Url masking / rewriting? - url

I have url like this: www.something.com. When I hit enter it goes like this path: www.else.com/something/index.html.
Question: How to make something.com display not to change to path?
Domain and server are on same host.

As far as I know, because you are redirecting to a different domain, you must change the URL. If you were redirecting to somewhere on the same domain (changing the relative path), then you could use an apache .htaccess modification for it. (Although the name of that htaccess option escapes me.)
An approach you could take would be using an iframe in www.something.com/index.html. The iframe could be styled with min-height: 100%; min-width: 100%; position: absolute; margin:0; padding: 0; and then set the iframe source as www.else.com/something/index.html


My Website Does Not Seem to Want to Print Anything

I have developed a website and am in the process of converting most of the tables over to DataTables. In testing out one of the DataTable features the Print button, I discovered that nothing would print except the Title of the web page. At first I thought it was an issue with DataTables, but after playing around I've discovered that none of my pages seem to want to print. I'm testing with Chrome because it has the Print Preview, but I can right-click on any page in my site and select Print... and I get the same behavior -- only the Title of the web page displays. Has anybody experienced anything like this before? Here's a link to my site:
Even on the home page, try right clicking and select Print and you'll see what I mean. Please tell me this is some super-easy that I just don't know about -- some setting that I've overlooked. I will be happy to provide any support information you need, but I don't even know what that would be... :(
Well this is embarrassing...apparently at some point I included a css script in my Master page (the site is developed using asp.net). In the css I had this little gem which was blocking anything from being printed:
#media print {
visibility: hidden;
border-top: hidden;
width: 50%;
display: none !important;
display: none;
.printSection, .printSection *
visibility: visible;
margin: 1px;
padding: 1px;
position: relative;
left: 0;
top: 0;
Not even sure why I put that in there, but I removed it and everything is working peachy now...

Display background image in Neo4j browser

Some nodes in my graph database have a property which contain a URL to an image. I wanted to use Neo4j browser's style sheet functionality to display that image as the background image of a node.
My .grass file looks like this:
node {
diameter: 40px;
color: #DFE1E3;
border-color: #D4D6D7;
border-width: 2px;
text-color-internal: #000000;
caption: '{name}';
font-size: 10px;
background-color: #00aaee;
node.Actor {
color: #AD62CE;
border-color: #9453B1;
text-color-internal: #FFFFFF;
background-image: url('{image}');
After I uploaded the file, the line background-image: url('{image}'); gets converted to background-image: url({image}); (missing apostrophes). No image is shown in the browser.
What am I doing wrong?
You're not doing anything wrong.
The feature is not supported in the Neo4j browser. Other visualization solutions do exist. Unfortunately the ones that use this feature out of the box are not open source and may require a commercial license.
Of these solutions are:
As #Kenny Bastani said most of the libraries that implement this feature have a commercial license.
For a full list of the supported ones have a look to the official Neo4J visualize page.

can caching information attached to image file names cause a 404 error?

I deployed a Rails app successfully, however, the images are not displaying. This is the 404 error that's showing in the console
GET http://mydomain.com/assets/myimage.png 404 (Not Found)
Inside my application directory on my server, there's three subdirectories
current releases shared
which is a setup created by the deployment script I borrowed from Ryan Bates.
I can see the images in the images directory of the assets folder in current
current/app/assets/images$ ls
glyphicons-halflings.png glyphicons-halflings-white.png qb.png
However, in the assets folder of the shared directory (which is I'm guessing where they're being put after everything's compiled for production), the same images have some (I'm assuming) cache information attached to them, such that the image I want isn't
but rather
I'm wondering if this is what's causing the 404 error, as (I'm assuming) the code's looking for myimage.png in the shared/assets directory.
Do you know how I can deal with this problem?
contents of /shared/assets
/shared/assets$ ls
application-39c95ed7b8d86b0698b6c443563e33c7.js fontawesome-webfont-c4adb9424c8b6a6b1b9b0d2627528c4c.woff
application-39c95ed7b8d86b0698b6c443563e33c7.js.gz fontawesome-webfont-f57557847fd1897100790d9df344ded8.ttf
application-7a6376d676fb88537b9f839687ccaad3.css glyphicons-halflings-4e5b89324f1ac987ddf6835ef51f5fe9.png
application-7a6376d676fb88537b9f839687ccaad3.css.gz glyphicons-halflings-white-2fa53df59ca25ee50f59f971c0c9175d.png
application-a184171300937caf263adbc5e8582ba4.css manifest-990c8a24196fee5e9c394078c326c763.json
application-a184171300937caf263adbc5e8582ba4.css.gz myimage-0bb3f134943971c95b2abdfd30f932c7.png
fontawesome-webfont-57b442a30fcae0d4334299c521a326a2.svg twitter
code used to display images
For one image, I create a span like this
and then assign it a background image
position: absolute;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
background-image: url('/assets/qb.png');
left: 75px;
top: 300px;
For another image, I have a template like this with a class that automatically uses Twitter bootstrap to create a x to let uses click and remove a page element
<script id="blahblah_template" type="text/underscore">
<h2> The Story <i class='icon-remove'></i></h2>
It's triggering a 404 even though the image is on the server
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
you should use asset helpers provided by rails which would automagically create the right url to the image with caching build in. here is how:
position: absolute;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
background-image: url( <%= asset_path 'qb.png' %> );
left: 75px;
top: 300px;
the above will map qb.png to qb-0bb3f134943971c95b2abdfd30f932c7.png & also update the url once the caching fingerprint changes. just make sure that your stylesheet filename has .erb at the end, something like stylesheet.css.erb
see The Asset Pipeline guide for more information
For Bootstrap integration with rails asset pipeline, kindly use gem like bootstrap-sass. it will fix your issues with images

setting font-size in jquery-mobile

I am developing an app with jquery-mobile. (yes, and app, it'll run within cordova(aka phone gap))
On the nexus 7 (the target device for the app), The font displays for many things are way too small. I can barely read it and I'm young. Many of the users of this app will have poor eyesight.
Is there any simple way to change the font-size with jquery-mobile?
When I try to add entries in a custom css file, there are unexpected results (Formatting goes out, etc) I have also tried theme-roller, but that only allows you to change the font-family, not the font-size.
body p {
font-size: 1.5em;
Even just a general explanation about how to write a css file for jquery-mobile would be very helpful.
OK, I've worked it out.
In the jquery-mobile-1.2.0.css file is the styling for query-mobile. You modify this stuff.
There's some cryptic info on the jquery-mobile website that will make sense once you've read this.
So, to change the font-size for within all you go to the jquery-mobile-1.2.0.css file and add:
.ui-li p {
font-size: 1.5em;
It seams that most of the jquery-mobile elements have .ui- in from of their normal html tags. They have a special class or something. (If anyone wants to elaborate on this it'd be great.)
Setting global <body>'s font-size should be enough:
body {
font-size: 15px; // You can even use !important

Jenkins simple theme plugin examples or tutorial

I installed the Simple Theme plugin on my Jenkins instance, and I managed to do some (very) basic theme changes.
Does anyone have a better reference to the Jenkins theme?
The plugin page is very low on info...
If I want to override a style attribute, I have to dig into the generated html and do a lot of experimenting.
You can customize your known simple theme with .css file.
Make sure that you have .png logo image, I have added 'Jenkins_home/usercontent/mytheme.css' file 'Jenkins_home/usercontent/logo.png' as my logo.
and follow the css below:
#charset “utf-8”;
#header .logo {
height: 36px;
/* Custom style for my Jenkins Platform */
.logo {
background: url(/userContent/logo.png) no-repeat 10px center;
.logo img {
display: none;
.logo:after {
content: 'Jenkins my instance';
font-weight: bold;
white-space: nowrap;
} // Content after logo
Just check in Jenkins Configuration theme must be CSS URL and you must add path of above 'mytheme.css' file.
& Refresh your Jenkins Page.
Found a simple tutorial here for start:
Open Jenkins in Chrome or FireFox and press F12.
Right click on the UI element you want to change and select Inspect Element.
In the debug window the line in the html is highlighted.
Record the id and/or class of the UI element.
Open style.css and search for the id/class.
Copy the css-code and paste it in .css which you save in the css directory.
In the Theme section on the Configuration page enter css/.css as URL of theme CSS.
Now start altering .css to get the looks you desire.
Enable auto refesh to see the changes, Ctrl-F5 also helps
