Is there a way to manage the notifications ("bell button") from within the Youtube API?
I've went through the latest documentation and YouTube not-that-active GitHub repos.
YouTube does not provide the notification API.
I am hoping to pull live stream donation information every 5 minutes onto my server. I am making a script to check that information for the names of the crew and send them payments automatically. Is there a way with the YouTube Data API to handle donation information?
None of the YouTube apis support this functionality. The main issue is that the YouTube apis are more then ten years old. They just give you basic access to the videos on YOuTube.
What you are looking for would be access to data used in the YouTube web app that being donations which is a relatively new future, and again part of the web app. Not just video data. Its just not something YouTube has released an api for yet.
Try and submit a feature request Issue tracker
As DalmTo mentioned, the YouTube Data API v3 doesn't have such feature.
However I recommend you to try out my open-source YouTube operational API. Indeed by requesting you will get in item["donations"] the donations currently displayed in the YouTube live chat. Especially may interest you:
Donation timestamp: donation["timestampUsec"] (example: 1654111675007219)
Donator channel id: donation["authorExternalChannelId"] (example: UC_PkX-rSBPWJqoK2zRRalfQ)
Donation amount: donation["purchaseAmountText"]["simpleText"] (example: 100,00\u00a0$US)
Donation message: donation["message"]["runs"][0] (example: FOR JUSTICE!)
This question already has an answer here:
Was User Watch History removed in YouTube Data API v3?
(1 answer)
Closed last year.
Since 2016, watch history is no longer available via the YouTube Data API v3 (
Are there any workarounds to get this information from an authenticated user?
Indeed the YouTube Data API no longer provides the watch history playlist of any channel. I also am adding that there's no other way to obtain this kind of info from the API.
However, there is a workaround for that: use Google Takeout. That page allows you to select the item YouTube and YouTube Music, then to obtain via your Google account a link to a downloadable archive that contains your watch history among other things.
I am retrieving the Live events from my YouTube channel using the Retrieving Live Events API. I don't see anywhere the actual hyperlink of the video. I am trying to create a list of my upcoming events using this API, but want to add the hyperlink to YouTube.
Am I missing something?
This API is going to get deprecated and it's platform is already did. I suggest you to move to Live API v3.
Either way your watch link is same as other youtube video links. Once you have a broadcast(event) id, it will be.{EVENT_ID}
As per current documentation liking a video can be done by adding video into likes playlist.
Is there any way to dislike a video with Youtube data api v3.0.
There's no way to dislike (equivalent to the "thumbs down" UI option on the watch page) using the YouTube Data API v3 at this time.
When user delete video is it possible to have callback from youtube website to third party web server ? Any example?
It's not possible to hook in callbacks to the YouTube website. Instead you could build a site with the YouTube apis to delete a video. The docs for doing video deletions is found here.