Making a shareit clone ios - ios

I am making an app that involves sending and receiving files from one iPhone to several other iPhones. I did a lot of googling and came nowhere in finding the classes that support the above said features. I am wondering whether it is possible and if it is possible what are the classes that i can use to do that

Take a look at my library
you can send data with Bonjour networking


Rest Server on iOS device using Swift

I need a way to have an iOS application that can accept a message on a device connected via USB, query a bunch of data about the device and return a response with this data.
I am brand new to iOS and swift development so I need something that is;
Uses CocoaPods (due to lack of ios support in Swift Package Manager)
NOT require distribution via the App Store (which I believe rules out using APN)
I have tried the following:
This can probably do the job but is very low level and require lots of work around handling buffer sizes, etc. So a REST solution might be a better
This seems ideal. However, it only appears to support Swift Package Manager which makes it a big PITA to implement currently (reminder; swift/ios newb here)
This looks ok, however I can only find Objective-C examples. Would prefer to have something that includes solid Swift examples (also, the repo doesn't look like it's been updated since 2015)
Are there any other approaches I should consider that I haven't listed here?
You may want to check
I wrote a couple of blog posts about it,
Note that it is a demo repository, I do not know if IBM will support Kitura on iOS (it is supported on Linux).

Sharing code between iOS apps and their watch apps

I have been trying to figure out the best way to structure my watch apps for the last couple of days, and haven't had a lot of success. Currently in my iPhone apps I have several libraries that I use for various standard things. This includes things like the base class of my data objects, helpers for converting them from JSON, and base classes for my services.
The problem that this causes for me is that I am unable to find a way to include these libraries in my watch extension, and this means that I can't even share any of the data objects from my main application because all of them rely on the library.
So, my question is, is there a way that I can share a library between my main app, and the watch app?

How does Instashare extend AirDrop on iOS devices?

I'm looking to replicate the Instashare functionality (for a simpler, more specialized task, that of exchanging notes between multiple people who are in close proximity to each other).
I'm not sure where to start with this, both from an architectural stand point, but also from a development stand point.
What I assume so far is that I would need to create an internal network between 2 devices (e.g. make all devices both clients and servers), then keep some sort of a connection opened on all of them.
Is this correct? Could it be a better way to do this? What frameworks could I use for this?
You can use GKSession and GKSessionDelegate (Tutorial) for sending the files over Bluetooth back and forth. For sending over just Wifi you would use TCP and something like CocoaAsyncSocket and/or SocketKit.
BTW, Seems like a great weekend project. Kudos for wanting to tackle it ;)
Other related question on SO:
Building a Server/Client application in Cocoa

iOS Jailbroken devices development: How to dump method calls

I am pretty new to development for iOS devices with jailbreak. From what I am reading I understand that to be able to do all the cool things which you can't do on non-jailbroken phones you have to hook up to a given class and override some of its behaviour. Since there is no documentation how a developer tracks to which class exactly he should hook?
I imagine that for instance if I wanted to have my app respond to a given event such as phone boot, call hang up or user clicking on an icon I would manually generate the given event and see what invocations have been made. Is this the proper way to track where you should hook your code and if yes how is it done.
Note I am not interested in exactly those events mentioned above I am more interested the approach in general.
There are several approaches:
Disassemble binaries
You can disassemble a binary or just dump classes with something like class-dump.
So, you can see the whole hierarhy of classes.
Find dumped classes
Most of major iOS subsystems were dissasembled by somebody already. You can find quite a lot of useful stuff.
As example. Google search "Springboard headers" got this
Dump classes in a runtime.
Look at this question for explanation: List selectors for Objective-C object

How to write a software to sync files to ipad

I have this idea of writing an application to automatically sync files to a specific place for an ipad every time the ipad is plugged in the computer.
The problem is I've never developed a software like this before. Right now I have these two big questions:
- How to detect when an ipad is plugged in the computer?
- How to connect to and copy files over the ipad?
To make things clear, the application I want to develop should have similar functions like iTools (not iTunes).
Does anyone here have experiences in developing this kind of application? Would you please share with me how to start with this project, because I'm clueless :(
There is a rather simple option; use a internet based service to accomplish this task - just as DropBox, iCloud and similar services do it already. Maybe you can get a lot closer to your goals by simply connecting to the API of DropBox, SugarSync or alike.
Using a direct (USB-) connection to the device will be rather tough to implement and, to my knowledge, will prevent you from selling the resulting software through Apple's channels. I am not saying that it was impossible (see iExplorer) but I am saying that such endeavor will involve a lot of reverse engineering of undocumented functions to a degree that might be considered illegal in certain countries. Additionally, maintaining such software will be very demanding as Apple frequently introduces changes within their communication protocol/s.
