trigger parameterized build with groovy variable - jenkins

I have an Jenkins Freestyle job with an system groovy script in the Build area. After executing the script I want to trigger a pipeline job. The pipeline job needs a variable who gets defined inside my groovy scipt.
var = 'String1'
var = 'String2'
But I need to get acces to my variable var at the "post-build-action" step at the "Trigger parameterized build on other projects" option to trigger my pipeline with var as parameter. Is this possible?

Yes, it is possible. You can simply write your variables as key-value pairs in a property file and load it in your post-build-action by specifying Parameters from properties file.
You can save your property file like this
def fw = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("",true), 'UTF-8')
def props = new Properties()
props.setProperty('TESTPARAM', var), null)

I solved my problem the following way:
Before building I define a parameter to use the parameterized trigger plugin. Inside my system groovy script I override it with
def newMailParameter = new StringParameterValue('MAIL_PARAM', mailsFromWS)
build.replaceAction(new ParametersAction(newMailParameter))
Now I can trigger the next job and use my parameter MAIL_PARAM inside of it.


Define you own global variable for JenkinsJob (Not for ALL jobs!!)

I have ha Jenkins job that has a string input parameter of the build flags for the make command in my Jenkins job. My problem is that some users forget to change the parameter values when we have a release branch. So I want to overwrite the existing string input parameter (or create a new one) that should be used if the job is a release job.
This is the statement I want to add:
If branch "release" then ${params.build_flag} = 'DEBUGSKIP=TRUE'
and the code that is not working is:
pipeline {
agent none
parameters {
string(name: 'build_flag', defaultValue: 'DEBUGSKIP=TRUE', description: 'Flags to pass to build')
If {
allOf {
branch "*release*"
expression {
${params.build_flag} = 'DEBUGSKIP=TRUE'
${params.build_flag} = 'DEBUGSKIP=FALSE'
The code above explains what I want to do but I don't know to do it.
If you can, see if you could use the JENKINS EnvInject Plugin, with your pipeline, using the supported use-case:
Injection of EnvVars defined in the "Properties Content" field of the Job Property
These EnvVars are being injected to the script environment and will be inaccessible via the "env" Pipeline global variable (as in here)
Or writing the right values in a file, and using that file content as "Properties Content" of a downstream job (as shown there).

Get parameters of Jenkins build by job name and build id

I am using Jenkins Pipeline plugin and I need to get all parameters of particular build by its id and job name from other job.
So, basically i need something like this.
def job = JobRegistry.getJobByName(jobName)
def build = job.getBuild(buildId)
Map parameters = build.getParameters()
println parameters['SOME_PARAMETER']
I figured it out.
I can retrieve parameters like this
def parameters = Jenkins.instance.getAllItems(Job)
.find {job -> job.fullName == jobName }
println parameters.getParameter('SOME_PARAMETER').value
I suggest you to review "Pipeline Syntax" in a pipeline job, at bottom of Pipeline plugin, and you can see Global Variable Reference, like docker/pipeline/env/etc.
So what you need, JOB_NAME / BUILD_ID is given in "env" list

Jenkins: How to access parameters in a parameterized job

I have a parameterized build like below:
then i've create a groovy script to create a variable URL_TOMCAT where its value depends on the TARGET_TOMCAT parameter:
Even after this update i got the same error
import hudson.model.*
def target = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve("TARGET_TOMCAT")
def URL_TOMCAT = ""
switch(target ) {
case "tomcat1": URL_TOMCAT= "http://localhost:8080/manager/text"
case "tomcat2": URL_TOMCAT = "http://localhost:8089/manager/text"
Then i want to get The URL_TOMCAT value and adjust the maven build step as shown:
But i got this error :
Has any on an idea how to fix this error?
In your groovy script you need to make an API call to get the value of the parameter from Jenkins into your workspace.
Import hudson.model
def targetTomcat = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve("TARGET_TOMCAT")
def URL_TOMCAT = ""
switch(targetTomcat) {
case "tomcat1": URL_TOMCAT = "http://localhost:8080/manager/text"
case "tomcat2": URL_TOMCAT = "http://localhost:8089/manager/text"
I want to point out that the URL_TOMCAT variable won't be available to any other buildsteps, it's scoped to just the groovy build step. If you want to expose your URL_TOMCAT variable to the rest of the build you'll need to expose it to the build environment somehow. I normally do this by writing the value to a file as a key value pair and using the EnvInject Plugin
You can write it to a file in groovy like so:
def workspace = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve("WORKSPACE")
new File("${workspace}\\Environment.Variables").write("URL_TOMCAT=${URL_TOMCAT}")
If you don't want to write it to the jobs workspace you can skip grabbing that value and just code a specific path.
After your groovy build step add an Envinject build step and enter the path to the file containing the key value pair in the Properties File Path field. You should be able to reference URL_TOMCAT like any other environment variable in the rest of the build. Continuing with the about path I would use ${WORKSPACE}\Environment.Variables as the path.

Dynamic Choice Parameter not populated: Jenkins job + Groovy script

I am trying to create a dynamic choice parameter that will be populated by the resulting values of a groovy script.
The following code works and lists the contents of a dir:
new File("/tmp/testing/source/").eachFile() { file->
println file.getName()
I created a new jenkins project, and entered the menu 'Configure' where I selected This project is parameterized
When I save and try to build with parameters nothing has been parsed from the groovy script
Solved with the following code:
list = []
def process = "ls /tmp/testing/source".execute()
process.text.eachLine {list.add it}
return list

Accessing a downstream parameter using build flow

Assume I have the following downstream job:
DYNAMIC_VAR = new Date() // Some other value determined
// at runtime by this job
// Some other stuff...
As part of my upstream job (see example below) I want to be able to call the downstream job, and access the variable that was set during the downstream job.
my_build = build("my-custom-job")
// Would like to beable to do something like
// out.println'DYNAMIC_VAR')
// or
// out.println
Looking through the output it seems that the variable is not returned, and hence is not accessible. I suspect this is because the variable in question (DYNAMIC_VAR) is only available during the scope of the downstream job, and hence once the job finishes the variable is removed.
My two questions I wanted to ask were:
Is it correct that the variables are removed upon job completion?
Does anyone have an idea how this could (if it can) be achieved (additional plugins are fine if required)?
1) Would outputting the variable=value pair to some file be an acceptable solution for you?
2) I haven't used groovy in Jenkins much, but all the job's environment variables are stored under:
This may or may not require EnvInject plugin.
According to the comments here:
You can do the following:
// – In job First, I am setting the environment variable testKey
b = build( "First" )
// Then, using it in workflow:
// Or
