Plain Old Ruby Method not updating time - ruby-on-rails

I have a method
def call
user.password_reset_sent_at =!
UserMailer.password_reset(user).deliver_later(queue: "low")
def user
#user = User.find_by_email(#params)
and I'm trying to reset the password_reset_token and the password_reset_sent_at"").call
I see the token updated but it does not update the password_reset_sent_at

Every occurrence of user within call is another invocation of the user method, creating another User object from the record in the database and storing it in #user. The effect is similar to if you had written
def call
User.find_by_email(#params).password_sent_at =
... etc ...
The changes you make to the first copy of the User record you retrieve, are never saved before you go and get a new copy.
I think the idiom you are aiming for involves defining user like this:
def user
#user ||= User.find_by_email(#params)
Defined that way, User.find_by_email will only be called once, and the result stored in #user. Subsequent calls to user will re-use the existing value of #user, a technique called memoization.


track params changes in rails active record

So i have my form and in my controller i have my update method as follows
def update
#student = Student.find(params[:id])
if #student.update_attributes!(student_params)
#student.read_notes = true
#here i check if the records changed or not?
ap #student.name_changed?
def student_params
params.require(:student).permit(:name, :email, :age, :class)
This fails as i always get the false response each time even though i have actually made changes to the name record.
How do i actually track my changes in my record if i am updating via this way?
When you save the record (which update_attributes!, update!, and update will all do), Rails' "dirty tracking" resets and you lose the ability to easily tell if anything changed. What you could do instead is use assign_attributes, like so:
def update
#student = Student.find(params[:id])
if #student.name_changed?
# ...
There's also an ActiveRecord method called previous_changes, which stores changes made after a save. This article goes into detail on how to use that.
You could also simply track if the name parameter differs from the record's name, or store the value prior to the update and compare it afterward, depending on your needs.

How to skip_callback before_save for specific user?

I've a method named update inside my DailyOrdersController:
def update
if #daily_order.update( daily_order_params.merge({default_order:false}) )
render :edit
My DailyOrder model:
before_save :refresh_total
def refresh_total
# i do something here
What I'm trying to do now is, I want the refresh_total callback to be skipped if the update request is coming from current_admin.
I have 2 user model generated using Devise gem:
User (has current_user)
Admin (has current_admin)
I try to make it like this:
def update
if current_admin
DailyOrder.skip_callback :update, :before, :refresh_total
if #daily_order.update( daily_order_params.merge({default_order:false}) )
render :edit
But it's not working and still keep calling the refresh_total callback if the update request is coming from current_admin (when the logged-in user is admin user).
What should I do now?
I think this is all what you need:
If you skip callback, you should enable it later. Anyway, this does not look as the best solution. Perhaps you could avoid the callbacks otherwise.
One way would be to use update_all:
DailyOrder.where(id: daily_order_params.merge({default_order:false}) )
Or you could do something like this:
#in the model:
before_validation :refresh_total
#in the controller
#daily_order.assign_attributes( daily_order_params.merge({default_order:false}) ) current_admin.nil?)
or maybe it would be the best to add a new column to the model: refresh_needed and then you would conditionally update that column on before_validation, and on before_save you would still call the same callback, but conditionally to the state of refresh_needed. In this callback you should reset that column. Please let me know if you would like me to illustrate this with some code.
This may come in handy:
Even better, you can call update_columns.
Here is what it says in the documentation of the method:
Updates the attributes directly in the database issuing an UPDATE SQL
statement and sets them in the receiver:
user.update_columns(last_request_at: Time.current)
This is the fastest way to update attributes because it goes straight to
the database, but take into account that in consequence the regular update
procedures are totally bypassed. In particular:
\Validations are skipped.
\Callbacks are skipped.
+updated_at+/+updated_on+ are not updated.
This method raises an ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError when called on new
objects, or when at least one of the attributes is marked as readonly.

How do I respect RESTful methods when using find_or_initialize_by in Rails 3.2?

I have a resource in my project that collects some information from a user. Basically it's a form that they fill out before they can access another area of the site. It then sets a cookie for a week, but if they come back it will look up their previous entry and keep their preferences tied to them (and will update any details as long as the email address matches).
Currently I have a Applicants controller that looks like this:
class ApplicantsController < ApplicationController
def create
#applicant = Applicant.find_or_initialize_by_email(params[:applicant])
if #applicant.new_record? ? : #applicant.update_attributes(params[:applicant])
render 'new'
def update
if #applicant.update_attributes(params[:applicant])
render 'new'
The set_cookie_and_redirect is a private method that just sets some cookies and redirects the user to a page. The code works, but it just feels dirty. It's essentially updating a record within the create method under the condition that it's not a new record. I'm also forced to have an update method in case an existing record comes back with a validation error--the form helper will then switch the form over to sending to the update method.
So to my point... is there a more appropriate way to push the update_attributes call in the create method to the update method? Or better put, is there a better way to respect the RESTful methods in isolating the create and update functionality?
UPDATE: I wanted to be a little more specific too. If the user has filled this form out before it will set a cookie so they don't have to fill it out again for seven days. However after seven days the cookie is expired and they see the form again. The controller doesn't know if the user is new or existing until they add user input into the form which is then compared based on the email address.
Thanks in advance! I definitely look forward to anyone's thoughts on this.
The create method should only create, and the update method should only update. Let Rails decide which is going to happen based on what is inside of #applicant when the form is rendered - It essentially does what you're doing: Checks if the record is new or not, and sends it to update/create accordingly. Example:
def applicant
#applicant = Applicant.find_or_initialize_by_email(cookies[:email])
# renders applicant.html.erb form
<%= form_for #applicant do |f| %>
# ... fields ...
<% end %>
def create
#applicant =[:applicant])
# .. etc.
def update
#applicant = Applicant.find_by_email(cookies[:email])
# ... etc.
Rails will send the request to the correct action based on the new_record? status of the Applicant object.

Rails :before_save, either create or update record and return false?

Have a form that has 1 field, an email address.
When submitted the model calls :before_save
Checks to see if the email address exists.
If it does, it creates a new record.
If it does not, it updates a record in another model AND NO record should be created.
Using return false to cancel the before_save for 2.2 but it rolls back the update and cancels the creation where I just want the record not to be created.
Am I on the right path? Is there a better way?
It is strange that you got user A's object, but update user B's row......
Maybe you could find the correct user object in the controller first:
#user = User.find_by_email(params[:email]) ||[:email])
User.find_by_xxx would return nil if it cannot find the corresponding object (or return the first object if there are two or more objects matched).
You could just make your own before_save method equivalent and call that instead of
def custom_save
if email_address_exists? # this would be a method you create
# update record in other model
Then in your controller use this instead of save (ie. model.custom_save)

Where do I put the Current user query so as to not repeat per controller?

I have a standard query that gets the current user object:
#user = User.find_by_email(session[:email])
but I'm putting it as the first line in every single controller action which is obviously not the best way to do this. What is the best way to refactor this?
Do I put this as a method in the Application controller (and if so, can you just show me a quick example)?
Do I put the entire #user object into the session (has about 50 columns and some sensitive ones like is_admin)?
Or is there another way to remove this kind of redundancy?
I suggest making it into a helper placed in the ApplicationHelper module
def current_user
return nil if #user === false
#This ensures that the find method is only called once
#user = #user || User.find_by_email(session[:email]) || false
I prefer the above usage instead of the standard #user ||= User.find... because it prevents repetitive queries if the user record isn't found the first time. You could also just bang the find method: find_by_email! to make it throw an exception when the user can't be found
You could specify a before_filter, which is automatically called at the beginning of every controller action. Read up on it to see how to use it.
