Auto revocation of distribution certificate - ios

My role is member in apple developer program.
I had been given distribution certificate and adhoc provisioning profile.
I released the app but later on certificate has been revoked.
I am wondering what would have caused this ?
As far as I know development certificates can be created and removed by a person who is having member role also which is me.
sometimes If xcode autocreates a certificate it might revoke the existing certificate and add the new one.
But in my case its not development certificate that have got revoked but distribution certificate that got revoked.
A person with member access can submit CSR for Distribution but can not either add new one or revoke existing auto revocation of distribution certificate is not possible.
But I can see a new distribution certificate in the member center on the same day.
Which makes me think whether somebody revoked it manually and added the new one or xcode did it.
somebody with experience please clarify this.

Some One have login into xcode and run it after that so its revoke certificate automatically. remove login from xcode and set certificate manually in xcode.


Renew Apple developer certificate

I am just about a week away of expiration of the Apple developer certificate. Accidentally I lost the CSR file which I used when I created the last certificate which I am currently using.
Could you please let me know what all issue I may face if I will go with another CSR for new certificate?
Without CSR, you will be able to work with existing certificate but once it expires, you must create new one and you can use/create new CSR if previous one is lost.
Updating your certificate will not impact on your distributed build on public environment (Apple App Store). But of-course it won't allow you to distribute your new build with invalid/expired certificate.
Here is an instruction from Apple Developer Documentation for Code Signing Identity, that says,
If you lose control of your Apple-issued signing identity, such as
your Developer ID or Mac App Distribution identity, report this to
Apple immediately. Apple will invalidate the old identity and help you
to replace it. While this seems like a bit of work, it is critical,
because anyone possessing your identity can distribute potentially
malicious or destructive code that looks like it came from you.
This may also help you.
No Code Signing Identities Found
Xcode detects when you’re missing a signing identity. Typically, this happens when you move from one Mac to another. Follow the steps in Creating the Team Provisioning Profile to create your signing identity and add it to the team provisioning profile. You’ll have the option of importing your signing identity from another Mac or resetting it. If you use a custom development provisioning profile that you manage yourself, it becomes invalid after revoking the development certificate. Read Editing Provisioning Profiles in Your Developer Account to regenerate it.
To avoid this problem, export your certificates as a developer profile file on the other Mac, and then import them on your new Mac, as described in Exporting and Importing Certificates and Profiles.
As per apple documentation .CSR is used in combination with your App ID, provisioning profile and entitlements. So, if one have both (App ID and provisioning profile) it will harmful to you.
.CSR explanation

Distribution Certificate is Expired

Today, I realized that My Distribution Certificate has expired and cannot see any certificate under distribution anymore.
Also AppStore provisioning profile is expired but still there. When I want to edit it, of course i need to create a new distribution certificate.
So the question is, will I be able to update my existing App with new certificate?
when your certificates is expired making following scenario:
1.When your certificate expires, it simply disappears from the Certificates, Identifier & Profiles section of Member Center. There is no Renew button that allows you to renew your certificate.You can revoke a certificate and generate a new one before it expires. Or you can wait for it to expire and disappear, then generate a new certificate.
2.When your development or distribution certificate expires, remove it and request a new certificate in Xcode.
3.When your certificate expires or is revoked, any provisioning profile that made use of the expired/revoked certificate will be reflected as ‘Invalid’. You cannot build and sign any app using these invalid provisioning profiles. As you can imagine, I'd rather revoke and regenerate a certificate before it expires.
4.Apps that are already on the App Store continue to function fine. Again, in
Important: Re-creating your development or distribution certificates doesn’t affect apps that you’ve submitted to the store nor does it affect your ability to update them.

Missing ios distribution signing identity not expired certificate

I'm having so many issues archiving and uploading my project to the apple store for submission. Probably have gone through changing the bundle identifier-- creating a certificate, updating the app ID and creating a provisioning profile 5 times already.
When I try to validate the project after I've archived it I get the error missing ios distribution signing identity for signing identity (Me)...
Is it because my iphone distribution says 'this certificate has an invalid user'? How do I fix that? I downloaded the certificate link they suggested and used it to create a certificate. Very stuck and frustrated.
Every time I try to change this section to be the iOS Distribution Identity and corresponding Provisioning Profile it says it's unable to find a matching UUID for the provisioning profile. Not sure if that's helpful but it seems like something is mis-configured, just not sure where to look or where to start over, or if there is some lurking configuration from an older mistake that is screwing me up.
delete all the certificates and provisions profiles, reinstall all the certificates and profiles. this might resolve the problem.
Update the apple developer certificate
1->Open keychain
2->Go to view - Show expired certificate
3->Delete the red mark certificate "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority"
5->Install it and now see if you are able to use certificate or not
More detail explanation This certificate has an invalid issuer Apple Push Services

Distribution certificates for iPhone

I have an app at the appstore.
Now I want to switch developers.
If the old developer won't give me the private key for the distribution certificate, what are my options?
If I revoke my existing distribution certificate and create a new one, I understand that my existing app in the store cannot be updated.
On the other hand, if I wait until my current distribution certificate expires, then create a new one, then my app at the store should be updatable?
Please whoever can clarify this issue will be blessed!
You will be fine with revoking your distribution certificate and making a new one. You can still update an existing app after doing this.
Relevant info:
Lost Private Key For iPhone Distribution Certificate. What could be solutions?
If I revoke an existing distribution certificate, will it mess up anything with existing apps?

How to Renew a Revoked Certificate?

I have just finished my first app and I want to submit it to the iTunes store. In getting ready I read a tutorial that said I should first clean up all certificates and provisioning profiles. So, as per this guys instructions, I revoked my certificate.
Now, I am having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to get it back. I've found an apparently out of date articles by Apple (TN2250) which no longer applies to my version of Xcode (4.3.2). In the Certificates section of the Provisioning Portal I can see no way to renew my certificate, or create a new one. I even called Apple's support and the nice gal was sweet but in the end was not able to help me and told me she was not technical support and I would need to ask my questions in the various help-forums.
How to renew my cert? Or create a new one?
There two certificates: one is for the development cert and another one is the distribution certificate.
If they are expired or you revoked them. You need to using key chain from your apple computer to generate the certificate requests.
Go to your apple computer, Open Application->utilities->keychain Access
Keychain Access->certificate Assantance->Request a certificate from a certificate authority
Fill in your email address and name, pick Save to disk
You need to generate two certificate for both the development certificate and the distribution certificate
You login to your provisioning portal.
Click the certificate manual on your left side
There two certificates: one is for the development cert and another one is the distribution certificate.
You request a new certificate from the portal, upload your certificate request you generated earlier.
You should be able to get your new certificates. You download these two certificates on to your computer, and double click the certificates to install them into your keychain.
Please let me know if you have problems to get your new certificate.
