Delete Data from Web SQL database whenever phonegap Application's exit event occurs - ios

I have two Questions:
What is the exit event of phone-gap Application? I haven't find it yet.
How to Delete Data from All the tables whenever exit event occurs? and insert it back from the web service whenever the deviceready() event of phonegap occurs.
Thanks in advance.

I think you are looking for the pause event. The documentation reads like this:
The pause event fires when the native platform puts the application into the background, typically when the user switches to a different application.
You can attach a handler to this event like this:
document.addEventListener("pause", onPause, false);
Now the onPause method will be called everytime your app is going to the background and you can drop your tables there somewhat like this:
function onPause() {
db.transaction(function (tx) {
tx.executeSql("DROP TABLE foo",[],
function(tx,results){console.log("Successfully Dropped")},
function(tx,error){console.log("Could not delete")}
Assuming the db variable holds your WebSQL database and you're trying to drop the table named foo.


How to find if electron app is in foreground?

I have a requirement where I want to perform an action inside the electron app only when it is in foreground.
It is an electron-react application. On mounting of a component, I want to schedule a periodic task which only runs when the app is in focus or is being used by the user. And pause the task when the app goes in background.
How can we detect the Electron app being in foreground?
You can use the isFocused method from BrowserWindow. To get your own BrowserWindow, you can do this :
This will return all your app's windows. So to get the first / primary window, you could deconstruct the array like this :
const [yourBrowserWindow] = remote.BrowserWindow.getAllWindows();
You can use the focus / blur events on your BrowserWindow to be notified when the app is focused / unfocused.
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({})
mainWindow.on('focus', () => {
console.log('window got focus')
mainWindow.on('blur', () => {
console.log('window blur')
You may want to update the component's state within these event handlers or use any other method to keep track of the current focus status.
This assumes that you have a single application window. If you have multiple, you'll need to extend the check to cover all of your windows.

Eseper event timeout

I want to timeout events individually for each incoming event in esper. How to achieve that?
If i use time or batch windows, it will wait for other events to first fill the window ,only then the events are moved to rstream.
Use a named window with keep-all and put the condition when events get deleted into an on-delete.
create window as MyEvent
insert into CustomExpiryWindow select * from MyEvent
on <.......> delete from CustomExpiryWindow where <......>
In Alternative there is an extension API for data windows where you could write code to keep and expire events.

How to bind the HTML5::stalled event from soundmanager?

I'm trying to to write a javascript app that use the [SoundManager 2][1] api and aim to run in
all desktop and mobile browsers. On the iPad platform, Soundmanager is using the HTML5 audio api since there is on flash support. Now, when I'm trying to play two audio files back to back, both loaded in response to a click event, a [HTML5::stalled][2] event is occasionally raised. How do I set an event handler to catch the stalled event?
Since sound objects in my app are created on the fly and I don't know how to access directly to tags that are created by SoundManager, I tried to use a delegate to handle the stalled event:
document.delegate('audio', 'stalled', function (event) {...});
It doesn't work. the event did not raised in respond to stalled. (I had an alert in my handler).
Also tried to use [Sound::onsuspend()][3] to listen for stalled, but onsuspend pops out
on the end of sound::play(). How can we distinguish between stalled and other events that may raise the audio::suspend? Is there any other way to access the tags that SoundManager must create in order to play HTML audio?
I solved it with the following solution. This is not documented and found by reverse engineering.
It is all about accessing the html audio object, which is availalbe under _a.
currentSound = soundManager.createSound({..});
currentSound._a.addEventListener('stalled', function() {
if (!self.currentSound) return;
var audio = this;
The body of the method is based on this post about html5 stalled callback in safari
I can suggest a different "fix" I use with an html5 using platform (samsung smart TV):
var mySound = soundManager.createSound({..});
setTimeout(function() {
if (mySound.readyState == 1) {
// this object is probably stalled
}, 1500);
This works since in html5, unlike flash, the 'readystate' property jumps from '0' to '3' almost instantanously, skipping '1'. ('cause if the track started buffering it's playable...).
Hope this works for you as well.

Appcelerator: Event when reopening App

I want my app to reload data when it will be reopened (from iOS "Multitasking").
I've tested:
Ti.UI.addEventListener('reload', function() {
alert('reloaded app');
but this event just gets fired when the App will be opened the first time.
The app entering the foreground is an app level event. So you need to register on Ti.App, not Ti.UI. In fact I can't find any reference to the event you are using.
Ti.App.addEventListener('resume', function() {
alert('reloaded app');
Or you can use "resumed" for after it has completely returned.
See this page

jQuery UI effects and/or setInterval with 'live' removing class

I have a notifications setup which perodically retrieves notifications from a database via an AJAX call.
If notifications are new, then I want to add a jQuery UI "highlight" effect to the notification containing element.
There are lots of these for different notification types.
as the notifications are loaded in, the elements containing the notification data is giving a new class "flashAlert" where required. The function below is then triggered.
function startAlert() { // this function makes alerts flash
setInterval(function () {
$('.flashAlert').effect("highlight", {}, 2500);
}, 2500);
This works, however, if the class "flashAlert" is removed from the element (done by a 'clear notifications' function), the effect is still applied.
I know that I could call clearInterval in my "clear notifications" function, but then I have to set up a separate Interval function for every notification rather than a single function like this.
I've seen other questions on here with users finding difficulties having the effect working on elements which are added by jQuery, but nothing about removing the effect!
Doing a page reload clears it, but that's not what I want!
function startAlert(){
$('.flashAlert').effect("highlight", {}, 2500, startAlert);
And when you want it to stop in your clear notifications, simply do:
