data to Int or String for display.
else if characteristic.uuid == CBUUID(string: UUID_CHANGEIN_BATTERY_LEVEL) {
// let battery = UInt32(bigEndian: ((characteristic.value?.withUnsafeBytes { $0.pointee }) ?? 0))
let array : [UInt8] = [0, 0, 0]
var data = Data(bytes: array)
if characteristic.value != nil {
let battery = UInt32(bigEndian: ((data.withUnsafeBytes { $0.pointee }) ?? 0))
print("battery level changed\nNew level is \(getInt(fromData: characteristic.value!, start: 0))!")
// lblBattery.text = (String(data: characteristic.value!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) ?? "0") + "%"
lblBattery.text = "\(getInt(fromData: characteristic.value!, start: 0))%"
func getInt(fromData data: Data, start: Int) -> Int32 {
let intBits = data.withUnsafeBytes({(bytePointer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) -> Int32 in
bytePointer.advanced(by: start).withMemoryRebound(to: Int32.self, capacity: 4) { pointer in
return pointer.pointee
return Int32(bigEndian: intBits)
// return Int32(littleEndian: intBits)
I've checked in BLE Scanner iOS app, that is displaying 0x2b01 as value and it also display 43 as a battery %.
I wrote 3-4 kind of code as you see above.
But none of them are giving me 43 as a value.
Please help me find where I've done something wrong or which I'm missing to meet my requirement.
swift 3
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
let value = [UInt8](characteristic.value!)
print("Battery ", value[0], "%")

NSOutputStream blocking, HasBytesAvailable event was not triggered

I am trying to create custom framework that will deal with ExternalAccessory.framework to do read/write operation with the connected accessory.
I can able to create a session and open the device to do read/write operations.
Problem i am facing was, when i try to write data using NSOutputStream.write from the application, data successfully received by the accessory but after that UI was not responding and data returned byte accessory was not received by the app(HasBytesAvailable was not called)
Here my UIViewController.swift
let sessionHandler = SessionHandler().sharedController()
in ViewDidLoad()
let runLoop = NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop()
#IBAction calling sessionHandler._WriteData()
This SessionHandler class was in inside my custom SDK (custom framework)
Here my SessionHandler Class
import UIKit
import ExternalAccessory
public class SessionHandler: NSObject, NSStreamDelegate {
var readData: NSMutableData?
var writeData: NSMutableData?
var _session: EASession?
public func sharedController() -> SessionHandler{
var sessionController: SessionHandler?
if sessionController == nil {
sessionController = SessionHandler()
return sessionController!
func getConnectedAccessoris() -> Array<EAAccessory>{
let accessories : Array<EAAccessory> = EAAccessoryManager.sharedAccessoryManager().connectedAccessories
return accessories
public func openDeviceWithProtocolString(_runLoop: NSRunLoop){
print("Inside openDeviceWithProtocolString")
let _accessories = getConnectedAccessoris()
var _accessory: EAAccessory?
for acsy in _accessories {
if acsy.protocolStrings.contains("my.protocol.string") {
_accessory = acsy
if _accessory != nil {
_session = EASession(accessory: _accessory!, forProtocol: "my.protocol.string")
print("EASession create :: \(_session)")
if _session != nil {
_session?.inputStream?.delegate = self
_session?.inputStream?.scheduleInRunLoop(_runLoop, forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
print("Input stream Opened")
_session?.outputStream?.delegate = self
_session?.outputStream?.scheduleInRunLoop(_runLoop, forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
print("Output Stream Opened")
}else {
print("SessionHandler : session nil")
public func _readData() {
print("Trying to read data")
let buf = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.alloc(INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE)
while ((_session?.inputStream?.hasBytesAvailable) != nil) {
let bytesRead = _session?.inputStream?.read(buf, maxLength: INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE)
if readData == nil {
readData = NSMutableData()
readData?.appendBytes(buf, length: bytesRead!)
if readData != nil {
let data: NSData = readData!
let count = data.length / sizeof(UInt8)
// create an array of Uint8
var array = [UInt8](count: count, repeatedValue: 0)
// copy bytes into array
data.getBytes(&array, length:count * sizeof(UInt8))
print("Data Received :: \(array)")
public func _writeData() {
while _session?.outputStream?.hasSpaceAvailable != nil && writeData?.length > 0 {
print("Writting bytes :: \(writeData?.bytes)")
let bytesWritten = _session?.outputStream?.write(UnsafePointer<UInt8>((writeData?.bytes)!), maxLength: (writeData?.length)!)
print("written bytes : \(bytesWritten)")
if bytesWritten == -1 {
//Write error
print("written error")
}else if bytesWritten > 0 {
print("Written success")
writeData?.replaceBytesInRange(NSMakeRange(0, bytesWritten!), withBytes: nil, length: 0)
func stream(aStream: NSStream, handleEvent eventCode: NSStreamEvent) {
switch (eventCode) {
case NSStreamEvent.None:
print("NSStream None")
case NSStreamEvent.OpenCompleted:
print("Open Completed")
case NSStreamEvent.HasBytesAvailable:
print("Has Bytes Available")
case NSStreamEvent.HasSpaceAvailable:
print("Hase space Available")
case NSStreamEvent.ErrorOccurred:
print("Error occurred")
case NSStreamEvent.EndEncountered:
print("End Encountered")
print("No stream event")
Thanks in Advance..
Isn't it supposed to be called on another thread?
I'm sure this is too late, but while ((_session?.inputStream?.hasBytesAvailable) != nil) looks like an infinite loop to me, because true/false will always be != nil.
