Sonar - Building Solution With Projects That Have Different Configurations - tfs

I'm having some trouble with performing analysis on a project, and I'm not quite sure how to work around it.
I am working with an engineer to get one of their applications into Sonar. It's a large solution with many projects as part of it. When I performed a build and Sonar analysis as part of a TFS build, I get the following error:
##[error]No analysable projects were found but some duplicate project IDs were found. Possible cause: you are building multiple configurations (e.g. DEBUG|x86 and RELEASE|x64) at the same time, which is not supported by the SonarQube integration. Please build and analyse each configuration individually.
I took a look at the configuration management in their solution properties and found that there were some different configurations per project. Most were set up for Debug|Any CPU, but there were a couple set up for Debug|x86 and Dev|Any CPU.
I tried building just one particular project by using the MSBuild argument /t:, but still ran into the same thing. I've also tried specifying the configuration and platform as MSBuild arguments, but no luck. Is there any possible way to do the analysis without having to change the configuration of the projects directly?
Any help would be appreciated! Let me know if you need any additional information.

According to this website, SanarQube has no plans at the moment to support multiple configurations in the short term.
You would need to setup a separate single configuration build for the SonarQube analysis.


Any quick way to convert VS .net manual build into Jenkins?

We are migrating 50+ .net project from TFS to GitHub, at the same, we want to use Jenkins to automate the build. Currently all the builds are done inside the Visual Studio manually. I know how to automate this build using MSBuild and we already have a lot of these projects building inside Jenkins.
My question: is there a way to set up these 50+ project quickly w/o creating them one by one manually? Anyway to script them? e.g. a Jenkins project has everything inside a folder, I can copy a sample project/folder to create a new one and modify something. Or create a Jenkins project using a script reading a config file? Any idea can save some time is appreciated.
Not a direct answer but too long for a comment so here it goes anyway. Following the Joel test (which in no way is dogmatic for me but does make a lot of good points), and in my experience, you should already have an msbuild file now to build all those projects 'in one click'. Then, setting up a build server, in fact any build server, is just a matter of making it build that single parent project. This might not work for everyone, but for several projects I've worked on this had the following advantages:
the entire build process gets defined by developpers, working locally on their machine, using 'standard' tools
as such they don't need to spend hours in a web interface figuring out the appropriate build steps, dependencies and whatnot (also those hours would have been worthless in the end if switching to a different build server)
since a complete build is now just a matter of msbuild master.proj, possibly along with some options to define configuration/platform/output directories getting this running on any build server should be painless and quick
in the same manner this makes it easy to test different build servers with a minimum of time and migrate between them (also no need to ask SO questions on how to set everything up :)
this also makes it easy for other developpers to get complete builds as well without having to go round via a build server
Anecdote: we once had Jenkins running on multiple different projects as well. It took us days to get everything running, with the templates etc, and we found the web intercae slow and cumbersome (and getting to know the API would have taken even more days). Then one day I got sick of this and made a bunch of msbuild scripts which could build everything from one msbuild command. That took much less time than setting up Jenkins, a couple of hours or so. Then I took a TeamCity installation we already had and made it build the new master project. Took like an hour and everything worked. Just recently I took the same project and got it working on Visual Studio Online, again in no time.
If those projects are more or less similar to build, you will probably be interested in using the template plug-in for jenkins. There you configure a dummy project such that it does what is common to (most of) the 50+ projects.
Afterwards you create a separate project for each: Create the first project and make it use the template project for each of the steps which can be shared with the template project (use build step from other project). All subsequent projects can be created as slightly adopted copy of this first 'real' project.
I use it such that the variable $JOB_NAME (the actual project name in jenkins that is) is part of the repository path and I can thus clone from$JOB_NAME/
Configured that way, I can include the source code management step in the templating job and use it unmodified. Similar with the build step and post-build step: they are run by a script which is somewhat universal accross all my projects (mostly calling make and guessing deployment / publication paths upon $JOB_NAME again).

Jenkins with many solutions in one repository

I am trying to setup Jenkins to automate a build. We have one enormous repository with approximately 100 solution files. To build this repository we have a build program which finds all the solutions and builds in a specified order.
I would like to change that to use Jenkins. Is there a way to setup msbuild and specify a build order for all of these solution files?
p.s. I am trying to avoid creating one mammoth solution file which contains all of the projects.
If in fact all of your projects use ProjectReferences to other VS projects, you should be able to use MSBuild to extract all those references via the ResolveProjectReferences MSBuild task. You can then build an MSBuild script build those dependent projects in order. There's a pretty good example of this here. The example given there goes so far as constructing a specialized MSBuild task that builds a dependency graph, which I must say is pretty cool.

How can I control the order of builds in TFS 2010 when common library is checked in?

I have a TFS 2010 with some projects and a common library used in 5 of them. We use VS 2013 and we have Rolling Builds enabled in most if not all build definitions. When the common library is checked in, all of the projects referencing it are recompiled - but the order is poor, the most commonly used project is compiled as the last one. Is there a way to change that so it gets compiled first?
This question hints at a lot of problems and possible solutions. The simplest answer is probably to just add more build servers to run all the builds in parallel.
Otherwise you need to consider turning off rolling builds and writing your own build scheduler. That or other strategies such as building the DLL once and checking it in as source to the other builds or running the build on a branch that is outside of the other 5 builds and merging the source into those builds when they want to pick up the change.
If you are otherwise happy with how things are now and don't want to do a lot of work to solve the problem.... then just scale out your build farm with additional agents.
There's a "Priority in queue" on the build definition, but it sounds like you might want to change your solution's > Project Dependencies' > Build Order?

Is there any way to get project level error/warning messages from Team Build 2010 without slowing the build down?

I am in the process of setting up continuous integration in our TFS system. One major part of our system are the development of about 50 DotNetNuke modules to support our CMS infrastructure. Right now, each of those projects have their own solution since their code bases are mostly siloed (with common code in 1 or 2 common projects). Keeping them in their own solution is done because it makes the development process faster (loading, compiling, etc....)
However, this has proven difficult to maintain when setting up TFS team build as each solution has to be manually added to the build definition and MSBuild seems unable to take advantage of parallel compiling due to each project being in its own solution. This causes about 5 minute full build times, which while isn't horrible isn't ideal. Mostly though, it's not ideal from a build definition maintenance aspect.
To solve this I creating a global solution that included all projects. The idea being that if you want your project to be automatically compiled and deployed by TFS you will have to include your project in the global solution. This seems works well, as it's easy to maintain from a build definition standpoint and brings the total build time down to 70 seconds.
The one problem is that the displayed TFS build log groups all warnings and errors together under the solution instead of separating them out by project. This makes it difficult to quickly see what project caused which errors and warnings.
Is there a good way to see project level error/warning messages in the build log summary view without delving into the cluttered build log?
To answer your direct question, I believe the answer is no (at least not without some heavy customization).
For me this is never a big concern as I am pretty aggressive about getting my teams to bring errors/warnings down to zero, then enforcing it via TFS Build (/p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=true). This means you should never have to wade through hundreds of warnings in the build summary.
If you add all your individual solutions to the build definition, you can always use the TFS Power Tools to "clone" a build def to make maintenance easier. You could also modify the Build Template to build the solutions/projects in parallel, although this runs the risk of having file contention issues.

Bug/issue tracking integration with Cruise control

I am putting together a bunch of applications to create an automatic building for microsoft platform (the products I chose and the software I will build, both, runs on windows). The products I've chosen are:
Code repository: SubVersion
Continuous integration: CruiseControl
Unit testing: NUnit
Test coverage: NCover
Static code analysis: FXCop
Now I need to choose a bug/issue tracking system (free if possible) that can be, in some way, integrated with the previous products.
What I mean by integration? Well, all these products have a file as output I want to be able to publish errors and bugs found by them into the tracking system.
Do you know some product, some technique or trick that can help me to do this?
Thanks in advance.
First off, these are all tools I have experience with and congratulate you on your choices - these tools will serve you well if you use them wisely.
The most common usage of these tools is that CC would fail the build if certain criteria are not met, e.g.:
A unit test fails
Code coverage falls below a certain threshold
FXCop detects a violation of a certain severity
Because the build would fail and in continuous integration a failed build should be fixed immediately, you wouldn't really need to put those issues into a bug tracking system. Think of build-failing errors as being as severe as the code not compiling - you drop everything and fix right away.
