SIGABRT :Upload tasks from NSData are not supported in background sessions - ios

I am using Alamofire for my uploads. I need to upload multiple images and videos to my server.I need to upload images and videos to in background session even
let bundleIdentifier = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: bundleIdentifier!)
configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 200 // seconds
configuration.timeoutIntervalForResource = 200
self.alamoFireManager = Alamofire.SessionManager(configuration: configuration)
I am using above code setup alamofire for background configuration.
alamoFireManager?.upload(data!, with: (router))
.uploadProgress { progress in // main queue by default
print("Upload Progress: \(progress.fractionCompleted)")
.responseJSON { [weak self] response in
but my app is crash when i went to background with SIGABRT
let me know what i am doing wrong,

This is a limitation of Apple's NSUrlSession implementation. Apple doesn't allow usage of NSData for background sessions. But uploading files are allowed. So as a workaround, you can try writing the data to a file and upload that file instead. You can follow the implementation here:


What is difference between URLSession vs GCD in terms of download image from image url?

What is difference between URLSession vs + Data(contentsOf: ) in terms of download images from image urls?
func loadImageWithUrlSession() {
guard let url = URL(string: IMAGE_URL) else { return }
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in
if let error = error {
guard let data = data else { return }
let image = UIImage(data: data)
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.urlSessionImageView.image = image
func loadImageWithGCD() { .background).async {
let url = URL(string: self.IMAGE_URL),
let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else {
let image = UIImage(data: data)
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.gcdImageView.image = image
I know that URLSession can cancel or suspend task.
But if I use Rx instead, I can do the same thing as above as well.
I had an experiment that and it was depending on which QoS I'm using.
By the way, .userInitiated QoS was way faster than URLSession.
Which one are you guys use for something like downloading task with a background thread and why?
Is there any kind-teacher can help me specifically?
URLSession offers far greater configuration control, diagnostics of failures, cancelation, background sessions, ability to download directly to persistent storage to minimize peak memory usages, etc. URLSession and Data(contentsOf:) just are not comparable on feature set.
The synchronous Data(contentsOf:) unnecessarily blocks GCD worker threads and is also susceptible to misuse. It also is quite limiting and you will easily find yourself regretting the decision in the future (e.g. you later add some authentication process; you want to customize the cache behaviors, you want to parse and act upon status codes in the responses, you need cancelation capabilities because you are retrieving images for collection or table views, etc.).
It’s illuminating to look at the documentation for one of the init with a URL methods for Data, where it warns us:
Don't use this synchronous initializer to request network-based URLs. For network-based URLs, this method can block the current thread for tens of seconds on a slow network, resulting in a poor user experience, and in iOS, may cause your app to be terminated.
Instead, for non-file URLs, consider using the dataTask(with:completionHandler:) method of the URLSession class. See Fetching Website Data into Memory for an example.
Yes, dispatching this to a background thread addresses many of the above concerns, but Apple didn’t just suggest “just dispatch this to some background queue,” but rather explicitly advised to use URLSession instead. While your use of GCD global queue avoids some of issues that Apple warns us of above, it also imposes many unnecessarily limitations. If you use Data(contentsOf:), this is a decision that you’ll likely regret/refactor in the future. You might as well use URLSession now.
Regarding Data(contentsOf:) being appreciably faster when using .userInitiated, vs .default or URLSession approach, usually the network latency and transmission time dwarfs any queue priority related factors, so I find that claim hard to believe. In fact, I just tested download of 50 images via GCD (using both .default and .userInitiated) and the speed was not appreciably different than URLSession approach.

How do I update the metadata of an AVURLAsset after downloading via AVAssetDownloadTask/Session?

I am implementing offline playback of some HLS/m3u8 streams. Everything is working as intended using AVAssetDownloadURLSession, using it to make AVAssetDownloadTasks given an AVURLAsset from a stream url.
I would like to save some custom information in the asset's metadata property before or after the download is complete, but it is read only. I have tried using AVAssetExportSession, AVAssetWriter, etc. but none have worked due to (I think) the special way the OS manages the HLS offline playback files. They are packaged as an .movpkg
Anyone have experience with the above and gotten it to work?
The session is currently set up like this:
private lazy var avAssetDownloadSession = AVAssetDownloadURLSession(configuration: downloadConfig, assetDownloadDelegate: self, delegateQueue: .main)
private let downloadConfig: URLSessionConfiguration
init() {
self.downloadConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: "DownloadConfig")
self.downloadConfig.httpMaximumConnectionsPerHost = 1
private func startDownload(for asset: AVURLAsset) {
guard let downloadTask = avAssetDownloadSession.makeAssetDownloadTask(asset: asset, assetTitle: "Test", assetArtworkData: nil, options: nil)
else { return }
downloadTask.taskDescription = "Test task description"
The delegate methods are all firing appropriately, so there's no problem w/ the download part.
This Adding meta-data to video in iOS link might be helpful.
Modifying downloaded movpkg's is not supported. Any metadata must also exist in the version on the server.

Resume downloads when download URL changes

I have an API that generates signed download links that expire after a short amount of time. I'd like to add the ability to resume downloads, but the URLSession APIs don't provide the native ability to resume downloads if the URL for the asset changes.
My attempt at solving this was to track the bytes downloaded at the time of pausing, store the data blob that was downloaded, fetch a new signed download url, resume downloading using Range headers, and then concatenate all the data blobs together when the download is completed.
Here's the code used to start the download:
let session = URLSession(configuration: URLSessionConfiguration.default, delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil)
let task = session.downloadTask(with: signedURL)
self.sessionDownloadRequest = task
The problem that I am facing is that the resume data var doesn't appear to actually contain the data that was downloaded.
self.sessionDownloadRequest.cancel(byProducingResumeData: { (data) in
print(data.count) //This surprisingly always returns the same count
It appears that the size of that data blob is always the same regardless of how long I let the download continue for before pausing. Where/How can I access the chunk of data that was downloaded?
The resume data that is returned by:
- (void)cancelByProducingResumeData:(void (^)(NSData *resumeData))completionHandler;
is actually a plist that includes:
You can access the plist with the following code:
if let resumeDictionary = try? PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: self, options: PropertyListSerialization.MutabilityOptions.mutableContainersAndLeaves, format: nil), let plist = resumeDictionary as? [String: Any] {
You don't actually need to store and concatenate the data blobs as you initially suggested. You can replace the current request stored in the plist (NSURLSessionResumeCurrentRequest) with a new one with your updated signed URL. After this, create a new resumeData instance to use instead of the original.
guard let bytesReceived = plist["NSURLSessionResumeBytesReceived"] as? Int
else {
return nil
let headers = ["Range":"bytes=\(bytesReceived)"]
let newReq = try! URLRequest(url: signedURL, method: .get, headers: headers)
let archivedData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: newReq)
if let updatedResumeData = try? plist, format: PropertyListSerialization.PropertyListFormat.binary, options: 0) {
return updatedResumeData
From there you can manipulate the plist and actually create a new one to pass it thru to the instance method:
- (NSURLSessionDownloadTask *)downloadTaskWithResumeData:(NSData *)resumeData;
NOTE: If you are working with iOS 10 and macOS10.12.*, there is a bug that prevents the resume ability to work as the plist is corrupted. Check this article out for a fix. You may need to fix the plist before accessing certain properties on it.
Resume NSUrlSession on iOS10

Alamofire background upload fails

I have a working Alamofire upload request using the following:
Alamofire.upload(multipartFormData: { multipartFormData in
Now I want the request to be launched in background, as it's embedded in a Share extension.
Looking at Alamofire page, I simply added:
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: "com...")
let sessionManager = Alamofire.SessionManager(configuration: configuration)
sessionManager.upload(multipartFormData: { multipartFormData in
Now when executed I instantly get:
Operation couldn't complete. NSURLErrorDomain error -995
I can't find any reference to this error and what it means. Any ideas? Thanks a lot!

NSURLSession, after the data task is converted to download task, it can't download in background

If I run the following code and let the app in background, the download is still continuing. Finally, when the download is finished, I can get the right callback.
let configuration = NSURLSessionConfiguration.backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier(SessionProperties.identifier)
let backgroundSession = NSURLSession(configuration: configuration, delegate: self.delegate, delegateQueue: nil)
let url = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: data[1])!)
let downloadTask = backgroundSession.downloadTaskWithRequest(url)
But I have a requirement, that is I have to judge what the server returns to me, if it is a json, I don't do the download, so I want to get the response header first, then if it needs to download, I change the data task to download task, so I did as the following code
let configuration = NSURLSessionConfiguration.backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier(SessionProperties.identifier)
let backgroundSession = NSURLSession(configuration: configuration, delegate: self.delegate, delegateQueue: nil)
let url = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: data[1])!)
//I change the downloadTaskWithRequest to dataTaskWithRequest
let downloadTask = backgroundSession.dataTaskWithRequest(url)
Then I can get the response header in the callback, and if it needs to download file, I can change the data task to download task, as following
func URLSession(session: NSURLSession, dataTask: NSURLSessionDataTask, didReceiveResponse response: NSURLResponse, completionHandler: (NSURLSessionResponseDisposition) -> Void) {
if let response = response as? NSHTTPURLResponse {
let contentType = response.allHeaderFields["Content-Type"] as! String
if contentType == "image/jpeg" {
//change the data task to download task
So far so good. When I run the app in the foreground, the effect is like what I thought. But after the app runs in background, the download is stoped, then when I open the app, the console says "Lost connection to background transfer service".
I thought Apple is so smart, he gives us many useful callbacks, but now, I didn't know where I am wrong, and I also see the source code about the AFNetworking and Alamofire, but I didn't find the referring thing.
I also think it is a common requirement, but I can't find any helpful information on the internet, it is too odd.
So hope you can help me out, thanks a billion.
Enable Background Mode in
Xcode->Target->Capabilities->On Background Mode and select the option Background Fetch.
The main issue I see is that you're calling the completionHandler twice. You need to return out of your content-type conditional like so:
if contentType == "image/jpeg" {
//change the data task to download task
Otherwise it appears that you are using the logic correctly. Hope that helps.
The problem is evident from your own answer. It's not a bug, you simply couldn't use data tasks for background transfers just download tasks.
Here is the correct full answer.
