iOS 10 update location when app is terminated - ios

I'm making an app where I am showing the User's distance from other users. I'm able to update user locations when app is open and when app is in background HOWEVER I can not figure out how to update the location when app is terminated. I have been told that this is not possible but I believe it is possible because Life 360, Facebook, etc update the location in terminated state. Any help on how to achieve this is greatly appreciated!

To do this you need to use:
From the docs:
"If you start this service and your app is subsequently terminated, the system automatically relaunches the app into the background if a new event arrives."
Unfortunately from extensive testing the significant changes when they start to come through are very inaccurate so you may wish to switch on normal location updates at the point you receive a significant location change in the background.


Get location update when app is terminated Swift [duplicate]

My application requires periodic location updates (every 10 minutes). In foreground and background (app not terminated) the application is working correctly. But the problem starts to occur when the app is terminated by the user.
I tried using this tutorial .
It works only when user's location is changing because of startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges. But I need locations in terminated state even if user is not changing its location.
Also, I have tried most of the stackoverflow questions but most of them gets satisfied with startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges. But in my case it won't be enough to fulfil the application needs.
If a user terminates the app the system no longer grants it the same privileges. Background fetch operations and background location will not get executed until the user decides to start up your app again. The system recognizes this a user choice to not have this app running in any way again.
This isn't like the world of Android where an app can do as it pleases. Apple prefers user choice over what an app developer wants. This is of course good and bad as a developer. You need to provide the user with useful information about what your app is doing in the background so that they will allow it to run without terminating it. If they do terminate it, there is nothing that you can do.

Initiate location capture at a particular time even if the app is in background or not running

Is there any way in latest iOS to initiate location capture at a particular time each day (say morning and evening ), even if the app is in background or not running.
You should read Background execution. Background jobs are actually not recommended:
An app might move to the background because the user launched a different app or because the user locked the device and is not using it right now. In both situations, the user is signaling that your app does not need to be doing any meaningful work right now. Continuing to run in such conditions will only drain the device’s battery and might lead the user to force quit your app altogether.
As for getting user location check this answer How can I get current location from user in iOS

Implementing Periodic Location Updates in iOS even if app gets terminated

My application requires periodic location updates (every 10 minutes). In foreground and background (app not terminated) the application is working correctly. But the problem starts to occur when the app is terminated by the user.
I tried using this tutorial .
It works only when user's location is changing because of startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges. But I need locations in terminated state even if user is not changing its location.
Also, I have tried most of the stackoverflow questions but most of them gets satisfied with startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges. But in my case it won't be enough to fulfil the application needs.
If a user terminates the app the system no longer grants it the same privileges. Background fetch operations and background location will not get executed until the user decides to start up your app again. The system recognizes this a user choice to not have this app running in any way again.
This isn't like the world of Android where an app can do as it pleases. Apple prefers user choice over what an app developer wants. This is of course good and bad as a developer. You need to provide the user with useful information about what your app is doing in the background so that they will allow it to run without terminating it. If they do terminate it, there is nothing that you can do.

Need to start location updates in the background

I've an use case where i need to start location updates once I detected region entry. I've tried all possible options available in location programming.
From my experience, i was able to get the deferred location updates working when i launch the app and put it in the background, it wont start deferring location updates automatically when the app is launched in the background due to region entry. Same is with both the standard and significant location update options.
Can someone help me or provide me any references that help me initiate location updates when app is launched in the background due to some events like region entry or silent remote notification?
Any help is truly appreciated.
Following are some links ,i hope it will help you:
How do I get a background location update every n minutes in my iOS application?
Getting user location every n minutes after app goes to background
iOS Not the typical background location tracking timer issue
iOS long-running background timer with "location" background mode
iOS full-time background-service based on location tracking
Check this link for iOS 7:
Start Location Manager in iOS 7 from background task

Is there any way to wake my application from killed state(killed from app switcher)?

I am creating an application that sends updated location to server regardless of app state. I have tried silent push to wake my application in background but it didnt work (it works fine except if my app is killed by user from app switcher). I am using location manager for getting current location.
Does IOS7 provides this feature to launch your application in background (even if app is killed by user from app switcher)??
I have spent five days without any success on this. If anyone can help me that would be highly appreciable.
Thanks in advance!!
If you need precise GPS locations you can set add the "location" value to the UIBackgroundModes array in your Info.plist as described in "UIBackgroundModes location and significant location changes with region monitoring". If you need only approximate locations you can use the startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges method of CLLocationManager. As it is written in the documentation: "If you start this service and your application is subsequently terminated, the system automatically relaunches the application into the background if a new event arrives."
You can wake your app by using significantlocationchange.
You have to start significant location change while you switch your app to background.
Then system will wake your app after significant location change.
The frequency is not faster than 5 min and for every 500 meters.
You will have to catch the event by checking for LocationKey in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions in projects AppDelegate.
