Rails Copying attributes from User object to new object - ruby-on-rails

In the User model I have an archive! method that is called when a User is destroyed. This action creates a new ArchivedUser in separate table.
The ArchivedUser is successfully created, but the way I am manually setting each value is pretty dirty; if a new column is added to the User table it must be added here as well.
I tried to select and slice the attributes, but got undefined local variable or methoduser'`
ArchivedUser.create(user.attributes.select{ |key, _| ArchivedUser.attribute_names.include? key })
How can I iterate through each attribute in the User table when creating an ArchivedUser with self?
def archive!
if ArchivedUser.create(
user_id: self.id,
company_id: self.company_id,
first_name: self.first_name,
last_name: self.last_name,
email: self.email,
encrypted_password: self.encrypted_password,
password_salt: self.password_salt,
session_token: self.session_token,
perishable_token: self.perishable_token,
role: self.role,
score: self.score,
created_at: self.created_at,
updated_at: self.updated_at,
api_key: self.api_key,
device_id: self.device_id,
time_zone: self.time_zone,
device_type: self.device_type,
verified_at: self.verified_at,
verification_key: self.verification_key,
uninstalled: self.uninstalled,
device_details: self.device_details,
is_archived: self.is_archived,
registered_at: self.registered_at,
logged_in_at: self.logged_in_at,
state: self.state,
creation_state: self.creation_state,
language_id: self.language_id,
offer_count: self.offer_count,
expired_device_id: self.expired_device_id,
unique_id: self.unique_id,
best_language_code: self.best_language_code,
offer_id: self.offer_id,
vetted_state: self.vetted_state,
photo_path: self.photo_path
self.is_archived = true
self.email = "#{self.email}.archived#{Time.now.to_i}"
self.encrypted_password = nil
self.password_salt = nil
self.session_token = nil
self.perishable_token = nil
self.device_id = nil
self.verification_key = nil
self.update_column(:api_key, nil)
UserGroup.delete_all(:user_id => self.id)
# handle the ArchivedUser not being created properly
Thanks for viewing :)
We were able to figure out the reasons why ArchivedUser.create(self.attributes.slice!(ArchivedUser.attribute_names) wasn't working. The first reason is the create method requires "bang" to write the object. The second reason was that ArchivedUser has a user_id field, that User doesn't receive until after create. We have to set the user_id: manually with merge(user_id: self.id)
The final output looks like
ArchivedUser.create!(self.attributes.slice!(ArchivedUser.attribute_names).merge(user_id: self.id))

You were on the right track with the first implementation. You just have to use self instead of user.

If you just want to have a copy of the user that is being archived, I think an elegant way would be to do
archived_user = user_to_be_archived.dup
or you can take a look at the amoeba gem, this will do all the heavy lifting including associations if you want.


Create a method to set attributes after initializing an object

I'm initializing a new object and setting the attributes (because there are no attributes for this particular object) before rendering a form like so:
def new
Book.new title: nil, author: nil, genre: nil, language: nil, ect...
This to me looks like a code smell.
I'm trying to set the attributes in a method within the model so I can increase readability by using: Book.new.set_attributes. So my set_attributes method in the Book model would look like:
def set_attributes
{posted: nil, company: nil, poster: nil, city: nil, state: nil, title: nil, body: nil, keywords: nil}
However this does not work (with or without the {} brackets). Is it possible to call a method after using .new?
Ruby's constructor method is initialize, not new. You shouldn't try to define a method called new. Do something like:
class Book
attr_accessor :title, :author
def initialize(title = nil, author = nil)
#title = title
#author = author
You don't need to initialize nil values. When calling Book.new, any values that are not provided in a hash (e.g., Book.new(title: 'Bozo', author: 'Clown')) will be nil automatically.

Understanding how to test a class using RSpec

The main thing I am looking to achieve from this question is understanding. With some assistance I have been looking at refactoring my controller code into more manageable modules/classes so that I can test them effectively. I have an example here that I would like to work on, my question is how would I test the class Sale:
class TransactionsController < ApplicationController
def create
payment = BraintreeTransaction::VerifyPayment.new(params, #user_id, #transaction_total)
if payment.success?
redirect_to thank_you_path
flash.now[:alert] = payment.error
redirect_to new_transaction_path
module BraintreeTransaction
class VerifyPayment
def initialize(params, user_id, total)
#transaction_total = total
#user_id = user_id
#params = params
#error_message = nil
def run(params)
#result = BraintreeTransaction::Sale.new.braintree_hash(params, #transaction_total)
if #result.success?
#cart_items = CartItem.where(user_id: #user_id).where.not(image_id: nil)
#success = true
#error_message = BraintreeErrors::Errors.new.error_message(#result)
def success?
def error
module BraintreeTransaction
class Sale
def braintree_hash(params, total)
amount: total,
payment_method_nonce: params[:payment_method_nonce],
device_data: params[:device_data],
customer: {
first_name: params[:first_name],
last_name: params[:last_name],
email: params[:email],
phone: params[:phone]
billing: {
first_name: params[:first_name],
last_name: params[:last_name],
company: params[:company],
street_address: params[:street_address],
locality: params[:locality],
region: params[:region],
postal_code: params[:postal_code]
shipping: {
first_name: params[:shipping_first_name].presence || params[:first_name].presence,
last_name: params[:shipping_last_name].presence || params[:last_name].presence,
company: params[:shipping_company].presence || params[:company].presence,
street_address: params[:shipping_street_address].presence || params[:street_address].presence,
locality: params[:shipping_locality].presence || params[:locality].presence,
region: params[:shipping_region].presence || params[:region].presence,
postal_code: params[:shipping_postal_code].presence || params[:postal_code].presence
options: {
submit_for_settlement: true,
store_in_vault_on_success: true
I don't know if I am looking at this wrong but this piece of code here BraintreeTransaction::Sale.new.braintree_hash is what I want to test and I want to ensure that when called the class receives a hash ?
So far I have come up with this (though I am not 100% confident it is the correct approach ?)
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe BraintreeTransaction::Sale do
#transaction_total = 100
let(:params) { FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:braintree_transaction, amount: #transaction_total) }
it 'recieves a hash when creating a payment' do
expect_any_instance_of(BraintreeTransaction::Sale).to receive(:braintree_hash).with(params, #transaction_total).and_return(true)
I get an error returned which I don't understand
Failure/Error: DEFAULT_FAILURE_NOTIFIER = lambda { |failure, _opts| raise failure }
Exactly one instance should have received the following message(s) but didn't: braintree_hash
I might not be spot on but I would answer the way I would have tackled the issue. There are three ways you can write a test that hits the code you want to test.
Write a unit test for braintree_hash for BraintreeTransaction::Sale object
Write a controller unit method for create method in TransactionsController controller
write an integration test for route for create method in TransactionsController.
These are the ways you can start exploring.
A couple of things here. All the suggestions for refactoring your code (from your other question Writing valuable controller tests - Rspec) apply here. I can make further suggestions on this code, if helpful.
In your test, I believe your problem is that you never actually call BraintreeTransaction.new.braintree_hash(params) (which should be called immediately following your expect_any_instance_of declaration). And so no instances ever receive the message(s).

Delete a record if nil is returned

I am making requests to the Facebook API and some of the responses are empty/nil and I am wondering how I can delete these so that when I save them to my model I don't have any nil entries.
def formatted_data
for record in results['data'] do
attrs = {
message: record['message'],
picture: record['picture'],
link: record['link'],
object_id: record['object_id'],
description: record['description'],
created_time: record['created_time']
attrs.delete_if { |x| x.nil? }
Post.where(attrs).first_or_create! do |post|
post.attributes = attrs
As you can see I am trying to use the delete_if method but it's not working.
Here's an example of a response that I would like to delete:
id: 45
created_time: 2014-04-12 11:38:02.000000000 Z
created_at: 2014-05-01 10:27:00.000000000 Z
updated_at: 2014-05-01 10:27:00.000000000 Z
This kind of record is no good to me as it has no message, so maybe I could make the query specify if message.nil ? then delete
Been reading the delete_if docs and after iceman's comment, I thought this would work but it doesn't, though it seems closer to what I want:
attrs = attrs.delete_if {|key, value| key = 'message', value = nil }
There are about 25 records returned, of which 5 should be deleted, but after running the above I get one result left in the model:
[#<Post id: 81, message: nil, picture: nil, link: nil, object_id: nil, large_image_url: nil, description: nil, created_time: nil, created_at: "2014-05-01 11:22:40", updated_at: "2014-05-01 11:22:40">]
Why are all the rest being deleted, maybe my syntax for accessing the key is incorrect?
Since #delete_if passes into block two arguments: the key, and value, try this usage:
attrs.delete_if { |k,v| v.nil? }
and for ruby-on-rails you can remove all blank lines, i.e. nil, and empty:
attrs.delete_if { |k,v| v.blank? }
Im adding this in that someone could provide a more efficient way of doing this, maybe before the records get written to the model..But i have managed a solution, albeit a hacky one i would say
I have added this after the creation of the posts
delete_if_nil = Post.where(message: nil)
Its another query on the db which isnt ideal i guess
Any other suggestions appreciated

nil? method returns true even if the object is not nil

In the code below, the returned user object is not nil, but not all members have their relevant values e.g.
User id: 18, provider: nil, uid: nil, name: "newonenewone", oauth_token: nil, oauth_expires_at: nil, created_at: "2013-12-28
22:17:35", updated_at: "2013-12-28 22:17:35", email:
"newonenewone#newonenewone.com", encrypted_password:
But when checking if the user object is nil it returned true! So why this happens and how to fix it.
def self.authenticate(email, submitted_password)
user = find_by_email(email)
return nil if user.nil?
return user if user.has_password?(submitted_password)
Please walk through your code in the case when the user is not nil but the user does not have a password. In that case, the authenticate method will return nil. This happens because you are not handling any cases after the second return statement. This results in a nil return by Ruby convention.
In other words, you may want to add code below:
def self.authenticate(email, submitted_password)
user = find_by_email(email)
return nil if user.nil?
return user if user.has_password?(submitted_password)
# TODO: handle case when !user.nil? && !user.has_password?

fabricated models not the same as on disk

I'm probably misunderstanding something here.
I have a model Secondant that I create with Fabrication in my model rspec.
main_user = Fabricate :user, email: TESTEMAIL
sec = Fabricate :secondant, email: SECEMAIL, user_id: main_user.id
sec_user = Fabricate :user, email: SECEMAIL
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = []
At this point when I look at the value of secondant_id in the sec model, the attribute is empty (it get's filled in a after_create callback). When i retrieve the model just created from the database that attribute is filled. Why are those two not in sync?
27 main_user = Fabricate :user, email: TESTEMAIL
28 sec = Fabricate :secondant, email: SECEMAIL, user_id: main_user.id
29 sec_user = Fabricate :user, email: SECEMAIL
30 ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = []
31 debugger
=> 32 sec.destroy
33 end
35 it 'should have a secondant_id assigned' do
36 sec.secondant_id.should_not be_nil
(rdb:1) e sec
#<Secondant id: 519, user_id: 1095, email: "secondant#hotmail.com", secondant_id: nil, created_at: "2013-10-10 13:13:29", updated_at: "2013-10-10 13:13:29", reported: false>
(rdb:1) e Secondant.where(id: sec.id).first
#<Secondant id: 519, user_id: 1095, email: "secondant#hotmail.com", secondant_id: 1096, created_at: "2013-10-10 13:13:29", updated_at: "2013-10-10 13:13:29", reported: false>
My after_create callback:
def find_user
user = User.where(email: self.email).first
if user
# create the link to the user
self.secondant_id = user.id
# see if this is the second one
if Secondant.where('user_id = ? and secondant_id is not null', user_id).count == 2
There is a similar callback in the user class, which is firing in this case (thanks Peter)
def find_secondant
Secondant.where(email: email).find_each do |sec|
sec.secondant_id = id
At the time you create sec, the user with the identical email has not been created, so your after_save callback should not be setting secondant_id.
I can only assume that your find_user method is getting invoked as a result of the User creation or the where operation you are executing in the debugger, resulting in the secondant_id field being set at that time. It won't be reflected in sec unless/until you do a reload, as the Ruby object created by where is distinct from the sec Ruby object.
