Deep learning model to find similar images (locality sensitive hashing) - machine-learning

There are different pictures of the same object. The pictures made from different angles, so while the object on the picture is the same, the pictures itself could be quite different.
Is there an example or ready to use deep learning model that will produce similar/close vectors for different pictures of the same object? (seems like face detection works in a kinda similar way...)

What you are looking for is a Siamese network, where in you pass 2 images through the same network and try to maximize distance between dissimilar images and minimize it between similar ones. Another variant used three images instead of two with one acting as anchor and one of the other two belonging to same class as original and other belonging to different class and you try to minimize and maximize distance from the anchor respectively. The loss function that achieves this is contrastive loss function. Look here for implementation of contrastive loss. And you can use any standard architecture in such a setting , I have personally found VGG-16 easy to tune and simple.
Here are some papers you should look at to understand the math and theory behind the same
Learning visual similarity for product design
Learning a Similarity Metric Discriminatively, with Application to Face


Making a trained model (machine learning) from 3D models

i have a database with almost 20k 3D files, they are drawings from machine parts designed in a CAD software (solid works). Im trying to build a trained model from all of this 3D models, so i can build a 3D object Recognition App when someone can take a picture from one of this parts (in the real world) and the app can provide useful information about material , size , treatment and so on.
If anyone already do something similar, any information you can provide me would be greatly appreciated!
Some ideas:
1) Several pictures: instead of only one. As Rodrigo commented and Brad Larson tried to circumvent with his method, the problem with the user taking only one picture for the input is that you are necessarily lacking information to make a triangulation and form a point cloud in 3D. With 4 pictures taken from a slightly different angle, you can already reconstruct parts of the object. Comparing point clouds would make the endeavor much easier for any ML algorithm, Neuronal Networks (NN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) or others. A common standard to create point clouds is ASTM E2807, which uses the e57 file format.
On the downside a 3D vision algorithm might be heavy on the user's device, and is not the easiest to implement.
2) Artificial picture training: By training on pre-computed artificial pictures like Brad Larson suggested, you take over much of the computation, to the user's benefit. Be aware that you should probably use "features" extracted from the pictures, not the complete picture, both to train and to classify. The problem with this method is that you might be very sensitive to lighting and background context. You should take care to produce CAD pictures that have the same lightning conditions for all objects, so that the classifier doesn't overfit certain aspects of the "pictures" that do not belong to the object.
This aspect is where solution 1) is much more stable, it is less sensitive to the visual context.
3) Scale: The size of your object is an important descriptor. You should thus add scale information to your object descriptor before training. You could ask the user to take pictures with a reference object. Alternatively you can ask the user to make a rule-of-thumb estimate of the object size ("What are the approximate dimensions of the object, in [cm]?"). Providing size could make your algorithm significantly faster and more accurate.
If your test data in production is mainly images of the 3D object, then the method in the comment section by Brad Larson is the better approach and it is also easier to implement and takes a lot less effort and resources to get it up and running.
However if you want to classify between 3D models there are existing networks which exist to classify 3D point clouds. You will have to convert these models to point clouds and use them as training samples. One of those and which I have used is Voxnet. I also suggest you to add more variations to the training data like different rotations of the 3D model.
You can used Pre-Trained 3D Deep Neural Networks as there are many networks that could help you in your work and would produce high accuracy.

Random forest algorithms able to switch data sets

I'm curious as to whether research been done into random forests that combine unsupervised with supervised learning in a way allowing a single algorithm to find patterns in, and work with, multiple different data sets. I have googled every possible way to find research on this, and have come up empty. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Note: I have already asked this question in the Data Sciences forum, but it's basically a dead forum so I came here.
(also read the comments and will incorporate the content in my answer)
From what I read between the lines is that you want to use Deep networks in a transfer learning setting. However, this would not be based on decision trees.
There are many elements in your question:
1.) Machine learning algorithms, in general, don't care about the source of your data set. So basically you can feed the learning algorithms 20 different data sets and it will use all of them. However, the data should have the same underlying concept (except in the transfer learning case see below). This means: if you combine cats/dogs data with bills data this will not work or make it much harder for the algorithms. At least all input features need to be identical (exceptions exists), e.g, it is hard to combine images with text.
2.) labeled/unlabeled: Two important terms: a data set is a set of data points with a fixed number of dimensions. Datapoint i might be described as {Xi1,....Xin} where each Xi might for example be a pixel. A label Yi is from another domain, e.g., cats and dogs
3.) unsupervised learning data without any labels. (I have the gut feeling that this is not what you want.
4.) semi-supervised learning: The idea is basically that you combine data where you have labels with data without labels. Basically you have a set of images labeled as cats and dogs {Xi1,..,Xin,Yi} and a second set which contains images with cats/dogs but no labels {Xj1,..,Xjn}. The algorithm can use this information to build better classifiers as the unlabeld data provide information on how images look in general.
3.) transfer learning (I think this come closest to what you want). The Idea is that you provide a data set of cats and dogs and learn a classifier. Afterwards you want to train the classifier with images of cats/dogs/hamster. The training does not need to start from scratch but can use the cats/dogs classifier to converge much faster
4.) feature generation / feature construction The idea is that the algoritm learns features like "eyes". This features are used in the next step to learn the classifier. I'm mainly aware of this in the context of deep learning. Where the algoritm learns in the first step concepts like edges and constructs increasingly complex features like faces cats intolerant it can describe things like "the man on the elephant. This combined with transfer learning is probably what you want. However deep learning is based on Neural networks besides a few exceptions.
5.) outlier detection you provide a data set of cats/dogs as known images. When you provide the cats/dogs/hamster classifier. The classifier tells you that it has never seen something like a hamster before.
6.) active learning The idea is that you don't provide labels for all examples (Data points) beforehand, but that the algorithms asks you to label certain data points. This way you need to label much less data.

Face recognition with a small number of samples

Can anyone advise me way to build effective face classifier that may be able to classify many different faces (~1000)?
And i have only 1-5 examples of each face
I know about opencv face classifier, but it works bad for my task (many classes, a few samples).
It works alright for one face classification with small number of samples. But i think that 1k separate classifier is not good idea
I read a few articles about face recognition but methods from these articles reqiues a lot of samples of each class for work
PS Sorry for my writing mistakes. English in not my native language.
Actually, for giving you a proper answer, I'd be happy to know some details of your task and your data. Face Recognition is a non-trivial problem and there is no general solution for all sorts of image acquisition.
First of all, you should define how many sources of variation (posing, emotions, illumination, occlusions or time-lapse) you have in your sample and testing sets. Then you should choose an appropriate algorithm and, very importantly, preprocessing steps according to the types.
If you don't have any significant variations, then it is a good idea to consider for a small training set one of the Discrete Orthogonal Moments as a feature extraction method. They have a very strong ability to extract features without redundancy. Some of them (Hahn, Racah moments) can also work in two modes - local and global feature extraction. The topic is relatively new, and there are still few articles about it. Although, they are thought to become a very powerful tool in Image Recognition. They can be computed in near real-time by using recurrence relationships. For more information, have a look here and here.
If the pose of the individuals significantly varies, you may try to perform firstly pose correction by Active Appearance Model.
If there are lots of occlusions (glasses, hats) then using one of the local feature extractors may help.
If there is a significant time lapse between train and probe images, the local features of the faces could change over the age, then it's a good option to try one of the algorithms which use graphs for face representation so as to keep the face topology.
I believe that non of the above are implemented in OpenCV, but for some of them you can find MATLAB implementation.
I'm not native speaker as well, so sorry for the grammar
Coming to your problem , it is very unique in its way. As you said there are only few images per class , the model which we train should either have an awesome architecture which can create better features within an image itself , or there should be an different approach which can achieve this task .
I have four things which I can share as of now :
Do data pre-processing and then create a bigger dataset and train on a neural network ideally. Here, we can do pre-processing like:
- image rotation
- image shearing
- image scaling
- image blurring
- image stretching
- image translation
and create atleast 200 images per class. Please checkout opencv documentation which provides many more methods on how you can increase the size of your dataset. Once you do this, then we can apply transfer learning , which is a better approach than training a neural network from scratch.
Transfer learning is a method where we train a network on our own custom classes , and this network is already pre-trained on 1000's of classes. Since our data here is very less, I would prefer transfer learning only. I have written a blog on how you can approach this using tranfer learning after you have the required amount of data. It is linked here. Face recognition also is a classification task itself, where each human is a separate class. So, follow the instructions given in the blog , may be it would help you create your own powerful classifer.
Another suggestion would be , after creating a dataset , encode them properly. This encoding would help you preserve the features in an image and can help you train better networks. VLAD ,Fisher , Bag of Words are few encoding techniques. You can search few repositories online which have implemented these already on ORL database. Once you encode , train the network on the encodings , you will obviously see a better performance.
Even do check out , Siamese network here which is meant for this purpose I feel . Here they compare two images with similar characteristics on different networks and there by achieve better classification accuracies . Git repository is here.
Another standard approach would be using SVM , Random forests since the data is less. If you still prefer neural networks the above methods would serve you the purpose. If you intend to go with encodings , then I would suggest random forests , as it is highly preferrable in learning and flexible too.
Hopefully , this answer would help you proceed in the right direction of achieving things.
You might want to take a look at OpenFace, a Python and Torch implementantion of face recognition with deep neural networks:

Image classification/recognition open source library

I have a set of reference images (200) and a set of photos of those images (tens of thousands). I have to classify each photo in a semi-automated way. Which algorithm and open source library would you advise me to use for this task? The best thing for me would be to have a similarity measure between the photo and the reference images, so that I would show to a human operator the images ordered from the most similar to the least one, to make her work easier.
To give a little more context, the reference images are branded packages, and the photos are of the same packages, but with all kinds of noises: reflections from the flash, low light, imperfect perspective, etc. The photos are already (manually) segmented: only the package is visible.
Back in my days with image recognition (like 15 years ago) I would have probably tried to train a neural network with the reference images, but I wonder if now there are better ways to do this.
I recommend that you use Python, and use the NumPy/SciPy libraries for your numerical work. Some helpful libraries for handling images are the Mahotas library and the scikits.image library.
In addition, you will want to use scikits.learn, which is a Python wrapper for Libsvm, a very standard SVM implementation.
The hard part is choosing your descriptor. The descriptor will be the feature you compute from each image, intended to compute a similarity distance with the set of reference images. A good set of things to try would be Histogram of Oriented Gradients, SIFT features, and color histograms, and play around with various ways of binning the different parts of the image and concatenating such descriptors together.
Next, set aside some of your data for training. For these data, you have to manually label them according to the true reference image they belong to. You can feed these labels into built-in functions in scikits.learn and it can train a multiclass SVM to recognize your images.
After that, you may want to look at MPI4Py, an implementation of MPI in Python, to take advantage of multiprocessors when doing the large descriptor computation and classification of the tens of thousands of remaining images.
The task you describe is very difficult and solving it with high accuracy could easily lead to a research-level publication in the field of computer vision. I hope I've given you some starting points: searching any of the above concepts on Google will hit on useful research papers and more details about how to use the various libraries.
The best thing for me would be to have a similarity measure between the photo and the reference images, so that I would show to a human operator the images ordered from the most similar to the least one, to make her work easier.
One way people do this is with the so-called "Earth mover's distance". Briefly, one imagines each pixel in an image as a stack of rocks with height corresponding to the pixel value and defines the distance between two images as the minimal amount of work needed to transfer one arrangement of rocks into the other.
Algorithms for this are a current research topic. Here's some matlab for one: . Looks like they have a java version as well. Here's a link to the original paper and C code:
Try Radpiminer (one of the most widely used data-mining platform, with IMMI (Image Mining Extension,, AGPL licence.
It currently implements several similarity measurement methods (not only trivial pixel by pixel comparison). The similarity measures can be input for a learning algorithm (e.g. neural network, KNN, SVM, ...) and it can be trained in order to give better performance. Some information bout the methods is given in this paper:
Now-a-days Deep Learning based framworks like Torch , Tensorflow, Theano, Keras are the best open source tool/library for object classification/recognition tasks.

Difference between feature detection and object detection

I know that most common object detection involves Haar cascades and that there are many techniques for feature detection such as SIFT, SURF, STAR, ORB, etc... but if my end goal is to recognizes objects doesn't both ways end up giving me the same result? I understand using feature techniques on simple shapes and patterns but for complex objects these feature algorithms seem to work as well.
I don't need to know the difference in how they function but whether or not having one of them is enough to exclude the other. If I use Haar cascading, do I need to bother with SIFT? Why bother?
EDIT: for my purposes I want to implement object recognition on a broad class of things. Meaning that any cups that are similarly shaped as cups will be picked up as part of class cups. But I also want to specify instances, meaning a NYC cup will be picked up as an instance NYC cup.
Object detection usually consists of two steps: feature detection and classification.
In the feature detection step, the relevant features of the object to be detected are gathered.
These features are input to the second step, classification. (Even Haar cascading can be used
for feature detection, to my knowledge.) Classification involves algorithms
such as neural networks, K-nearest neighbor, and so on. The goal of classification is to find
out whether the detected features correspond to features that the object to be detected
would have. Classification generally belongs to the realm of machine learning.
Face detection, for example, is an example of object detection.
EDIT (Jul. 9, 2018):
With the advent of deep learning, neural networks with multiple hidden layers have come into wide use, making it relatively easy to see the difference between feature detection and object detection. A deep learning neural network consists of two or more hidden layers, each of which is specialized for a specific part of the task at hand. For neural networks that detect objects from an image, the earlier layers arrange low-level features into a many-dimensional space (feature detection), and the later layers classify objects according to where those features are found in that many-dimensional space (object detection). A nice introduction to neural networks of this kind is found in the Wolfram Blog article "Launching the Wolfram Neural Net Repository".
Normally objects are collections of features. A feature tends to be a very low-level primitive thing. An object implies moving the understanding of the scene to the next level up.
A feature might be something like a corner, an edge etc. whereas an object might be something like a book, a box, a desk. These objects are all composed of multiple features, some of which may be visible in any given scene.
Invariance, speed, storage; few reasons, I can think on top of my head. The other method to do would be to keep the complete image and then check whether the given image is similar to glass images you have in your database. But if you have a compressed representation of the glass, it will need lesser computation (thus faster), will need lesser storage and the features tells you the invariance across images.
Both the methods you mentioned are essentially the same with slight differences. In case of Haar, you detect the Haar features then you boost them to increase the confidence. Boosting is nothing but a meta-classifier, which smartly chooses which all Harr features to be included in your final meta-classification, so that it can give a better estimate. The other method, also more or less does this, except that you have more "sophisticated" features. The main difference is that, you don't use boosting directly. You tend to use some sort of classification or clustering, like MoG (Mixture of Gaussian) or K-Mean or some other heuristic to cluster your data. Your clustering largely depends on your features and application.
What will work in your case : that is a tough question. If I were you, I would play around with Haar and if it doesn't work, would try the other method (obs :>). Be aware that you might want to segment the image and give some sort of a boundary around for it to detect glasses.
