Does Xamarin Test Cloud support React Native apps on iOS Devices? - ios

We have build an app using React Native, and are currently looking for a test cloud service.
Xamarin looks like a good choice, but does it work with React Native?

Xamarin UI test doesn't care about how you have compiled your app, it's enough that when launched your app renders native component and React Native makes exactly this. So you can use it, for instance, with native Android and iOS, with Titanium, with Native Script, but not with Ionic and all the Cordova based frameworks.
You could have problems also if inside your app you used a lot of webviews.


Can I migrate a Flutter app to a native iOS app?

Myself and a team are starting a potential startup and one of the things we want to do is a mobile app. We have already identified the target audience to mainly be iPhone users. But here in the US there's still plenty of Android user so we've been considering using a cross platform framework like Flutter. I've seen a lot of praise that Flutter is easy to use and can help us deliver an MVP faster. My ideal situation is to start developing with Flutter and when the app is successful migrate it to a native iOS app using Swift. But is that possible at all? Or if we decide to go native when we already have a flutter app, do we need to start from scratch?
Developing a Flutter app is completely different from developing an Android or iOS app. It has different language, has it's own architechture with it's own packages/dependencies/plugins.
You cannot convert from one of them to the other.

Can you code JavaScript/React-Native in Xcode?

Is it possible to code an iOS app with React Native in Xcode? I like the xcode UI better than vscode for mobile so I was wondering if there's a possibility, not talking about simulating cause that's all what I was getting when searching this on Google I'm talking about actually coding React Native in Xcode IDE. Thanks

Is it possible to convert angularjs web application to IOS app with Ibeacon search functionality?

I have developed a web application using angularjs, now i want to convert ios application with iBeacons device searching functionality.
Is it possible to do this, any one please give me advice on this?
Yes this is possible, you can repurpose your Angular single page app into a Cordova/PhoneGap container, then use appropriate plugins (which bridge platform specific native code to Javascript) to add iBeacon or other beacon support. If you don't find plugins that do what you want, you can create your own if you are comfortable working in the native languages of the platforms you want to use (Java for Android, Objective C or Swift for iOS).
Example plugins that already exist to help with this would be:
ngCordova Cordova Beacon
There's an example of how to go about this using Angular JS / Ionic framework here.
There is no way to directly scan for beacons in JavaScript. This is true whether you are talking about a web app running in Mobile Safari on iOS or inside a UIWebView container within a native iOS Web app.
If you want to combine JavaScript-based apps with beacons, the alternative is to build Hybrid apps using technologies like Cordova or Ionic (which is built off of Cordova). You can then use Cordova plugins that let you interact with native code that does the beacon scanning, and pass it back to your JavaScript application. One such plugin that accomplishes this is here:
There are limitations with this approach. Beacon scanning typically has to be in the foreground, and you can't really wake up the app on beacon detection.
Full disclosure: I am the lead developer on the Android Beacon Library open source project upon which the above plugin is based.

Integrate Worklight project in existing IOS project

I have to integrate a Worklight project into my existing IOS project (Objective-C)
I have googled but i have not found a clear "guide" on how to perform this integration.
Could you drive me in the right way of integrating this project? The idea is to have a button in my IOS project that open a WebView that loads the pages (HTML5 and javascript with AngularJS and Jquery) contained into the Worklight project.
Thank you so much
There is no guide for this approach, as I don't think it is sustainable.
In Worklight you currently have two approaches:
A native application to which you add the Worklight Native iOS SDK, allowing you to implement security features, invoke adapters and use various other features
A Hybrid application to which you can add native functionality (via Cordova or otherwise), and use the entire set of features provided by Worklight
It is important to note that a Hybrid application is a native application. It is a fully actual real native app. It is a native shell that calls a webview (provided by Cordova) into which the Worklight JS framework and the application web resources are loaded, and thus you see your web app. A Hybrid application allows you to mix & match web and native in one.
So what I am saying is that you can't take an existing iOS app and transplant it into another existing iOS app.
It sounds to me like what you are essentially trying to do, is what a Hybrid app is. A native app that displays web content...
This is not an approach Worklight officially supports. By doing this, you are on your own
You could maybe take the guts of a Hybrid app's iOS environment (myapp\iphone\native) - its classes and resources and add them into your existing app and load the main class which theoretically, or at least the wanted effect, will load the Cordova webview. But I give this low chances of success...

Can we merge Hybrid app with Native iOS App?

I have one Hybrid app(build on Phonegap) and one iOS App. The requirement is to merge both app into single app. some functionality drive from native and some through hybrid, is it possible?
Yes, it's possible. You can embed the phonegap webview in any native app, but as you already have the phonegap app created I recommend you to add the iOS app inside the phonegap app as if you do so, you don't have to manually add and configure phonegap in your native app.
You'll need a native tabbar controller or something like that to switch between the native view/viewcontroller and the phonegap view/viewcontroller
Here you can find the information about phonegap as a component (embeding phonegap webview, also called cleaver), but I couldn't make it work to add phonegap plugins since phonegap 3.0, that's why I recommended you to start from the phonegap app instead embedding the phonegap webview in your native app
Yes, you can add the cocoa native app as plugin in PhoneGap and then configure it with config file.
