Passing data from Marker to other VC - ios

At the beggining of this post I would like thank #Nirav D for help :)
Ok. So the problem.
There is a class i want to pass with prepareForSegue func with google marker. How to do it?

You are too close to pass simply set the passedMarker with your array object.
if let marker = sender as? GMSMarker , //is it correct do declare marker as GMSMarker?
let dict = marker.userData as? [String:Int] {
let markerIndex = dict["index"]!
nextVC.passedMarker = self.markers[markerIndex]
Now simply access passedMarker property in viewDidLoad of VC3.

Edit this
performSegue(withIdentifier: "details", sender: marker)
performSegue(withIdentifier: "details", sender: self)


How to access custom annotation properties when using calloutAccessoryView as the sender of a segue to a new viewcontroller?

I have the following code to prepare for my segue:
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
// Make sure we are acting on the correct segue
if segue.identifier == "CreateJumpSpot", let jumpSpotCreatorControllerVC = segue.destination as? JumpSpotCreatorController {
// Set the delegate in the JumpSpotCreatorController we're navigating to
jumpSpotCreatorControllerVC.delegate = self
} else if segue.identifier == "JumpSpotInfo", let jumpSpotInfoVC = segue.destination as? JumpSpotInfoController {
if let senderAnnotationView = sender as? JumpSpotAnnotationView {
jumpSpotInfoVC.titleLabel.text = senderAnnotationView.annotation?.title as? String
jumpSpotInfoVC.imageView.image = senderAnnotationView.annotation.
We are focusing on the 'else if' part of the statement here. I have a custom annotation and annotation view. I am populating labels and imageViews in the view controller that I am segueing to, using the properties of the annotation that the user clicked on to reveal the .detailDisclosure version of the rightCalloutAccessoryView. However that sender (.detailDisclosure of rightCalloutAccessoryView) is only allowing me to access the title and subtitle of the annotation. As you can see when I got to the image property I stopped typing, as there was no property to access. How can I access the properties of my custom annotation?
Can‘t you just get the image by senderAnnotationView.annotation?.image, just like what you are doing to get the title?
PS: Don't depend too much on Xcode autocompletion. Sometimes it's doesn't work perfectly well.
Ok I figured it out. All I had to do was adjust the code so that I had a constant of the annotation itself, and cast it as my custom class. Here's the code:
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
// Make sure we are acting on the correct segue
if segue.identifier == "CreateJumpSpot", let jumpSpotCreatorControllerVC = segue.destination as? JumpSpotCreatorController {
// Set the delegate in the JumpSpotCreatorController we're navigating to
jumpSpotCreatorControllerVC.delegate = self
} else if segue.identifier == "JumpSpotInfo", let jumpSpotInfoVC = segue.destination as? JumpSpotInfoController {
if let senderAnnotationView = sender as? JumpSpotAnnotationView {
let senderAnnotation = senderAnnotationView.annotation as? JumpSpotAnnotation
jumpSpotInfoVC.titleLabel.text = senderAnnotation?.title
jumpSpotInfoVC.imageView.image = senderAnnotation?.image
jumpSpotInfoVC.descriptionLabel.text = senderAnnotation?.description
jumpSpotInfoVC.heightLabel.text = senderAnnotation?.estimatedHeight
jumpSpotInfoVC.warningsLabel.text = senderAnnotation?.warnings
The key line there is: let senderAnnotation = senderAnnotationView.annotation as? JumpSpotAnnotation

How do I pass my array data coming from api to another ViewController?

I'm new in iOS.
I'm trying to pass my array data to another view controller through prepareforsegue method.
And this api is called inside the #IBAction func ButtonTapped( ).
class FirstVc {
var location = [Any]()
self.clientrequest.request(url: "", method: .GET, completion: {
res , err in
let json = try! res , options: .prettyPrinted)
let decode = try! JSONDecoder().decode(SelectLocation.self, from:json)
self.location = decode.states
//I'm getting all locations here
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.destination is SecondVc
let vc = segue.destination as? SecondVc
//here I'm assigning the variable and while I'm printing location here then also I'm getting the value
vc?.mineSpillere2 = self.location
class SecondVc{
#IBOutlet weak var selectState: UILabel!
var mineSpillere2 = [Any]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
//While I'm trying to print mineSpillere2 here I', getting []
selectState.text = mineSpillere2 as? String
One problem might be that you don't actually assign the variable (because vc may be nil). Also you may want to use segueIdentifiers, especially if you have more than one. To make sure that you do so, you may want to use something like this:
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if let vc = segue.destination as? SecondVc //, segue.identifier = "YOUR_SEGUE_ID"
vc.mineSpillere2 = self.location
} else { print("SecondVc couldn't be initialised!") }
First, the problem is that web service request is not executed asynchronously but synchronously. In other words, your segue is already performed before decode.states is assigned to the location variable.
The solution is to call performSegue function in the completion block:
self.clientrequest.request(url: "", method: .GET, completion: {
res , err in
let json = try! res , options: .prettyPrinted)
let decode = try! JSONDecoder().decode(SelectLocation.self, from:json)
self.location = decode.states
self.performSegue(identifier: "your identifier",
sender: nil)
//I'm getting all locations here
Make sure your segue is assigned from VC1 to VC2 not Button to VC2.
There are several way to pass this in another ViewController. Good way is make a model class and pass model object to another vc .
Or might be another short and easy solution is make Global variable. So you can access it from any ViewController class. like
var myGloblArray= [Any]()
//add your result array in this array , you can access it from second VC Directly.
class FirstVc {

Prepare for segue function not loading new values

The statValue attribute of my UIButton class has been updated since the segue was last called, but the segue still sends the old, original value. Is there a way to refresh the prepare function (below) so that it sends the new value?
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "StatDetailSegue" {
if let destinationVC = segue.destination as? StatDetailViewController,
let index = (sender as? StatButton)?.buttonIndex,
let sendVal = (sender as? StatButton)?.buttonValue,
let sendUnit = (sender as? StatButton)?.buttonUnit,
let sendTitle = (sender as? StatButton)?.detailTitle {
destinationVC.statID = index
destinationVC.statValue = sendVal
destinationVC.statUnit = sendUnit
destinationVC.statTitle = sendTitle
print("Destination STATID: \(destinationVC.statID)")
print("Destination value: \(destinationVC.statValue)")
Check your StatButton if you using in storyboard your buttons , then your button should inherit from StatButton instead of UIButton otherwise your code looks fine.
Can you debug the value of statValue in your destinationVC and check if it gets updated after the destinationVC is presented? Also, check the implementation of 'StatButton' class, maybe the buttonValue property is a lazily initialized property and initialized only once? That's why maybe you keep getting the first value that was assigned to the buttonValue always.

How to check if segue completed Swift 3?

I have a segue which passes location data from a table view. I need to add a map annotation after this segue has completed, but the map is my initial VC, so it crashes on load due to the lack of data as the segue has not occurred.
I think I need to wrap the following code (in the viewDidLoad) in an if statement that checks if the segue has occurred, or check if there is any data available to use.
let roomPin = MGLPointAnnotation()
roomPin.coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: room.latitude, longitude: room.longitude)
Not entirely sure how I should be checking if there is any data to use.
room is a custom class loaded with alamofire
class Room {
var roomNumber : String!
var roomName : String!
var latitude : Double!
var longitude : Double!
init(json : JSON) {
roomNumber = json["room_number"].stringValue
roomName = json["room_name"].stringValue
latitude = json["latitude"].double
longitude = json ["longitude"].double
then is called in a tableview to display the name and number. When pressed it performs a segue passing the Room object to my mapVC
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "mapSegue" {
if let destination = segue.destination as? ViewController { = sender as! Room
and in my map view controller I have that above annotation code in the viewDidLoad, with room being declared as:
var room : Room!
Any help is appreciated!
I guess the problem is in the line = sender as! Room because sender will be of type UITableViewCell class and when you try to typecast sender to Room object type it crashes.

Passing data between view controllers through segue

I have a MapViewController with a prepareForSegue(_:sender:)method, which I intend to use to send data to LandmarkTableViewController, and is called when a button is pressed.
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
let destinationvc = segue.destinationViewController
if let landmarkvc = destinationvc as? LandmarkTableViewController {
if let identifier = segue.identifier {
let library = Landmark(name: "Run Run Shaw Library", properties: ["Chinese Kanji", "Gray", "Green Plants"])
let bank = Landmark(name: "Hang Seng Bank", properties: ["Chinese Kanji", "Green"])
switch identifier {
case "showLibrary" : landmarkvc.passedLandmark = library // pass data to LandmarkTableViewController
case "showBank" : landmarkvc.passedLandmark = bank // pass data to LandmarkTableViewController
default : break
The LandmarkTableViewController is properly set up to display the String array properties, with one String on each row. So what I intend to do is pass the appropriate data for the table to properties according to which button was pressed, and let LandmarkTableViewController display the corresponding properties.
class LandmarkTableViewController: UITableViewController {
var properties = [String]()
var passedLandmark = Landmark(name: "temp", properties: ["temp"]) // initially set to default value
override func viewDidLoad() {
func loadSampleProperties() { = passedLandmark!.properties
// other methods....
class Landmark {
var name: String
var properties: [String]
init?(name: String, properties: [String]) { = name = properties
// Initialization should fail if there is no name or if there is no property.
if name.isEmpty || properties.isEmpty {
return nil
However, when I run the code, only temp is displayed in the table view. I've been stuck on this for a long time now, so any help is much appreciated!
Edit: loadData() inside of viewDidLoad() is changed to the correct loadSampleProperties(). I made an error while posting the code to the question.
I think this should solve your problem if not double check your identifiers
and you can make sure to data passing with adding print(passedLandmark) to viewDidLoad() or breakpoint to make sure you getting the data
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
let destinationvc = segue.destinationViewController
if let landmarkvc = destinationvc as? LandmarkTableViewController {
if segue.identifier == "showLibrary" {
let library = Landmark(name: "Run Run Shaw Library", properties: ["Chinese Kanji", "Gray", "Green Plants"])
landmarkvc.passedLandmark = library
if segue.identifier == "showBank" {
let bank = Landmark(name: "Hang Seng Bank", properties: ["Chinese Kanji", "Green"])
landmarkvc.passedLandmark = bank
Hope this will helps
Code is missing from your quote, so I can't be sure, but I assume your loadData() method is the one that reloads the table view data with Landmark you've passed in prepareForSegue. If that is the case:
viewDidLoad() is called before prepareForSegue, so that all the views and elements of the destinationViewController are loaded and ready to use. Thus, in your case, the table view is loaded with your "temp" data and nothing makes it reload when you set the proper one.
You have two options:
You could call loadData()/reloadData() in viewWillAppear for example, which is called after prepareForSegue(). Bare in mind that viewWillAppear will possibly be called again in some other navigation.
Otherwise, you could instantiate and present/push the new controller in your parent view controller, instead of using the segue.
