How does the data structure for a lexical analysis look? - parsing

I know the lexical analyser tokenizes the input and stores it in a stream, or at least that is what I understood. Unfortunately nearly all articles I have read only talk about lexing simple expressions. What I am interested in is how to tokenize something like:
if (fooBar > 5) {
for (var i = 0; i < alot.length; i++) {
fooBar += 2 + i;
Please note that this is pseudo code.
Question: I would like to know how the data structure looks like for tokens created by the lexer? I really have no idea for the example i gave above where code is nested. Some example would be nice.

First of all, tokens are not necessarily stored. Some compilers do store the tokens in a table or other data structure, but for a simple compiler (if there is such a thing) it's sufficient in most cases that the lexer can return the type of the next token to be parsed and then in some cases the parser might ask the lexer for the actual text that the token is made up of.
If we use your sample code,
if (fooBar > 5) {
for (var i = 0; i < alot.length; i++) {
fooBar += 2 + i;
The type of the first token in this sample might be defined as TOK_IF corresponding to the "if" keyword. The next token might be TOK_LPAREN, then TOK_IDENT, then TOK_GREATER, then TOK_INT_LITERAL, and so on. What exactly the types should be is defined by you as the author of the lexer (or tokenizer) code. (Note that there are about a million different tools to help you avoid the somewhat tedious task of coming up with these details by hand.)
Except for TOK_IDENT and TOK_INT_LITERAL the tokens we've seen so far are defined entirely by their type. For these two, we would need to be able to ask the lexer for the underlying text so that we can evaluate the value of the token.
So a tiny excerpt of the parser dealing with an IF statement in pseudo-code might look something like:
case TOK_IF:
// "if" statement
if (lexer.GetNextTokenType() != TOK_LPAREN)
throw SyntaxError('( expected');
if (lexer.GetNextTokenType() != TOK_RPAREN)
throw SyntaxError(') expected');
and so on.
If the compiler did choose to actually store the tokens for later reference, and some compilers do e.g. to allow for more efficient backtracking, one way would be to use a structure similar to the following
struct {
int TokenType;
char* TokenStart;
int TokenLength;
The container for these might be a linked list or std::vector (assuming C++).


zig structs, pointers, field access

I was trying to implement vector algebra with generic algorithms and ended up playing with iterators. I have found two examples of not obvious and unexpected behaviour:
if I have pointer p to a struct (instance) with field fi, I can access the field as simply as (rather than p.*.fi)
if I have a "member" function fun(this: *Self) (where Self = #This()) and an instance s of the struct, I can call the function as simply as (rather than (&s).fun())
My questions are:
is it documented (or in any way mentioned) somewhere? I've looked through both language reference and guide from and didn't find anything
what is it that we observe in these examples? syntactic sugar for two particular cases or are there more general rules from which such behavior can be deduced?
are there more examples of weird pointers' behaviour?
For 1 and 2, you are correct. In Zig the dot works for both struct values and struct pointers transparently. Similarly, namespaced functions also do the right thing when invoked.
The only other similar behavior that I can think of is [] syntax used on arrays. You can use both directly on an array value and an array pointer interchangeably. This is somewhat equivalent to how the dot operates on structs.
const std = #import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
const arr = [_]u8{1,2,3};
const foo = &arr;
std.debug.print("{}", .{arr[2]});
std.debug.print("{}", .{foo[2]});
AFAIK these are the only three instances of this behavior. In all other cases if something asks for a pointer you have to explicitly provide it. Even when you pass an array to a function that accepts a slice, you will have to take the array's pointer explicitly.
The authoritative source of information is the language reference but checking it quickly, it doesn't seem to have a dedicated paragraph. Maybe there's some example that I missed though.
I first learned this syntax by going through the ziglings course, which is linked to on
in exercise 43 (
// Note that you don't need to dereference the "pv" pointer to access
// the struct's fields:
// YES: pv.x
// NO: pv.*.x
// We can write functions that take pointer arguments:
// fn foo(v: *Vertex) void {
// v.x += 2;
// v.y += 3;
// v.z += 7;
// }
// And pass references to them:
// foo(&v1);
The ziglings course goes quite in-depth on a few language topics, so it's definitely work checking out if you're interested.
With regards to other syntax: as the previous answer mentioned, you don't need to dereference array pointers. I'm not sure about anything else (I thought function pointers worked the same, but I just ran some tests and they do not.)

Time Complexity Difference between Two Parsing Implementations Using Global Variables and Return Values

I'm trying to solve the following problem:
A string containing only lower-case letters can be encoded into NUM[encoded string] format. For example, aaa can be encoded into 3[a]. Given an encoded string, find its original string according to the following grammar.
S -> {E}
E -> NUM[S] | STR # NUM[S] means encoded, while STR means not.
NUM -> 1 | 2 | ... | 9
LETTER -> a | b | ... | z
Note: in the above grammar {} represents "concatenate 0 or more times".
For example, given the encoded string 3[a2[c]], the result (original string) is accaccacc.
I think this can be parsed by recursive descent parsing, and there are two ways to implement it:
Method I: Let the parsing method to return the result string directly.
Method II: Use a global variable, and each parsing method can just append characters to it.
I'm wondering if the two methods share the same time complexity. Suppose the result string is of length t. Then for method II, I think its time complexity should be O(t) because we read and write every character in the result string exactly once. For method I, however, my intuition was that it could be slower because the same substring can be copied multiple times, depending on the depth of recursions. But I'm not able to figure out the exact time complexity to justify my intuition. Can anyone give a hint?
My first suggestion is that your parser should produce an abstract syntax tree rather than directly interpret the string, no matter whether you choose to write a recursive descent parser, a state-based parser or use a parser generator. This greatly enhances maintainability and allows you perform validation, analyses, and transformations much more easily.
Method I
If I understand you correctly, in Method I you have functions for each grammar construct that return an immutable string, which are then recursively repeated and concatenated. For example, for the top-level concatenation rule
S ::= E*
you would have an interpretation function that looks like this:
string interpretS(NodeS sNode) {
string result = "";
for (int i = 0; i < sNode.Expressions.Length; i++) {
result = result + interpretE(sNode.Expressions[i]);
return result;
... and similarly for the other rules. It is easy to see that the time complexity of Method I is O(n²) where n is the length of the output. (NB: It makes sense to measure the time complexity in terms of the output rather than the input, since the output length is exponential in the length of the input, and so any interpretation method must have time complexity at least exponential in the input, which is not very interesting.) For example, interpreting the input abcdef requires concatenating a and b, then concatenating the result with c, then concatenating that result with d etc., resulting in 1+2+3+4+5 steps. (See here for a more detailed discussion why repeated string concatenation with immutable strings has quadratic complexity.)
Method II
I interpret your description of Method II like this: instead of returning individual strings which have to be combined, you keep a reference to a mutable structure representing a string that supports appending. This could be a data structure like StringBuilder in Java or .NET, or just a dynamic-length list of characters. The important bit is that appending a string of length b to a string of length a can be done in O(b) (rather than O(a+b)).
Note that for this to work, you don't need a global variable! A cleaner solution would just pass the reference to the resulting structure through (this pattern is called accumulator parameter). So now we would have functions like these:
void interpretS2(NodeS sNode, StringBuilder accumulator) {
for (int i = 0; i < sNode.Expressions.Length; i++) {
interpretE2(sNode.Expressions[i], accumulator);
void interpretE2(NodeE eNode, StringBuilder accumulator) {
if (eNode is NodeNum numNode) {
for (int i = 0; i < numNode.Repetitions; i++) {
interpretS2(numNode.Expression, accumulator);
else if (eNode is NodeStr strNode) {
for (int i = 0; i < strNode.Letters.Length; i++) {
interpretLetter2(strNode.Letters[i], accumulator);
void interpretLetter2(NodeLetter letterNode, StringBuilder accumulator) {
As you stated correctly, here the time complexity is O(n), since at each step exactly one character of the output is appended to the accumulator, and no strings are ever copied (only at the very end, when the mutable structure is converted into the output string).
So, at least for this grammar, Method II is clearly preferable.
Update based on comment
Of course, my interpretation of Method I above is exceedingly naive. A more realistic implementation of the interpretS function would internally use a StringBuilder to concatenate the results from the subexpressions, resulting in linear complexity for the example given above, abcdef.
However, this wouldn't change the worst case complexity O(n²): consider the example
Even the less naive version of Method I would first append f to e (1 step), then append ef to d (+ 2 steps), then append def to c (+ 3 steps) and so on, amounting to 1+2+3+4+5 steps in total.
The fundamental reason for the quadratic time complexity of Method I is that the results from the subexpressions are copied to create the new subresult to be returned.
Time Complexity is estimated by counting the number of elementary operations performed by an algorithm, supposing that each elementary operation takes a fixed amount of time to perform, see here. Of interest is, however, only how fast this number of operations increases, when the size of the input data set increases.
In your case, the size of the input data means the length of the string to be parsed.
I assume by your 1st method you mean that when a NUM is encountered, its argument is processed by the parser completely NUM times. In your example, when „3“ is read from the input string, „a2[c]“ is processed completely 3 times. Processing here means to transverse the syntax tree up to a leave, and append the leave value, here the „c“ to the output string.
I also assume by your 2nd method you mean that when a NUM is encountered, its argument is only evaluated once and all intermediate results are stored and re-used. In your example, when „3“ is read from the input string and stored, „a“ is read from the input string and stored, „2[c]“ is processed, i.e. „2“ is read from the input string and stored, and finally „c“ is processed. „c“ is due to the stored „2“ combined to „cc“, and due to the stored „a“ combined to „acc“. This is due to the stored „3“ combined then to „accaccacc“, and „accaccacc“ is output.
The question now is, what is the elementary operation that is relevant to the time complexity? My feeling is that in the 1st case, the stack operations during transversal of the syntax tree are important, while in the 2nd case, string copying operations are important.
Strictly speaking, one can thus not compare the time complexities of both algorithms.
If you are, however, interested in run times instead of time complexities, my guess is that the stack operations take more time than string copying, and that then method 2 is preferable.

Parsing procedure calls for a toy language

I have a certain toy language that defines, amongst others, procedures and procedure calls, using EBNF syntax:
program = procedure, {procedure} ;
procedure = "procedure", NAME, bracedblock ;
bracedBlock = "{" , statementlist , "}" ;
statementlist = statement, { statement } ;
statement = define | if | while | call | // others omitted for brevity ;
define = NAME, "=", expression, ";"
if = "if", conditionalblock, "then", bracedBlock, "else", bracedBlock
call = "call" , NAME, ";" ;
// other definitions omitted for brevity
A tokeniser for a program in this language has been implemented, and returns a vector of tokens.
Now, parsing said program without the procedure calls, is fairly straightforward: one can define a recursive descent parser using the above grammar directly, and simply parse through the tokens. Some further notes:
Each procedure may call any other procedure except itself, directly or indirectly (i.e. no recursion), and these need not necessarily be in the order of appearance in the source code (i.e. B may be defined after A, and A may call B, or vice versa).
Procedure names need to be unique, and 'reserved keywords' may be used as variable/procedure names.
Whitespace does not matter, at least amongst tokens of different type: similar to C/C++.
There is no scoping rule: all variables are global.
The concept of a 'line number' is important: each statement has one or more line numbers associated with it: define statements have only 1 line number each, for instance, whereas an if statement, which is itself a parent of two statement lists, has multiple line numbers. For instance:
procedure A {
1. a = 5;
2. b = 7;
3. c = 3;
4. 5. if (b < c) then { call C; } else {
6. call B;
procedure B {
7. d = 5;
8. while (d > 2) {
9. d = d + 1; }
procedure C {
10. e = 10;
11. f = 8;
12. call B;
Line numbers are continuous throughout the program; only procedure definitions and the else keyword aren't assigned line numbers. The line numbers are defined by grammar, rather than their position in source code: for instance, consider 'lines' 4 and 5.
There are some relationships that need to be set in a database given each statement and its line number, variables used, variables set, and child containers. This is a key consideration.
My question is therefore this: how can I parse these function calls, maintain the integrity of the line numbers, and set the relationships?
I have considered the 'OS' way of doing things: upon encounter of a procedure call, look ahead for a procedure that matches said called procedure, parse the callee, and unroll the call stack back to the caller. However, this ruins the line number ordering: if the above program were to be parsed this way, C would have line numbers 6 to 8 inclusive, rather than 10 to 12 inclusive.
Another solution is to parse the entire program once in order, maintain a toposort of procedure calls, and then parse a second time by following said toposort. This is problematic because of implementation details.
Is there a possibly better way to do this?
It's always tempting to try to completely process a program text in a single on-line pass. Unfortunately, it is practically never the simplest solution. Trying to do everything at once in a linear progression results in a kind of spaghetti of intertwined computations, and making it all work almost always involves unnecessary restrictions on the language which will later prove to be unfortunate.
So I'd encourage you to reconsider some of your design decisions. If you use the parser just to build up some kind of structural representation of the program -- whether it's an abstract syntax tree or a vector of three-address code, or some other alternative -- and then do further processing in a series of single-purpose passes over that structural representations, you'll likely find that the code is:
much simpler, because computations don't have to be intermingled;
more general, because each pass can be done in the most convenient order rather than restricting inputs to fit a linear ordering;
more readable and more maintainable.
Persisting data structures over multiple passes might increase storage requirements slightly. But the structures are unlikely to occupy enough storage that this will be noticeable. And it probably will not increase the computation time; indeed, it might even reduce the time because the individual passes are simpler and easier to optimise.

Parser combinators and left-recursion

So it is well known that the top-down parsing paradigm can not deal with left-recursion. The grammar must either be refactored to get rid of left-recursion or some other paradigm must be used. I've been working on a parser combinator library and since I'm doing this in a language that allows for global side-effects it struck me that I can use some global store for tracking which rules have fired and which ones have not. This scheme of guarding on certain conditions lets me deal with very simple cases of left-recursion at the cost of some extra annotation on the combinators. Here's an example grammar in TypeScript
var expression = Parser.delay(_ => TestGrammar.expression);
var in_plus = false;
class TestGrammar {
static terminal = Parser.m(x => 'a' === x);
static op = Parser.m(x => '+' === x);
static plus = expression.on_success(_ => {
in_plus = false;
}).then(TestGrammar.op).then(expression).on_enter(_ => {
in_plus = true;
}).guard(_ => !in_plus);
static expression =;
The idea is pretty simple. In cases where we might get stuck in a loop the rules are amended with guards like in the case of plus in the above example. The rule fails if we hit a looping condition and the guard is lifted as soon as we make progress.
What I'd like to know is if this idea has been explored and analysed. I'd rather not go down this rabbit hole and try to figure stuff out if this is a dead end.
Have a look at GLL algorithms
They can handle ambiguous and left-recursive grammars efficiently.
They do not directly call the parser function of the sub-parser, but keep a 'todo'-list of (Parser,Position) tupels (called the Trampoline).
This way the endless loop (recursing into self) is avoided (no tupel is added twice).

Boost spirit can handle Postscript/PDF like languages?

I noticed that Boost spirit offers some limits, in a question here on SO there is an user asking for help about boost spirit and the other user who gave the answer specified that boost spirit works well with statements and not with "generic text" ( I'm sorry if I don't recall it correctly ).
Now I would like to think about Postscript and PDF in terms of tokens and simplify my approach to this formats this way, the problem is that the PDF is kind of a mix between a markup language and a programming language with jumps and tables in it, and I can't think about something similar when considering the most popular file formats like XML, C++ code and others languages and formats.
There is also another fact: I can't really find people that had some kind of experience with boost::spirit wiriting a pdf parser or writer, so I'm asking, boost::spirit it's capable of parsing a PDF file and output the elements as tokens ?
Although this has nothing to do with Boost, let me assure you that the parsing of PDF (and PostScript) are about as trivial as you could want. Let's say that you have a scanner object that returns a series of tokens. The token types you will get from the scanner are:
Dict begin (<<)
Dict End (>>)
Name (/whatever)
Hex array
Left Angle (<)
Right Angle (>)
Array begin ([)
Array end (])
Procedure begin ({)
Procedure end (})
Comment (%foo)
My scanner is a finite-state automata with states for Start, Comment, String, HexArray, Token, DictEnd, and Done.
The way you parse PDF is not by parsing it, but by executing it. Given these tokens, my "parser" looks like this (in C#):
while (true) {
MLPdfToken = scanner.GetToken();
if (token == null)
return MachineExit.EndOfFile;
PdfObject obj = PdfObject.FromToken(token);
PdfProcedure proc = obj as PdfProcedure;
if (proc != null)
if (IsExecuting())
if (token.Type == PdfTokenType.RBrace)
else {
if (proc.IsTerminal)
return Machine.ParseComplete;
else {
I'll also add that if you give every PdfObject an Execute() method such that the base class implementation is machine.Push(this) and IsTerminal that returns false, the REPL gets easier:
while (true) {
MLPdfToken = scanner.GetToken();
if (token == null)
return MachineExit.EndOfFile;
PdfObject obj = PdfObject.FromToken(token);
if (IsExecuting())
if (token.Type == PdfTokenType.RBrace)
else {
if (obj.IsTerminal)
return Machine.ParseComplete;
There's more support in Machine - Machine has a Stack of PdfObject and a few methods for accessing it (Push, Pop, Mark, CountToMark, Index, Dup, Swap), as well as ExecProcBegin and ExecProcEnd.
Beyond that, it's very light. The only thing that is slightly odd is that PdfObject.FromToken takes a token and if it is a primitive type (number, string, name, hex, bool) returns a corresponding PdfObject. Otherwise, it takes the given token and looks in a "proc set" dictionary of procedure names associated with PdfProcedure objects. So when you encounter the token << that gets looked up in a the proc set and comes up with this code:
void DictBegin(PdfMachine machine)
machine.Push(new PdfMark(PdfMarkType.Dictionary));
So << really means "mark the stack as the start of a dictionary. >> gets more interesting:
void DictEnd(PdfMachine machine)
PdfDict dict = new PdfDict();
// PopThroughMark pops the entire stack up to the first matching mark,
// throws an exception if it fails.
PdfObject[] arr = machine.PopThroughMark(PdfMarkType.Dictionary);
if ((arr.Length & 1) != 0)
throw new PdfException("dictionaries need an even number of objects.");
for (int i=0; i < arr.Length; i += 2)
PdfObject key = arr[i], val = arr[i + 1];
if (key.Type != PdfObjectType.Name)
throw new PdfException("dictionaries need a /name for the key.");
dict.put((PdfName)key, val);
So >> Pops up to the nearest dictionary mark into an array then puts each pair into the dictionary. Now, I could have done this without allocating the array. I could just pop pairs, putting them into the dictionary until I either hit the mark, fail to get a name or underflow the stack.
The important takeaway is that there really isn't any syntax in PDF, nor is there any in PostScript. At least not so much as you'd notice. The only real Syntax (and the read-eval-(push) loop shows it) is '}'.
So when you this is a PDF 14 0 obj << /Type /Annot /SubType /Square >> endobj what your really seeing is a series of procedures:
Push 14
Push 0
Execute obj (Pop two numbers and push a "definition" object).
Execute dictionary begin
Push /Type
Push /Annot
Push /SubType
Push /Square
Execute dictionary end
Execute endobj (pop the top object and then get (not pop) the next one. If the second is a definition, set its "value" to the first object, else throw).
Since "endobj" is terminal, parsing ends and the top of the stack is the result.
So when you are asked to look up object 14 in the PDF, the cross-reference table tells you where to seek to, you make a new Machine with the stream pointer at that location and run it. If the top of the stack is a "definition" object, you've succeeded.
About now you should be nodding but not trusting me, since you're thinking about PDF streams, which look like this:
<< [/key value]* >> stream ...raw data... endstream endobj
Again, there is no syntax. The proc stream looks at the top of the stack, which should be a PdfDict. If it is, it consumes characters until the next newline (scanner does this), stores the current file position in the stream as data start, reads the stream length from the dict (which may cause another Machine to get newed up), and skips past the end of stream and pushes the new stream object on the stack. endstream is a no-op. The only difference between a PdfDict and a PdfStream is that a PdfStream has a start position and a bool saying that it's a stream, otherwise I dual-purpose the object.
PostScript is almost identical except that the execution environment is a little more complex. For example, you need several stacks in your machine: a parameter stack, a dictionary stack, and an execution stack. From there, you more or less just bind your tokenizer into the set of primitive procedures as well as the word exec, and then most of your interpreter is written in PS itself.
If you're talking about boost, you're looking at C++, which means that you can't be as fast and loose with memory as I am, so you'll want to either use smart pointers or figure out where you scope is and be careful to dispose objects instead of blithely throwing them away, but that's just the normal C++ stuff.
Currently, I make PDF tools for my company in .NET, but in a former life I worked on Acrobat versions 1-4, and most of what I described is exactly what Acrobat did under the hood (well, more or less - it was C, not C++, but it's the same approach).
With respect to the xref table (or xref stream), you read that first - the spec tells you that if you jump to EOF and scan back, you find the start of the xref table. You parse that (which is a CS 101 assignment), parse the trailer, seek to the /Prev if any and repeat until no more /Prev entries. That gives you a complete xref for looking up objects.
As for writing - there are a number of approaches that you can take. The most obvious one is that when an object is meant to be referenced, you create a new reference object by assigning the newest available xref entry to it. Whenever objects refer to other objects for writing, they ask if these objects are referenced. If they are, they write the reference (ie, 14 0 R). When it comes time to write a referenced object, you get the current stream pointer and store it in the xref, then write <objnum> <generation> obj <object contents> endobj. For example, my code to write a dictionary looks like this:
public override ToStream(PdfStreamingContext context)
if (context.HasReference(this)) // is object referenced in xref
PdfUtils.WriteObjectDefinitionBegin(this, context);
if (context.HasReference(this))
PdfUtils.WriteObjectDefinitionEnd(this, context);
I've chopped out some chaff so you can see the wheat underneath. The context is an object that holds a new xref table as well as an object for writing to streams that automagically handles appropriate newline discipline, indentation, line wrapping, and so on.
What you should see is that the basics here are straight forward, if not trivial. And now's when you should be asking yourself the question, "if it's trivial, how come there isn't more (serious) competition for Acrobat in the market? The answer is that even though it's trivial, it's still easy to write PDFs that aren't spec compliant and Acrobat handles most of those. The real challenge is to be able to honor the spec and make sure that you include all required values in a dictionary and that they are in range and semantically correct. Hell, even the date time format--which is pretty well-specified--is a mound of special case code in my library to manage where other people have screwed it up royally. Being able to generate consistently correct PDF is hard and consuming the garbage in the sea of PDFs in the world is harder.
I could (and probably should) write a book about how to do this. While a lot of the fringe code is grubby, the overall structure can be very pretty.
tl;dr - If you're thinking of a recursive descent parser for PDF, you're thinking too hard. All you need is a tokenizer and a simple REPL.
