how to find MAX memory from docker stats? - docker

With docker stats you can see the memory usage of a container over time.
Is there a way to find what the highest value of memory usage was while running docker stats?

If you need to find the peak usage you are better off requesting the .MemPerc option and calculating based on the total memory (unless you restricted the memory available to the container). .MemUsage has units which change during the life of the container which mess with the result.
docker stats --format 'CPU: {{.CPUPerc}}\tMEM: {{.MemPerc}}'
You can stream an ongoing log to a file (or script).
To get just the max memory as originally requested:
(timeout 120 docker stats --format '{{.MemPerc}}' <CONTAINER_ID> \
| sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' ; echo) \
| tr -d '%' | sort -k1,1n | tail -n 1
And then you can ask the system for its total RAM (again assuming you didn't limit the RAM available to docker) and calculate:
awk '/MemTotal/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo
You would need to know how long the container is going to run when using timeout as above, but if docker stats was run without this in background submitted by a script it could kill it once the container completed.
This command allows you to generate a time-series of the cpu/memory load:
(timeout 20 docker stats --format \
'CPU: {{.CPUPerc}}\tMEM: {{.MemPerc}}' <CONTAINER_ID> \
| sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' ; echo) \
| gzip -c > monitor.log.gz
Note that it pipes into gzip. In this form you get ~2 rows per second so the file would get large rapidly if you don't.
I'd advise this for benchmarking and trouble shooting rather than use on production containers

I took a sampling script from here and aggregated data by #pl_rock. But be careful - the sort command only compares string values - so the results are usually wrong (but ok for me).
Also mind that docker is sometimes reporting wrong numbers (ie. more allocated mem than physical RAM).
Here is the script:
"$#" & # Run the given command line in the background.
echo "" > stats
while true; do
sleep 1
sample="$(ps -o rss= $pid 2> /dev/null)" || break
docker stats --no-stream --format "{{.MemUsage}} {{.Name}} {{.Container}}" | awk '{ print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), $0 }' >> stats
for containerid in `awk '/.+/ { print $7 }' stats | sort | uniq`
grep "$containerid" stats | sort -r -k3 | tail -n 1
# maybe: | sort -r -k3 -h | head -n 1
# see comment below (didnt tested)

In my case I wanted to monitor a docker container which runs tests for my web application. The test suite is pretty big, it includes javascript tests in a real browser and consume significant amount of both, memory and time.
Ideally, I wanted to watch the current memory usage real time, but to also keep the history for later analysis.
I ended up using a modified and simplified version of the Keiran's solution:
CONTAINER=$(docker ps -q -f name=CONTAINER_NAME)
docker stats --format $FORMAT $CONTAINER | sed -u 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' | tee stats
CONTAINER=$(docker ps -q -f name=NAME) find container by name, but there are other options
FORMAT='{{.MemPerc}} ...}} MemPerc goes first (for sorting); otherwise you can be creative
sed -u the -u flag is important, it turns off buffering
| sed -u 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' removes ANSI escape sequences
| tee stats not only display in real time, but also write into the stats file
I Ctrl-C manually when it's ready – not ideal, but OK for me
after that it's easy to find the max with something like sort -n stats | tail

you can use command:
docker stats --no-stream | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed '1d'|sort | tail -1
It will give highest memory by container.
Let me Explain command:
--no-stream : Disable streaming stats and only pull the first result
awk '{ print $3 }' : will print MEM USAGE
sed '1d' : will delete first entry that is %
sort : it will sort the result
tail -1 : it will give last entry that is highest.


PM2: Return list of stopped processes and restart only them

Basically the title. I've noticed recently that some of our processes are hitting an error during server start up which causes them to stop, and which pm2 does not restart them from automatically. Running pm2 restart \process name\ brings them back. As a stop gap measure while I investigate the root cause, I would like to setup a script to use pm2 restart on only stopped processes, to be used on server reboot. So far, I've been able to extract a list of the stopped processes and there status:
pm2 ls | grep "stopped" | grep "process"
However, after this, I'm not sure how to proceed with using pm2 restart on the processes. Will I have to extract the process names into a list and loop through it, or is there a better way to do this?
You can use the next command line:
pm2 ls | grep "stopped" | grep "process" | awk '{print $4}' | xargs -I{} pm2 start {}
pm2 ls gets the list of all processes.
grep "stopped" | grep "process" filters all lines that has stopped word and the all lines that has process word.
awk '{print $4}' gets the fourth column per line, having that the format for each line this:
| 20 | process_name | ...
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
1 2 3 4 5 ...
xargs -I{} pm2 start {} gets each result line and pass them to pm2 start command.

Docker stats for n seconds period

I am running docker stats $CONTAINER_ID from a shell script to monitor my Docker container memory and CPU usage over a period of 1 hour. I have the below shell script.
# First, start the container
# Then start watching that it's running (with inspect)
while [ "$(docker inspect -f {{.State.Running}} $CONTAINER_ID 2>/dev/null)" = "true" ]; do
# And while it's running, check stats
#docker stats $CONTAINER_ID 2>&1 | tee "$1"
docker stats --format "table {{.Container}}\t{{.CPUPerc}}\t{{.MemUsage}}\t{{.NetIO}}\t{{.BlockIO}}\t{{.PIDs}}" $CONTAINER_ID 2>&1 | tee "$1"
sleep 5
It is running fine. But, it seems it is running at every second. I need that it outputs at every 5 seconds. I found that there is no such option like specifying timeperiod with docker stats command. Request some suggestions to achieve it. It seems sleep 5 is not having any effect.
Even with 1 second delay, I expected 60 lines in my log file, With 5 seconds, I expected 12 lines over 1 minute period. But, I am getting close to 150 lines for 1 minute.
Without sleep, just read current values from the file ($1) and average them every period you choose:
format="table {{.Name}}\t{{.CPUPerc}}\t{{.MemUsage}}";
docker stats --all --format "$format" --no-trunc | (while read line; do
sedLine=$(echo "$line" | sed "s/^.*name.*cpu.*mem.*$/_divider_/i")
if [ "$sedLine" != "_divider_" ];
echo -e $multiLine > $1;
docker stats $container won't exit when running, so your sleep 5 don't have chance to execute.
For you, you should use next:
--no-stream Disable streaming stats and only pull the first result
Then, you could use something like next fake code to control the rate:
while xxx; do
docker stats $container --no-stream
sleep 5

Docker caching for travis builds

Docker caching is not yet available on travis:
I'm trying to write a workaround by doing:
`docker save -o file.tar $(docker history -q image_name | grep -v missing)`
`docker load -i file.tar
Which works great, gives me all the image layers back. My only problem now is the saving takes a long time, and most of the time I'm actually changing one layer, so I don't need to rewrite all the rest. Is there a way of telling the docker save command to skip layers already in file.tar?
In the manifest.json file inside the tar you have the information you need.
tar -xOf file.tar manifest.json
Check the value of the Config keys. The first 12 characters are the image id. You can use the command above, extract the image ids that you already have, and exclude them in your docker save command.
I'm not very good with bash scripting, but this works on my mac
tar -xOf file.tar manifest.json | tr , '\n' | grep -o '"Config":".*"' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | awk '{print substr($0,2,12)}'
Using this outputs everything
docker history -q IMAGE_HERE | grep -v missing && tar -xOf file.tar manifest.json | tr , '\n' | grep -o '"Config":".*"' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | awk '{print substr($0,2,12)}'
After this you only need to get the unique values. This could be done with sort and uniq -u, but for some reason, sort doesn't work as expected. This command assumes the presence of file.tar so take that into consideration too.
I couldn't find anything about append in the docker save command. The above strategy could work with multiple file tars that are all different with each other.

Simple way to order grep's result by time (reverse)?

I often have to look for specific strings in a big set of log files with grep. And I get lots of results, on what I must scroll a lot.
Today, the results of grep list the results in alphabetical order. I would like to have my grep results reversed ordered by time, like a ls -ltr would do.
I know I could take the result of ls -ltr and grep file by file. I do it like this:
ls -ltr ${my_log_dir}\* | awk '{print $9}' |xargs grep ${my_pattern}
But I wonder: Is there a simpler way?
PS: I'm using ksh on AIX.
The solution I found (thanks to Fedorqui) was to simply use ls -tr. It assumes the results are passed in the right order through the | to xargs allowing then to do the grep.
My misconception was that since when I us ls, the results arrive not as a single column list but as a multiple column list, it couldn't work as an input for xargs.
Here is the simplest solution to date, since it avoids any awk parsing:
ls -tr ${my_log_dir}\* | xargs grep ${my_pattern}
I checked, and every result of the ls -t are passed to xargs even though they look not as I expected they would enter easily in it:
srv:/papi/tata $ ls -t
addl ieet rrri
ooij lllr sss
srv:/papi/tata $ ls -t |xargs -I{} echo {}
This will work too use find command:-
find -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 stat -c %y\ %n | sort -r | awk '{print $4}' | sed "s|^\./||"
-print0 in find to preserve files having special characters(whitespaces, tabs)
Print file status (stat with %y (Time of last modification) and %n (%n File name) with output having new-separated (-c)
Reverse sort the output from previous command. (-r for reverse)
awk '{print $4}' printing only the file-name (can be optimized as needed)
Removing the leading ./ from the file-names.

Delete certain line while using iperf

I run iperf command like this :
iperf -c -t 2 -f m -w 1K | grep -Po '[0-9.]*(?= Mbits/sec)'
I want to display throughput only such as 0.32 but because I use 1K here, there is a warning and the display becomes
WARNING: TCP window size set to 1024 bytes. A small window size will give poor performance. See the Iperf documentation.
How to delete this warning so I can get "0.32" only?
Just send the warning message to /dev/null, after that you get output only.
So your command would be,
iperf -c -t 2 -f m -w 1K 2> /dev/null | grep -Po '[0-9.]*(?= Mbits/sec)'
