Can I inject a service into CanActivate? - dart

Unlike the other hooks, CanActivate is a function separated from the component.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:angular2/core.dart';
import 'package:angular2/router.dart';
#Component(selector: 'my-app', template: '<h1>Hello World!</h1>')
class HelloComponent {}
FutureOr<bool> someGuard(ComponentInstruction next, ComponentInstruction prev) {
return true;
AFAIK, it is possible to intercept the root injector at bootstrap time and assign it to a global variable, so that I can access it anywhere. IMO, that sounds like a hack and I don't like it. Is there a proper way to inject a service in CanActivate hook?

Angulars DI only supports constructor injection. #CanActivate() is an annotation and therefore doesn't support DI.
There is a workaround though.
Create a variable in a library and import it
Injector injector;
assign the injector when the application is created
bootstrap(App, [
provide(LocationStrategy, useClass: HashLocationStrategy)
]).then((appRef: ComponentRef) => {
// store a reference to the application injector
injector = appRef.injector;
then you can import the library with the injector and access it from code someGuard()


NestJS: UseGuards Doesn't Use Dependency Injection - Can't Override Guard

Current behavior
The documentation states here that:
...we passed the RolesGuard type (instead of an instance), leaving responsibility for instantiation to the framework and enabling dependency injection.
So I'm expecting to "override" a guard with another, via the module's providers.
This doesn't work as expected.
Interestingly enough,
injecting the same service via the controller's constructor does yield the correct service, though.
Input Code
With Another module, using exports:
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [
provide: AuthGuard,
useClass: AuthOverrideGuard,
Expected behavior
I would expect AuthGuard to never even be constructed.
Instead, both classes are constructed, and AuthGuard is used as the guard.
- Nest version: 8.0.6
- Node version: 16.8.0
- Platform: Linux
Bug Report
I've also opened a ticket for this:
Am I doing something wrong here, or is this a bug?
Anybody can suggest a workaround?
I am not sure I understand it that well either but from what I saw:
With UseGuards, the passed in class is not resolved as provider. Only when you declare the guard as a dependency. Just like in AppController, is it looked up in the provider scope.
Sure the guard's dependencies are resolved as providers within the calling module's scope but it itself is not. Just regular instantiation with dependency injection.
I think that is why both guards are still created, just that AuthOverrideGuard, is registered as a provider.
That is why you get the following output:
[Nest] 77074 - 05/09/2021, 05:01:39 LOG [NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
Construct AuthOverrideGuard
Construct AuthGuard
AppController AuthOverrideGuard {}
This is why this.guard is correctly resolved as AuthOverrideGuard from the provider scope
To summarize, in my understanding, the docs are inaccurate.
The documentation states here that:
...we passed the RolesGuard type (instead of an instance), leaving responsibility for instantiation to the framework and enabling dependency injection.
This is inaccurate, since RolesGuard won't be instantiated with proper dependency injection. Instead, it will be instantiated using this exact class only.
To achieve proper dependency injection, one should use another class, injected via the guard's constructor. For example:
import { CanActivate, ExecutionContext, Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { AuthService } from '../services';
export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {
private readonly auth: AuthService,
) {}
canActivate(context: ExecutionContext) {
return this.auth.canActivate(context);
You can never provide another AuthGuard, it won't work. But you can provide another AuthService, which this guard uses.
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [
provide: AuthService,
useClass: AuthServiceOverride,

dependency injection for interfaces

I have a component which contains a generic popup, it implements therefore the interface PopupParent
class SubjectListComponent implements OnInit, PopupParent {
The generic class InfoPopup needs to deal abstractly with its parent (that implements PopupParent), so I would like to take get the parent injected by its interface (instead of being injected by its concrete class SubjectListComponent)
class InfoPopup {
final PopupParent _parent;
//...non relevant code
The issue is that the SubjectListComponent was registred by class in the injector, so the injector won't find what to inject into the InfoPopup class.
If I try to declare my SubjectListComponent manually, I found that it has to be done in the providers constants. but I still don't have my instance of SubjectListComponent when I declare my component...
How could I do that?
I also tried to pass the parent to an #Input:
selector: 'info-popup',
templateUrl: 'info_popup.html',
styleUrls: const ['info_popup.css'],
class InfoPopup {
final PopupParent parent;
//...non relevant code
But then I got stuck on how to inject the this instance from the component client :
<info-popup [parent]="this"></info-popup>
since dart angular doesn't recognize this as a keyword, but it searches for a property called this in SubjectListComponent.dart
Two issues were created for this question:
This can be accomplished by providing aliases. multi: true allows to add more than one alias. There is no way to make automatically derive the interfaces.
providers: [
const Provider(PopupParent, useExisting: SubjectListComponent, multi: true),
const Provider(PopupParent, useExisting: FooComponent, multi: true)
class InfoPoupup ...
To make
work, you could add a getter to the component
get self => this;
and then use

Dependency Injection in Angular 2

I thought DI was implemented to allow use the same services over the application, and change them as needed. However this snippet (Angular 2.0.0-beta.0) refuses to work:
# boot.ts
import {ProjectService} from './project.service'
bootstrap(AppComponent, [ProjectService]);
# my.component.ts
export class MyComponent {
constructor(project: ProjectService) {
and with explicit service requirement it works:
# my.component.ts
import {ProjectService} from './project.service';
export class MyComponent {
constructor(project: ProjectService) {
The official doc is somewhat inconsistent, but has the same in the plunkr example:
# boot.ts
import {HeroesListComponent} from './heroes-list.component';
import {HeroesService} from './heroes.service';
bootstrap(HeroesListComponent, [HeroesService])
# heroes-list.component.ts
import {HeroesService} from './heroes.service';
Is this the intended way of DI usage? Why we have to import service in every class requiring it, and where are the benefits if we can't just describe the service once on boot?
This isn't really related to dependency injection. You can't use a class in TS that is not imported.
This line references a class and DI derives from the type what instance to inject.
constructor(project: ProjectService) {
If the type isn't specified by a concrete import, DI can't know which of all possible ProjectService classes should be used.
What you can do for example, is to request a type (ProjectService) and get a different implementation (subclass like MockProjectService or EnhancedProjectService,...)
bootstrap(HeroesListComponent, [provide(ProjectService useClass: MockProjectService)]);
this way DI would inject a MockProjectService for the following constructor
constructor(project: ProjectService) {

Angular2 Beta dependency injection

I have a NavBar Component which loads the QApi Service, the QApi Service loads the UserService, but I get the following error:
EXCEPTION: No provider for UserService! (NavBarComponent -> QApi -> UserService)
Either I simply don't get the concept of dependency injection, I made a stupid error, or this is just way to complicated compared to native development... Thanks for your help.
Here my code:
import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
//import {User} from '../data-source-mocks/users';
export class UserService {
public isAuthenticated = true;
QApi Service:
import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
import {UserService} from '../user/user.service';
export class QApi {
constructor(private _userService: UserService) {}
NavBar Component:
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {QApi} from '../../services/q-api/q-api';
selector: 'nav-bar',
template: `Test NavBar`,
providers: [QApi]
export class NavBarComponent {
private _isAuthenticated = false;
constructor(private _QApi: QApi) {}
First of all: Thanks for alle the great answers each and every single one helped me to understand dependency injection better, especially this article:
I changed my QApi class to this:
import {Injectable, Inject, Injector} from 'angular2/core';
import {UserService} from '../user/user.service';
import {CardService} from '../card/card.service';
export class QApi {
constructor() {
var _injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([UserService,
this.userService = _injector.get(UserService);
this.cardService = _injector.get(CardService);
Now it works like I hoped it would. Cant thank you guys enough!!
Add UserService to the component providers:
selector: 'nav-bar',
template: `Test NavBar`,
providers: [QApi, UserService] // <- add UserService here
export class NavBarComponent { /* ... */ }
Here are two good articles to better understand Angular2 Dependency Injection: Dependency Injection in Angular2 Injecting services in services in Angular 2
In fact both previous responses are true! ;-)
You need to define the services:
Application level. Within the second parameter of the bootstrap function. It contains the list of the providers that are available for the whole application.
bootstrap(App, [UserService, QApi, ...]);
Component level. Within the providers attribute of the Component annotation. In this case, this is only configured for this component and you need to define this for each component where the QApi service.
selector: 'nav-bar',
template: `Test NavBar`,
providers: [QApi, UserService]
You also mix things. I mean you can put the UserService provider at the application level and QApi at the component level. In fact what is important is that Angular can find providers for all the involved elements in the processing chaining (with dependency injection). They can come from either component level (1st) or application level (2nd).
Hope that it gives you some additional hints following alexpods and MichaelOryl great answers ;-)
List the services in your bootstrap call (wherever you are handling that). Something like the following should work:
providers// directives added here are available to all children
Then you will have a single instance of each of those services available to the rest of your application.

Angular2 Inject components into other components

I'm messing around with Angular2 and I'm wanting the ability to inject one component into another based on the bootstrapped bindings.
class HelloComponent {
name: string;
selector: 'hello'
template: `<h3>Hello {{ name }}</h3>`
class HelloBobComponent extends HelloComponent {
constructor() { = 'Bob';
selector: 'app'
directives: [HelloComponent]
template: `<h1>Welcome to my Angular2 app</h1>
class AppComponent {
bootstrap(AppComponent, [
Here I'm using HelloComponent as a token that I want Angular2's Injector to resolve HelloBobComponent. I'm doing this so that I can swap components in and out based on the current app configuration. The above example obviously doesn't work. Is this possible using one of the frameworks decorators? I haven't found an answer yet digging though blogs or the source.
edit: To clarify, how do I get the directives property on the View decorator to treat HelloComponent as a di token instead of a type.
This is currently not supported as of alpha37. The compiler resolves directives passed in the View decorator by either type or binding but does not look up from the parent injector.
For example:
url: '...',
directives: [
The intention for the "directives" property here was only to prevent selector naming collision. Later bind support was added to aid in testing.
The only solution I can think of without editing the compiler function would be to maintain an external Injector and resolve types on component declaration.
