Display only text without image for UITabBarItem? - ios

I want to display only title for tabbar item without image. Is it possible? When I tried setting
let tabItem = UITabBarItem()
tabItem.title = "Tab1"
tabItem.selectedImage = nil
tabItem.image = nil
tabViewController?.tabBarItem = tabItem
I'm just getting a blank space which is tapable, but no title or image.

simplest way is remove the images from the tab bar and set the custom offset vertical.as shown in the image. or else follow the link that TJ3n priveded remove the images in the UITabBarItem and aligned vertically the title.

In case you want it to be done programmatically:
tabItem.titlePositionAdjustment = UIOffset(horizontal: 0, vertical: -16)


Color unselected segment of UISegmentedControl without hiding selection

I wanted to color each segment in my UISegmentedControl in a different color. I used the following Swift code (there were some changes with segmentedControl in iOS 13):
segmentedControl.selectedSegmentTintColor = .white
let col: UIColor = .yellow
var subViewOfSegment: UIView = segmentedControl.subviews[2] as UIView
subViewOfSegment.layer.backgroundColor = col.cgColor
This works in general, one segment is now coloured. However, the selected segment is not shown anymore. The selected segment is supposed to be white, but it seems to be overlaid by the colour. The following image show how it looks when I select each segment from left to right:
I already tried subViewOfSegment.backgroundColor = col instead (same effect) or subViewOfSegment.tintColor = col (no effect at all in iOS 13) but I can't get the colors without hiding the selection. On other posts I only find this answer which doesn't say how to color unselected segments.
iOS 13 (Xcode 13.4) Segment Control 100% Working
mySegmentedControl.selectedSegmentTintColor = .white
let subView = mySegmentedControl.subviews[1] as UIView
subView.layer.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellow.cgColor
let subViewOfSegment: UIView = segmentedControl.subviews[1] as UIView
subViewOfSegment.backgroundColor = UIColor.red
subViewOfSegment.layer.zPosition = -999
> above solution is not proper but one of the way you can achieve it. you need manage one more label while select segment is red"`
You can do it by using the following code:
UISegmentedControl.appearance().backgroundColor = .yellow
var body: some View{
your code…
if you want to change the selected segment’s color, you can use:
UISegmentedControl.appearance().selectedSegmentTintColor = .blue
to change it. I hope these codes can help you :D
For detail, you can visit here.
Using Apple APIs, you could try drawing an image with the 4 colors and set that as background using setBackgroundImage(_:for:barMetrics:).
Here's some code to draw a 40x10 image with just one color to get you started:
let rect = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: 0, y:0), size: CGSize(width: 40, height: 10))
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
To get an image with your four colors, you need to repeat context.setFillColor(<varying color>) and context.fill(<varying rect>) four times.
The image should stretch, which means you it only needs to have four equally sized colored rectangles; you don't need to create it in the exact size of the segmented control.
You can then set the selected segment color using the selectedSegmentTintColor property.

How to select tab bar item without selecting it

I am using swift and I have a problem with the tab bar. I want to select a tab bar item, but without open it, what I mean: I want to change its color like it is selected but without the selection is it possible to be done. Here is a image: https://imgur.com/a/IdPituS , I want the top left item (burger menu item) color to be like the first one and the first one color to be light (like not selected).
Try to edit the image of the item you want to highlight (selecting without selecting).
You can try something like this:
let image = shouldHighlight ? UIImage(named: "highlightItem") : UIImage(named: "normalStyle")
myViewController.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(title: "text", image: image, selectedImage: UIImage(named: "selectedImage"))
Then you update the viewControllers property in you tab bar viewController
You can pre-select the tabBar item
like this:
tabBarController?.selectedIndex = 0 //select whatever You want
colorTint the unselected index
tabBar = UITabBarController()
tabBar?.tabBar.barTintColor = UIColor.white //bar Color
tabBar?.tabBar.tintColor = .red //Icons color
tabBar?.tabBar.unselectedItemTintColor = .white //Unselected item Colors

iOS 11 prefersLargeTitles with uibutton as title

As titled, I'm using a UIButton as the titleView in the navbar. Is there a way for me to make the UIButton larger along with the navbar? When I set self.navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true, what I got is this,
I can't find any documentation on this, so I played a bit. It seems in iOS 11, you won't be able to get that title to be a button and display large at the left.
Also, I ttied playing with the frame size of the button (added below). I was unable to increase the button size, no matter what I set the frame to.
To recreate, I set up a Single View project. I embedded the view controller in a navigation controller.
In ViewController.swift's viewDidLoad, I added this code:
let titleButton = UIButton(type: .roundedRect)
titleButton.setTitle("Hello Button!", for: UIControlState.normal)
let navController = parent as! UINavigationController
navController.navigationBar.topItem!.title = "Hello???"
navController.navigationBar.topItem!.titleView = titleButton
navController.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true
This ends up looking something like your example.
set .title to empty string, or remark the line out: navbar is stretched, and no title text shows (or title text set in Interface Builder shows)
remark out .prefersLargeTitles, or set it to false: the navbar is the normal height, the button displays, but no title text displays.
remark out the titleView line, AND:
leave the .prefersLargeTitles set to true: the title text displays large at the left, and the navbar's height is stretched.
set the .prefersLargeTitles to false: the title text displays in the top center, and the navbar is normal height.

Customize Text Field

Hi I want to build some thing that look like the picture !
my problem is that text field can't be two section and use tiny pictures in it just like a picture
I want to make some thing just like the picture even the green part in the right of the each text field
here is what I want to do
Make a custom view and add it as
textField.rightViewMode = .always
// Set rightview mode
var rightImageView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "image_icon"))
textField.rightView = rightImageView// Set right view as image view }
//textField Its your textfield object , Change it with your own
Try like this

IOS - tab bar item image modifications

I want to change the default color of the tab bar item image to be the original color of the image (black) as opposed to a gray when it's not selected.
I also want to change the tab bar item image to a filled version once it's selected.
Last thing is the position.. It seems to expect text under it so it's not centered, how do I center it vertically and possibly make it smaller?
I'm currently setting it this way:
let profileNavController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: profileController)
profileNavController.tabBarItem.image = UIImage(named: "icon_tab_user")
This is how it looks selected and unselected:
From apple we know,
By default, the actual unselected and selected images are automatically created from the alpha values in the source images. To prevent system coloring, provide images with UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal.
Take a look here.
Changing tab bar item image and text color iOS
I was able to change the highlighted and unhighlighted images as well as the position with this:
let profileNavController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: profileController)
let profileTabBarItem = UITabBarItem(title: nil, image: UIImage(named: "icon_tab_user")?.withRenderingMode(UIImageRenderingMode.alwaysOriginal), selectedImage: UIImage(named: "icon_tab_user_highlighted"))
profileTabBarItem.imageInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(5.5, 0, -5.5, 0)
profileNavController.tabBarItem = profileTabBarItem
