Keeping aspect ratio and autolayout for different devices - ios

I have labels and toolbars on the top and bottom of the screen with height constraints. And I got UIImage between toolbars. So toolbars and labels are keeping same height for different devices while space between toolbars is changeable.
My goal is to keep aspect ratio 1:1 for devices from SE to IPad and to center UIImage between toolbars by stretching it until it reach superview margins on sides or toolbars on top and bottom. I was tried different approaches but the best thing I could get is on below screenshot.
It's keeping aspect ratio but I can't figure out how to keep it centered between toolbars.
Constraints for UIImage:
Since I'm working on iOS 8 supported app I didn't use UIStackView and try to find a solution with constraints only.

You need to do following things :
Add a new view (says, centerView) in between the yellow and green view and give it clear color and give below constraints
Leading, trailing to superview as constant = 0.
Top to yellow view as constant = 0
Bottom to yellow view as constant = 0
Now in centerView add ImageView which have Apple logo and give below constraints.
Give it fixed height as you want.
give it vertically and horizontally centered w.r.t. its superView.


Image view autolayout to pin 60pt from horizontal edges, but auto scale height?

I'm trying to figure out an approach to the following:
I have a square image, I want to align it horizontally and vertically in the centre of the screen and constrain it in a way where its left and right edges are 60pt from screen edges.
I got thus far, but am now getting an error from XCode about top and bottom image constraints. How can I make it so image keeps its square ratio and auto resizes based on screen size?
Example, images width became 294pt in screenshot below, yet height remained unchanged, where as it should change to 294 pt as well.
You need to add 3 more constraints.
Vertically align your view to superview
Horizontally align your view to superview
Set aspect ratio of your view to 1:1 (Important)
On the whole you should have 5 constraints. The screenshot is given below.
this error occurs when auto layout did not find enough information about a component on the storyboard. as you did it here you only provide the trailing and leading constraint so now it asks for height and width.
if you want the same height on every device selects the height constraints that will fix the heigh 300.
Or simply you can do this set the alignment constraint to Center vertically and horizontally and then add top and leading constraints

Xcode how to make flexible constraint in Autolayout

hello everyone I've get stuck in Auto-layout issues
I have login storyboard that contains three Items Image-view , Stack-view , Button like the first image below
I've tried to add constraints using two ways:
The first way I've added "pinned" constraint to Image-view as shown in Photo1 below but when I've changed to landscape the Image was disappeared as the second photo below.
please notice I haven't got any warnings
The second Way I've tried by wrap the Image-view using view then i added
"Pinned" constraint to view
finally i added fixed width & height to Image-view and Horizontal & vertical in container but I've got this result as third and fourth photo
what should i do to make my Image-view Adaptive for all Screens ?
As when changing to landscape screen height changing a lot. the problem with your design with Autolayout is it's not adaptive with landscape and portrait mode because you are give fixed hight and width to your layout.
to make your image-view Adaptive for all screens give your image-view height to superview height in percentage so when in landscape mode height will change your image-view will still gets the height from superview height in exact same percentage.
have a look at this demo hope this will help.
First drop UIImageView into ViewController.
Give it a top constraint and Align it horizontally to it's SuperView.
As now it's only required height and width.
Then Ctrl drag from ImageView to itself and select aspect ratio. give
a aspect ration 1:1 (it's just telling storyboard if any of height or
width is available i want the other to be the same like if width is
given then height should be the same as width, vice versa for height) as you may want
perfect square shape for your profile ImageView.
Now Ctrl drag from ImageView to SuperView and select Equal height.
As now your ImageView got the height to SuperView Height.
give your ImageView proportional height (percentage, Aspect
Ration or Multipiler) to SuperView how much you wanted to give like
At the end your UIImageView will get the height proportional to SuperView height, vice versa for width.

iOS Autolayout: Handling different screen heights

I am desperatly trying to get to grips with Autolayout and need advice on how best to approach handling the following scenario. I am working with an existing design that I need to lay out appropriately so it will function on any iPhone screen size.
For each screen, I have identified a section of the app that should partially expand/collapse to compensate for the difference in screen height. I have illustrated this in the image below. Primarily, is this the best way to approach the problem?
Assuming this is the best way to approach the problem, how should constraints be added to fix the positioning and heights of views 1,2 & 4, while allowing view 2 and it's content to flex in accordance with the device view height?
I have experimented profusely with constraits and have been unable to achieve the illustrated outcome.
Here is how I would have done it.
All views:
Align the leading and trailing space to the superview
View 1:
Align the top to the superview or top layout guide
Add a fixed height
View 4:
Align the bottom to the superview or bottom layout guide
Add a fixed height
View 3:
Align the bottom to view 4 (using vertical spacing)
Add a fixed height
View 2:
Align the top to view 1
Align the bottom to view 3
If you want the result in your pictures, here is how to do it. You can choose to use wAny|hAny size class.
From top to bottom, set vertical spacing between each adjacent views to be 0.
Set height constraint for view1 and view3 and view4 to be a static value.
Then the height of view2 should vary on different screen sizes.
Looking from your picture, your view1 occupies almost half of the screen space. So my suggestion is to make its height to be proportional, you can set view1 and its superview to be equal width, then modify this equal width constraint's ratio to be 0.5. You can do the same for other views in your picture.
In addition to other answers, with the visual format, it should look like smth like this
Repalce HIGHTVX with the static sizes

Making a view centered on the remaining space

I have this viewController that shows a navigationBar at the top (white box on top) and a toolbar at the bottom (orange box in picture).
Because the navigationBar is something iOS is adding to the viewController, when the viewController is visible, self.view's high will be reported as the screen size minus 44 points.
I have added an imageView to the view and I want it centralized between the navigationBar and the toolbar, like seen in the following picture.
What I did was to add a constraint to centralize vertically the imageView. As you see in the picture Xcode shows that the imageView is perfectly vertically centered as I want but this is not what happens when the app runs (thanks Apple).
In practice this is what happens: suppose I am running it on iPhone 5. iPhone's 5 screen high is 568 points. Because there is a navigation bar, the hight of self.view will be 524 pt (568 - 44). The constraint stupidly will disregard the top 44 pixels where the navigation bar is and centralize the imageView on the are between the bottom of the navigationBar and the top of the toolbar. The result is that the imageView will be closer to the bottom.
This imageView is carefully chosen to fill completely the space between the toolbar and the navigationBar when the app is running on iPhone 4. Also this imageView has to respect an aspect ratio constraint. Exactly like this:
Instead of centralizing the imageView using a vertically centered constraint I tried to add a top constraint to the superview and a bottom constraint to the toolbar. That works fine in all iPhones, except on the iPhone 4, where these two constraints force the imageView into another aspect ratio, like this:
So, what kind of constraint I have to apply to the imageView to make it center on the space between the navigationBar and the toolbar without losing the aspect ratio?
If you want the view to be centered between the navigation bar and the tool bar, then deselect both "Under Top Bars" and "Under Bottom Bars" for your controller. Add a centerY constraint to your image view, give it 0 length spacing constraints to the 2 sides, and finally, the aspect ratio constraint. I tested this, and it worked at all sizes, with a 1:1 aspect ratio. If you want a taller aspect ratio (your image looks like ~1:1.2 w:h) then you need to do some additional work to make it turn out right for the 3.5" screen because there's not enough height to get that ratio with the image view being full width (assuming that you also have the status bar showing -- if not, then these constraints should work for the 3.5" screen). I can edit my answer to include how to do that, if you say what aspect ratio you want, and if you want some minimum spacing between the two bars, or whether you want the image view to be as wide as possible while still maintaining its aspect ratio (which would mean there would be no space to the two bars).

UIView centering and resizing with constraints autolayout

I'm trying to convert my iPhone app to a universal app, but I really cannot figure out the constraints. Tried reading a whole chapter on auto layout but still I cannot manage it.
So there are 2 UIViews in my view controller, that are a square. If it's in portrait the squares will show nicely. But when I turn the iPad into landscape the squares get rectangles. Tried really everything.
The problem also, if I manage to keep them in the center and stuff, they should resize to a bit smaller size. Thought this is also possible with auto layout.
Here is the basic setup for my UIViews:
EDIT with the new suggestions:
So this is almost perfect, but it should be a square. Any idea's ?
You need the following constraints:
Top square pinned to superview with inset 10
Top square pinned to bottom square with inset 10
bottom square pinned to superview with inset 10
Top square pinned to left edge with inset 10 (low priority)
Top square pinned to right edge with inset 10 (low priority)
Top square centered in superview
Left edge of bottom square pinned to left edge of top square
Top square aspect ratio of 1:1 (ctrl-drag from the view to itself to achieve this)
Bottom square width and height pinned to top square
This will make your two squares fill as much of the vertical space as possible whilst not overlapping or going outside the view.
Regarding autolayout the basic thing is to visualise how the views varies and find out to what all it needs to be attached,what all needs to be modified on the change in view layout.
Make sure the fixed values are marked as fixed in the layout
Make sure all the constraints are set by you.Automatic setting of
constraint may not work well as expected
You must read this excellent tutorial by Matthijs Hollemans
